
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io"
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  // Commander is interface definition for running commands
    11  type Commander interface {
    12  	AppCreate(string, string, bool) error
    13  	AppsList(int) error
    14  	AppInfo(string) error
    15  	AppOpen(string) error
    16  	AppLogs(string, int, bool, int) error
    17  	AppRun(string, string, []string, uint32, uint32) error
    18  	AppDestroy(string, string) error
    19  	AppTransfer(string, string) error
    20  	AutoscaleList(string) error
    21  	AutoscaleSet(string, string, int, int, int) error
    22  	AutoscaleUnset(string, string) error
    23  	Login(string, bool) error
    24  	Logout() error
    25  	Whoami(bool) error
    26  	BuildsList(string, int) error
    27  	BuildsCreate(string, string, string, string) error
    28  	CanaryInfo(string) error
    29  	CanaryCreate(string, []string) error
    30  	CanaryRemove(string, []string) error
    31  	CanaryRelease(string) error
    32  	CanaryRollback(string) error
    33  	CertsList(int) error
    34  	CertAdd(string, string, string) error
    35  	CertRemove(string) error
    36  	CertInfo(string) error
    37  	CertAttach(string, string) error
    38  	CertDetach(string, string) error
    39  	ConfigList(string, string) error
    40  	ConfigSet(string, []string) error
    41  	ConfigUnset(string, []string) error
    42  	ConfigPull(string, bool, bool) error
    43  	ConfigPush(string, string) error
    44  	DomainsList(string, int) error
    45  	DomainsAdd(string, string) error
    46  	DomainsRemove(string, string) error
    47  	ServicesList(string) error
    48  	ServicesAdd(string, string, string, string) error
    49  	ServicesRemove(string, string, string, int) error
    50  	GatewaysAdd(string, string, int, string) error
    51  	GatewaysList(string, int) error
    52  	GatewaysRemove(string, string, int, string) error
    53  	RoutesCreate(string, string, string, string, int) error
    54  	RoutesList(string, int) error
    55  	RoutesGet(string, string) error
    56  	RoutesSet(string, string, string) error
    57  	RoutesAttach(string, string, int, string) error
    58  	RoutesDetach(string, string, int, string) error
    59  	RoutesRemove(string, string) error
    60  	GitRemote(string, string, bool) error
    61  	GitRemove(string) error
    62  	HealthchecksList(string, string) error
    63  	HealthchecksSet(string, string, string, *api.Healthcheck) error
    64  	HealthchecksUnset(string, string, []string) error
    65  	KeysList(int) error
    66  	KeyRemove(string) error
    67  	KeyAdd(string, string) error
    68  	LabelsList(string) error
    69  	LabelsSet(string, []string) error
    70  	LabelsUnset(string, []string) error
    71  	LimitsList(string) error
    72  	LimitsSet(string, []string) error
    73  	LimitsUnset(string, []string) error
    74  	LimitsSpecs(string, int) error
    75  	LimitsPlans(string, int, int, int) error
    76  	TimeoutsList(string) error
    77  	TimeoutsSet(string, []string) error
    78  	TimeoutsUnset(string, []string) error
    79  	PermsList(string, bool, int) error
    80  	PermCreate(string, string, bool) error
    81  	PermDelete(string, string, bool) error
    82  	PsList(string, int) error
    83  	PsLogs(string, string, int, bool, string) error
    84  	PsExec(string, string, bool, bool, []string) error
    85  	PsScale(string, []string) error
    86  	PsRestart(string, string) error
    87  	RegistryList(string) error
    88  	RegistrySet(string, []string) error
    89  	RegistryUnset(string, []string) error
    90  	ReleasesList(string, int) error
    91  	ReleasesInfo(string, int) error
    92  	ReleasesRollback(string, int) error
    93  	RoutingInfo(string) error
    94  	RoutingEnable(string) error
    95  	RoutingDisable(string) error
    96  	ShortcutsList() error
    97  	TagsList(string) error
    98  	TagsSet(string, []string) error
    99  	TagsUnset(string, []string) error
   100  	TLSInfo(string) error
   101  	TLSForceEnable(string) error
   102  	TLSForceDisable(string) error
   103  	TLSAutoEnable(string) error
   104  	TLSAutoDisable(string) error
   105  	TLSAutoIssuer(string, string, string, string, string) error
   106  	UsersList(results int) error
   107  	UsersEnable(string) error
   108  	UsersDisable(string) error
   109  	Println(...interface{}) (int, error)
   110  	Print(...interface{}) (int, error)
   111  	Printf(string, ...interface{}) (int, error)
   112  	PrintErrln(...interface{}) (int, error)
   113  	PrintErr(...interface{}) (int, error)
   114  	PrintErrf(string, ...interface{}) (int, error)
   115  	Version(bool) error
   116  	VolumesCreate(string, string, string, string, map[string]interface{}) error
   117  	VolumesExpand(string, string, string) error
   118  	VolumesDelete(string, string) error
   119  	VolumesList(string, int) error
   120  	VolumesInfo(string, string) error
   121  	VolumesMount(string, string, []string) error
   122  	VolumesUnmount(string, string, []string) error
   123  	ResourcesServices(int) error
   124  	ResourcesPlans(string, int) error
   125  	ResourcesCreate(string, string, string, []string, string) error
   126  	ResourcesList(string, int) error
   127  	ResourceDelete(string, string, string) error
   128  	ResourceGet(string, string) error
   129  	ResourcePut(string, string, string, []string, string) error
   130  	ResourceBind(string, string) error
   131  	ResourceUnbind(string, string) error
   132  }
   134  // DryccCmd is an implementation of Commander.
   135  type DryccCmd struct {
   136  	ConfigFile string
   137  	Warned     bool
   138  	WOut       io.Writer
   139  	WErr       io.Writer
   140  	WIn        io.Reader
   141  }
   143  // Println prints a line to an output writer.
   144  func (d *DryccCmd) Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
   145  	return fmt.Fprintln(d.WOut, a...)
   146  }
   148  // Print prints a line to an output writer.
   149  func (d *DryccCmd) Print(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
   150  	return fmt.Fprint(d.WOut, a...)
   151  }
   153  // Printf prints a line to an error writer.
   154  func (d *DryccCmd) Printf(s string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
   155  	return fmt.Fprintf(d.WOut, s, a...)
   156  }
   158  // PrintErrln prints a line to an error writer.
   159  func (d *DryccCmd) PrintErrln(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
   160  	return fmt.Fprintln(d.WErr, a...)
   161  }
   163  // PrintErr prints a line to an error writer.
   164  func (d *DryccCmd) PrintErr(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
   165  	return fmt.Fprint(d.WErr, a...)
   166  }
   168  // PrintErrf prints a line to an error writer.
   169  func (d *DryccCmd) PrintErrf(s string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
   170  	return fmt.Fprintf(d.WErr, s, a...)
   171  }