
     1  // +build windows
     3  package lcow // import ""
     5  import (
     6  	"bytes"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io"
     9  	"strings"
    10  	"sync"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // Code for all the service VM management for the LCOW graphdriver
    21  var errVMisTerminating = errors.New("service VM is shutting down")
    22  var errVMUnknown = errors.New("service vm id is unknown")
    23  var errVMStillHasReference = errors.New("Attemping to delete a VM that is still being used")
    25  // serviceVMMap is the struct representing the id -> service VM mapping.
    26  type serviceVMMap struct {
    27  	sync.Mutex
    28  	svms map[string]*serviceVMMapItem
    29  }
    31  // serviceVMMapItem is our internal structure representing an item in our
    32  // map of service VMs we are maintaining.
    33  type serviceVMMapItem struct {
    34  	svm      *serviceVM // actual service vm object
    35  	refCount int        // refcount for VM
    36  }
    38  // attachedVHD is for reference counting SCSI disks attached to a service VM,
    39  // and for a counter used to generate a short path name for the container path.
    40  type attachedVHD struct {
    41  	refCount      int
    42  	attachCounter uint64
    43  }
    45  type serviceVM struct {
    46  	sync.Mutex                     // Serialises operations being performed in this service VM.
    47  	scratchAttached bool           // Has a scratch been attached?
    48  	config          *client.Config // Represents the service VM item.
    50  	// Indicates that the vm is started
    51  	startStatus chan interface{}
    52  	startError  error
    54  	// Indicates that the vm is stopped
    55  	stopStatus chan interface{}
    56  	stopError  error
    58  	attachCounter uint64                  // Increasing counter for each add
    59  	attachedVHDs  map[string]*attachedVHD // Map ref counting all the VHDS we've hot-added/hot-removed.
    60  	unionMounts   map[string]int          // Map ref counting all the union filesystems we mounted.
    61  }
    63  // add will add an id to the service vm map. There are three cases:
    64  // 	- entry doesn't exist:
    65  // 		- add id to map and return a new vm that the caller can manually configure+start
    66  //	- entry does exist
    67  //  	- return vm in map and increment ref count
    68  //  - entry does exist but the ref count is 0
    69  //		- return the svm and errVMisTerminating. Caller can call svm.getStopError() to wait for stop
    70  func (svmMap *serviceVMMap) add(id string) (svm *serviceVM, alreadyExists bool, err error) {
    71  	svmMap.Lock()
    72  	defer svmMap.Unlock()
    73  	if svm, ok := svmMap.svms[id]; ok {
    74  		if svm.refCount == 0 {
    75  			return svm.svm, true, errVMisTerminating
    76  		}
    77  		svm.refCount++
    78  		return svm.svm, true, nil
    79  	}
    81  	// Doesn't exist, so create an empty svm to put into map and return
    82  	newSVM := &serviceVM{
    83  		startStatus:  make(chan interface{}),
    84  		stopStatus:   make(chan interface{}),
    85  		attachedVHDs: make(map[string]*attachedVHD),
    86  		unionMounts:  make(map[string]int),
    87  		config:       &client.Config{},
    88  	}
    89  	svmMap.svms[id] = &serviceVMMapItem{
    90  		svm:      newSVM,
    91  		refCount: 1,
    92  	}
    93  	return newSVM, false, nil
    94  }
    96  // get will get the service vm from the map. There are three cases:
    97  // 	- entry doesn't exist:
    98  // 		- return errVMUnknown
    99  //	- entry does exist
   100  //  	- return vm with no error
   101  //  - entry does exist but the ref count is 0
   102  //		- return the svm and errVMisTerminating. Caller can call svm.getStopError() to wait for stop
   103  func (svmMap *serviceVMMap) get(id string) (*serviceVM, error) {
   104  	svmMap.Lock()
   105  	defer svmMap.Unlock()
   106  	svm, ok := svmMap.svms[id]
   107  	if !ok {
   108  		return nil, errVMUnknown
   109  	}
   110  	if svm.refCount == 0 {
   111  		return svm.svm, errVMisTerminating
   112  	}
   113  	return svm.svm, nil
   114  }
   116  // decrementRefCount decrements the ref count of the given ID from the map. There are four cases:
   117  // 	- entry doesn't exist:
   118  // 		- return errVMUnknown
   119  //  - entry does exist but the ref count is 0
   120  //		- return the svm and errVMisTerminating. Caller can call svm.getStopError() to wait for stop
   121  //	- entry does exist but ref count is 1
   122  //  	- return vm and set lastRef to true. The caller can then stop the vm, delete the id from this map
   123  //      - and execute svm.signalStopFinished to signal the threads that the svm has been terminated.
