
     1  ![DDEV Logo](images/ddev-logo.svg)
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     8  DDEV is an open source tool for running local PHP development environments in minutes. Its powerful, flexible per-project environment configurations can be extended, version controlled, and shared. DDEV allows development teams to adopt a consistent Docker workflow without the complexities of bespoke configuration.
    10  ## Get Started
    12  1. **Check [System Requirements](** macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon), Windows 10/11, WSL2, Linux, and [Gitpod](
    13  2. **Install [Docker/Colima and DDEV](**.
    14  3. **Try a [CMS Quick Start Guide](**.
    16  If you need help, our friendly community provides [great support](
    18  ## Partial Features
    20  * Quickly create local web development environments based on code repositories, with minimal configuration.
    21  * Import a database to any of your local environments.
    22  * Import upload files to match the project (e.g. Drupal sites/default/files or WordPress `wp-content/uploads`).
    23  * Customizable integration with hosting platforms like [](, [Pantheon](, [Acquia]( and others.
    24  * Run commands within the Docker environment using `ddev exec`.
    25  * View logs from the web and database containers.
    26  * Use `ddev ssh` to explore the Linux environment inside the container.
    27  * List running projects with `ddev list`.
    28  * Snapshot databases with `ddev snapshot`.
    29  * Temporarily share your development website with others using `ddev share`.
    30  * Create custom commands as simple shell scripts.
    31  * Enjoy effortless, trusted HTTPS support.
    32  * Extend and customize environments as much (or as little!) as you need to.
    34  Run `ddev` to see all the [commands](
    36  ## Contributing
    38  See “How can I contribute to DDEV?” in the [FAQ](, and the [Contributing]( page.
    40  ## Wonderful Sponsors
    42  [<img src="images/Platformsh_Logo_DDEV.jpg" alt="" width="200">](
    43  [<img src="images/tag1-logo.svg" alt="Tag1" width="80">](
    44  [<img src="images/agaric-logo-stacked.svg" alt="Agaric" width="50">](
    45  [<img src="images/b13-logo.png" alt="b13" width="50">](
    46  [<img src="images/gizra-logo.png" alt="Gizra" width="50">](
    47  [<img src="images/oliver-wand.jpeg" alt="Oliver Wand" width="50">](
    48  [<img src="images/centarro-logo.png" alt="Centarro" width="50">](
    49  [<img src="images/drupaleasy-logo.png" alt="DrupalEasy" width="180">](
    50  [<img src="images/redfin-logo.png" alt="Redfin Solutions" width="50">](
    51  [<img src="images/macstadium-logo.png" alt="MacStadium" width="100">](
    52  [<img src="images/lullabot-lockup-logo.svg" alt="Lullabot" width="150">](
    53  [<img src="images/craft-cms-logo.svg" alt="Craft CMS" width="150">](
    54  [<img src="images/undpaul_logo.svg" alt="undpaul" width=150>](
    55  [<img src="images/1X_Logo_RGB_Red_4.png" alt="1xINTERNET" width="150">](