(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 set -x 3 set -o errexit nounset pipefail 4 5 rm -f /tmp/healthy 6 7 export ENTRYPOINT=/mnt/ddev_config/web-entrypoint.d 8 9 source / 10 11 # If user has not been created via normal template (like uid 999) 12 # then try to grab the required files from /etc/skel 13 if [ ! -f ~/.gitconfig ]; then (sudo cp -r /etc/skel/. ~/ && sudo chown -R "$(id -u -n)" ~ ) || true; fi 14 15 # If DDEV_PHP_VERSION isn't set, use a reasonable default 16 DDEV_PHP_VERSION="${DDEV_PHP_VERSION:-$PHP_DEFAULT_VERSION}" 17 18 # If DDEV_WEBSERVER_TYPE isn't set, use a reasonable default 19 DDEV_WEBSERVER_TYPE="${DDEV_WEBSERVER_TYPE:-nginx-fpm}" 20 21 # Update the default PHP and FPM versions a DDEV_PHP_VERSION like '5.6' or '7.0' is provided 22 # Otherwise it will use the default version configured in the Dockerfile 23 if [ -n "$DDEV_PHP_VERSION" ] ; then 24 update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php${DDEV_PHP_VERSION} 25 ln -sf /usr/sbin/php-fpm${DDEV_PHP_VERSION} /usr/sbin/php-fpm 26 export PHP_INI=/etc/php/${DDEV_PHP_VERSION}/fpm/php.ini 27 fi 28 29 # Set PHP timezone to configured $TZ if there is one 30 if [ ! -z ${TZ} ]; then 31 perl -pi -e "s%date.timezone *=.*$%date.timezone = $TZ%g" $(find /etc/php -name php.ini) 32 fi 33 34 # If the user has provided custom PHP configuration, copy it into a directory 35 # where PHP will automatically include it. 36 if [ -d /mnt/ddev_config/php ] ; then 37 # If there are files in the mount 38 if [ -n "$(ls -A /mnt/ddev_config/php/*.ini 2>/dev/null)" ]; then 39 cp /mnt/ddev_config/php/*.ini /etc/php/${DDEV_PHP_VERSION}/cli/conf.d/ 40 cp /mnt/ddev_config/php/*.ini /etc/php/${DDEV_PHP_VERSION}/fpm/conf.d/ 41 fi 42 fi 43 44 if [ -d /mnt/ddev_config/nginx_full ]; then 45 rm -rf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled 46 cp -r /mnt/ddev_config/nginx_full /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ 47 fi 48 if [ -d /mnt/ddev_config/apache ]; then 49 rm -rf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled 50 cp -r /mnt/ddev_config/apache /etc/apache2/sites-enabled 51 fi 52 53 if [ "$DDEV_PROJECT_TYPE" = "backdrop" ] ; then 54 # Start can be executed when the container is already running. 55 mkdir -p ~/.drush/commands && ln -s /var/tmp/backdrop_drush_commands ~/.drush/commands/backdrop 56 fi 57 58 if [ "${DDEV_PROJECT_TYPE}" = "drupal6" ] || [ "${DDEV_PROJECT_TYPE}" = "drupal7" ] || [ "${DDEV_PROJECT_TYPE}" = "backdrop" ]; then 59 ln -sf /usr/local/bin/drush8 /usr/local/bin/drush 60 fi 61 62 # Change the apache run user to current user/group 63 printf "\nexport APACHE_RUN_USER=$(id -un)\nexport APACHE_RUN_GROUP=$(id -gn)\n" >>/etc/apache2/envvars 64 65 a2enmod access_compat alias auth_basic authn_core authn_file authz_core authz_host authz_user autoindex deflate dir env filter mime mpm_prefork negotiation reqtimeout rewrite setenvif status 66 a2enconf charset localized-error-pages other-vhosts-access-log security serve-cgi-bin 67 68 if [ "$DDEV_WEBSERVER_TYPE" = "apache-fpm" ] ; then 69 a2enmod proxy_fcgi 70 a2enconf php${DDEV_PHP_VERSION}-fpm 71 a2dissite 000-default 72 fi 73 74 # Disable xdebug by default. Users can enable with /usr/local/bin/enable_xdebug 75 if [ "$DDEV_XDEBUG_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then 76 enable_xdebug 77 else 78 disable_xdebug 79 fi 80 81 # Enable assertions by default. 