(about) 1 // Copyright 2022 Dolthub, Inc. 2 // 3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 // limitations under the License. 14 15 package queries 16 17 import ( 18 "" 19 20 "" 21 "" 22 ) 23 24 var InfoSchemaQueries = []QueryTest{ 25 { 26 Query: "SHOW PLUGINS", 27 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 28 }, 29 { 30 Query: "SHOW KEYS FROM `columns` FROM `information_schema`;", 31 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 32 }, 33 { 34 Query: `SELECT 35 table_name, index_name, comment, non_unique, GROUP_CONCAT(column_name ORDER BY seq_in_index) AS COLUMNS 36 FROM information_schema.statistics 37 WHERE table_schema='mydb' AND table_name='mytable' AND index_name!="PRIMARY" 38 GROUP BY index_name;`, 39 ExpectedColumns: sql.Schema{ 40 { 41 Name: "TABLE_NAME", 42 Type: types.MustCreateString(sqltypes.VarChar, 64, sql.Collation_Information_Schema_Default), 43 }, 44 { 45 Name: "INDEX_NAME", 46 Type: types.MustCreateString(sqltypes.VarChar, 64, sql.Collation_Information_Schema_Default), 47 }, 48 { 49 Name: "COMMENT", 50 Type: types.MustCreateString(sqltypes.VarChar, 8, sql.Collation_Information_Schema_Default), 51 }, 52 { 53 Name: "NON_UNIQUE", 54 Type: types.Int32, 55 }, 56 { 57 Name: "COLUMNS", 58 Type: types.Text, 59 }, 60 }, 61 Expected: []sql.Row{ 62 {"mytable", "idx_si", "", 1, "s,i"}, 63 {"mytable", "mytable_i_s", "", 1, "i,s"}, 64 {"mytable", "mytable_s", "", 0, "s"}, 65 }, 66 }, 67 { 68 Query: `select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'mytable' limit 1;`, 69 ExpectedColumns: sql.Schema{ 70 { 71 Name: "TABLE_NAME", 72 Type: types.MustCreateString(sqltypes.VarChar, 64, sql.Collation_Information_Schema_Default), 73 }, 74 }, 75 Expected: []sql.Row{{"mytable"}}, 76 }, 77 { 78 Query: `select table_catalog, table_schema, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'mytable' limit 1;`, 79 ExpectedColumns: sql.Schema{ 80 {Name: "TABLE_CATALOG", Type: types.MustCreateString(sqltypes.VarChar, 64, sql.Collation_Information_Schema_Default)}, 81 {Name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", Type: types.MustCreateString(sqltypes.VarChar, 64, sql.Collation_Information_Schema_Default)}, 82 {Name: "TABLE_NAME", Type: types.MustCreateString(sqltypes.VarChar, 64, sql.Collation_Information_Schema_Default)}, 83 }, 84 Expected: []sql.Row{{"def", "mydb", "mytable"}}, 85 }, 86 { 87 Query: `select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'information_schema' order by table_name;`, 88 Expected: []sql.Row{ 89 {"administrable_role_authorizations"}, 90 {"applicable_roles"}, 91 {"character_sets"}, 92 {"check_constraints"}, 93 {"collations"}, 94 {"collation_character_set_applicability"}, 95 {"columns"}, 96 {"columns_extensions"}, 97 {"column_privileges"}, 98 {"column_statistics"}, 99 {"enabled_roles"}, 100 {"engines"}, 101 {"events"}, 102 {"files"}, 103 {"innodb_buffer_page"}, 104 {"innodb_buffer_page_lru"}, 105 {"innodb_buffer_pool_stats"}, 106 {"innodb_cached_indexes"}, 107 {"innodb_cmp"}, 108 {"innodb_cmpmem"}, 109 {"innodb_cmpmem_reset"}, 110 {"innodb_cmp_per_index"}, 111 {"innodb_cmp_per_index_reset"}, 112 {"innodb_cmp_reset"}, 113 {"innodb_columns"}, 114 {"innodb_datafiles"}, 115 {"innodb_fields"}, 116 {"innodb_foreign"}, 117 {"innodb_foreign_cols"}, 118 {"innodb_ft_being_deleted"}, 119 {"innodb_ft_config"}, 120 {"innodb_ft_default_stopword"}, 121 {"innodb_ft_deleted"}, 122 {"innodb_ft_index_cache"}, 123 {"innodb_ft_index_table"}, 124 {"innodb_indexes"}, 125 {"innodb_metrics"}, 126 {"innodb_session_temp_tablespaces"}, 127 {"innodb_tables"}, 128 {"innodb_tablespaces"}, 129 {"innodb_tablespaces_brief"}, 130 {"innodb_tablestats"}, 131 {"innodb_temp_table_info"}, 132 {"innodb_trx"}, 133 {"innodb_virtual"}, 134 {"keywords"}, 135 {"key_column_usage"}, 136 {"optimizer_trace"}, 137 {"parameters"}, 138 {"partitions"}, 139 {"plugins"}, 140 {"processlist"}, 141 {"profiling"}, 142 {"referential_constraints"}, 143 {"resource_groups"}, 144 {"role_column_grants"}, 145 {"role_routine_grants"}, 146 {"role_table_grants"}, 147 {"routines"}, 148 {"schemata"}, 149 {"schemata_extensions"}, 150 {"schema_privileges"}, 151 {"statistics"}, 152 {"st_geometry_columns"}, 153 {"st_spatial_reference_systems"}, 154 {"st_units_of_measure"}, 155 {"tables"}, 156 {"tablespaces"}, 157 {"tablespaces_extensions"}, 158 {"tables_extensions"}, 159 {"table_constraints"}, 160 {"table_constraints_extensions"}, 161 {"table_privileges"}, 162 {"triggers"}, 163 {"user_attributes"}, 164 {"user_privileges"}, 165 {"views"}, 166 {"view_routine_usage"}, 167 {"view_table_usage"}, 168 }, 169 }, 170 { 171 Query: "SHOW TABLES", 172 Expected: []sql.Row{ 173 {"myview"}, 174 {"fk_tbl"}, 175 {"mytable"}, 176 }, 177 }, 178 { 179 Query: "SHOW FULL TABLES", 180 Expected: []sql.Row{ 181 {"fk_tbl", "BASE TABLE"}, 182 {"myview", "VIEW"}, 183 {"mytable", "BASE TABLE"}, 184 }, 185 }, 186 { 187 Query: "SHOW TABLES FROM foo", 188 Expected: []sql.Row{ 189 {"othertable"}, 190 }, 191 }, 192 { 193 Query: "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%table'", 194 Expected: []sql.Row{ 195 {"mytable"}, 196 }, 197 }, 198 { 199 Query: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM mytable`, 200 Expected: []sql.Row{ 201 {"i", "bigint", "NO", "PRI", "NULL", ""}, 202 {"s", "varchar(20)", "NO", "UNI", "NULL", ""}, 203 }, 204 }, 205 { 206 Query: `DESCRIBE mytable`, 207 Expected: []sql.Row{ 208 {"i", "bigint", "NO", "PRI", "NULL", ""}, 209 {"s", "varchar(20)", "NO", "UNI", "NULL", ""}, 210 }, 211 }, 212 { 213 Query: `DESC mytable`, 214 Expected: []sql.Row{ 215 {"i", "bigint", "NO", "PRI", "NULL", ""}, 216 {"s", "varchar(20)", "NO", "UNI", "NULL", ""}, 217 }, 218 }, 219 { 220 Query: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM mytable WHERE Field = 'i'`, 221 Expected: []sql.Row{ 222 {"i", "bigint", "NO", "PRI", "NULL", ""}, 223 }, 224 }, 225 { 226 Query: `SHOW COLUMNS FROM mytable LIKE 'i'`, 227 Expected: []sql.Row{ 228 {"i", "bigint", "NO", "PRI", "NULL", ""}, 229 }, 230 }, 231 { 232 Query: `SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM mytable`, 233 Expected: []sql.Row{ 234 {"i", "bigint", nil, "NO", "PRI", "NULL", "", "", ""}, 235 {"s", "varchar(20)", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "NO", "UNI", "NULL", "", "", "column s"}, 236 }, 237 }, 238 { 239 Query: "SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_mydb` = 'mytable'", 240 Expected: []sql.Row{ 241 {"mytable"}, 242 }, 243 }, 244 { 245 Query: ` 246 SELECT 247 LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME, FILE_NAME, TOTAL_EXTENTS, INITIAL_SIZE, ENGINE, EXTRA 248 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES 249 WHERE FILE_TYPE = 'UNDO LOG' 250 AND FILE_NAME IS NOT NULL 251 AND LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME IS NOT NULL 252 GROUP BY LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME, FILE_NAME, ENGINE, TOTAL_EXTENTS, INITIAL_SIZE 253 ORDER BY LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME 254 `, 255 Expected: nil, 256 }, 257 { 258 Query: ` 259 SELECT DISTINCT 260 TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_NAME, LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME, EXTENT_SIZE, INITIAL_SIZE, ENGINE 261 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES 262 WHERE FILE_TYPE = 'DATAFILE' 263 ORDER BY TABLESPACE_NAME, LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME 264 `, 265 Expected: nil, 266 }, 267 { 268 Query: ` 269 SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES 270 WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='mydb' AND (TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' OR TABLE_TYPE='VIEW') 271 ORDER BY 1 272 `, 273 Expected: []sql.Row{ 274 {"fk_tbl"}, 275 {"mytable"}, 276 {"myview"}, 277 }, 278 }, 279 { 280 Query: ` 281 SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE FROM information_schema.COLUMNS 282 WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='mydb' AND TABLE_NAME='mytable' 283 `, 284 Expected: []sql.Row{ 285 {"s", "varchar"}, 286 {"i", "bigint"}, 287 }, 288 }, 289 { 290 Query: ` 291 SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.COLUMNS 292 WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%table' 293 GROUP BY COLUMN_NAME 294 `, 295 Expected: []sql.Row{ 296 {"s"}, 297 {"i"}, 298 }, 299 }, 300 { 301 Query: ` 302 SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.COLUMNS 303 WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%table' 304 GROUP BY 1 305 `, 306 Expected: []sql.Row{ 307 {"s"}, 308 {"i"}, 309 }, 310 }, 311 { 312 Query: ` 313 SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.COLUMNS 314 WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%table' 315 GROUP BY 1 316 `, 317 Expected: []sql.Row{ 318 {"s"}, 319 {"i"}, 320 }, 321 }, 322 { 323 Query: `SHOW INDEXES FROM mytaBLE`, 324 Expected: []sql.Row{ 325 {"mytable", 0, "PRIMARY", 1, "i", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 326 {"mytable", 0, "mytable_s", 1, "s", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 327 {"mytable", 1, "mytable_i_s", 1, "i", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 328 {"mytable", 1, "mytable_i_s", 2, "s", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 329 {"mytable", 1, "idx_si", 1, "s", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 330 {"mytable", 1, "idx_si", 2, "i", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 331 }, 332 }, 333 { 334 Query: `SHOW KEYS FROM mytaBLE`, 335 Expected: []sql.Row{ 336 {"mytable", 0, "PRIMARY", 1, "i", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 337 {"mytable", 0, "mytable_s", 1, "s", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 338 {"mytable", 1, "mytable_i_s", 1, "i", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 339 {"mytable", 1, "mytable_i_s", 2, "s", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 340 {"mytable", 1, "idx_si", 