
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Configuration"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-agent-config"
     5  description: |-
     6    Learn about the configuration options available for the Nomad agent.
     7  ---
     9  # Configuration
    11  Nomad agents have a variety of options that can be specified via configuration
    12  files or command-line flags. Config files must be written in
    13  [HCL]( or JSON syntax. Nomad can read and
    14  combine options from multiple configuration files or directories to configure
    15  the Nomad agent.
    17  ## Loading Configuration Files
    19  When specifying multiple config file options on the command-line, the files are
    20  loaded in the order they are specified. For example:
    22      nomad agent -config server.conf -config /etc/nomad -config extra.json
    24  Will load configuration from `server.conf`, from `.hcl` and `.json` files under
    25  `/etc/nomad`, and finally from `extra.json`.
    27  Configuration files in directories are loaded alphabetically. With the
    28  directory option, only files ending with the `.hcl` or `.json` extensions are
    29  used. Directories are not loaded recursively.
    31  As each file is processed, its contents are merged into the existing
    32  configuration. When merging, any non-empty values from the latest config file
    33  will append or replace options in the current configuration. An empty value
    34  means `""` for strings, `0` for integer or float values, and `false` for
    35  booleans. Since empty values are ignored you cannot disable an option like
    36  server mode once you've enabled it.
    38  Complex data types like arrays or maps are usually merged. [Some configuration
    39  options](#cli) can also be specified using the command-line interface. Please
    40  refer to the sections below for the details of each option.
    42  ## Configuration Syntax
    44  The preferred configuration syntax is HCL, which supports comments, but you can
    45  also use JSON. Below is an example configuration file in HCL syntax.
    47  ```
    48  bind_addr = ""
    49  data_dir = "/var/lib/nomad"
    51  advertise {
    52    # We need to specify our host's IP because we can't
    53    # advertise to other nodes in our cluster.
    54    rpc = ""
    55  }
    57  server {
    58    enabled = true
    59    bootstrap_expect = 3
    60  }
    62  client {
    63    enabled = true
    64    network_speed = 10
    65    options {
    66      "driver.raw_exec.enable" = "1"
    67    }
    68  }
    70  atlas {
    71    infrastructure = "hashicorp/mars"
    72    token = "atlas.v1.AFE84330943"
    73  }
    74  ```
    76  Note that it is strongly recommended _not_ to operate a node as both `client`
    77  and `server`, although this is supported to simplify development and testing.
    79  ## General Options
    81  The following configuration options are available to both client and server
    82  nodes, unless otherwise specified:
    84  * <a id="region">`region`</a>: Specifies the region the Nomad agent is a
    85    member of. A region typically maps to a geographic region, for example `us`,
    86    with potentially multiple zones, which map to [datacenters](#datacenter) such
    87    as `us-west` and `us-east`. Defaults to `global`.
    89  * `datacenter`: Datacenter of the local agent. All members of a datacenter
    90    should share a local LAN connection. Defaults to `dc1`.
    92  * <a id="name">`name`</a>: The name of the local node. This value is used to
    93    identify individual nodes in a given datacenter and must be unique
    94    per-datacenter. By default this is set to the local host's name.
    96  * `data_dir`: A local directory used to store agent state. Client nodes use this
    97    directory by default to store temporary allocation data as well as cluster
    98    information. Server nodes use this directory to store cluster state, including
    99    the replicated log and snapshot data. This option is required to start the
   100    Nomad agent and must be specified as an absolute path.
   102  * `log_level`: Controls the verbosity of logs the Nomad agent will output. Valid
   103    log levels include `WARN`, `INFO`, or `DEBUG` in increasing order of
   104    verbosity. Defaults to `INFO`.
   106  * <a id="bind_addr">`bind_addr`</a>: Used to indicate which address the Nomad
   107    agent should bind to for network services, including the HTTP interface as
   108    well as the internal gossip protocol and RPC mechanism. This should be
   109    specified in IP format, and can be used to easily bind all network services to
   110    the same address. It is also possible to bind the individual services to
   111    different addresses using the [addresses](#addresses) configuration option.
   112    Defaults to the local loopback address ``.
   114  * `enable_debug`: Enables the debugging HTTP endpoints. These endpoints can be
   115    used with profiling tools to dump diagnostic information about Nomad's
   116    internals. It is not recommended to leave this enabled in production
   117    environments. Defaults to `false`.
