
     1  ---
     2  layout: "intro"
     3  page_title: "Use Cases"
     4  sidebar_current: "use-cases"
     5  description: |-
     6    This page lists some concrete use cases for Nomad, but the possible use cases are much broader than what we cover.
     7  ---
     9  # Use Cases
    11  Before understanding use cases, it's useful to know [what Nomad is](/intro/index.html).
    12  This page lists some concrete use cases for Nomad, but the possible use cases are
    13  much broader than what we cover.
    15  #### Microservices Platform
    17  Microservices, or Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), are a design paradigm in which many
    18  services with narrow scope, tight state encapsulation, and API driven interfaces interact together
    19  to form a larger application. However, they add an operational challenge of managing hundreds
    20  or thousands of services instead of a few large applications. Nomad provides a platform for
    21  managing microservices, making it easier to adopt the paradigm.
    23  #### Hybrid Cloud Deployments
    25  Nomad is designed to handle multi-datacenter and multi-region deployments and is cloud agnostic.
    26  This allows Nomad to schedule in private datacenters running bare metal, OpenStack, or VMware
    27  alongside an AWS, Azure, or GCE cloud deployment. This makes it easier to migrate workloads
    28  incrementally, or to utilize the cloud for bursting.
    30  #### E-Commerce
    32  A typical E-Commerce website has a few types of workloads. There are long-lived services
    33  used for web serving. These include the load balancer, web frontends, API servers, and OLTP databases.
    34  Batch processing using Hadoop or Spark may run periodically for business reporting, user targeting,
    35  or generating product recommendations. Nomad allows all these workloads to share an underlying cluster,
    36  increasing utilization, reducing cost, simplifying scaling and providing a clean abstraction
    37  for developers.