
     1  name: Build and Deploy sub-action
     2  on:
     3    workflow_call:
     4      # Define the inputs required for the action to run
     5      inputs:
     6        # The environment where the deployment should occur
     7        env:
     8          required: true
     9          type: string
    10          description: The environment where the deployment should occur (e.g. dev, staging, prod).
    12        # The awk command to update the version environment variable
    13        awk:
    14          required: true
    15          type: string
    16          description: The awk command to update the version environment variable.
    18        # The rails command for a sanity check
    19        rails:
    20          required: false
    21          type: string
    22          default: echo "continuing."
    23          description: The rails command for a sanity check.
    25        # The branch where the action should be triggered
    26        branch:
    27          required: false
    28          type: string
    29          default: ${{ github.ref }}
    30          description: The branch where the action should be triggered.
    32      # Define the secrets required for the action to run
    33      secrets:
    34        # GitHub Personal Access Token for logging into GitHub
    35        GH_PAT:
    36          description: 'Personal Access Token (PAT) for logging into GitHub'
    37          required: true
    39        # Docker registry login credentials
    40        DOCKER:
    41          description: 'Docker registry login credentials'
    42          required: true
    44        # Google Cloud Platform Service Account Key for logging into the GKE cluster
    45        GKE_SA_KEY:
    46          description: 'Google Cloud Platform Service Account Key for logging into the GKE cluster'
    47          required: true
    49        # Project ID for the Google Cloud Platform project
    50        GKE_PROJECT:
    51          description: 'Project ID for the Google Cloud Platform project'
    52          required: true
    54        # Private key for signing commits and tags with GPG
    55        GPG_PRIVATE_KEY:
    56          description: 'Private key for signing commits and tags with GPG'
    57          required: true
    59        # Passphrase for using the GPG private key
    60        GPG_PASSPHRASE:
    61          description: 'Passphrase for using the GPG private key'
    62          required: true
    63  jobs:
    64    build:
    65      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    66      environment: ${{ inputs.env }}
    67      steps:
    68        # Checkout the specified branch from GitHub
    69      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    70        with:
    71          ref: ${{ inputs.branch }}
    72          ssh-key: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
    74        # Import the GPG key for signing Git commits and tags
    75      - name: Import GPG key
    76        uses: crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg@v5
    77        with:
    78          gpg_private_key: ${{ secrets.GPG_PRIVATE_KEY }}
    79          git_user_signingkey: true
    80          git_tag_gpgsign: true
    81          git_commit_gpgsign: true
    83        # Get the current version from the 'VERSION' file
    84      - name: get Version
    85        run: echo "VERSION=$(cat VERSION)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
    87        # Sanity check the version we are trying to release
    88      - name: Sanity Check Branch
    89        run: ${{ inputs.rails }}
    91        # Sync the version in the 'Chart.yaml' and 'values.yaml' files
    92      - name: Sync Chart.yaml version
    93        run: yq eval -i ".appVersion=\"${{ env.VERSION }}\"" ./helm/Chart.yaml
    95      - name: Sync values.yaml version
    96        run: yq eval -i ".goQuai.image.version=\"${{ env.VERSION }}\"" ./helm/values.yaml
    97        # Login to the Docker registry
    98      - name: Login to Docker Hub
    99        uses: docker/login-action@v2
   100        with:
   101          username: quaibuild
   102          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER }}
   104        # Build and push the Docker image to the registry
   105      - name: Build Docker
   106        run: docker build -t quainetwork/go-quai:${{ env.VERSION }} .
   108      - name: Push to Docker Hub
   109        run: docker push quainetwork/go-quai:${{ env.VERSION }}
   111        # Tag the Git repository with the current version
   112      - name: git tag
   113        run: git tag -s ${{ env.VERSION }} -m ${{ env.VERSION }} && git push origin tag ${{ env.VERSION }}
   115        # Rev the version
   116      - name: Update version environment variable
   117        run: echo "VERSION=$(echo $VERSION | ${{ inputs.awk  }})" >> $GITHUB_ENV
   119        # Update the 'VERSION' file to reflect the rev'd version
   120      - name: Update VERSION file 
   121        run: echo "$VERSION" > VERSION 
   123        # Sync the version in the 'Chart.yaml' and 'values.yaml' files
   124      - name: Update Chart.yaml version
   125        run: yq eval -P -i ".appVersion=\"${{ env.VERSION }}\"" ./helm/Chart.yaml
   127      - name: Update values.yaml version
   128        run: yq eval -P -i ".goQuai.image.version=\"${{ env.VERSION }}\"" ./helm/values.yaml
   130      - uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
   131        with:
   132          branch: ${{ inputs.branch }}
   133          commit_message: Rev'd 'VERSION' file to ${{ env.VERSION }}
   134          commit_options: -S
   135          commit_user_email:
   136          commit_user_name: ci-dominantstrategies