1, "s", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 341 {"mytable", 1, "idx_si", 2, "i", nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 342 }, 343 }, 344 { 345 Query: `SHOW CREATE TABLE mytaBLE`, 346 Expected: []sql.Row{ 347 {"mytable", "CREATE TABLE `mytable` (\n" + 348 " `i` bigint NOT NULL,\n" + 349 " `s` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'column s',\n" + 350 " PRIMARY KEY (`i`),\n" + 351 " KEY `idx_si` (`s`,`i`),\n" + 352 " KEY `mytable_i_s` (`i`,`s`),\n" + 353 " UNIQUE KEY `mytable_s` (`s`)\n" + 354 ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 355 }, 356 }, 357 { 358 Query: `SHOW CREATE TABLE fk_TBL`, 359 Expected: []sql.Row{ 360 {"fk_tbl", "CREATE TABLE `fk_tbl` (\n" + 361 " `pk` bigint NOT NULL,\n" + 362 " `a` bigint,\n" + 363 " `b` varchar(20),\n" + 364 " PRIMARY KEY (`pk`),\n" + 365 " KEY `ab` (`a`,`b`),\n" + 366 " CONSTRAINT `fk1` FOREIGN KEY (`a`,`b`) REFERENCES `mytable` (`i`,`s`) ON DELETE CASCADE\n" + 367 ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 368 }, 369 }, 370 { 371 372 Query: "SELECT table_name, `auto_increment` FROM information_schema.tables " + 373 "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='mydb' AND TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' ORDER BY 1", 374 Expected: []sql.Row{ 375 {"fk_tbl", nil}, 376 {"mytable", nil}, 377 }, 378 }, 379 { 380 Query: "SHOW ENGINES", 381 Expected: []sql.Row{ 382 {"InnoDB", "DEFAULT", "Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys", "YES", "YES", "YES"}, 383 }, 384 }, 385 { 386 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_constraints ORDER BY table_name, constraint_type;", 387 Expected: []sql.Row{ 388 {"def", "mydb", "fk1", "mydb", "fk_tbl", "FOREIGN KEY", "YES"}, 389 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "mydb", "fk_tbl", "PRIMARY KEY", "YES"}, 390 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "mydb", "mytable", "PRIMARY KEY", "YES"}, 391 {"def", "mydb", "mytable_s", "mydb", "mytable", "UNIQUE", "YES"}, 392 {"def", "foo", "PRIMARY", "foo", "othertable", "PRIMARY KEY", "YES"}, 393 }, 394 }, 395 { 396 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.check_constraints ORDER BY constraint_schema, constraint_name, check_clause ", 397 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 398 }, 399 { 400 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.key_column_usage ORDER BY constraint_schema, table_name", 401 Expected: []sql.Row{ 402 {"def", "foo", "PRIMARY", "def", "foo", "othertable", "text", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 403 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "def", "mydb", "fk_tbl", "pk", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 404 {"def", "mydb", "fk1", "def", "mydb", "fk_tbl", "a", 1, 1, "mydb", "mytable", "i"}, 405 {"def", "mydb", "fk1", "def", "mydb", "fk_tbl", "b", 2, 2, "mydb", "mytable", "s"}, 406 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "def", "mydb", "mytable", "i", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 407 {"def", "mydb", "mytable_s", "def", "mydb", "mytable", "s", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 408 }, 409 }, 410 { 411 Query: ` 412 select CONCAT(tbl.table_schema, '.', tbl.table_name) as the_table, 413 col.column_name, GROUP_CONCAT(kcu.column_name SEPARATOR ',') as pk 414 from information_schema.tables as tbl 415 join information_schema.columns as col 416 on tbl.table_name = col.table_name 417 join information_schema.key_column_usage as kcu 418 on tbl.table_name = kcu.table_name 419 join information_schema.table_constraints as tc 420 on kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name 421 where tbl.table_schema = 'mydb' and 422 tbl.table_name = kcu.table_name and 423 tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and 424 col.column_name like 'pk%' 425 group by the_table, col.column_name 426 `, 427 Expected: []sql.Row{ 428 {"mydb.fk_tbl", "pk", "pk,pk,pk"}, 429 }, 430 }, 431 { 432 Query: `SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.COLLATIONS`, 433 Expected: []sql.Row{{286}}, 434 }, 435 { 436 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLLATIONS ORDER BY collation_name LIMIT 4`, 437 Expected: []sql.Row{ 438 {"armscii8_bin", "armscii8", uint64(64), "", "Yes", uint32(1), "PAD SPACE"}, 439 {"armscii8_general_ci", "armscii8", uint64(32), "Yes", "Yes", uint32(1), "PAD SPACE"}, 440 {"ascii_bin", "ascii", uint64(65), "", "Yes", uint32(1), "PAD SPACE"}, 441 {"ascii_general_ci", "ascii", uint64(11), "Yes", "Yes", uint32(1), "PAD SPACE"}, 442 }, 443 }, 444 { 445 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY ORDER BY collation_name LIMIT 4 `, 446 Expected: []sql.Row{ 447 {"armscii8_bin", "armscii8"}, 448 {"armscii8_general_ci", "armscii8"}, 449 {"ascii_bin", "ascii"}, 450 {"ascii_general_ci", "ascii"}, 451 }, 452 }, 453 { 454 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.ENGINES ORDER BY engine`, 455 Expected: []sql.Row{ 456 {"InnoDB", "DEFAULT", "Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys", "YES", "YES", "YES"}, 457 }, 458 }, 459 { 460 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.administrable_role_authorizations`, 461 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 462 }, 463 { 464 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.applicable_roles`, 465 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 466 }, 467 { 468 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.column_privileges`, 469 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 470 }, 471 { 472 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.optimizer_trace`, 473 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 474 }, 475 { 476 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.partitions", 477 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 478 }, 479 { 480 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.plugins`, 481 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 482 }, 483 { 484 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.profiling`, 485 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 486 }, 487 { 488 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.resource_groups`, 489 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 490 }, 491 { 492 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_column_grants`, 493 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 494 }, 495 { 496 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_routine_grants`, 497 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 498 }, 499 { 500 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.tablespaces`, 501 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 502 }, 503 { 504 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.tablespaces_extensions`, 505 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 506 }, 507 { 508 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.view_routine_usage`, 509 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 510 }, 511 { 512 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.view_table_usage`, 513 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 514 }, 515 { 516 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_buffer_page`, 517 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 518 }, 519 { 520 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_buffer_page_lru`, 521 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 522 }, 523 { 524 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_buffer_pool_stats`, 525 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 526 }, 527 { 528 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_cached_indexes`, 529 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 530 }, 531 { 532 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_cmp`, 533 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 534 }, 535 { 536 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_cmp_reset`, 537 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 538 }, 539 { 540 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_cmpmem`, 541 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 542 }, 543 { 544 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_cmpmem_reset`, 545 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 546 }, 547 { 548 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index`, 549 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 550 }, 551 { 552 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index_reset`, 553 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 554 }, 555 { 556 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_columns`, 557 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 558 }, 559 { 560 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_datafiles`, 561 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 562 }, 563 { 564 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_fields`, 565 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 566 }, 567 { 568 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_foreign`, 569 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 570 }, 571 { 572 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_foreign_cols`, 573 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 574 }, 575 { 576 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_ft_being_deleted`, 577 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 578 }, 579 { 580 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_ft_config`, 581 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 582 }, 583 { 584 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_ft_default_stopword`, 585 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 586 }, 587 { 588 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_ft_deleted`, 589 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 590 }, 591 { 592 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_ft_index_cache`, 593 