
     1  package client
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"log"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"path/filepath"
     8  	"sync"
     9  	"time"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    18  	cstructs ""
    19  )
    21  const (
    22  	// taskReceivedSyncLimit is how long the client will wait before sending
    23  	// that a task was received to the server. The client does not immediately
    24  	// send that the task was received to the server because another transition
    25  	// to running or failed is likely to occur immediately after and a single
    26  	// update will transfer all past state information. If not other transition
    27  	// has occurred up to this limit, we will send to the server.
    28  	taskReceivedSyncLimit = 30 * time.Second
    29  )
    31  var (
    32  	// The following are the key paths written to the state database
    33  	allocRunnerStateImmutableKey = []byte("immutable")
    34  	allocRunnerStateMutableKey   = []byte("mutable")
    35  	allocRunnerStateAllocDirKey  = []byte("alloc-dir")
    36  )
    38  // AllocStateUpdater is used to update the status of an allocation
    39  type AllocStateUpdater func(alloc *structs.Allocation)
    41  type AllocStatsReporter interface {
    42  	LatestAllocStats(taskFilter string) (*cstructs.AllocResourceUsage, error)
    43  }
    45  // AllocRunner is used to wrap an allocation and provide the execution context.
    46  type AllocRunner struct {
    47  	config  *config.Config
    48  	updater AllocStateUpdater
    49  	logger  *log.Logger
    51  	alloc                  *structs.Allocation
    52  	allocClientStatus      string // Explicit status of allocation. Set when there are failures
    53  	allocClientDescription string
    54  	allocLock              sync.Mutex
    56  	dirtyCh chan struct{}
    58  	allocDir     *allocdir.AllocDir
    59  	allocDirLock sync.Mutex
    61  	tasks      map[string]*TaskRunner
    62  	taskStates map[string]*structs.TaskState
    63  	restored   map[string]struct{}
    64  	taskLock   sync.RWMutex
    66  	taskStatusLock sync.RWMutex
    68  	updateCh chan *structs.Allocation
    70  	vaultClient  vaultclient.VaultClient
    71  	consulClient ConsulServiceAPI
    73  	otherAllocDir *allocdir.AllocDir
    75  	destroy     bool
    76  	destroyCh   chan struct{}
    77  	destroyLock sync.Mutex
    78  	waitCh      chan struct{}
    80  	// State related fields
    81  	// stateDB is used to store the alloc runners state
    82  	stateDB *bolt.DB
    84  	// immutablePersisted and allocDirPersisted are used to track whether the
    85  	// immutable data and the alloc dir have been persisted. Once persisted we
    86  	// can lower write volume by not re-writing these values
    87  	immutablePersisted bool
    88  	allocDirPersisted  bool
    89  }
    91  // COMPAT: Remove in 0.7.0
    92  // allocRunnerState is used to snapshot the state of the alloc runner
    93  type allocRunnerState struct {
    94  	Version                string
    95  	Alloc                  *structs.Allocation
    96  	AllocDir               *allocdir.AllocDir
    97  	AllocClientStatus      string
    98  	AllocClientDescription string
   100  	// COMPAT: Remove in 0.7.0: removing will break upgrading directly from
   101  	//         0.5.2, so don't remove in the 0.6 series.
   102  	// Context is deprecated and only used to migrate from older releases.
   103  	// It will be removed in the future.
   104  	Context *struct {
   105  		AllocID  string // unused; included for completeness
   106  		AllocDir struct {
   107  			AllocDir  string
   108  			SharedDir string // unused; included for completeness
   109  			TaskDirs  map[string]string
   110  		}
   111  	} `json:"Context,omitempty"`
   112  }
   114  // allocRunnerImmutableState is state that only has to be written once as it
   115  // doesn't change over the life-cycle of the alloc_runner.
   116  type allocRunnerImmutableState struct {
   117  	Version string
   118  	Alloc   *structs.Allocation
   119  }
   121  // allocRunnerMutableState is state that has to be written on each save as it
   122  // changes over the life-cycle of the alloc_runner.
