
     1  //go:build !dragonfly && !darwin && !linux && !openbsd && !netbsd
     2  // +build !dragonfly,!darwin,!linux,!openbsd,!netbsd
     4  package git
     6  // Ctime returns the CTime and CTimeNano parts of a time struct
     7  // for the ctime of this file. On systems where either there's no
     8  // ctime, we don't know how to get it, or or we haven't implemented
     9  // it yet, this will return 0s instead of an error so that there will
    10  // be sane behaviour on places that use it (such as index updating)
    11  // that we shouldn't be propagating a non-critical error.
    12  func (f File) CTime() (uint32, uint32) {
    13  	return 0, 0
    14  }