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 594 }, 595 { 596 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_ft_index_table`, 597 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 598 }, 599 { 600 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_indexes`, 601 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 602 }, 603 { 604 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_metrics`, 605 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 606 }, 607 { 608 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_session_temp_tablespaces`, 609 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 610 }, 611 { 612 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_tables`, 613 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 614 }, 615 { 616 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_tablespaces`, 617 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 618 }, 619 { 620 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_tablespaces_brief`, 621 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 622 }, 623 { 624 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_tablestats`, 625 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 626 }, 627 { 628 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_temp_table_info`, 629 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 630 }, 631 { 632 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_trx`, 633 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 634 }, 635 { 636 Query: `SELECT * from information_schema.innodb_virtual`, 637 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 638 }, 639 { 640 Query: `SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, SEQ_IN_INDEX, 'PRIMARY' AS PK_NAME 641 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mydb' AND INDEX_NAME='PRIMARY' ORDER BY TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, SEQ_IN_INDEX;`, 642 Expected: []sql.Row{ 643 {"mydb", "fk_tbl", "pk", 1, "PRIMARY"}, 644 {"mydb", "mytable", "i", 1, "PRIMARY"}, 645 }, 646 }, 647 { 648 Query: "select * from information_schema.character_sets;", 649 Expected: []sql.Row{{"utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci", "UTF-8 Unicode", uint32(4)}}, 650 }, 651 { 652 Query: `show columns from fk_tbl from mydb`, 653 Expected: []sql.Row{ 654 {"pk", "bigint", "NO", "PRI", "NULL", ""}, 655 {"a", "bigint", "YES", "MUL", "NULL", ""}, 656 {"b", "varchar(20)", "YES", "", "NULL", ""}, 657 }, 658 }, 659 { 660 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.referential_constraints where CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = 'mydb'", 661 Expected: []sql.Row{ 662 {"def", "mydb", "fk1", "def", "mydb", nil, "NONE", "NO ACTION", "CASCADE", "fk_tbl", "mytable"}, 663 }, 664 }, 665 { 666 Query: "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.keywords", 667 Expected: []sql.Row{{747}}, 668 }, 669 { 670 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.st_spatial_reference_systems order by srs_id desc limit 10", 671 Expected: []sql.Row{ 672 {`WGS 84 / TM 36 SE`, uint32(32766), `EPSG`, uint32(32766), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / TM 36 SE",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",36,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32766"]]`, nil}, 673 {`WGS 84 / UPS South (N,E)`, uint32(32761), `EPSG`, uint32(32761), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UPS South (N,E)",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Polar Stereographic (variant A)",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9810"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",-90,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.994,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",2000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",2000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["N",NORTH],AXIS["E",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32761"]]`, nil}, 674 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 60S`, uint32(32760), `EPSG`, uint32(32760), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 60S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",177,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32760"]]`, nil}, 675 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 59S`, uint32(32759), `EPSG`, uint32(32759), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 59S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",171,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32759"]]`, nil}, 676 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 58S`, uint32(32758), `EPSG`, uint32(32758), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 58S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",165,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32758"]]`, nil}, 677 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 57S`, uint32(32757), `EPSG`, uint32(32757), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 57S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",159,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32757"]]`, nil}, 678 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 56S`, uint32(32756), `EPSG`, uint32(32756), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 56S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",153,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32756"]]`, nil}, 679 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 55S`, uint32(32755), `EPSG`, uint32(32755), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 55S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",147,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32755"]]`, nil}, 680 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 54S`, uint32(32754), `EPSG`, uint32(32754), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 54S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",141,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32754"]]`, nil}, 681 {`WGS 84 / UTM zone 53S`, uint32(32753), `EPSG`, uint32(32753), `PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 53S",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.017453292519943278,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Lat",NORTH],AXIS["Lon",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse Mercator",AUTHORITY["EPSG","9807"]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8801"]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",135,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8802"]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8805"]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8806"]],PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8807"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["E",EAST],AXIS["N",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32753"]]`, nil}, 682 }, 683 }, 684 { 685 Query: "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.st_units_of_measure", 686 Expected: []sql.Row{{47}}, 687 }, 688 { 689 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.schemata_extensions", 690 Expected: []sql.Row{{"def", "information_schema", ""}, {"def", "foo", ""}, {"def", "mydb", ""}}, 691 }, 692 { 693 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns_extensions where table_name = 'mytable'`, 694 Expected: []sql.Row{{"def", "mydb", "mytable", "i", nil, nil}, {"def", "mydb", "mytable", "s", nil, nil}}, 695 }, 696 { 697 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_constraints_extensions where table_name = 'fk_tbl'`, 698 Expected: []sql.Row{{"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "fk_tbl", nil, nil}, {"def", "mydb", "ab", "fk_tbl", nil, nil}}, 699 }, 700 { 701 Query: `SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables_extensions where table_name = 'mytable'`, 702 Expected: []sql.Row{{"def", "mydb", "mytable", nil, nil}}, 703 }, 704 { 705 Query: "SELECT table_rows FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_name='mytable'", 706 Expected: []sql.Row{{uint64(3)}}, 707 }, 708 { 709 Query: "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema collate utf8_general_ci = 'information_schema' and table_name collate utf8_general_ci = 'parameters'", 710 Expected: []sql.Row{{"parameters"}}, 711 }, 712 } 713 714 var SkippedInfoSchemaQueries = []QueryTest{ 715 { 716 // TODO: this query works in MySQL, but getting `Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb3_general_ci) and (utf8mb4_0900_bin)` error 717 Query: ` 718 SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.COLUMNS 719 WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%table' 720 GROUP BY 1 HAVING SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, 1, 1) = "s" 721 `, 722 Expected: []sql.Row{{"s"}}, 723 }, 724 } 725 726 var InfoSchemaScripts = []ScriptTest{ 727 { 728 Name: "foreign key that references dropped table", 729 SetUpScript: []string{ 730 "create table parent(a int primary key, b int);", 731 "create table child(c int primary key);", 732 "alter table child add foreign key (c) references parent(a);", 733 }, 734 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 735 { 736 Query: "select UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME from information_schema.referential_constraints where TABLE_NAME = 'child' and REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'parent';", 737 Expected: []sql.Row{{"PRIMARY"}}, 738 }, 739 { 740 Query: "select REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.key_column_usage where TABLE_NAME = 'child' and REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'parent';", 741 Expected: []sql.Row{{"a"}}, 742 }, 743 { 744 Query: "set foreign_key_checks=0;", 745 }, 746 { 747 Query: "drop table parent;", 748 }, 749 { 750 Query: "insert into child values (1), (2);", 751 Expected: []sql.Row{{types.OkResult{RowsAffected: 2}}}, 752 }, 753 { 754 Query: "select * from child;", 755 Expected: []sql.Row{{1}, {2}}, 