   123  type allocRunnerMutableState struct {
   124  	AllocClientStatus      string
   125  	AllocClientDescription string
   126  	TaskStates             map[string]*structs.TaskState
   127  }
   129  // NewAllocRunner is used to create a new allocation context
   130  func NewAllocRunner(logger *log.Logger, config *config.Config, stateDB *bolt.DB, updater AllocStateUpdater,
   131  	alloc *structs.Allocation, vaultClient vaultclient.VaultClient,
   132  	consulClient ConsulServiceAPI) *AllocRunner {
   134  	ar := &AllocRunner{
   135  		config:       config,
   136  		stateDB:      stateDB,
   137  		updater:      updater,
   138  		logger:       logger,
   139  		alloc:        alloc,
   140  		dirtyCh:      make(chan struct{}, 1),
   141  		tasks:        make(map[string]*TaskRunner),
   142  		taskStates:   copyTaskStates(alloc.TaskStates),
   143  		restored:     make(map[string]struct{}),
   144  		updateCh:     make(chan *structs.Allocation, 64),
   145  		destroyCh:    make(chan struct{}),
   146  		waitCh:       make(chan struct{}),
   147  		vaultClient:  vaultClient,
   148  		consulClient: consulClient,
   149  	}
   150  	return ar
   151  }
   153  // pre060StateFilePath returns the path to our state file that would have been
   154  // written pre v0.6.0
   155  // COMPAT: Remove in 0.7.0
   156  func (r *AllocRunner) pre060StateFilePath() string {
   157  	r.allocLock.Lock()
   158  	defer r.allocLock.Unlock()
   159  	path := filepath.Join(r.config.StateDir, "alloc", r.alloc.ID, "state.json")
   160  	return path
   161  }
   163  // RestoreState is used to restore the state of the alloc runner
   164  func (r *AllocRunner) RestoreState() error {
   166  	// COMPAT: Remove in 0.7.0
   167  	// Check if the old snapshot is there
   168  	oldPath := r.pre060StateFilePath()
   169  	var snap allocRunnerState
   170  	var upgrading bool
   171  	if err := pre060RestoreState(oldPath, &snap); err == nil {
   172  		// Restore fields
   173  		r.logger.Printf("[INFO] client: restoring pre v0.6.0 alloc runner state for alloc %q", r.alloc.ID)
   174  		r.alloc = snap.Alloc
   175  		r.allocDir = snap.AllocDir
   176  		r.allocClientStatus = snap.AllocClientStatus
   177  		r.allocClientDescription = snap.AllocClientDescription
   179  		if r.alloc != nil {
   180  			r.taskStates = snap.Alloc.TaskStates
   181  		}
   183  		// COMPAT: Remove in 0.7.0
   184  		// #2132 Upgrade path: if snap.AllocDir is nil, try to convert old
   185  		// Context struct to new AllocDir struct
   186  		if snap.AllocDir == nil && snap.Context != nil {
   187  			r.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: migrating state snapshot for alloc %q", r.alloc.ID)
   188  			r.allocDir = allocdir.NewAllocDir(r.logger, snap.Context.AllocDir.AllocDir)
   189  			for taskName := range snap.Context.AllocDir.TaskDirs {
   190  				r.allocDir.NewTaskDir(taskName)
   191  			}
   192  		}
   194  		// Delete the old state
   195  		os.RemoveAll(oldPath)
   196  		upgrading = true
   197  	} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
   198  		// Something corrupt in the old state file
   199  		return err
   200  	} else {
   201  		// We are doing a normal restore
   202  		err := r.stateDB.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
   203  			bkt, err := getAllocationBucket(tx, r.alloc.ID)
   204  			if err != nil {
   205  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to get allocation bucket: %v", err)
   206  			}
   208  			// Get the state objects
   209  			var mutable allocRunnerMutableState
   210  			var immutable allocRunnerImmutableState
   211  			var allocDir allocdir.AllocDir
   213  			if err := getObject(bkt, allocRunnerStateImmutableKey, &immutable); err != nil {
   214  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to read alloc runner immutable state: %v", err)
   215  			}
   216  			if err := getObject(bkt, allocRunnerStateMutableKey, &mutable); err != nil {
   217  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to read alloc runner mutable state: %v", err)
   218  			}
   219  			if err := getObject(bkt, allocRunnerStateAllocDirKey, &allocDir); err != nil {
