
     1  package world
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  )
     9  // Handler handles events that are called by a world. Implementations of Handler may be used to listen to
    10  // specific events such as when an entity is added to the world.
    11  type Handler interface {
    12  	// HandleLiquidFlow handles the flowing of a liquid from one block position from into another block
    13  	// position into. The liquid that will replace the block is also passed. This replaced block might
    14  	// also be a Liquid. The Liquid's depth and falling state can be checked to see if the resulting
    15  	// liquid is a new source block (in the case of water).
    16  	HandleLiquidFlow(ctx *event.Context, from, into cube.Pos, liquid Liquid, replaced Block)
    17  	// HandleLiquidDecay handles the decaying of a Liquid block at a position. Liquid decaying happens
    18  	// when there is no Liquid that can serve as the source block neighbouring it. The state of the
    19  	// Liquid before and after the decaying is passed. The Liquid after is nil if the liquid is
    20  	// completely removed as a result of the decay.
    21  	HandleLiquidDecay(ctx *event.Context, pos cube.Pos, before, after Liquid)
    22  	// HandleLiquidHarden handles the hardening of a liquid at hardenedPos. The liquid that was hardened,
    23  	// liquidHardened, and the liquid that caused it to harden, otherLiquid, are passed. The block created
    24  	// as a result is also passed.
    25  	HandleLiquidHarden(ctx *event.Context, hardenedPos cube.Pos, liquidHardened, otherLiquid, newBlock Block)
    26  	// HandleSound handles a Sound being played in the World at a specific position. ctx.Cancel() may be called
    27  	// to stop the Sound from playing to viewers of the position.
    28  	HandleSound(ctx *event.Context, s Sound, pos mgl64.Vec3)
    29  	// HandleFireSpread handles when a fire block spreads from one block to another block. When this event handler gets
    30  	// called, both the position of the original fire will be passed, and the position where it will spread to after the
    31  	// event. The age of the fire may also be altered by changing the underlying value of the newFireAge pointer, which
    32  	// decides how long the fire will stay before burning out.
    33  	HandleFireSpread(ctx *event.Context, from, to cube.Pos)
    34  	// HandleBlockBurn handles a block at a cube.Pos being burnt by fire. This event may be called for blocks such as
    35  	// wood, that can be broken by fire. HandleBlockBurn is often succeeded by HandleFireSpread, when fire spreads to
    36  	// the position of the original block and the event.Context is not cancelled in HandleBlockBurn.
    37  	HandleBlockBurn(ctx *event.Context, pos cube.Pos)
    38  	// HandleEntitySpawn handles an entity being spawned into a World through a call to World.AddEntity.
    39  	HandleEntitySpawn(e Entity)
    40  	// HandleEntityDespawn handles an entity being despawned from a World through a call to World.RemoveEntity.
    41  	HandleEntityDespawn(e Entity)
    42  	// HandleClose handles the World being closed. HandleClose may be used as a moment to finish code running on other
    43  	// goroutines that operates on the World specifically. HandleClose is called directly before the World stops
    44  	// ticking and before any chunks are saved to disk.
    45  	HandleClose()
    46  }
    48  // Compile time check to make sure NopHandler implements Handler.
    49  var _ Handler = (*NopHandler)(nil)
    51  // NopHandler implements the Handler interface but does not execute any code when an event is called. The
    52  // default Handler of worlds is set to NopHandler.
    53  // Users may embed NopHandler to avoid having to implement each method.
    54  type NopHandler struct{}
    56  func (NopHandler) HandleLiquidFlow(*event.Context, cube.Pos, cube.Pos, Liquid, Block) {}
    57  func (NopHandler) HandleLiquidDecay(*event.Context, cube.Pos, Liquid, Liquid)         {}
    58  func (NopHandler) HandleLiquidHarden(*event.Context, cube.Pos, Block, Block, Block)   {}
    59  func (NopHandler) HandleSound(*event.Context, Sound, mgl64.Vec3)                      {}
    60  func (NopHandler) HandleFireSpread(*event.Context, cube.Pos, cube.Pos)                {}
    61  func (NopHandler) HandleBlockBurn(*event.Context, cube.Pos)                           {}
    62  func (NopHandler) HandleEntitySpawn(Entity)                                           {}
    63  func (NopHandler) HandleEntityDespawn(Entity)                                         {}
    64  func (NopHandler) HandleClose()                                                       {}