756 }, 757 { 758 Query: "delete from child;", 759 Expected: []sql.Row{{types.OkResult{RowsAffected: 2}}}, 760 }, 761 { 762 Query: "select * from child;", 763 Expected: []sql.Row{}, 764 }, 765 { 766 Query: "set foreign_key_checks=1;", 767 }, 768 { 769 Query: "insert into child values (1), (2);", 770 ExpectedErr: sql.ErrForeignKeyNotResolved, 771 }, 772 { 773 Query: "select UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME from information_schema.referential_constraints where TABLE_NAME = 'child' and REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'parent';", 774 Expected: []sql.Row{{nil}}, 775 }, 776 { 777 Query: "select REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.key_column_usage where TABLE_NAME = 'child' and REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'parent';", 778 Expected: []sql.Row{{"a"}}, 779 }, 780 }, 781 }, 782 { 783 Name: "query does not use optimization rule on LIKE clause because info_schema db charset is utf8mb3", 784 SetUpScript: []string{ 785 "CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, condition_choose varchar(10));", 786 }, 787 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 788 { 789 Query: "select column_name from information_schema.columns where column_name like 'condition%';", 790 Expected: []sql.Row{{"condition_choose"}}, 791 }, 792 { 793 Query: "select column_name from information_schema.columns where column_name like '%condition%';", 794 Expected: []sql.Row{{"ACTION_CONDITION"}, {"condition_choose"}}, 795 }, 796 }, 797 }, 798 { 799 Name: "test databases created with non default collation and charset", 800 SetUpScript: []string{ 801 "CREATE DATABASE test_db CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_bin;", 802 "USE test_db", 803 "CREATE TABLE small_table (a binary, b VARCHAR(50));", 804 "CREATE TABLE test_table (id INT PRIMARY KEY, col1 TEXT, col2 CHAR(20) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german1_ci) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_bin;", 805 }, 806 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 807 { 808 Query: "SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, character_set_name, collation_name, column_type FROM information_schema.columns where table_schema = 'test_db' order by column_name", 809 Expected: []sql.Row{ 810 {"test_db", "small_table", "a", nil, nil, "binary(1)"}, 811 {"test_db", "small_table", "b", "utf8mb3", "utf8mb3_bin", "varchar(50)"}, 812 {"test_db", "test_table", "col1", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "text"}, 813 {"test_db", "test_table", "col2", "latin1", "latin1_german1_ci", "char(20)"}, 814 {"test_db", "test_table", "id", nil, nil, "int"}, 815 }, 816 }, 817 }, 818 }, 819 { 820 Name: "information_schema.table_constraints ignores non-unique indexes", 821 SetUpScript: []string{ 822 "CREATE TABLE t (pk int primary key, test_score int, height int)", 823 "CREATE INDEX myindex on t(test_score)", 824 }, 825 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 826 { 827 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_constraints where table_name='t' ORDER BY constraint_type,constraint_name", 828 Expected: []sql.Row{ 829 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "mydb", "t", "PRIMARY KEY", "YES"}, 830 }, 831 }, 832 }, 833 }, 834 { 835 Name: "information_schema.key_column_usage ignores non-unique indexes", 836 SetUpScript: []string{ 837 "CREATE TABLE t (pk int primary key, test_score int, height int)", 838 "CREATE INDEX myindex on t(test_score)", 839 }, 840 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 841 { 842 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.key_column_usage where table_name='t'", 843 Expected: []sql.Row{ 844 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "def", "mydb", "t", "pk", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 845 }, 846 }, 847 }, 848 }, 849 { 850 Name: "information_schema.key_column_usage works with composite foreign and primary keys", 851 SetUpScript: []string{ 852 "CREATE TABLE ptable (pk int primary key, test_score int, height int)", 853 "CREATE INDEX myindex on ptable(test_score, height)", 854 "CREATE TABLE ptable2 (pk int primary key, test_score2 int, height2 int, CONSTRAINT fkr FOREIGN KEY (test_score2, height2) REFERENCES ptable(test_score,height));", 855 856 "CREATE TABLE atable (pk int, test_score int, height int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, test_score))", 857 }, 858 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 859 { 860 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.key_column_usage where table_name='ptable2' ORDER BY constraint_name", 861 Expected: []sql.Row{ 862 {"def", "mydb", "fkr", "def", "mydb", "ptable2", "test_score2", 1, 1, "mydb", "ptable", "test_score"}, 863 {"def", "mydb", "fkr", "def", "mydb", "ptable2", "height2", 2, 2, "mydb", "ptable", "height"}, 864 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "def", "mydb", "ptable2", "pk", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 865 }, 866 }, 867 { 868 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.key_column_usage where table_name='atable' ORDER BY constraint_name", 869 Expected: []sql.Row{ 870 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "def", "mydb", "atable", "pk", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 871 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "def", "mydb", "atable", "test_score", 2, nil, nil, nil, nil}, 872 }, 873 }, 874 }, 875 }, 876 { 877 Name: "information_schema.referential_constraints works with primary, non-unique and unique keys", 878 SetUpScript: []string{ 879 "CREATE TABLE my_table (i int primary key, height int, weight int)", 880 "CREATE INDEX h on my_TABLE(height)", 881 "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX w on my_TABLE(weight)", 882 "CREATE TABLE ref_table (a int primary key, height int, weight int)", 883 "alter table ref_table add constraint fk_across_dbs_ref_pk foreign key (a) references my_table(i)", 884 "alter table ref_table add constraint fk_across_dbs_key foreign key (a) references my_table(height)", 885 "alter table ref_table add constraint fk_across_dbs_unique foreign key (a) references my_table(weight)", 886 }, 887 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 888 { 889 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.referential_constraints where constraint_schema = 'mydb' and table_name = 'ref_table'", 890 Expected: []sql.Row{ 891 {"def", "mydb", "fk_across_dbs_ref_pk", "def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "NONE", "NO ACTION", "NO ACTION", "ref_table", "my_table"}, 892 {"def", "mydb", "fk_across_dbs_key", "def", "mydb", nil, "NONE", "NO ACTION", "NO ACTION", "ref_table", "my_table"}, 893 {"def", "mydb", "fk_across_dbs_unique", "def", "mydb", "w", "NONE", "NO ACTION", "NO ACTION", "ref_table", "my_table"}, 894 }, 895 }, 896 }, 897 }, 898 { 899 Name: "information_schema.triggers create trigger definer defined", 900 SetUpScript: []string{ 901 "CREATE TABLE aa (x INT PRIMARY KEY, y INT)", 902 "CREATE DEFINER=`dolt`@`localhost` TRIGGER trigger1 BEFORE INSERT ON aa FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.x = NEW.x + 1", 903 "CREATE TRIGGER trigger2 BEFORE INSERT ON aa FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.y = NEW.y + 2", 904 }, 905 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 906 { 907 Query: "SELECT trigger_name, event_object_table, definer FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TRIGGERS WHERE trigger_name = 'trigger1'", 908 Expected: []sql.Row{ 909 {"trigger1", "aa", "dolt@localhost"}, 910 }, 911 }, 912 { 913 Query: `SELECT trigger_catalog, trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_manipulation, event_object_catalog, 914 event_object_schema, event_object_table, action_order, action_condition, action_statement, action_orientation, action_timing, 915 action_reference_old_table, action_reference_new_table, action_reference_old_row, action_reference_new_row, sql_mode, definer, 916 character_set_client, collation_connection, database_collation 917 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TRIGGERS WHERE trigger_schema = 'mydb'`, 918 Expected: []sql.Row{ 919 {"def", "mydb", "trigger1", "INSERT", "def", "mydb", "aa", 1, nil, "SET NEW.x = NEW.x + 1", "ROW", "BEFORE", nil, nil, "OLD", "NEW", 920 "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", "dolt@localhost", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 921 {"def", "mydb", "trigger2", "INSERT", "def", "mydb", "aa", 2, nil, "SET NEW.y = NEW.y + 2", "ROW", "BEFORE", nil, nil, "OLD", "NEW", 922 "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", "root@localhost", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 923 }, 924 }, 925 }, 926 }, 927 { 928 Name: "information_schema.statistics shows non unique index", 929 SetUpScript: []string{ 930 "CREATE TABLE t (pk int primary key, test_score int, height int)", 931 "CREATE INDEX myindex on t(test_score)", 932 "INSERT INTO t VALUES (2,23,25), (3,24,26)", 933 }, 934 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 935 { 936 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics where table_name='t'", 937 Expected: []sql.Row{ 938 {"def", "mydb", "t", 1, "mydb", "myindex", 1, "test_score", "A", 0, nil, nil, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 939 {"def", "mydb", "t", 0, "mydb", "PRIMARY", 1, "pk", "A", 0, nil, nil, "", "BTREE", "", "", "YES", nil}, 940 }, 941 }, 942 }, 943 }, 944 { 945 Name: "information_schema.columns shows default value", 946 SetUpScript: []string{ 947 "CREATE TABLE t (pk int primary key, fname varchar(20), lname varchar(20), height int)", 948 "ALTER TABLE t CHANGE fname fname varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''", 949 "ALTER TABLE t CHANGE lname lname varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ln'", 950 "ALTER TABLE t CHANGE height h int DEFAULT