   220  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to read alloc runner alloc_dir state: %v", err)
   221  			}
   223  			// Populate the fields
   224  			r.alloc = immutable.Alloc
   225  			r.allocDir = &allocDir
   226  			r.allocClientStatus = mutable.AllocClientStatus
   227  			r.allocClientDescription = mutable.AllocClientDescription
   228  			r.taskStates = mutable.TaskStates
   229  			r.alloc.ClientStatus = getClientStatus(r.taskStates)
   230  			return nil
   231  		})
   233  		if err != nil {
   234  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to read allocation state: %v", err)
   235  		}
   236  	}
   238  	var snapshotErrors multierror.Error
   239  	if r.alloc == nil {
   240  		snapshotErrors.Errors = append(snapshotErrors.Errors, fmt.Errorf("alloc_runner snapshot includes a nil allocation"))
   241  	}
   242  	if r.allocDir == nil {
   243  		snapshotErrors.Errors = append(snapshotErrors.Errors, fmt.Errorf("alloc_runner snapshot includes a nil alloc dir"))
   244  	}
   245  	if e := snapshotErrors.ErrorOrNil(); e != nil {
   246  		return e
   247  	}
   249  	tg := r.alloc.Job.LookupTaskGroup(r.alloc.TaskGroup)
   250  	if tg == nil {
   251  		return fmt.Errorf("restored allocation doesn't contain task group %q", r.alloc.TaskGroup)
   252  	}
   254  	// Restore the task runners
   255  	var mErr multierror.Error
   256  	for _, task := range tg.Tasks {
   257  		name := task.Name
   258  		state := r.taskStates[name]
   260  		// Mark the task as restored.
   261  		r.restored[name] = struct{}{}
   263  		td, ok := r.allocDir.TaskDirs[name]
   264  		if !ok {
   265  			err := fmt.Errorf("failed to find task dir metadata for alloc %q task %q",
   266  				r.alloc.ID, name)
   267  			r.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: %v", err)
   268  			return err
   269  		}
   271  		tr := NewTaskRunner(r.logger, r.config, r.stateDB, r.setTaskState, td, r.Alloc(), task, r.vaultClient, r.consulClient)
   272  		r.tasks[name] = tr
   274  		// Skip tasks in terminal states.
   275  		if state.State == structs.TaskStateDead {
   276  			continue
   277  		}
   279  		if restartReason, err := tr.RestoreState(); err != nil {
   280  			r.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: failed to restore state for alloc %s task %q: %v", r.alloc.ID, name, err)
   281  			mErr.Errors = append(mErr.Errors, err)
   282  		} else if !r.alloc.TerminalStatus() {
   283  			// Only start if the alloc isn't in a terminal status.
   284  			go tr.Run()
   286  			if upgrading {
   287  				if err := tr.SaveState(); err != nil {
   288  					r.logger.Printf("[WARN] client: initial save state for alloc %s task %s failed: %v", r.alloc.ID, name, err)
   289  				}
   290  			}
   292  			// Restart task runner if RestoreState gave a reason
   293  			if restartReason != "" {
   294  				r.logger.Printf("[INFO] client: restarting alloc %s task %s: %v", r.alloc.ID, name, restartReason)
   295  				tr.Restart("upgrade", restartReason)
   296  			}
   297  		}
   298  	}
   300  	return mErr.ErrorOrNil()
   301  }
   303  // SaveState is used to snapshot the state of the alloc runner
   304  // if the fullSync is marked as false only the state of the Alloc Runner
   305  // is snapshotted. If fullSync is marked as true, we snapshot
   306  // all the Task Runners associated with the Alloc
   307  func (r *AllocRunner) SaveState() error {
   308  	if err := r.saveAllocRunnerState(); err != nil {
   309  		return err
   310  	}
   312  	// Save state for each task
   313  	runners := r.getTaskRunners()
   314  	var mErr multierror.Error
   315  	for _, tr := range runners {
   316  		if err := r.saveTaskRunnerState(tr); err != nil {
   317  			mErr.Errors = append(mErr.Errors, err)
   318  		}
   319  	}
   320  	return mErr.ErrorOrNil()
   321  }
   323  func (r *AllocRunner) saveAllocRunnerState() error {
   324  	// Grab all the relevant data
   325  	alloc := r.Alloc()
   327  	r.allocLock.Lock()
   328  	allocClientStatus := r.allocClientStatus
   329  	allocClientDescription := r.allocClientDescription
   330  	r.allocLock.Unlock()
   332  	r.allocDirLock.Lock()
   333  	allocDir := r.allocDir
   334  	r.allocDirLock.Unlock()
   336  	// Start the transaction.
