
     1  package git
     3  import (
     4  	"syscall"
     5  )
     7  func (f File) MTime() (int64, error) {
     8  	stat, err := f.Stat()
     9  	if err != nil {
    10  		return 0, err
    11  	}
    12  	// Plan 9 only has 1 second precision and pads the nanoseconds
    13  	// with 0, so we pretend that the qid.Version is the number
    14  	// of nanoseconds.
    15  	base := int64(stat.ModTime().Unix()) << 32
    16  	sys := stat.Sys()
    17  	if internal, ok := sys.(*syscall.Dir); ok {
    18  		return base | int64(internal.Qid.Vers), nil
    19  	}
    20  	panic("Could not get QID.path for file")
    22  }