NULL", 951 }, 952 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 953 { 954 Query: "SELECT table_name, column_name, column_default, is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns where table_name='t' order by 1,2", 955 Expected: []sql.Row{ 956 {"t", "fname", "", "NO"}, 957 {"t", "h", nil, "YES"}, 958 {"t", "lname", "ln", "NO"}, 959 {"t", "pk", nil, "NO"}, 960 }, 961 }, 962 }, 963 }, 964 { 965 Name: "information_schema.columns shows default value with more types", 966 SetUpScript: []string{ 967 "CREATE TABLE test_table (pk int primary key, col2 float NOT NULL DEFAULT 4.5, col3 double NOT NULL DEFAULT 3.14159, col4 datetime NULL DEFAULT '2008-04-22 16:16:16', col5 boolean NULL DEFAULT FALSE)", 968 }, 969 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 970 { 971 Query: "SELECT table_name, column_name, column_default, is_nullable FROM information_schema.CoLuMnS where table_name='test_table'", 972 Expected: []sql.Row{ 973 {"test_table", "pk", nil, "NO"}, 974 {"test_table", "col2", "4.5", "NO"}, 975 {"test_table", "col3", "3.14159", "NO"}, 976 {"test_table", "col4", "2008-04-22 16:16:16", "YES"}, 977 {"test_table", "col5", "0", "YES"}, 978 }, 979 }, 980 }, 981 }, 982 { 983 Name: "information_schema.columns shows default value with more types", 984 SetUpScript: []string{ 985 "CREATE TABLE test_table (pk int primary key, col2 float DEFAULT (length('he`Llo')), col3 int DEFAULT (greatest(`pk`, 2)), col4 int DEFAULT (5 + 5), col5 datetime default NOW(), create_time timestamp(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(6));", 986 }, 987 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 988 { 989 Query: "SELECT table_name, column_name, column_default, is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns where table_name='test_table'", 990 Expected: []sql.Row{ 991 {"test_table", "pk", nil, "NO"}, 992 {"test_table", "col2", "length('he`Llo')", "YES"}, 993 {"test_table", "col3", "greatest(`pk`,2)", "YES"}, 994 {"test_table", "col4", "(5 + 5)", "YES"}, 995 {"test_table", "col5", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "YES"}, 996 {"test_table", "create_time", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6)", "NO"}, 997 }, 998 }, 999 }, 1000 }, 1001 { 1002 Name: "information_schema.columns correctly shows numeric precision and scale for a wide variety of types", 1003 SetUpScript: []string{ 1004 "CREATE TABLE `digits` (`c0` tinyint,`c1` tinyint unsigned,`c2` smallint,`c3` smallint unsigned,`c4` mediumint,`c5` mediumint unsigned,`c6` int,`c7` int unsigned,`c8` bigint,`c9` bigint unsigned,`c10` float,`c11` dec(5,2),`st` varchar(100))", 1005 }, 1006 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1007 { 1008 Query: "select column_name, numeric_precision, numeric_scale from information_schema.columns where table_name='digits' order by ordinal_position;", 1009 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1010 {"c0", 3, 0}, 1011 {"c1", 3, 0}, 1012 {"c2", 5, 0}, 1013 {"c3", 5, 0}, 1014 {"c4", 7, 0}, 1015 {"c5", 7, 0}, 1016 {"c6", 10, 0}, 1017 {"c7", 10, 0}, 1018 {"c8", 19, 0}, 1019 {"c9", 20, 0}, 1020 {"c10", 12, nil}, 1021 {"c11", 5, 2}, 1022 {"st", nil, nil}, 1023 }, 1024 }, 1025 }, 1026 }, 1027 { 1028 Name: "information_schema.routines", 1029 SetUpScript: []string{ 1030 "CREATE PROCEDURE p1() COMMENT 'hi' DETERMINISTIC SELECT 6", 1031 "CREATE definer=`user` PROCEDURE p2() SQL SECURITY INVOKER SELECT 7", 1032 "CREATE PROCEDURE p21() SQL SECURITY DEFINER SELECT 8", 1033 "USE foo", 1034 "CREATE PROCEDURE p12() COMMENT 'hello' DETERMINISTIC SELECT 6", 1035 }, 1036 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1037 { 1038 Query: "SELECT specific_name, routine_catalog, routine_schema, routine_name, routine_type, " + 1039 "data_type, character_maximum_length, character_octet_length, numeric_precision, numeric_scale, " + 1040 "datetime_precision, character_set_name, collation_name, dtd_identifier, " + 1041 "routine_body, external_name, external_language, parameter_style, is_deterministic, " + 1042 "sql_data_access, sql_path, security_type, sql_mode, routine_comment, definer, " + 1043 "character_set_client, collation_connection, database_collation FROM information_schema.routines order by routine_name", 1044 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1045 {"p1", "def", "mydb", "p1", "PROCEDURE", "", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "SQL", 1046 nil, "SQL", "SQL", "YES", "CONTAINS SQL", nil, "DEFINER", "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", 1047 "hi", "", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1048 {"p12", "def", "foo", "p12", "PROCEDURE", "", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "SQL", 1049 nil, "SQL", "SQL", "YES", "CONTAINS SQL", nil, "DEFINER", "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", 1050 "hello", "", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1051 {"p2", "def", "mydb", "p2", "PROCEDURE", "", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "SQL", 1052 nil, "SQL", "SQL", "NO", "CONTAINS SQL", nil, "INVOKER", "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", 1053 "", "user@%", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1054 {"p21", "def", "mydb", "p21", "PROCEDURE", "", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "SQL", 1055 nil, "SQL", "SQL", "NO", "CONTAINS SQL", nil, "DEFINER", "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", 1056 "", "", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1057 }, 1058 }, 1059 }, 1060 }, 1061 { 1062 Name: "information_schema.columns for view", 1063 SetUpScript: []string{ 1064 "USE foo", 1065 "drop table othertable", 1066 "CREATE TABLE t (i int)", 1067 "CREATE VIEW v as select * from t", 1068 }, 1069 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1070 { 1071 Query: "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = 'foo'", 1072 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1073 {"def", "foo", "t", "i", uint32(1), nil, "YES", "int", nil, nil, int64(10), int64(0), nil, nil, nil, "int", "", "", "insert,references,select,update", "", "", nil}, 1074 {"def", "foo", "v", "", uint32(0), nil, "", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", "", "select", "", "", nil}, 1075 }, 1076 }, 1077 }, 1078 }, 1079 { 1080 Name: "information_schema.columns with column key check for PRI and UNI", 1081 SetUpScript: []string{ 1082 "CREATE TABLE about (id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, uuid char(36) NOT NULL, " + 1083 "status varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'draft', date_created timestamp DEFAULT NULL, date_updated timestamp DEFAULT NULL, " + 1084 "url_key varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (uuid), UNIQUE KEY about_url_key_unique (url_key), UNIQUE KEY id (id))", 1085 }, 1086 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1087 { 1088 Query: "SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_TYPE, COLUMN_KEY, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, EXTRA FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'about'", 1089 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1090 {"about", "id", nil, "NO", "int unsigned", "UNI", nil, "auto_increment"}, 1091 {"about", "uuid", nil, "NO", "char(36)", "PRI", 36, ""}, 1092 {"about", "status", "draft", "NO", "varchar(255)", "", 255, ""}, 1093 {"about", "date_created", nil, "YES", "timestamp", "", nil, ""}, 1094 {"about", "date_updated", nil, "YES", "timestamp", "", nil, ""}, 1095 {"about", "url_key", nil, "NO", "varchar(255)", "UNI", 255, ""}, 1096 }, 1097 }, 1098 }, 1099 }, 1100 { 1101 Name: "information_schema.columns with column key check for MUL", 1102 SetUpScript: []string{ 1103 "create table new_table (id int, name varchar(30), cname varbinary(100));", 1104 "alter table new_table modify column id int NOT NULL, add key(id);", 1105 }, 1106 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1107 { 1108 Query: "SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, COLUMN_TYPE, COLUMN_KEY, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, EXTRA FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'new_table'", 1109 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1110 {"new_table", "id", "NO", "int", "int", "MUL", nil, ""}, 1111 {"new_table", "name", "YES", "varchar", "varchar(30)", "", 30, ""}, 1112 {"new_table", "cname", "YES", "varbinary", "varbinary(100)", "", 100, ""}, 1113 }, 1114 }, 1115 }, 1116 }, 1117 { 1118 Name: "information_schema.columns with column key check for MUL for only the first column of composite unique key", 1119 SetUpScript: []string{ 1120 "create table comp_uni (pk int not null, c0 int, c1 int, primary key (pk), unique key c0c1 (c0, c1));", 1121 }, 1122 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1123 { 1124 Query: "SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_TYPE, COLUMN_KEY FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'comp_uni'", 1125 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1126 {"comp_uni", "pk", "NO", "int", "PRI"}, 1127 {"comp_uni", "c0", "YES", "int", "MUL"}, 1128 {"comp_uni", "c1", "YES", "int", ""}, 1129 }, 1130 }, 1131 }, 1132 }, 1133 { 1134 Name: "information_schema.columns with column key UNI is displayed as PRI if it cannot contain NULL values and there is no PRIMARY KEY in the table", 1135 SetUpScript: []string{ 1136 "create table ptable (id int not null, id2 int not null, col1 bool, UNIQUE KEY unique_key (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_key2 (id2));", 1137 }, 1138 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1139 { 1140 Query: "SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, COLUMN_TYPE, COLUMN_KEY FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'ptable'", 1141 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1142 {"ptable", "id", "NO", "int", "int", "PRI"}, 1143 {"ptable", "id2", "NO", "int", "int", "UNI"}, 1144 {"ptable", "col1", "YES", "tinyint", "tinyint(1)", ""}, 1145 }, 1146 }, 1147 }, 1148 }, 1149 { 1150 Name: "information_schema.columns with srs_id defined in spatial columns", 1151 SetUpScript: []string{ 1152 "CREATE TABLE stable (geo GEOMETRY NOT NULL DEFAULT (POINT(2, 5)), line LINESTRING NOT NULL, pnt POINT SRID 4326, pol POLYGON NOT NULL SRID 0);", 1153 }, 1154 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1155 { 1156 Query: "SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, COLUMN_TYPE, COLUMN_KEY, SRS_ID FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'stable'", 1157 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1158 {"stable", "geo", "point(2,5)", "NO", "geometry", "geometry", "", nil}, 1159 {"stable", "line", nil, "NO", "linestring", "linestring", "", nil}, 1160 {"stable", "pnt", nil, "YES", "point", "point", "", uint32(4326)}, 1161 {"stable", "pol", nil, "NO", "polygon", "polygon", "", uint32(0)}, 1162 }, 1163 }, 1164 }, 1165 }, 1166 { 1167 Name: "column specific tests information_schema.statistics table", 1168 SetUpScript: []string{ 1169 `create table ptable (i int primary key, b blob, c char(10))`, 1170 `alter table ptable add unique index (c(3))`, 1171 `alter table ptable add unique index (b(4))`, 1172 `create index b_and_c on ptable (b(5), c(6))`, 1173 `insert into ptable values (0 , ('abc'), 'abc'), (1 , ('bcd'), 'bcdefg'), (2 , null, 'bceff')`, 1174 }, 1175 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1176 { 1177 Query: `select index_name, seq_in_index, column_name, sub_part from information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'mydb' and table_name = 'ptable' ORDER BY INDEX_NAME`, 1178 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1179 {"b", 1, "b", 4}, 1180 {"b_and_c", 1, "b", 5}, 1181 {"b_and_c", 2, "c", 6}, 1182 {"c", 1, "c", 3}, 1183 {"PRIMARY", 1, "i", nil}, 1184 }, 1185 }, 1186 { 1187 // TODO: cardinality not supported 1188 Skip: true, 1189 Query: `select index_name, seq_in_index, column_name, cardinality, sub_part from information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'mydb' and table_name = 'ptable' ORDER BY INDEX_NAME`, 1190 Expected: []sql.Row{{2}, {2}, {2}, {2}, {2}}, 1191 }, 1192 { 1193 Query: `SELECT seq_in_index, sub_part, index_name, index_type, CASE non_unique WHEN 0 THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END AS is_unique, column_name 1194 FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema='mydb' AND table_name='ptable' ORDER BY index_name, seq_in_index;`, 1195 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1196 {1, 4, "b", "BTREE", "TRUE", "b"}, 1197 {1, 5, "b_and_c", "BTREE", "FALSE", "b"}, 1198 {2, 6, "b_and_c", "BTREE", "FALSE", "c"}, 1199 {1, 3, "c", "BTREE", "TRUE", "c"}, 1200 {1, nil, "PRIMARY", "BTREE", "TRUE", "i"}, 1201 }, 1202 }, 1203 }, 1204 }, 1205 { 1206 Name: "column specific tests on information_schema.columns table", 1207 SetUpScript: []string{ 1208 `CREATE TABLE all_types ( 1209 pk int NOT NULL, 1210 binary_1 binary(1) DEFAULT "1", 1211 big_int bigint DEFAULT "1", 1212 bit_2 bit(2) DEFAULT 2, 1213 some_blob blob DEFAULT ("abc"), 1214 char_1 char(1) DEFAULT "A", 1215 some_date date DEFAULT "2022-02-22", 1216 date_time datetime(6) DEFAULT "2022-02-22 22:22:21", 1217 decimal_52 decimal(5,2) DEFAULT "994.45", 1218 some_double double DEFAULT "1.1", 1219 some_enum enum('s','m','l') DEFAULT "s", 1220 some_float float DEFAULT "4.4", 1221 some_geometry geometry srid 4326 DEFAULT (POINT(1, 2)), 1222 some_int int DEFAULT "3", 1223 some_json json DEFAULT (JSON_OBJECT("a", 1)), 1224 line_string linestring DEFAULT (LINESTRING(POINT(0, 0),POINT(1, 2))), 1225 long_blob longblob DEFAULT ("abc"), 1226 long_text longtext DEFAULT ("abc"), 1227 medium_blob mediumblob DEFAULT ("abc"), 1228 medium_int mediumint DEFAULT "7", 1229 medium_text mediumtext DEFAULT ("abc"), 1230 some_point point DEFAULT (POINT(2, 2)), 1231 some_polygon polygon DEFAULT NULL, 1232 some_set set('one','two') DEFAULT "one,two", 1233 small_int smallint DEFAULT "5", 1234 some_text text DEFAULT ("abc"), 1235 time_6 time(6) DEFAULT "11:59:59.000010", 1236 time_stamp timestamp(6) DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()), 1237 tiny_blob tinyblob DEFAULT ("abc"), 1238 tiny_int tinyint DEFAULT "4", 1239 tiny_text tinytext DEFAULT ("abc"), 1240 var_char varchar(255) DEFAULT "varchar value", 1241 var_binary varbinary(255) DEFAULT "11111", 1242 some_year year DEFAULT "2023", 1243 PRIMARY KEY (pk) 1244 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_bin;`, 1245 }, 1246 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1247 { 1248 Query: `SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, column_name, ordinal_position 1249 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='mydb' AND TABLE_NAME='all_types' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION`, 1250 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1251 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "pk", uint32(1)}, 1252 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "binary_1", uint32(2)}, 1253 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "big_int", uint32(3)}, 1254 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "bit_2", uint32(4)}, 1255 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_blob", uint32(5)}, 1256 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "char_1", uint32(6)}, 1257 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_date", uint32(7)}, 1258 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "date_time", uint32(8)}, 1259 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "decimal_52", uint32(9)}, 1260 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_double", uint32(10)}, 1261 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_enum", uint32(11)}, 1262 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_float", uint32(12)}, 1263 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_geometry", uint32(13)}, 1264 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_int", uint32(14)}, 1265 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_json", uint32(15)}, 1266 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "line_string", uint32(16)}, 1267 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "long_blob", uint32(17)}, 1268 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "long_text", uint32(18)}, 1269 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "medium_blob", uint32(19)}, 1270 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "medium_int", uint32(20)}, 1271 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "medium_text", uint32(21)}, 1272 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_point", uint32(22)}, 1273 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_polygon", uint32(23)}, 1274 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_set", uint32(24)}, 1275 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "small_int", uint32(25)}, 1276 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_text", uint32(26)}, 1277 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "time_6", uint32(27)}, 1278 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "time_stamp", uint32(28)}, 1279 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "tiny_blob", uint32(29)}, 1280 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "tiny_int", uint32(30)}, 1281 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "tiny_text", uint32(31)}, 1282 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "var_char", uint32(32)}, 1283 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "var_binary", uint32(33)}, 1284 {"def", "mydb", "all_types", "some_year", uint32(34)}, 1285 }, 1286 }, 1287 { 1288 Query: `SELECT column_name, column_default, is_nullable, data_type, column_type, character_maximum_length, character_octet_length 1289 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='mydb' AND TABLE_NAME='all_types' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION`, 1290 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1291 {"pk", nil, "NO", "int", "int", nil, nil}, 1292 {"binary_1", "0x31", "YES", "binary", "binary(1)", 1, 1}, 1293 {"big_int", "1", "YES", "bigint", "bigint", nil, nil}, 1294 {"bit_2", "b'10'", "YES", "bit", "bit(2)", nil, nil}, 1295 {"some_blob", "'abc'", "YES", "blob", "blob", 65535, 65535}, 1296 {"char_1", "A", "YES", "char", "char(1)", 1, 4}, 1297 {"some_date", "2022-02-22 00:00:00", "YES", "date", "date", nil, nil}, 1298 {"date_time", "2022-02-22 22:22:21", "YES", "datetime", "datetime(6)", nil, nil}, 1299 {"decimal_52", "994.45", "YES", "decimal", "decimal(5,2)", nil, nil}, 1300 {"some_double", "1.1", "YES", "double", "double", nil, nil}, 1301 {"some_enum", "s", "YES", "enum", "enum('s','m','l')", 1, 4}, 1302 {"some_float", "4.4", "YES", "float", "float", nil, nil}, 1303 {"some_geometry", "point(1,2)", "YES", "geometry", "geometry", nil, nil}, 1304 {"some_int", "3", "YES", "int", "int", nil, nil}, 1305 {"some_json", "json_object('a',1)", "YES", "json", "json", nil, nil}, 1306 {"line_string", "linestring(point(0,0),point(1,2))", "YES", "linestring", "linestring", nil, nil}, 1307 {"long_blob", "'abc'", "YES", "longblob", "longblob", 4294967295, 4294967295}, 1308 {"long_text", "'abc'", "YES", "longtext", "longtext", 1073741823, 4294967295}, 1309 {"medium_blob", "'abc'", "YES", "mediumblob", "mediumblob", 16777215, 16777215}, 1310 {"medium_int", "7", "YES", "mediumint", "mediumint", nil, nil}, 1311 {"medium_text", "'abc'", "YES", "mediumtext", "mediumtext", 4194303, 16777215}, 1312 {"some_point", "point(2,2)", "YES", "point", "point", nil, nil}, 1313 {"some_polygon", nil, "YES", "polygon", "polygon", nil, nil}, 1314 {"some_set", "one,two", "YES", "set", "set('one','two')", 7, 28}, 1315 {"small_int", "5", "YES", "smallint", "smallint", nil, nil}, 1316 {"some_text", "'abc'", "YES", "text", "text", 16383, 65535}, 