   337  	return r.stateDB.Batch(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
   339  		// Grab the allocation bucket
   340  		allocBkt, err := getAllocationBucket(tx, r.alloc.ID)
   341  		if err != nil {
   342  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve allocation bucket: %v", err)
   343  		}
   345  		// Write the immutable data
   346  		if !r.immutablePersisted {
   347  			immutable := &allocRunnerImmutableState{
   348  				Alloc:   alloc,
   349  				Version: r.config.Version,
   350  			}
   352  			if err := putObject(allocBkt, allocRunnerStateImmutableKey, &immutable); err != nil {
   353  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to write alloc_runner immutable state: %v", err)
   354  			}
   356  			tx.OnCommit(func() {
   357  				r.immutablePersisted = true
   358  			})
   359  		}
   361  		// Write the alloc dir data if it hasn't been written before and it exists.
   362  		if !r.allocDirPersisted && r.allocDir != nil {
   363  			if err := putObject(allocBkt, allocRunnerStateAllocDirKey, allocDir); err != nil {
   364  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to write alloc_runner allocDir state: %v", err)
   365  			}
   367  			tx.OnCommit(func() {
   368  				r.allocDirPersisted = true
   369  			})
   370  		}
   372  		// Write the mutable state every time
   373  		mutable := &allocRunnerMutableState{
   374  			AllocClientStatus:      allocClientStatus,
   375  			AllocClientDescription: allocClientDescription,
   376  			TaskStates:             alloc.TaskStates,
   377  		}
   379  		if err := putObject(allocBkt, allocRunnerStateMutableKey, &mutable); err != nil {
   380  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write alloc_runner mutable state: %v", err)
   381  		}
   383  		return nil
   384  	})
   385  }
   387  func (r *AllocRunner) saveTaskRunnerState(tr *TaskRunner) error {
   388  	if err := tr.SaveState(); err != nil {
   389  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to save state for alloc %s task '%s': %v",
   390  			r.alloc.ID, tr.task.Name, err)
   391  	}
   392  	return nil
   393  }
   395  // DestroyState is used to cleanup after ourselves
   396  func (r *AllocRunner) DestroyState() error {
   397  	return r.stateDB.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
   398  		if err := deleteAllocationBucket(tx, r.alloc.ID); err != nil {
   399  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete allocation bucket: %v", err)
   400  		}
   401  		return nil
   402  	})
   403  }
   405  // DestroyContext is used to destroy the context
   406  func (r *AllocRunner) DestroyContext() error {
   407  	return r.allocDir.Destroy()
   408  }
   410  // GetAllocDir returns the alloc dir for the alloc runner
   411  func (r *AllocRunner) GetAllocDir() *allocdir.AllocDir {
   412  	return r.allocDir
   413  }
   415  // copyTaskStates returns a copy of the passed task states.
   416  func copyTaskStates(states map[string]*structs.TaskState) map[string]*structs.TaskState {
   417  	copy := make(map[string]*structs.TaskState, len(states))
   418  	for task, state := range states {
   419  		copy[task] = state.Copy()
   420  	}
   421  	return copy
   422  }
   424  // Alloc returns the associated allocation
   425  func (r *AllocRunner) Alloc() *structs.Allocation {
   426  	r.allocLock.Lock()
   428  	// Clear the job before copying
   429  	job := r.alloc.Job
   431  	// Since we are clearing the job, anything that access the alloc.Job field
   432  	// must acquire the lock or access it via this method.
   433  	r.alloc.Job = nil
   435  	alloc := r.alloc.Copy()
   437  	// Restore
   438  	r.alloc.Job = job
   439  	alloc.Job = job
   441  	// The status has explicitly been set.