82 phpenmod assert 83 84 ls /var/www/html >/dev/null || (echo "/var/www/html does not seem to be healthy/mounted; docker may not be mounting it., exiting" && exit 101) 85 86 # Make sure the TERMINUS_CACHE_DIR (/mnt/ddev-global-cache/terminus/cache) exists 87 sudo mkdir -p ${TERMINUS_CACHE_DIR} 88 89 sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ddev-global-cache/{bashhistory/${HOSTNAME},mysqlhistory/${HOSTNAME},nvm_dir/${HOSTNAME},npm,yarn/classic,yarn/berry} 90 sudo chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /mnt/ddev-global-cache/ /var/lib/php 91 # The following ensures a persistent and shared "global" cache for 92 # yarn1 (classic) and yarn2 (berry). In the case of yarn2, the global cache 93 # will only be used if the project is configured to use it through it's own 94 # enableGlobalCache configuration option. Assumes ~/.yarn/berry as the default 95 # global folder. 96 ( (cd ~ || echo "unable to cd to home directory"; exit 22) && yarn config set cache-folder /mnt/ddev-global-cache/yarn/classic || true) 97 # ensure default yarn2 global folder is there to symlink cache afterwards 98 mkdir -p ~/.yarn/berry 99 ln -sf /mnt/ddev-global-cache/yarn/berry ~/.yarn/berry/cache 100 ln -sf /mnt/ddev-global-cache/nvm_dir/${HOSTNAME} ~/.nvm 101 if [ ! -f ~/.nvm/ ]; then ( || true); fi 102 103 # /mnt/ddev_config/.homeadditions may be either 104 # a bind-mount, or a volume mount, but we don't care, 105 # should all be set up with both global and local 106 # either way. 107 if [ -d /mnt/ddev_config/.homeadditions ]; then 108 cp -r /mnt/ddev_config/.homeadditions/. ~/ 109 fi 110 111 # It's possible CAROOT does not exist or is not writeable (if host-side mkcert -install not run yet) 112 sudo mkdir -p ${CAROOT} && sudo chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /mnt/ddev-global-cache/ 113 # This will install the certs from $CAROOT (/mnt/ddev-global-cache/mkcert) 114 # It also creates them if they don't already exist 115 if [ ! -f "${CAROOT}/rootCA.pem" ]; then 116 echo "rootCA.pem not found in ${CAROOT}" 117 fi 118 mkcert -install 119 120 # VIRTUAL_HOST is a comma-delimited set of fqdns, convert it to space-separated and mkcert 121 CAROOT=$CAROOT mkcert -cert-file /etc/ssl/certs/master.crt -key-file /etc/ssl/certs/master.key ${VIRTUAL_HOST//,/ } localhost ${DOCKER_IP} web ddev-${DDEV_PROJECT:-}-web ddev-${DDEV_PROJECT:-}-web.ddev 122 echo 'Server started' 123 124 # We don't want the various daemons to know about PHP_IDE_CONFIG 125 unset PHP_IDE_CONFIG 126 127 # Run any custom init scripts (.ddev/.web-entrypoint.d/*.sh) 128 if [ -d ${ENTRYPOINT} ]; then 129 if [[ -n $(find ${ENTRYPOINT} -type f -regex ".*\.\(sh\)") ]] && [[ ! -f "${ENTRYPOINT}/.user_scripts_initialized" ]] ; then 130 # For web-entrypoint.d to work with code already loaded, if mutagen is enabled, 131 # the code may not yet be in /var/www/html, so boost it along early 132 # The .start-synced file is created after mutagen sync is done, and deleted early 133 # in `ddev start`. 134 if [ "${DDEV_MUTAGEN_ENABLED}" = "true" ] && [ ! -f /var/www/html/.ddev/mutagen/.start-synced ]; then 135 RSYNC_CMD="sudo rsync -a /var/tmp/html/ /var/www/html/" 136 if [ "${DDEV_FILES_DIR:-}" != "" ]; then 137 RSYNC_CMD="${RSYNC_CMD} --exclude ${DDEV_FILES_DIR#/var/www/html/} --exclude=.git --exclude=.tarballs --exclude=.idea" 138 fi 139 time ${RSYNC_CMD} || true 140 fi 141 ddev_custom_init_scripts; 142 fi 143 fi 144 exec /usr/bin/supervisord -n -c "/etc/supervisor/supervisord-${DDEV_WEBSERVER_TYPE}.conf"