   119  * `ports`: Controls the network ports used for different services required by
   120    the Nomad agent. The value is a key/value mapping of port numbers, and accepts
   121    the following keys:
   122    <br>
   123    * `http`: The port used to run the HTTP server. Applies to both client and
   124      server nodes. Defaults to `4646`.
   125    * `rpc`: The port used for internal RPC communication between agents and
   126      servers, and for inter-server traffic for the consensus algorithm (raft).
   127      Defaults to `4647`. Only used on server nodes.
   128    * `serf`: The port used for the gossip protocol for cluster membership. Both
   129      TCP and UDP should be routable between the server nodes on this port.
   130      Defaults to `4648`. Only used on server nodes.
   132  * <a id="addresses">`addresses`</a>: Controls the bind address for individual
   133    network services. Any values configured in this block take precedence over the
   134    default [bind_addr](#bind_addr). The value is a map of IP addresses and
   135    supports the following keys:
   136    <br>
   137    * `http`: The address the HTTP server is bound to. This is the most common
   138      bind address to change. Applies to both clients and servers.
   139    * `rpc`: The address to bind the internal RPC interfaces to. Should be exposed
   140      only to other cluster members if possible. Used only on server nodes, but
   141      must be accessible from all agents.
   142    * `serf`: The address used to bind the gossip layer to. Both a TCP and UDP
   143      listener will be exposed on this address. Should be restricted to only
   144      server nodes from the same datacenter if possible. Used only on server
   145      nodes.
   147  * `advertise`: Controls the advertise address for individual network services.
   148    This can be used to advertise a different address to the peers of a server or
   149    a client node to support more complex network configurations such as NAT. This
   150    configuration is optional, and defaults to the bind address of the specific
   151    network service if it is not provided. The value is a map of IP addresses and
   152    ports and supports the following keys:
   153    <br>
   154    * `http`: The address to advertise for the HTTP interface. This should be
   155      reachable by all the nodes from which end users are going to use the Nomad
   156      CLI tools.
   157      ```
   158      advertise {
   159         http = ""
   160      }
   161      ```
   162    * `rpc`: The address to advertise for the RPC interface. This address should
   163      be reachable by all of the agents in the cluster. For example:
   164      ```
   165      advertise {
   166        rpc = ""
   167      }
   168      ```
   169    * `serf`: The address advertised for the gossip layer. This address must be
   170      reachable from all server nodes. It is not required that clients can reach
   171      this address.
   173  * `telemetry`: Used to control how the Nomad agent exposes telemetry data to
   174    external metrics collection servers. This is a key/value mapping and supports
   175    the following keys:
   176    <br>
   177    * `statsite_address`: Address of a
   178      [statsite]( server to forward metrics data
   179      to.
   180    * `statsd_address`: Address of a [statsd](
   181      server to forward metrics to.
   182    * `disable_hostname`: A boolean indicating if gauge values should not be
   183      prefixed with the local hostname.
   185  * `leave_on_interrupt`: Enables gracefully leaving when receiving the
   186    interrupt signal. By default, the agent will exit forcefully on any signal.
   188  * `leave_on_terminate`: Enables gracefully leaving when receiving the
   189    terminate signal. By default, the agent will exit forcefully on any signal.
   191  * `enable_syslog`: Enables logging to syslog. This option only works on
   192    Unix based systems.
   194  * `syslog_facility`: Controls the syslog facility that is used. By default,
   195    `LOCAL0` will be used. This should be used with `enable_syslog`.
   197  * `disable_update_check`: Disables automatic checking for security bulletins
   198    and new version releases.
   200  * `disable_anonymous_signature`: Disables providing an anonymous signature
   201    for de-duplication with the update check. See `disable_update_check`.
   203  * `http_api_response_headers`: This object allows adding headers to the
   204    HTTP API responses. For example, the following config can be used to enable
   205    CORS on the HTTP API endpoints:
   206    ```
   207    http_api_response_headers {
   208        Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "*"
   209    }
   210    ```
   212  ## Server-specific Options
   214  The following options are applicable to server agents only and need not be
   215  configured on client nodes.
   217  * `server`: This is the top-level key used to define the Nomad server
   218    configuration. It is a key/value mapping which supports the following keys:
   219    <br>
   220    * `enabled`: A boolean indicating if server mode should be enabled for the
   221      local agent. All other server options depend on this value being set.