   442  	if r.allocClientStatus != "" || r.allocClientDescription != "" {
   443  		alloc.ClientStatus = r.allocClientStatus
   444  		alloc.ClientDescription = r.allocClientDescription
   446  		// Copy over the task states so we don't lose them
   447  		r.taskStatusLock.RLock()
   448  		alloc.TaskStates = copyTaskStates(r.taskStates)
   449  		r.taskStatusLock.RUnlock()
   451  		r.allocLock.Unlock()
   452  		return alloc
   453  	}
   454  	r.allocLock.Unlock()
   456  	// Scan the task states to determine the status of the alloc
   457  	r.taskStatusLock.RLock()
   458  	alloc.TaskStates = copyTaskStates(r.taskStates)
   459  	alloc.ClientStatus = getClientStatus(r.taskStates)
   460  	r.taskStatusLock.RUnlock()
   462  	return alloc
   463  }
   465  // getClientStatus takes in the task states for a given allocation and computes
   466  // the client status
   467  func getClientStatus(taskStates map[string]*structs.TaskState) string {
   468  	var pending, running, dead, failed bool
   469  	for _, state := range taskStates {
   470  		switch state.State {
   471  		case structs.TaskStateRunning:
   472  			running = true
   473  		case structs.TaskStatePending:
   474  			pending = true
   475  		case structs.TaskStateDead:
   476  			if state.Failed {
   477  				failed = true
   478  			} else {
   479  				dead = true
   480  			}
   481  		}
   482  	}
   484  	// Determine the alloc status
   485  	if failed {
   486  		return structs.AllocClientStatusFailed
   487  	} else if running {
   488  		return structs.AllocClientStatusRunning
   489  	} else if pending {
   490  		return structs.AllocClientStatusPending
   491  	} else if dead {
   492  		return structs.AllocClientStatusComplete
   493  	}
   495  	return ""
   496  }
   498  // dirtySyncState is used to watch for state being marked dirty to sync
   499  func (r *AllocRunner) dirtySyncState() {
   500  	for {
   501  		select {
   502  		case <-r.dirtyCh:
   503  			r.syncStatus()
   504  		case <-r.destroyCh:
   505  			return
   506  		}
   507  	}
   508  }
   510  // syncStatus is used to run and sync the status when it changes
   511  func (r *AllocRunner) syncStatus() error {
   512  	// Get a copy of our alloc, update status server side and sync to disk
   513  	alloc := r.Alloc()
   514  	r.updater(alloc)
   515  	return r.saveAllocRunnerState()
   516  }
   518  // setStatus is used to update the allocation status
   519  func (r *AllocRunner) setStatus(status, desc string) {
   520  	r.allocLock.Lock()
   521  	r.allocClientStatus = status
   522  	r.allocClientDescription = desc
   523  	r.allocLock.Unlock()
   524  	select {
   525  	case r.dirtyCh <- struct{}{}:
   526  	default:
   527  	}
   528  }
   530  // setTaskState is used to set the status of a task. If state is empty then the
   531  // event is appended but not synced with the server. The event may be omitted
   532  func (r *AllocRunner) setTaskState(taskName, state string, event *structs.TaskEvent) {
   533  	r.taskStatusLock.Lock()
   534  	defer r.taskStatusLock.Unlock()
   535  	taskState, ok := r.taskStates[taskName]
   536  	if !ok {
   537  		taskState = &structs.TaskState{}
   538  		r.taskStates[taskName] = taskState
   539  	}
   541  	// Set the tasks state.
   542  	if event != nil {
   543  		if event.FailsTask {
   544  			taskState.Failed = true
   545  		}
   546  		r.appendTaskEvent(taskState, event)
   547  	}
   549  	if state == "" {
   550  		return
   551  	}
   553  	switch state {
   554  	case structs.TaskStateRunning:
   555  		// Capture the start time if it is just starting
   556  		if taskState.State != structs.TaskStateRunning {
   557  			taskState.StartedAt = time.Now().UTC()
   558  		}
   559  	case structs.TaskStateDead:
   560  		// Capture the finished time. If it has never started there is no finish
   561  		// time
   562  		if !taskState.StartedAt.IsZero() {
   563  			taskState.FinishedAt = time.Now().UTC()
   564  		}
   566  		// Find all tasks that are not the one that is dead and check if the one
   567  		// that is dead is a leader
   568  		var otherTaskRunners []*TaskRunner
   569  		var otherTaskNames []string
   570  		leader := false
   571  		for task, tr := range r.tasks {
   572  			if task != taskName {
   573  				otherTaskRunners = append(otherTaskRunners, tr)
   574  				otherTaskNames = append(otherTaskNames, task)
   575  			} else if tr.task.Leader {
   576  				leader = true
   577  			}
   578  		}
   580  		// If the task failed, we should kill all the other tasks in the task group.