1317 {"time_6", "11:59:59.000010", "YES", "time", "time(6)", nil, nil}, 1318 {"time_stamp", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "YES", "timestamp", "timestamp(6)", nil, nil}, 1319 {"tiny_blob", "'abc'", "YES", "tinyblob", "tinyblob", 255, 255}, 1320 {"tiny_int", "4", "YES", "tinyint", "tinyint", nil, nil}, 1321 {"tiny_text", "'abc'", "YES", "tinytext", "tinytext", 63, 255}, 1322 {"var_char", "varchar value", "YES", "varchar", "varchar(255)", 255, 1020}, 1323 {"var_binary", "0x3131313131", "YES", "varbinary", "varbinary(255)", 255, 255}, 1324 {"some_year", "2023", "YES", "year", "year", nil, nil}, 1325 }, 1326 }, 1327 { 1328 Query: `SELECT column_name, column_type, numeric_precision, numeric_scale, datetime_precision, character_set_name, collation_name, column_key, extra, column_comment, generation_expression, srs_id 1329 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='mydb' AND TABLE_NAME='all_types' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION`, 1330 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1331 {"pk", "int", 10, 0, nil, nil, nil, "PRI", "", "", "", nil}, 1332 {"binary_1", "binary(1)", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1333 {"big_int", "bigint", 19, 0, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1334 {"bit_2", "bit(2)", 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1335 {"some_blob", "blob", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1336 {"char_1", "char(1)", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "", "", "", nil}, 1337 {"some_date", "date", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1338 {"date_time", "datetime(6)", nil, nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1339 {"decimal_52", "decimal(5,2)", 5, 2, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1340 {"some_double", "double", 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1341 {"some_enum", "enum('s','m','l')", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "", "", "", nil}, 1342 {"some_float", "float", 12, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1343 {"some_geometry", "geometry", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", uint32(4326)}, 1344 {"some_int", "int", 10, 0, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1345 {"some_json", "json", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1346 {"line_string", "linestring", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1347 {"long_blob", "longblob", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1348 {"long_text", "longtext", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1349 {"medium_blob", "mediumblob", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1350 {"medium_int", "mediumint", 7, 0, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1351 {"medium_text", "mediumtext", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1352 {"some_point", "point", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1353 {"some_polygon", "polygon", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1354 {"some_set", "set('one','two')", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "", "", "", nil}, 1355 {"small_int", "smallint", 5, 0, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1356 {"some_text", "text", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1357 {"time_6", "time(6)", nil, nil, 6, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1358 {"time_stamp", "timestamp(6)", nil, nil, 0, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1359 {"tiny_blob", "tinyblob", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1360 {"tiny_int", "tinyint", 3, 0, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1361 {"tiny_text", "tinytext", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "DEFAULT_GENERATED", "", "", nil}, 1362 {"var_char", "varchar(255)", nil, nil, nil, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "", "", "", "", nil}, 1363 {"var_binary", "varbinary(255)", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1364 {"some_year", "year", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "", "", "", "", nil}, 1365 }, 1366 }, 1367 }, 1368 }, 1369 { 1370 Name: "column specific tests on information_schema.tables table", 1371 SetUpScript: []string{ 1372 `create table bigtable (text varchar(20) primary key, number mediumint, pt point default (POINT(1,1)))`, 1373 `insert into bigtable values ('a',4,POINT(1,4)),('b',2,null),('c',0,null),('d',2,POINT(1, 2)),('e',2,POINT(1, 2))`, 1374 `create index bigtable_number on bigtable (number)`, 1375 `CREATE VIEW myview1 AS SELECT * FROM mytable`, 1376 `CREATE VIEW myview2 AS SELECT * FROM myview1 WHERE i = 1`, 1377 }, 1378 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1379 { 1380 Query: `SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, table_type, table_comment FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'mydb' and table_type IN ('VIEW') ORDER BY TABLE_NAME;`, 1381 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1382 {"def", "mydb", "myview", "VIEW", "VIEW"}, 1383 {"def", "mydb", "myview1", "VIEW", "VIEW"}, 1384 {"def", "mydb", "myview2", "VIEW", "VIEW"}, 1385 }, 1386 }, 1387 { 1388 Query: "SELECT table_rows as count FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='mydb' AND TABLE_NAME='bigtable';", 1389 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1390 {uint64(5)}, 1391 }, 1392 }, 1393 }, 1394 }, 1395 { 1396 Name: "column specific tests on information_schema table, check and referential constraints", 1397 SetUpScript: []string{ 1398 `CREATE TABLE checks (a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b INTEGER, c varchar(20))`, 1399 `ALTER TABLE checks ADD CONSTRAINT chk1 CHECK (B > 0)`, 1400 `ALTER TABLE checks ADD CONSTRAINT chk2 CHECK (b > 0) NOT ENFORCED`, 1401 `ALTER TABLE checks ADD CONSTRAINT chk3 CHECK (B > 1)`, 1402 `ALTER TABLE checks ADD CONSTRAINT chk4 CHECK (upper(C) = c)`, 1403 1404 `create table ptable (i int primary key, b blob, c char(10))`, 1405 `alter table ptable add index (c(3))`, 1406 `alter table ptable add unique index (b(4))`, 1407 `create index b_and_c on ptable (b(5), c(6))`, 1408 `ALTER TABLE ptable ADD CONSTRAINT ptable_checks FOREIGN KEY (i) REFERENCES checks(a)`, 1409 }, 1410 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1411 { 1412 Query: `SELECT TC.CONSTRAINT_NAME, CC.CHECK_CLAUSE, TC.ENFORCED 1413 FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC, information_schema.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS CC 1414 WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mydb' AND TABLE_NAME = 'checks' AND TC.TABLE_SCHEMA = CC.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND TC.CONSTRAINT_NAME = CC.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND TC.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'CHECK';`, 1415 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1416 {"chk1", "(B > 0)", "YES"}, 1417 {"chk2", "(b > 0)", "NO"}, 1418 {"chk3", "(B > 1)", "YES"}, 1419 {"chk4", "(upper(C) = c)", "YES"}, 1420 }, 1421 }, 1422 { 1423 Query: `select * from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = 'mydb' and table_name = 'checks';`, 1424 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1425 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "mydb", "checks", "PRIMARY KEY", "YES"}, 1426 {"def", "mydb", "chk1", "mydb", "checks", "CHECK", "YES"}, 1427 {"def", "mydb", "chk2", "mydb", "checks", "CHECK", "NO"}, 1428 {"def", "mydb", "chk3", "mydb", "checks", "CHECK", "YES"}, 1429 {"def", "mydb", "chk4", "mydb", "checks", "CHECK", "YES"}, 1430 }, 1431 }, 1432 { 1433 Query: `select * from information_schema.check_constraints where constraint_schema = 'mydb';`, 1434 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1435 {"def", "mydb", "chk1", "(B > 0)"}, 1436 {"def", "mydb", "chk2", "(b > 0)"}, 1437 {"def", "mydb", "chk3", "(B > 1)"}, 1438 {"def", "mydb", "chk4", "(upper(C) = c)"}, 1439 }, 1440 }, 1441 { 1442 Query: `select * from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = 'mydb' and table_name = 'ptable';`, 1443 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1444 {"def", "mydb", "PRIMARY", "mydb", "ptable", "PRIMARY KEY", "YES"}, 1445 {"def", "mydb", "b", "mydb", "ptable", "UNIQUE", "YES"}, 1446 {"def", "mydb", "ptable_checks", "mydb", "ptable", "FOREIGN KEY", "YES"}, 1447 }, 1448 }, 1449 }, 1450 }, 1451 { 1452 Name: "column specific tests on information_schema.routines table", 1453 SetUpScript: []string{ 1454 `CREATE DEFINER=root@localhost PROCEDURE count_i_from_mytable(OUT total_i INT) 1455 READS SQL DATA 1456 BEGIN 1457 SELECT SUM(i) 1458 FROM mytable 1459 INTO total_i; 1460 END ;`, 1461 }, 1462 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1463 { 1464 Query: `select specific_name, routine_catalog, routine_schema, routine_name, routine_type, data_type, 1465 routine_body, external_language, parameter_style, is_deterministic, sql_data_access, security_type, sql_mode, 1466 routine_comment, definer, character_set_client, collation_connection, database_collation 1467 from information_schema.routines where routine_schema = 'mydb' and routine_type like 'PROCEDURE' order by routine_name;`, 1468 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1469 {"count_i_from_mytable", "def", "mydb", "count_i_from_mytable", "PROCEDURE", "", "SQL", "SQL", "SQL", "NO", 1470 "READS SQL DATA", "DEFINER", "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", 1471 "", "root@localhost", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1472 }, 1473 }, 1474 { 1475 Query: `select routine_definition from information_schema.routines where routine_schema = 'mydb' and routine_type like 'PROCEDURE' order by routine_name;`, 1476 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1477 {"BEGIN\n SELECT SUM(i)\n FROM mytable\n INTO total_i;\nEND"}, 1478 }, 1479 }, 1480 }, 1481 }, 1482 { 1483 Name: "column specific tests on