   222      Defaults to `false`.
   223    * <a id="bootstrap_expect">`bootstrap_expect`</a>: This is an integer
   224      representing the number of server nodes to wait for before bootstrapping. It
   225      is most common to use the odd-numbered integers `3` or `5` for this value,
   226      depending on the cluster size. A value of `1` does not provide any fault
   227      tolerance and is not recommended for production use cases.
   228    * `data_dir`: This is the data directory used for server-specific data,
   229      including the replicated log. By default, this directory lives inside of the
   230      [data_dir](#data_dir) in the "server" sub-path.
   231    * `protocol_version`: The Nomad protocol version spoken when communicating
   232      with other Nomad servers. This value is typically not required as the agent
   233      internally knows the latest version, but may be useful in some upgrade
   234      scenarios.
   235    * `num_schedulers`: The number of parallel scheduler threads to run. This
   236      can be as many as one per core, or `0` to disallow this server from making
   237      any scheduling decisions. This defaults to the number of CPU cores.
   238    * `enabled_schedulers`: This is an array of strings indicating which
   239      sub-schedulers this server will handle. This can be used to restrict the
   240      evaluations that worker threads will dequeue for processing. This
   241      defaults to all available schedulers.
   242    * `node_gc_threshold` This is a string with a unit suffix, such as "300ms",
   243      "1.5h" or "25m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s",
   244      "m", "h". Controls how long a node must be in a terminal state before it is
   245      garbage collected and purged from the system.
   246    * <a id="rejoin_after_leave">`rejoin_after_leave`</a> When provided, Nomad will ignore a previous leave and
   247      attempt to rejoin the cluster when starting. By default, Nomad treats leave
   248      as a permanent intent and does not attempt to join the cluster again when
   249      starting. This flag allows the previous state to be used to rejoin the
   250      cluster.
   251    * <a id="retry_join">`retry_join`</a> Similar to [`start_join`](#start_join) but allows retrying a join
   252      if the first attempt fails. This is useful for cases where we know the
   253      address will become available eventually. Use `retry_join` with an array as a replacement for 
   254      `start_join`, do not use both options.
   255    * <a id="retry_interval">`retry_interval`</a> The time to wait between join attempts. Defaults to 30s.
   256    * <a id="retry_max">`retry_max`</a> The maximum number of join attempts to be made before exiting
   257      with a return code of 1. By default, this is set to 0 which is interpreted
   258      as infinite retries.
   259    * <a id="start_join">`start_join`</a> An array of strings specifying addresses
   260      of nodes to join upon startup. If Nomad is unable to join with any of the
   261      specified addresses, agent startup will fail. By default, the agent won't
   262      join any nodes when it starts up. Addresses can be given as an IP, a domain
   263      name, or an IP:Port pair. If the port isn't specified the default Serf port,
   264      4648, is used.  DNS names may also be used.
   266  ## Client-specific Options
   268  The following options are applicable to client agents only and need not be
   269  configured on server nodes.
   271  * `client`: This is the top-level key used to define the Nomad client
   272    configuration. Like the server configuration, it is a key/value mapping which
   273    supports the following keys:
   274    <br>
   275    * `enabled`: A boolean indicating if client mode is enabled. All other client
   276      configuration options depend on this value. Defaults to `false`.
   277    * <a id="state_dir">`state_dir`</a>: This is the state dir used to store
   278      client state. By default, it lives inside of the [data_dir](#data_dir), in
   279      the "client" sub-path. It must be specified as an absolute path.
   280    * <a id="alloc_dir">`alloc_dir`</a>: A directory used to store allocation data.
   281      Depending on the workload, the size of this directory can grow arbitrarily
   282      large as it is used to store downloaded artifacts for drivers (QEMU images,
   283      JAR files, etc.). It is therefore important to ensure this directory is
   284      placed some place on the filesystem with adequate storage capacity. By
   285      default, this directory lives under the [data_dir](#data_dir) at the
   286      "alloc" sub-path. It must be specified as an absolute path.
   287    * <a id="servers">`servers`</a>: An array of server addresses. This list is
   288      used to register the client with the server nodes and advertise the
   289      available resources so that the agent can receive work. If a port is not specified
   290      in the array of server addresses, the default port `4647` will be used.