   581  		if taskState.Failed {
   582  			for _, tr := range otherTaskRunners {
   583  				tr.Destroy(structs.NewTaskEvent(structs.TaskSiblingFailed).SetFailedSibling(taskName))
   584  			}
   585  			if len(otherTaskRunners) > 0 {
   586  				r.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: task %q failed, destroying other tasks in task group: %v", taskName, otherTaskNames)
   587  			}
   588  		} else if leader {
   589  			// If the task was a leader task we should kill all the other tasks.
   590  			for _, tr := range otherTaskRunners {
   591  				tr.Destroy(structs.NewTaskEvent(structs.TaskLeaderDead))
   592  			}
   593  			if len(otherTaskRunners) > 0 {
   594  				r.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: leader task %q is dead, destroying other tasks in task group: %v", taskName, otherTaskNames)
   595  			}
   596  		}
   597  	}
   599  	// Store the new state
   600  	taskState.State = state
   602  	select {
   603  	case r.dirtyCh <- struct{}{}:
   604  	default:
   605  	}
   606  }
   608  // appendTaskEvent updates the task status by appending the new event.
   609  func (r *AllocRunner) appendTaskEvent(state *structs.TaskState, event *structs.TaskEvent) {
   610  	capacity := 10
   611  	if state.Events == nil {
   612  		state.Events = make([]*structs.TaskEvent, 0, capacity)
   613  	}
   615  	// If we hit capacity, then shift it.
   616  	if len(state.Events) == capacity {
   617  		old := state.Events
   618  		state.Events = make([]*structs.TaskEvent, 0, capacity)
   619  		state.Events = append(state.Events, old[1:]...)
   620  	}
   622  	state.Events = append(state.Events, event)
   623  }
   625  // Run is a long running goroutine used to manage an allocation
   626  func (r *AllocRunner) Run() {
   627  	defer close(r.waitCh)
   628  	go r.dirtySyncState()
   630  	// Find the task group to run in the allocation
   631  	alloc := r.Alloc()
   632  	tg := alloc.Job.LookupTaskGroup(alloc.TaskGroup)
   633  	if tg == nil {
   634  		r.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: alloc '%s' for missing task group '%s'", alloc.ID, alloc.TaskGroup)
   635  		r.setStatus(structs.AllocClientStatusFailed, fmt.Sprintf("missing task group '%s'", alloc.TaskGroup))
   636  		return
   637  	}
   639  	// Create the execution context
   640  	r.allocDirLock.Lock()
   641  	if r.allocDir == nil {
   642  		// Build allocation directory
   643  		r.allocDir = allocdir.NewAllocDir(r.logger, filepath.Join(r.config.AllocDir, r.alloc.ID))
   644  		if err := r.allocDir.Build(); err != nil {
   645  			r.logger.Printf("[WARN] client: failed to build task directories: %v", err)
   646  			r.setStatus(structs.AllocClientStatusFailed, fmt.Sprintf("failed to build task dirs for '%s'", alloc.TaskGroup))
   647  			r.allocDirLock.Unlock()
   648  			return
   649  		}
   651  		if r.otherAllocDir != nil {
   652  			if err := r.allocDir.Move(r.otherAllocDir, tg.Tasks); err != nil {
   653  				r.logger.Printf("[ERROR] client: failed to move alloc dir into alloc %q: %v", r.alloc.ID, err)
   654  			}
   655  			if err := r.otherAllocDir.Destroy(); err != nil {
   656  				r.logger.Printf("[ERROR] client: error destroying allocdir %v: %v", r.otherAllocDir.AllocDir, err)
   657  			}
   658  		}
   659  	}
   660  	r.allocDirLock.Unlock()
   662  	// Check if the allocation is in a terminal status. In this case, we don't
   663  	// start any of the task runners and directly wait for the destroy signal to
   664  	// clean up the allocation.
