
     1  //go:build !windows
     2  // +build !windows
     4  package metrics
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"log/syslog"
     9  	"time"
    10  )
    12  // Output each metric in the given registry to syslog periodically using
    13  // the given syslogger.
    14  func Syslog(r Registry, d time.Duration, w *syslog.Writer) {
    15  	for range time.Tick(d) {
    16  		r.Each(func(name string, i interface{}) {
    17  			switch metric := i.(type) {
    18  			case Counter:
    19  				w.Info(fmt.Sprintf("counter %s: count: %d", name, metric.Count()))
    20  			case Gauge:
    21  				w.Info(fmt.Sprintf("gauge %s: value: %d", name, metric.Value()))
    22  			case GaugeFloat64:
    23  				w.Info(fmt.Sprintf("gauge %s: value: %f", name, metric.Value()))
    24  			case Healthcheck:
    25  				metric.Check()
    26  				w.Info(fmt.Sprintf("healthcheck %s: error: %v", name, metric.Error()))
    27  			case Histogram:
    28  				h := metric.Snapshot()
    29  				ps := h.Percentiles([]float64{0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999})
    30  				w.Info(fmt.Sprintf(
    31  					"histogram %s: count: %d min: %d max: %d mean: %.2f stddev: %.2f median: %.2f 75%%: %.2f 95%%: %.2f 99%%: %.2f 99.9%%: %.2f",
    32  					name,
    33  					h.Count(),
    34  					h.Min(),
    35  					h.Max(),
    36  					h.Mean(),
    37  					h.StdDev(),
    38  					ps[0],
    39  					ps[1],
    40  					ps[2],
    41  					ps[3],
    42  					ps[4],
    43  				))
    44  			case Meter:
    45  				m := metric.Snapshot()
    46  				w.Info(fmt.Sprintf(
    47  					"meter %s: count: %d 1-min: %.2f 5-min: %.2f 15-min: %.2f mean: %.2f",
    48  					name,
    49  					m.Count(),
    50  					m.Rate1(),
    51  					m.Rate5(),
    52  					m.Rate15(),
    53  					m.RateMean(),
    54  				))
    55  			case Timer:
    56  				t := metric.Snapshot()
    57  				ps := t.Percentiles([]float64{0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999})
    58  				w.Info(fmt.Sprintf(
    59  					"timer %s: count: %d min: %d max: %d mean: %.2f stddev: %.2f median: %.2f 75%%: %.2f 95%%: %.2f 99%%: %.2f 99.9%%: %.2f 1-min: %.2f 5-min: %.2f 15-min: %.2f mean-rate: %.2f",
    60  					name,
    61  					t.Count(),
    62  					t.Min(),
    63  					t.Max(),
    64  					t.Mean(),
    65  					t.StdDev(),
    66  					ps[0],
    67  					ps[1],
    68  					ps[2],
    69  					ps[3],
    70  					ps[4],
    71  					t.Rate1(),
    72  					t.Rate5(),
    73  					t.Rate15(),
    74  					t.RateMean(),
    75  				))
    76  			}
    77  		})
    78  	}
    79  }