   291    * <a id="node_class">`node_class`</a>: A string used to logically group client
   292      nodes by class. This can be used during job placement as a filter. This
   293      option is not required and has no default.
   294    * <a id="meta">`meta`</a>: This is a key/value mapping of metadata pairs. This
   295      is a free-form map and can contain any string values.
   296    * <a id="options">`options`</a>: This is a key/value mapping of internal
   297      configuration for clients, such as for driver configuration. Please see
   298      [here](#options_map) for a description of available options.
   299    * <a id="network_interface">`network_interface`</a>: This is a string to force
   300      network fingerprinting to use a specific network interface
   301    * <a id="network_speed">`network_speed`</a>: This is an int that sets the
   302      default link speed of network interfaces, in megabits, if their speed can
   303      not be determined dynamically.
   304    * `max_kill_timeout`: `max_kill_timeout` is a time duration that can be
   305      specified using the `s`, `m`, and `h` suffixes, such as `30s`. If a job's
   306      task specifies a `kill_timeout` greater than `max_kill_timeout`,
   307      `max_kill_timeout` is used. This is to prevent a user being able to set an
   308      unreasonable timeout. If unset, a default is used.
   309    * `reserved`: `reserved` is used to reserve a portion of the nodes resources
   310      from being used by Nomad when placing tasks.  It can be used to target
   311      a certain capacity usage for the node. For example, 20% of the nodes CPU
   312      could be reserved to target a CPU utilization of 80%. The block has the
   313      following format:
   315      ```
   316      reserved {
   317          cpu = 500
   318          memory = 512
   319          disk = 1024
   320          reserved_ports = "22,80,8500-8600"
   321      }
   322      ```
   324      * `cpu`: `cpu` is given as MHz to reserve.
   325      * `memory`: `memory` is given as MB to reserve.
   326      * `disk`: `disk` is given as MB to reserve.
   327      * `reserved_ports`: `reserved_ports` is a comma separated list of ports
   328        to reserve on all fingerprinted network devices. Ranges can be
   329        specified by using a hyphen separated the two inclusive ends.
   331  ### Client Options Map <a id="options_map"></a>
   333  The following is not an exhaustive list of options that can be passed to the
   334  Client, but rather the set of options that configure the Client and not the
   335  drivers. To find the options supported by an individual driver, see the drivers
   336  documentation [here](/docs/drivers/index.html)
   338  * `consul.address`: The address to the local Consul agent given in the format of
   339    `host:port`. The default is the same as the Consul default address,
   340    ``.
   342  * `consul.token`: Token is used to provide a per-request ACL token.This options
   343    overrides the agent's default token
   345  * `consul.auth`: The auth information to use for http access to the Consul
   346    Agent.
   348  * `consul.ssl`: This boolean option sets the transport scheme to talk to the Consul
   349    Agent as `https`. This option is unset by default and so the default transport
   350    scheme for the consul api client is `http`.
   352  * `consul.verifyssl`: This option enables SSL verification when the transport
   353   scheme for the Consul API client is `https`. This is set to true by default.
   355  * `driver.whitelist`: A comma separated list of whitelisted drivers (e.g.
   356    "docker,qemu"). If specified, drivers not in the whitelist will be disabled.
   357    If the whitelist is empty, all drivers are fingerprinted and enabled where
   358    applicable.
   360  *   `env.blacklist`: Nomad passes the host environment variables to `exec`,
   361      `raw_exec` and `java` tasks. `env.blacklist` is a comma separated list of
   362      environment variable keys not to pass to these tasks. If specified, the
   363      defaults are overridden. The following are the default:
   365      * `CONSUL_TOKEN`
   366      * `VAULT_TOKEN`
   367      * `ATLAS_TOKEN`
   371  *   `user.blacklist`: An operator specifiable blacklist of users which a task is
   372      not allowed to run as when using a driver in `user.checked_drivers`.
   373      Defaults to:
   375      * `root`
   376      * `Administrator`
   378  *   `user.checked_drivers`: An operator specifiable list of drivers to enforce
   379      the the `user.blacklist`. For drivers using containers, this enforcement often
   380      doesn't make sense and as such the default is set to:
   382      * `exec`
   383      * `qemu`
   384      * `java`
   386  * `fingerprint.whitelist`: A comma separated list of whitelisted fingerprinters.