   665  	if alloc.TerminalStatus() {
   666  		r.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: alloc %q in terminal status, waiting for destroy", r.alloc.ID)
   667  		r.handleDestroy()
   668  		r.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: terminating runner for alloc '%s'", r.alloc.ID)
   669  		return
   670  	}
   672  	// Start the task runners
   673  	r.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: starting task runners for alloc '%s'", r.alloc.ID)
   674  	r.taskLock.Lock()
   675  	for _, task := range tg.Tasks {
   676  		if _, ok := r.restored[task.Name]; ok {
   677  			continue
   678  		}
   680  		r.allocDirLock.Lock()
   681  		taskdir := r.allocDir.NewTaskDir(task.Name)
   682  		r.allocDirLock.Unlock()
   684  		tr := NewTaskRunner(r.logger, r.config, r.stateDB, r.setTaskState, taskdir, r.Alloc(), task.Copy(), r.vaultClient, r.consulClient)
   685  		r.tasks[task.Name] = tr
   686  		tr.MarkReceived()
   688  		go tr.Run()
   689  	}
   690  	r.taskLock.Unlock()
   692  	// taskDestroyEvent contains an event that caused the destroyment of a task
   693  	// in the allocation.
   694  	var taskDestroyEvent *structs.TaskEvent
   696  OUTER:
   697  	// Wait for updates
   698  	for {
   699  		select {
   700  		case update := <-r.updateCh:
   701  			// Store the updated allocation.
   702  			r.allocLock.Lock()
   703  			r.alloc = update
   704  			r.allocLock.Unlock()
   706  			// Check if we're in a terminal status
   707  			if update.TerminalStatus() {
   708  				taskDestroyEvent = structs.NewTaskEvent(structs.TaskKilled)
   709  				break OUTER
   710  			}
   712  			// Update the task groups
   713  			runners := r.getTaskRunners()
   714  			for _, tr := range runners {
   715  				tr.Update(update)
   716  			}
   718  			if err := r.syncStatus(); err != nil {
   719  				r.logger.Printf("[WARN] client: failed to sync status upon receiving alloc update: %v", err)
   720  			}
   721  		case <-r.destroyCh:
   722  			taskDestroyEvent = structs.NewTaskEvent(structs.TaskKilled)
   723  			break OUTER
   724  		}
   725  	}
   727  	// Kill the task runners
   728  	r.destroyTaskRunners(taskDestroyEvent)
   730  	// Block until we should destroy the state of the alloc
   731  	r.handleDestroy()
   732  	r.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client: terminating runner for alloc '%s'", r.alloc.ID)
   733  }
   735  // SetPreviousAllocDir sets the previous allocation directory of the current
   736  // allocation
   737  func (r *AllocRunner) SetPreviousAllocDir(allocDir *allocdir.AllocDir) {
   738  	r.otherAllocDir = allocDir
   739  }
   741  // destroyTaskRunners destroys the task runners, waits for them to terminate and
   742  // then saves state.
   743  func (r *AllocRunner) destroyTaskRunners(destroyEvent *structs.TaskEvent) {
   744  	// Destroy each sub-task
   745  	runners := r.getTaskRunners()
   746  	for _, tr := range runners {
   747  		tr.Destroy(destroyEvent)
   748  	}
   750  	// Wait for termination of the task runners
   751  	for _, tr := range runners {
   752  		<-tr.WaitCh()
   753  	}
   754  }
   756  // handleDestroy blocks till the AllocRunner should be destroyed and does the
   757  // necessary cleanup.
   758  func (r *AllocRunner) handleDestroy() {
   759  	// Final state sync. We do this to ensure that the server has the correct
   760  	// state as we wait for a destroy.
