
     1  package world
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  	"time"
     9  )
    11  // Viewer is a viewer in the world. It can view changes that are made in the world, such as the addition of
    12  // entities and the changes of blocks.
    13  type Viewer interface {
    14  	// ViewEntity views the entity passed. It is called for every entity that the viewer may encounter in the
    15  	// world, either by moving entities or by moving the viewer using a world.Loader.
    16  	ViewEntity(e Entity)
    17  	// HideEntity stops viewing the entity passed. It is called for every entity that leaves the viewing range
    18  	// of the viewer, either by its movement or the movement of the viewer using a world.Loader.
    19  	HideEntity(e Entity)
    20  	// ViewEntityGameMode views the game mode of the entity passed. This is necessary for game-modes like spectator,
    21  	// which may update how the entity is viewed for others.
    22  	ViewEntityGameMode(e Entity)
    23  	// ViewEntityMovement views the movement of an entity. The entity is moved with a delta position, yaw and
    24  	// pitch, which, when applied to the respective values of the entity, will result in the final values.
    25  	ViewEntityMovement(e Entity, pos mgl64.Vec3, rot cube.Rotation, onGround bool)
    26  	// ViewEntityVelocity views the velocity of an entity. It is called right before a call to
    27  	// ViewEntityMovement so that the Viewer may interpolate the movement itself.
    28  	ViewEntityVelocity(e Entity, vel mgl64.Vec3)
    29  	// ViewEntityTeleport views the teleportation of an entity. The entity is immediately moved to a different
    30  	// target position.
    31  	ViewEntityTeleport(e Entity, pos mgl64.Vec3)
    32  	// ViewFurnaceUpdate updates a furnace for the associated session based on previous times.
    33  	ViewFurnaceUpdate(prevCookTime, cookTime, prevRemainingFuelTime, remainingFuelTime, prevMaxFuelTime, maxFuelTime time.Duration)
    34  	// ViewChunk views the chunk passed at a particular position. It is called for every chunk loaded using
    35  	// the world.Loader.
    36  	ViewChunk(pos ChunkPos, c *chunk.Chunk, blockEntities map[cube.Pos]Block)
    37  	// ViewTime views the time of the world. It is called every time the time is changed or otherwise every
    38  	// second.
    39  	ViewTime(t int)
    40  	// ViewEntityItems views the items currently held by an entity that is able to equip items.
    41  	ViewEntityItems(e Entity)
    42  	// ViewEntityArmour views the items currently equipped as armour by the entity.
    43  	ViewEntityArmour(e Entity)
    44  	// ViewEntityAction views an action performed by an entity. Available actions may be found in the `action`
    45  	// package, and include things such as swinging an arm.
    46  	ViewEntityAction(e Entity, a EntityAction)
    47  	// ViewEntityState views the current state of an entity. It is called whenever an entity changes its
    48  	// physical appearance, for example when sprinting.
    49  	ViewEntityState(e Entity)
    50  	// ViewEntityAnimation starts viewing an animation performed by an entity. The animation has to be from a resource pack.
    51  	ViewEntityAnimation(e Entity, animationName string)
    52  	// ViewParticle views a particle spawned at a given position in the world. It is called when a particle,
    53  	// for example a block breaking particle, is spawned near the player.
    54  	ViewParticle(pos mgl64.Vec3, p Particle)
    55  	// ViewSound is called when a sound is played in the world.
    56  	ViewSound(pos mgl64.Vec3, s Sound)
    57  	// ViewBlockUpdate views the updating of a block. It is called when a block is set at the position passed
    58  	// to the method.
    59  	ViewBlockUpdate(pos cube.Pos, b Block, layer int)
    60  	// ViewBlockAction views an action performed by a block. Available actions may be found in the `action`
    61  	// package, and include things such as a chest opening.
    62  	ViewBlockAction(pos cube.Pos, a BlockAction)
    63  	// ViewEmote views an emote being performed by another entity.
    64  	ViewEmote(e Entity, emote uuid.UUID)
    65  	// ViewSkin views the current skin of a player.
    66  	ViewSkin(e Entity)
    67  	// ViewWorldSpawn views the current spawn location of the world.
    68  	ViewWorldSpawn(pos cube.Pos)
    69  	// ViewWeather views the weather of the world, including rain and thunder.
    70  	ViewWeather(raining, thunder bool)
    71  }
    73  // NopViewer is a Viewer implementation that does not implement any behaviour. It may be embedded by other structs to
    74  // prevent having to implement all of Viewer's methods.
    75  type NopViewer struct{}
    77  // Compile time check to make sure NopViewer implements Viewer.
    78  var _ Viewer = NopViewer{}
    80  func (NopViewer) ViewEntity(Entity)                                          {}
    81  func (NopViewer) HideEntity(Entity)                                          {}
    82  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityGameMode(Entity)                                  {}
    83  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityMovement(Entity, mgl64.Vec3, cube.Rotation, bool) {}
    84  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityVelocity(Entity, mgl64.Vec3)                      {}
    85  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityTeleport(Entity, mgl64.Vec3)                      {}
    86  func (NopViewer) ViewChunk(ChunkPos, *chunk.Chunk, map[cube.Pos]Block)       {}
    87  func (NopViewer) ViewTime(int)                                               {}
    88  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityItems(Entity)                                     {}
    89  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityArmour(Entity)                                    {}
    90  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityAction(Entity, EntityAction)                      {}
    91  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityState(Entity)                                     {}
    92  func (NopViewer) ViewEntityAnimation(Entity, string)                         {}
    93  func (NopViewer) ViewParticle(mgl64.Vec3, Particle)                          {}
    94  func (NopViewer) ViewSound(mgl64.Vec3, Sound)                                {}
    95  func (NopViewer) ViewBlockUpdate(cube.Pos, Block, int)                       {}
    96  func (NopViewer) ViewBlockAction(cube.Pos, BlockAction)                      {}
    97  func (NopViewer) ViewEmote(Entity, uuid.UUID)                                {}
    98  func (NopViewer) ViewSkin(Entity)                                            {}
    99  func (NopViewer) ViewWorldSpawn(cube.Pos)                                    {}
   100  func (NopViewer) ViewWeather(bool, bool)                                     {}
   101  func (NopViewer) ViewFurnaceUpdate(time.Duration, time.Duration, time.Duration, time.Duration, time.Duration, time.Duration) {
   102  }