   124  //	- entry does exist and ref count > 1
   125  //		- just reduce ref count and return svm
   126  func (svmMap *serviceVMMap) decrementRefCount(id string) (_ *serviceVM, lastRef bool, _ error) {
   127  	svmMap.Lock()
   128  	defer svmMap.Unlock()
   130  	svm, ok := svmMap.svms[id]
   131  	if !ok {
   132  		return nil, false, errVMUnknown
   133  	}
   134  	if svm.refCount == 0 {
   135  		return svm.svm, false, errVMisTerminating
   136  	}
   137  	svm.refCount--
   138  	return svm.svm, svm.refCount == 0, nil
   139  }
   141  // setRefCountZero works the same way as decrementRefCount, but sets ref count to 0 instead of decrementing it.
   142  func (svmMap *serviceVMMap) setRefCountZero(id string) (*serviceVM, error) {
   143  	svmMap.Lock()
   144  	defer svmMap.Unlock()
   146  	svm, ok := svmMap.svms[id]
   147  	if !ok {
   148  		return nil, errVMUnknown
   149  	}
   150  	if svm.refCount == 0 {
   151  		return svm.svm, errVMisTerminating
   152  	}
   153  	svm.refCount = 0
   154  	return svm.svm, nil
   155  }
   157  // deleteID deletes the given ID from the map. If the refcount is not 0 or the
   158  // VM does not exist, then this function returns an error.
   159  func (svmMap *serviceVMMap) deleteID(id string) error {
   160  	svmMap.Lock()
   161  	defer svmMap.Unlock()
   162  	svm, ok := svmMap.svms[id]
   163  	if !ok {
   164  		return errVMUnknown
   165  	}
   166  	if svm.refCount != 0 {
   167  		return errVMStillHasReference
   168  	}
   169  	delete(svmMap.svms, id)
   170  	return nil
   171  }
   173  func (svm *serviceVM) signalStartFinished(err error) {
   174  	svm.Lock()
   175  	svm.startError = err
   176  	svm.Unlock()
   177  	close(svm.startStatus)
   178  }
   180  func (svm *serviceVM) getStartError() error {
   181  	<-svm.startStatus
   182  	svm.Lock()
   183  	defer svm.Unlock()
   184  	return svm.startError
   185  }
   187  func (svm *serviceVM) signalStopFinished(err error) {
   188  	svm.Lock()
   189  	svm.stopError = err
   190  	svm.Unlock()
   191  	close(svm.stopStatus)
   192  }
   194  func (svm *serviceVM) getStopError() error {
   195  	<-svm.stopStatus
   196  	svm.Lock()
   197  	defer svm.Unlock()
   198  	return svm.stopError
   199  }
   201  // hotAddVHDs waits for the service vm to start and then attaches the vhds.
   202  func (svm *serviceVM) hotAddVHDs(mvds ...hcsshim.MappedVirtualDisk) error {
   203  	if err := svm.getStartError(); err != nil {
   204  		return err
   205  	}
   206  	return svm.hotAddVHDsAtStart(mvds...)
   207  }
   209  // hotAddVHDsAtStart works the same way as hotAddVHDs but does not wait for the VM to start.
   210  func (svm *serviceVM) hotAddVHDsAtStart(mvds ...hcsshim.MappedVirtualDisk) error {
   211  	svm.Lock()
   212  	defer svm.Unlock()
   213  	for i, mvd := range mvds {
   214  		if _, ok := svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath]; ok {
   215  			svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath].refCount++
   216  			logrus.Debugf("lcowdriver: UVM %s: %s already present, refCount now %d", svm.config.Name, mvd.HostPath, svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath].refCount)
   217  			continue
   218  		}
   220  		svm.attachCounter++
   221  		shortContainerPath := remapLongToShortContainerPath(mvd.ContainerPath, svm.attachCounter, svm.config.Name)
   222  		if err := svm.config.HotAddVhd(mvd.HostPath, shortContainerPath, mvd.ReadOnly, !mvd.AttachOnly); err != nil {
   223  			svm.hotRemoveVHDsNoLock(mvds[:i]...)
