
     1  package world
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	"io"
     8  	"time"
     9  )
    11  // Entity represents an entity in the world, typically an object that may be moved around and can be
    12  // interacted with by other entities.
    13  // Viewers of a world may view an entity when near it.
    14  type Entity interface {
    15  	io.Closer
    17  	// Type returns the EntityType of the Entity.
    18  	Type() EntityType
    20  	// Position returns the current position of the entity in the world.
    21  	Position() mgl64.Vec3
    22  	// Rotation returns the yaw and pitch of the entity in degrees. Yaw is horizontal rotation (rotation around the
    23  	// vertical axis, 0 when facing forward), pitch is vertical rotation (rotation around the horizontal axis, also 0
    24  	// when facing forward).
    25  	Rotation() cube.Rotation
    26  	// World returns the current world of the entity. This is always the world that the entity can actually be
    27  	// found in.
    28  	World() *World
    29  }
    31  // EntityType is the type of Entity. It specifies the name, encoded entity
    32  // ID and bounding box of an Entity.
    33  type EntityType interface {
    34  	// EncodeEntity converts the entity to its encoded representation: It
    35  	// returns the type of the Minecraft entity, for example
    36  	// 'minecraft:falling_block'.
    37  	EncodeEntity() string
    38  	// BBox returns the bounding box of an Entity with this EntityType.
    39  	BBox(e Entity) cube.BBox
    40  }
    42  // SaveableEntityType is an EntityType that may be saved to disk by decoding
    43  // and encoding from/to NBT.
    44  type SaveableEntityType interface {
    45  	EntityType
    46  	// DecodeNBT reads the fields from the NBT data map passed and converts it
    47  	// to an Entity of the same EntityType.
    48  	DecodeNBT(m map[string]any) Entity
    49  	// EncodeNBT encodes the Entity of the same EntityType passed to a map of
    50  	// properties that can be encoded to NBT.
    51  	EncodeNBT(e Entity) map[string]any
    52  }
    54  // TickerEntity represents an entity that has a Tick method which should be called every time the entity is
    55  // ticked every 20th of a second.
    56  type TickerEntity interface {
    57  	Entity
    58  	// Tick ticks the entity with the current World and tick passed.
    59  	Tick(w *World, current int64)
    60  }
    62  // EntityAction represents an action that may be performed by an entity. Typically, these actions are sent to
    63  // viewers in a world so that they can see these actions.
    64  type EntityAction interface {
    65  	EntityAction()
    66  }
    68  // DamageSource represents the source of the damage dealt to an entity. This
    69  // source may be passed to the Hurt() method of an entity in order to deal
    70  // damage to an entity with a specific source.
    71  type DamageSource interface {
    72  	// ReducedByArmour checks if the source of damage may be reduced if the
    73  	// receiver of the damage is wearing armour.
    74  	ReducedByArmour() bool
    75  	// ReducedByResistance specifies if the Source is affected by the resistance
    76  	// effect. If false, damage dealt to an entity with this source will not be
    77  	// lowered if the entity has the resistance effect.
    78  	ReducedByResistance() bool
    79  	// Fire specifies if the Source is fire related and should be ignored when
    80  	// an entity has the fire resistance effect.
    81  	Fire() bool
    82  }
    84  // HealingSource represents a source of healing for an entity. This source may
    85  // be passed to the Heal() method of a living entity.
    86  type HealingSource interface {
    87  	HealingSource()
    88  }
    90  // EntityRegistry is a mapping that EntityTypes may be registered to. It is used
    91  // for loading entities from disk in a World's Provider.
    92  type EntityRegistry struct {
    93  	conf EntityRegistryConfig
    94  	ent  map[string]EntityType
    95  }
    97  // EntityRegistryConfig holds functions used by the block and item packages to
    98  // create entities as a result of their behaviour. ALL functions of
    99  // EntityRegistryConfig must be filled out for the behaviour of these blocks and
   100  // items not to fail.
   101  type EntityRegistryConfig struct {
   102  	Item               func(it any, pos, vel mgl64.Vec3) Entity
   103  	FallingBlock       func(bl Block, pos mgl64.Vec3) Entity
   104  	TNT                func(pos mgl64.Vec3, fuse time.Duration) Entity
   105  	BottleOfEnchanting func(pos, vel mgl64.Vec3, owner Entity) Entity
   106  	Arrow              func(pos, vel mgl64.Vec3, rot cube.Rotation, damage float64, owner Entity, critical, disallowPickup, obtainArrowOnPickup bool, punchLevel int, tip any) Entity
   107  	Egg                func(pos, vel mgl64.Vec3, owner Entity) Entity
   108  	EnderPearl         func(pos, vel mgl64.Vec3, owner Entity) Entity
   109  	Firework           func(pos mgl64.Vec3, rot cube.Rotation, attached bool, firework Item, owner Entity) Entity
   110  	LingeringPotion    func(pos, vel mgl64.Vec3, t any, owner Entity) Entity
   111  	Snowball           func(pos, vel mgl64.Vec3, owner Entity) Entity
   112  	SplashPotion       func(pos, vel mgl64.Vec3, t any, owner Entity) Entity
   113  	Lightning          func(pos mgl64.Vec3) Entity
   114  }
   116  // New creates an EntityRegistry using conf and the EntityTypes passed.
   117  func (conf EntityRegistryConfig) New(ent []EntityType) EntityRegistry {
   118  	m := make(map[string]EntityType, len(ent))
   119  	for _, e := range ent {
   120  		name := e.EncodeEntity()
   121  		if _, ok := m[name]; ok {
   122  			panic("cannot register the same entity (" + name + ") twice")
   123  		}
   124  		m[name] = e
   125  	}
   126  	return EntityRegistry{conf: conf, ent: m}
   127  }
   129  // Config returns the EntityRegistryConfig that was used to create the
   130  // EntityRegistry.
   131  func (reg EntityRegistry) Config() EntityRegistryConfig {
   132  	return reg.conf
   133  }
   135  // Lookup looks up an EntityType by its name. If found, the EntityType is
   136  // returned and the bool is true. The bool is false otherwise.
   137  func (reg EntityRegistry) Lookup(name string) (EntityType, bool) {
   138  	t, ok := reg.ent[name]
   139  	return t, ok
   140  }
   142  // Types returns all EntityTypes passed upon construction of the EntityRegistry.
   143  func (reg EntityRegistry) Types() []EntityType {
   144  	return maps.Values(reg.ent)
   145  }