(about) 1 <?php 2 3 // #ddev-generated: Automatically generated ddev local.xml 4 // Remove the line above or this whole comment if you want 5 // ddev to ignore this file and not regenerate it. 6 7 return [ 8 'backend' => [ 9 'frontName' => 'admin_y312l0' 10 ], 11 'crypt' => [ 12 'key' => '753f0833c2388eea8cb061a47ecf9686' 13 ], 14 'db' => [ 15 'table_prefix' => '', 16 'connection' => [ 17 'default' => [ 18 'host' => '{{ .DBHostname }}', 19 'dbname' => 'db', 20 'username' => 'db', 21 'password' => 'db', 22 'model' => 'mysql4', 23 'engine' => 'innodb', 24 'initStatements' => 'SET NAMES utf8;', 25 'active' => '1' 26 ] 27 ] 28 ], 29 'resource' => [ 30 'default_setup' => [ 31 'connection' => 'default' 32 ] 33 ], 34 'x-frame-options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 35 'MAGE_MODE' => 'default', 36 'session' => [ 37 'save' => 'files' 38 ], 39 'cache' => [ 40 'frontend' => [ 41 'default' => [ 42 'id_prefix' => '40d_' 43 ], 44 'page_cache' => [ 45 'id_prefix' => '40d_' 46 ] 47 ] 48 ], 49 'lock' => [ 50 'provider' => 'db', 51 'config' => [ 52 'prefix' => NULL 53 ] 54 ], 55 'cache_types' => [ 56 'config' => 1, 57 'layout' => 1, 58 'block_html' => 1, 59 'collections' => 1, 60 'reflection' => 1, 61 'db_ddl' => 1, 62 'compiled_config' => 1, 63 'eav' => 1, 64 'customer_notification' => 1, 65 'config_integration' => 1, 66 'config_integration_api' => 1, 67 'full_page' => 1, 68 'config_webservice' => 1, 69 'translate' => 1, 70 'vertex' => 1 71 ], 72 'install' => [ 73 'date' => 'Sun, 12 Jan 2020 22:21:37 +0000' 74 ] 75 ];