   387    If specified, fingerprinters not in the whitelist will be disabled. If the
   388    whitelist is empty, all fingerprinters are used.
   390  ## Atlas Options
   392  **NOTE**: Nomad integration with Atlas is awaiting release of Atlas features
   393  for Nomad support.  Nomad currently only validates configuration options for
   394  Atlas but does not use them.
   395  See [#183]( for more details.
   397  The following options are used to configure [Atlas](
   398  integration and are entirely optional.
   400  * `atlas`: The top-level config key used to contain all Atlas-related
   401    configuration options. The value is a key/value map which supports the
   402    following keys:
   403    <br>
   404    * <a id="infrastructure">`infrastructure`</a>: The Atlas infrastructure name to
   405      connect this agent to. This value should be of the form
   406      `<org>/<infrastructure>`, and requires a valid [token](#token) authorized on
   407      the infrastructure.
   408    * <a id="token">`token`</a>: The Atlas token to use for authentication. This
   409      token should have access to the provided [infrastructure](#infrastructure).
   410    * <a id="join">`join`</a>: A boolean indicating if the auto-join feature of
   411      Atlas should be enabled. Defaults to `false`.
   412    * `endpoint`: The address of the Atlas instance to connect to. Defaults to the
   413      public Atlas endpoint and is only used if both
   414      [infrastructure](#infrastructure) and [token](#token) are provided.
   416  ## Command-line Options <a id="cli"></a>
   418  A subset of the available Nomad agent configuration can optionally be passed in
   419  via CLI arguments. The `agent` command accepts the following arguments:
   421  * `alloc-dir=<path>`: Equivalent to the Client [alloc_dir](#alloc_dir) config
   422     option.
   423  * `-atlas=<infrastructure>`: Equivalent to the Atlas
   424    [infrastructure](#infrastructure) config option.
   425  * `-atlas-join`: Equivalent to the Atlas [join](#join) config option.
   426  * `-atlas-token=<token>`: Equivalent to the Atlas [token](#token) config option.
   427  * `-bind=<address>`: Equivalent to the [bind_addr](#bind_addr) config option.
   428  * `-bootstrap-expect=<num>`: Equivalent to the
   429    [bootstrap_expect](#bootstrap_expect) config option.
   430  * `-client`: Enable client mode on the local agent.
   431  * `-config=<path>`: Specifies the path to a configuration file or a directory of
   432    configuration files to load. Can be specified multiple times.
   433  * `-data-dir=<path>`: Equivalent to the [data_dir](#data_dir) config option.
   434  * `-dc=<datacenter>`: Equivalent to the [datacenter](#datacenter) config option.
   435  * `-dev`: Start the agent in development mode. This enables a pre-configured
   436    dual-role agent (client + server) which is useful for developing or testing
   437    Nomad. No other configuration is required to start the agent in this mode.
   438  * `-join=<address>`: Address of another agent to join upon starting up. This can
   439    be specified multiple times to specify multiple agents to join.
   440  * `-log-level=<level>`: Equivalent to the [log_level](#log_level) config option.
   441  * `-meta=<key=value>`: Equivalent to the Client [meta](#meta) config option.
   442  * `-network-interface<interface>`: Equivalent to the Client
   443     [network_interface](#network_interface) config option.
   444  * `-network-speed<MBits>`: Equivalent to the Client
   445    [network_speed](#network_speed) config option.
   446  * `-node=<name>`: Equivalent to the [name](#name) config option.
   447  * `-node-class=<class>`: Equivalent to the Client [node_class](#node_class)
   448    config option.
   449  * `-region=<region>`: Equivalent to the [region](#region) config option.
   450  * `-rejoin`: Equivalent to the [rejoin_after_leave](#rejoin_after_leave) config option.
   451  * `-retry-interval`: Equivalent to the [retry_interval](#retry_interval) config option.
   452  * `-retry-join`: Similar to `-join` but allows retrying a join if the first attempt fails.
   453  * `-retry-max`: Similar to the [retry_max](#retry_max) config option.
   454  * `-server`: Enable server mode on the local agent.
   455  * `-servers=<host:port>`: Equivalent to the Client [servers](#servers) config
   456    option.
   457  * `-state-dir=<path>`: Equivalent to the Client [state_dir](#state_dir) config
   458    option.