(about) 1 # Makefile for a standard repo with associated image 2 3 ##### These variables need to be adjusted in most repositories ##### 4 5 # Base docker org for tag and push 6 DOCKER_ORG ?= drud 7 SHELL=/bin/bash 8 9 DEFAULT_IMAGES = ddev-php-base ddev-php-prod 10 BUILD_ARCHS=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 11 12 .PHONY: images 13 14 # VERSION can be set by 15 # Default: git tag 16 # make command line: make VERSION=0.9.0 17 # It can also be explicitly set in the Makefile as commented out below. 18 19 # This version-strategy uses git tags to set the version string 20 # VERSION can be overridden on make commandline: make VERSION=0.9.1 push 21 VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty) 22 BUILDINFO = $(shell echo hash=$$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) Built $$(date) by $${USER} on $$(hostname) $(BUILD_IMAGE) ) 23 24 # In CI environments, use the plain Docker build progress to not overload the CI logs 25 PROGRESS := $(if $(CI),plain,auto) 26 27 # 28 # This version-strategy uses a manual value to set the version string 29 #VERSION := 1.2.3 30 31 build: images 32 33 images: $(DEFAULT_IMAGES) 34 35 $(DEFAULT_IMAGES): 36 set -eu -o pipefail; \ 37 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker buildx build -o type=docker --label com.ddev.buildhost=${shell hostname} --target=$@ -t $(DOCKER_ORG)/$@:$(VERSION) $(DOCKER_ARGS) . 38 39 40 push: 41 set -eu -o pipefail; \ 42 for item in $(DEFAULT_IMAGES); do \ 43 docker buildx build --push --platform $(BUILD_ARCHS) --label com.ddev.buildhost=${shell hostname} --target=$$item -t $(DOCKER_ORG)/$$item:$(VERSION) $(DOCKER_ARGS) .; \ 44 echo "pushed $(DOCKER_ORG)/$$item:$(VERSION)"; \ 45 done 46 47 test: $(DEFAULT_IMAGES) 48 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker buildx build --load --platform="linux/$$(./" --label com.ddev.buildhost=${shell hostname} --label com.ddev.buildinfo="$(BUILDINFO)" -t $(DOCKER_ORG)/$<:$(VERSION) $(DOCKER_ARGS) . 49 for item in $(DEFAULT_IMAGES); do \ 50 if [ -x tests/$$item/ ]; then tests/$$item/ $(DOCKER_ORG)/$$item:$(VERSION); fi; \ 51 done 52 53 version: 54 @echo VERSION:$(VERSION)