   761  	r.syncStatus()
   763  	for {
   764  		select {
   765  		case <-r.destroyCh:
   766  			if err := r.DestroyContext(); err != nil {
   767  				r.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: failed to destroy context for alloc '%s': %v",
   768  					r.alloc.ID, err)
   769  			}
   770  			if err := r.DestroyState(); err != nil {
   771  				r.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: failed to destroy state for alloc '%s': %v",
   772  					r.alloc.ID, err)
   773  			}
   775  			return
   776  		case <-r.updateCh:
   777  			r.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: dropping update to terminal alloc '%s'", r.alloc.ID)
   778  		}
   779  	}
   780  }
   782  // Update is used to update the allocation of the context
   783  func (r *AllocRunner) Update(update *structs.Allocation) {
   784  	select {
   785  	case r.updateCh <- update:
   786  	default:
   787  		r.logger.Printf("[ERR] client: dropping update to alloc '%s'", update.ID)
   788  	}
   789  }
   791  // StatsReporter returns an interface to query resource usage statistics of an
   792  // allocation
   793  func (r *AllocRunner) StatsReporter() AllocStatsReporter {
   794  	return r
   795  }
   797  // getTaskRunners is a helper that returns a copy of the task runners list using
   798  // the taskLock.
   799  func (r *AllocRunner) getTaskRunners() []*TaskRunner {
   800  	// Get the task runners
   801  	r.taskLock.RLock()
   802  	defer r.taskLock.RUnlock()
   803  	runners := make([]*TaskRunner, 0, len(r.tasks))
   804  	for _, tr := range r.tasks {
   805  		runners = append(runners, tr)
   806  	}
   807  	return runners
   808  }
   810  // LatestAllocStats returns the latest allocation stats. If the optional taskFilter is set
   811  // the allocation stats will only include the given task.
   812  func (r *AllocRunner) LatestAllocStats(taskFilter string) (*cstructs.AllocResourceUsage, error) {
   813  	astat := &cstructs.AllocResourceUsage{
   814  		Tasks: make(map[string]*cstructs.TaskResourceUsage),
   815  	}
   817  	var flat []*cstructs.TaskResourceUsage
   818  	if taskFilter != "" {
   819  		r.taskLock.RLock()
   820  		tr, ok := r.tasks[taskFilter]
   821  		r.taskLock.RUnlock()
   822  		if !ok {
   823  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("allocation %q has no task %q", r.alloc.ID, taskFilter)
   824  		}
   825  		l := tr.LatestResourceUsage()
   826  		if l != nil {
   827  			astat.Tasks[taskFilter] = l
   828  			flat = []*cstructs.TaskResourceUsage{l}
   829  			astat.Timestamp = l.Timestamp
   830  		}
   831  	} else {
   832  		// Get the task runners
   833  		runners := r.getTaskRunners()
   834  		for _, tr := range runners {
   835  			l := tr.LatestResourceUsage()
   836  			if l != nil {
   837  				astat.Tasks[tr.task.Name] = l
   838  				flat = append(flat, l)
   839  				if l.Timestamp > astat.Timestamp {
   840  					astat.Timestamp = l.Timestamp
   841  				}
   842  			}
   843  		}
   844  	}
   846  	astat.ResourceUsage = sumTaskResourceUsage(flat)
   847  	return astat, nil
   848  }
   850  // sumTaskResourceUsage takes a set of task resources and sums their resources
   851  func sumTaskResourceUsage(usages []*cstructs.TaskResourceUsage) *cstructs.ResourceUsage {
   852  	summed := &cstructs.ResourceUsage{
   853  		MemoryStats: &cstructs.MemoryStats{},
   854  		CpuStats:    &cstructs.CpuStats{},
   855  	}
   856  	for _, usage := range usages {
   857  		summed.Add(usage.ResourceUsage)
   858  	}
   859  	return summed
   860  }
   862  // shouldUpdate takes the AllocModifyIndex of an allocation sent from the server and
   863  // checks if the current running allocation is behind and should be updated.
   864  func (r *AllocRunner) shouldUpdate(serverIndex uint64) bool {
   865  	r.allocLock.Lock()
   866  	defer r.allocLock.Unlock()
   867  	return r.alloc.AllocModifyIndex < serverIndex
   868  }
   870  // Destroy is used to indicate that the allocation context should be destroyed
   871  func (r *AllocRunner) Destroy() {
   872  	r.destroyLock.Lock()
   873  	defer r.destroyLock.Unlock()
   875  	if r.destroy {
   876  		return
   877  	}
   878  	r.destroy = true
   879  	close(r.destroyCh)
   880  }
   882  // WaitCh returns a channel to wait for termination
   883  func (r *AllocRunner) WaitCh() <-chan struct{} {
   884  	return r.waitCh
   885  }