   224  			return err
   225  		}
   226  		svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath] = &attachedVHD{refCount: 1, attachCounter: svm.attachCounter}
   227  	}
   228  	return nil
   229  }
   231  // hotRemoveVHDs waits for the service vm to start and then removes the vhds.
   232  // The service VM must not be locked when calling this function.
   233  func (svm *serviceVM) hotRemoveVHDs(mvds ...hcsshim.MappedVirtualDisk) error {
   234  	if err := svm.getStartError(); err != nil {
   235  		return err
   236  	}
   237  	svm.Lock()
   238  	defer svm.Unlock()
   239  	return svm.hotRemoveVHDsNoLock(mvds...)
   240  }
   242  // hotRemoveVHDsNoLock removes VHDs from a service VM. When calling this function,
   243  // the contract is the service VM lock must be held.
   244  func (svm *serviceVM) hotRemoveVHDsNoLock(mvds ...hcsshim.MappedVirtualDisk) error {
   245  	var retErr error
   246  	for _, mvd := range mvds {
   247  		if _, ok := svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath]; !ok {
   248  			// We continue instead of returning an error if we try to hot remove a non-existent VHD.
   249  			// This is because one of the callers of the function is graphdriver.Put(). Since graphdriver.Get()
   250  			// defers the VM start to the first operation, it's possible that nothing have been hot-added
   251  			// when Put() is called. To avoid Put returning an error in that case, we simply continue if we
   252  			// don't find the vhd attached.
   253  			logrus.Debugf("lcowdriver: UVM %s: %s is not attached, not doing anything", svm.config.Name, mvd.HostPath)
   254  			continue
   255  		}
   257  		if svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath].refCount > 1 {
   258  			svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath].refCount--
   259  			logrus.Debugf("lcowdriver: UVM %s: %s refCount dropped to %d. not removing from UVM", svm.config.Name, mvd.HostPath, svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath].refCount)
   260  			continue
   261  		}
   263  		// last reference to VHD, so remove from VM and map
   264  		if err := svm.config.HotRemoveVhd(mvd.HostPath); err == nil {
   265  			delete(svm.attachedVHDs, mvd.HostPath)
   266  		} else {
   267  			// Take note of the error, but still continue to remove the other VHDs
   268  			logrus.Warnf("Failed to hot remove %s: %s", mvd.HostPath, err)
   269  			if retErr == nil {
   270  				retErr = err
   271  			}
   272  		}
   273  	}
   274  	return retErr
   275  }
   277  func (svm *serviceVM) createExt4VHDX(destFile string, sizeGB uint32, cacheFile string) error {
   278  	if err := svm.getStartError(); err != nil {
   279  		return err
   280  	}
   282  	svm.Lock()
   283  	defer svm.Unlock()
   284  	return svm.config.CreateExt4Vhdx(destFile, sizeGB, cacheFile)
   285  }
   287  // getShortContainerPath looks up where a SCSI disk was actually mounted
   288  // in a service VM when we remapped a long path name to a short name.
   289  func (svm *serviceVM) getShortContainerPath(mvd *hcsshim.MappedVirtualDisk) string {
   290  	if mvd.ContainerPath == "" {
   291  		return ""
   292  	}
   293  	avhd, ok := svm.attachedVHDs[mvd.HostPath]
   294  	if !ok {
   295  		return ""
   296  	}
   297  	return fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/d%d", avhd.attachCounter)
   298  }
   300  func (svm *serviceVM) createUnionMount(mountName string, mvds ...hcsshim.MappedVirtualDisk) (err error) {
   301  	if len(mvds) == 0 {
   302  		return fmt.Errorf("createUnionMount: error must have at least 1 layer")
   303  	}
   305  	if err = svm.getStartError(); err != nil {
   306  		return err
   307  	}
   309  	svm.Lock()
   310  	defer svm.Unlock()
   311  	if _, ok := svm.unionMounts[mountName]; ok {
   312  		svm.unionMounts[mountName]++
   313  		return nil
   314  	}
   316  	var lowerLayers []string
   317  	if mvds[0].ReadOnly {
   318  		lowerLayers = append(lowerLayers, svm.getShortContainerPath(&mvds[0]))
   319  	}
   321  	for i := 1; i < len(mvds); i++ {
   322  		lowerLayers = append(lowerLayers, svm.getShortContainerPath(&mvds[i]))
   323  	}
   325  	logrus.Debugf("Doing the overlay mount with union directory=%s", mountName)
   326  	errOut := &bytes.Buffer{}
   327  	if err = svm.runProcess(fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s", mountName), nil, nil, errOut); err != nil {
   328  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "mkdir -p %s failed (%s)", mountName, errOut.String())
   329  	}
   331  	var cmd string
   332  	if len(mvds) == 1 {
   333  		// `FROM SCRATCH` case and the only layer. No overlay required.