information_schema.tables table", 1484 SetUpScript: []string{ 1485 `create table bigtable (text varchar(20) primary key, number mediumint, pt point default (POINT(1,1)))`, 1486 `insert into bigtable values ('a',4,POINT(1,4)),('b',2,null),('c',0,null),('d',2,POINT(1, 2)),('e',2,POINT(1, 2))`, 1487 `create index bigtable_number on bigtable (number)`, 1488 `CREATE TABLE names (actor_id smallint PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name varchar(45) NOT NULL);`, 1489 `INSERT INTO names (first_name) VALUES ('PENELOPE'), ('NICK'), ('JUNE');`, 1490 `CREATE VIEW myview1 AS SELECT * FROM myview WHERE i = 1`, 1491 }, 1492 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1493 { 1494 Query: `SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, table_type, engine, version, row_format, table_rows, 1495 auto_increment, table_collation, checksum, create_options, table_comment 1496 FROM information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'mydb' order by table_name`, 1497 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1498 {"def", "mydb", "bigtable", "BASE TABLE", "InnoDB", 10, "Dynamic", uint64(5), nil, "utf8mb4_0900_bin", nil, "", ""}, 1499 {"def", "mydb", "fk_tbl", "BASE TABLE", "InnoDB", 10, "Dynamic", uint64(0), nil, "utf8mb4_0900_bin", nil, "", ""}, 1500 {"def", "mydb", "mytable", "BASE TABLE", "InnoDB", 10, "Dynamic", uint64(3), nil, "utf8mb4_0900_bin", nil, "", ""}, 1501 {"def", "mydb", "myview", "VIEW", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "VIEW"}, 1502 {"def", "mydb", "myview1", "VIEW", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "VIEW"}, 1503 {"def", "mydb", "names", "BASE TABLE", "InnoDB", 10, "Dynamic", uint64(3), uint64(4), "utf8mb4_0900_bin", nil, "", ""}, 1504 }, 1505 }, 1506 { 1507 Query: "SELECT table_comment,table_rows,auto_increment FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'names' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mydb';", 1508 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1509 {"", uint64(3), uint64(4)}, 1510 }, 1511 }, 1512 }, 1513 }, 1514 { 1515 Name: "information_schema.views has definer and security information", 1516 SetUpScript: []string{ 1517 "create view myview1 as select count(*) from mytable;", 1518 "CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE DEFINER=UserName@localhost SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW myview2 AS SELECT * FROM myview WHERE i > 1;", 1519 }, 1520 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1521 { 1522 Query: "select * from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'mydb' order by table_name", 1523 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1524 {"def", "mydb", "myview", "SELECT * FROM mytable", "NONE", "YES", "root@localhost", "DEFINER", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1525 {"def", "mydb", "myview1", "select count(*) from mytable", "NONE", "NO", "root@localhost", "DEFINER", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1526 {"def", "mydb", "myview2", "SELECT * FROM myview WHERE i > 1", "NONE", "NO", "UserName@localhost", "INVOKER", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin"}, 1527 }, 1528 }, 1529 }, 1530 }, 1531 { 1532 Name: "information_schema.schemata shows all column values", 1533 SetUpScript: []string{ 1534 "CREATE DATABASE mydb1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci;", 1535 "CREATE DATABASE mydb2 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci;", 1536 }, 1537 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1538 { 1539 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.schemata where schema_name like 'mydb%' order by schema_name", 1540 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1541 {"def", "mydb", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_0900_bin", nil, "NO"}, 1542 {"def", "mydb1", "latin1", "latin1_general_ci", nil, "NO"}, 1543 {"def", "mydb2", "utf8mb3", "utf8mb3_general_ci", nil, "NO"}, 1544 }, 1545 }, 1546 }, 1547 }, 1548 { 1549 Name: "information_schema.st_geometry_columns shows all column values", 1550 SetUpScript: []string{ 1551 "CREATE TABLE spatial_table (id INT PRIMARY KEY, g GEOMETRY SRID 0, m MULTIPOINT, p POLYGON SRID 4326);", 1552 }, 1553 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1554 { 1555 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.st_geometry_columns where table_schema = 'mydb' order by column_name", 1556 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1557 {"def", "mydb", "spatial_table", "g", "", uint32(0), "geometry"}, 1558 {"def", "mydb", "spatial_table", "m", nil, nil, "multipoint"}, 1559 {"def", "mydb", "spatial_table", "p", "WGS 84", uint32(4326), "polygon"}, 1560 }, 1561 }, 1562 }, 1563 }, 1564 { 1565 Name: "information_schema.parameters shows all column values", 1566 SetUpScript: []string{ 1567 "CREATE PROCEDURE testabc(IN x DOUBLE, IN y FLOAT, OUT abc DECIMAL(5,1)) SELECT x*y INTO abc", 1568 }, 1569 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1570 { 1571 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.parameters where specific_name = 'testabc'", 1572 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1573 {"def", "mydb", "testabc", uint64(1), "IN", "x", "double", nil, nil, 22, 0, nil, nil, nil, "double", "PROCEDURE"}, 1574 {"def", "mydb", "testabc", uint64(2), "IN", "y", "float", nil, nil, 12, 0, nil, nil, nil, "float", "PROCEDURE"}, 1575 {"def", "mydb", "testabc", uint64(3), "OUT", "abc", "decimal", nil, nil, 5, 1, nil, nil, nil, "decimal(5,1)", "PROCEDURE"}, 1576 }, 1577 }, 1578 }, 1579 }, 1580 { 1581 1582 Name: "information_schema.st_spatial_reference_systems can be modified", 1583 SetUpScript: []string{}, 1584 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1585 { 1586 Query: "create or replace spatial reference system 1234 " + 1587 "organization 'test_org' identified by 1234 " + 1588 "definition 'test_definition' " + 1589 "description 'test_description'", 1590 ExpectedErrStr: "missing mandatory attribute NAME", 1591 }, 1592 { 1593 Query: "create or replace spatial reference system 1234 " + 1594 "name 'test_name' " + 1595 "definition 'test_definition' " + 1596 "description 'test_description'", 1597 ExpectedErrStr: "missing mandatory attribute ORGANIZATION NAME", 1598 }, 1599 { 1600 Query: "create or replace spatial reference system 1234 " + 1601 "name 'test_name' " + 1602 "organization 'test_org' identified by 1234 " + 1603 "description 'test_description'", 1604 ExpectedErrStr: "missing mandatory attribute DEFINITION", 1605 }, 1606 { 1607 Query: "create or replace spatial reference system 1234 " + 1608 "name ' test_name ' " + 1609 "definition 'test_definition' " + 1610 "organization 'test_org' identified by 1234 " + 1611 "description 'test_description'", 1612 ExpectedErrStr: "the spatial reference system name can't be an empty string or start or end with whitespace", 1613 }, 1614 { 1615 Query: "create or replace spatial reference system 1234 " + 1616 "name 'test_name' " + 1617 "definition 'test_definition' " + 1618 "organization ' test_org ' identified by 1234 " + 1619 "description 'test_description'", 1620 ExpectedErrStr: "the organization name can't be an empty string or start or end with whitespace", 1621 }, 1622 { 1623 // TODO: can't reliably test this along with the prepared version as the information_schema is persisted between test runs 1624 Skip: true, 1625 Query: "create spatial reference system 1234 " + 1626 "name 'test_name' " + 1627 "organization 'test_org' identified by 1234 " + 1628 "definition 'test_definition' " + 1629 "description 'test_description'", 1630 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1631 {types.NewOkResult(0)}, 1632 }, 1633 }, 1634 { 1635 Query: "create or replace spatial reference system 1234 " + 1636 "name 'test_name' " + 1637 "organization 'test_org' identified by 1234 " + 1638 "definition 'test_definition' " + 1639 "description 'test_description'", 1640 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1641 {types.NewOkResult(0)}, 1642 }, 1643 }, 1644 { 1645 Query: "select srs_id, srs_name, organization, organization_coordsys_id, definition, description from information_schema.st_spatial_reference_systems where srs_id = 1234", 1646 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1647 {uint32(1234), "test_name", "test_org", uint32(1234), "test_definition", "test_description"}, 1648 }, 1649 }, 1650 { 1651 Query: "create spatial reference system if not exists 1234 " + 1652 "name 'new_test_name' " + 1653 "organization 'new_test_org' identified by 1234 " + 1654 "definition 'new_test_definition' " + 1655 "description 'new_test_description'", 1656 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1657 {types.NewOkResult(0)}, 1658 }, 1659 }, 1660 { 1661 Query: "select srs_id, srs_name, organization, organization_coordsys_id, definition, description from information_schema.st_spatial_reference_systems where srs_id = 1234", 1662 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1663 {uint32(1234), "test_name", "test_org", uint32(1234), "test_definition", "test_description"}, 1664 }, 1665 }, 1666 }, 1667 }, 1668 } 1669 1670 var SkippedInfoSchemaScripts = []ScriptTest{ 1671 { 1672 Name: "information_schema.key_column_usage works with foreign key across different databases", 1673 SetUpScript: []string{ 1674 "CREATE TABLE my_table (i int primary key, height int)", 1675 "CREATE DATABASE keydb", 1676 "USE keydb", 1677 "CREATE TABLE key_table (a int primary key, weight int)", 1678 "alter table key_table add constraint fk_across_dbs foreign key (a) references mydb.my_table(i)", 1679 }, 1680 Assertions: []ScriptTestAssertion{ 1681 { 1682 Query: "SELECT * FROM information_schema.key_column_usage where constraint_name = 'fk_across_dbs'", 1683 Expected: []sql.Row{ 1684 {"def", "keydb", "fk_across_dbs", "def", "keydb", "key_table", "a", 1, 1, "mydb", "my_table", "i"}, 1685 }, 1686 }, 1687 }, 1688 }, 1689 }