   334  		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("mount %s %s", svm.getShortContainerPath(&mvds[0]), mountName)
   335  	} else if mvds[0].ReadOnly {
   336  		// Readonly overlay
   337  		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("mount -t overlay overlay -olowerdir=%s %s",
   338  			strings.Join(lowerLayers, ","),
   339  			mountName)
   340  	} else {
   341  		upper := fmt.Sprintf("%s/upper", svm.getShortContainerPath(&mvds[0]))
   342  		work := fmt.Sprintf("%s/work", svm.getShortContainerPath(&mvds[0]))
   344  		errOut := &bytes.Buffer{}
   345  		if err = svm.runProcess(fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s %s", upper, work), nil, nil, errOut); err != nil {
   346  			return errors.Wrapf(err, "mkdir -p %s failed (%s)", mountName, errOut.String())
   347  		}
   349  		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("mount -t overlay overlay -olowerdir=%s,upperdir=%s,workdir=%s %s",
   350  			strings.Join(lowerLayers, ":"),
   351  			upper,
   352  			work,
   353  			mountName)
   354  	}
   356  	logrus.Debugf("createUnionMount: Executing mount=%s", cmd)
   357  	errOut = &bytes.Buffer{}
   358  	if err = svm.runProcess(cmd, nil, nil, errOut); err != nil {
   359  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "%s failed (%s)", cmd, errOut.String())
   360  	}
   362  	svm.unionMounts[mountName] = 1
   363  	return nil
   364  }
   366  func (svm *serviceVM) deleteUnionMount(mountName string, disks ...hcsshim.MappedVirtualDisk) error {
   367  	if err := svm.getStartError(); err != nil {
   368  		return err
   369  	}
   371  	svm.Lock()
   372  	defer svm.Unlock()
   373  	if _, ok := svm.unionMounts[mountName]; !ok {
   374  		return nil
   375  	}
   377  	if svm.unionMounts[mountName] > 1 {
   378  		svm.unionMounts[mountName]--
   379  		return nil
   380  	}
   382  	logrus.Debugf("Removing union mount %s", mountName)
   383  	if err := svm.runProcess(fmt.Sprintf("umount %s", mountName), nil, nil, nil); err != nil {
   384  		return err
   385  	}
   387  	delete(svm.unionMounts, mountName)
   388  	return nil
   389  }
   391  func (svm *serviceVM) runProcess(command string, stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer) error {
   392  	var process hcsshim.Process
   393  	var err error
   394  	errOut := &bytes.Buffer{}
   396  	if stderr != nil {
   397  		process, err = svm.config.RunProcess(command, stdin, stdout, stderr)
   398  	} else {
   399  		process, err = svm.config.RunProcess(command, stdin, stdout, errOut)
   400  	}
   401  	if err != nil {
   402  		return err
   403  	}
   404  	defer process.Close()
   406  	process.WaitTimeout(time.Duration(int(time.Second) * svm.config.UvmTimeoutSeconds))
   407  	exitCode, err := process.ExitCode()
   408  	if err != nil {
   409  		return err
   410  	}
   412  	if exitCode != 0 {
   413  		// If the caller isn't explicitly capturing stderr output, then capture it here instead.
   414  		e := fmt.Sprintf("svm.runProcess: command %s failed with exit code %d", command, exitCode)
   415  		if stderr == nil {
   416  			e = fmt.Sprintf("%s. (%s)", e, errOut.String())
   417  		}
   418  		return fmt.Errorf(e)
   419  	}
   420  	return nil
   421  }