
     1  /*
     2   * Copyright 2016-2022 Dgraph Labs, Inc. and Contributors
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17  package main
    19  import (
    20  	"math/rand"
    21  	"runtime"
    22  	"time"
    24  	""
    25  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  func main() {
    32  	rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
    33  	// Setting a higher number here allows more disk I/O calls to be scheduled, hence considerably
    34  	// improving throughput. The extra CPU overhead is almost negligible in comparison. The
    35  	// benchmark notes are located in badger-bench/randread.
    36  	runtime.GOMAXPROCS(128)
    38  	absDiff := func(a, b uint64) uint64 {
    39  		if a > b {
    40  			return a - b
    41  		}
    42  		return b - a
    43  	}
    45  	ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
    47  	// Make sure the garbage collector is run periodically.
    48  	go func() {
    49  		minDiff := uint64(2 << 30)
    51  		var ms runtime.MemStats
    52  		var lastMs runtime.MemStats
    53  		var lastNumGC uint32
    55  		var js z.MemStats
    56  		var lastAlloc uint64
    58  		for range ticker.C {
    59  			// Read Jemalloc stats first. Print if there's a big difference.
    60  			z.ReadMemStats(&js)
    61  			if diff := absDiff(uint64(z.NumAllocBytes()), lastAlloc); diff > 1<<30 {
    62  				glog.V(2).Infof("NumAllocBytes: %s jemalloc: Active %s Allocated: %s"+
    63  					" Resident: %s Retained: %s\n",
    64  					humanize.IBytes(uint64(z.NumAllocBytes())),
    65  					humanize.IBytes(js.Active), humanize.IBytes(js.Allocated),
    66  					humanize.IBytes(js.Resident), humanize.IBytes(js.Retained))
    67  				lastAlloc = uint64(z.NumAllocBytes())
    68  			} else {
    69  				// Don't update the lastJs here.
    70  			}
    72  			runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms)
    73  			diff := absDiff(ms.HeapAlloc, lastMs.HeapAlloc)
    75  			switch {
    76  			case ms.NumGC > lastNumGC:
    77  				// GC was already run by the Go runtime. No need to run it again.
    78  				lastNumGC = ms.NumGC
    79  				lastMs = ms
    81  			case diff < minDiff:
    82  				// Do not run the GC if the allocated memory has not shrunk or expanded by
    83  				// more than 0.5GB since the last time the memory stats were collected.
    84  				lastNumGC = ms.NumGC
    85  				// Nobody ran a GC. Don't update lastMs.
    87  			case ms.NumGC == lastNumGC:
    88  				runtime.GC()
    89  				glog.V(2).Infof("GC: %d. InUse: %s. Idle: %s. jemalloc: %s.\n", ms.NumGC,
    90  					humanize.IBytes(ms.HeapInuse),
    91  					humanize.IBytes(ms.HeapIdle-ms.HeapReleased),
    92  					humanize.IBytes(js.Active))
    93  				lastNumGC = ms.NumGC + 1
    94  				lastMs = ms
    95  			}
    96  		}
    97  	}()
    99  	// Run the program.
   100  	cmd.Execute()
   101  	ticker.Stop()
   103  	glog.V(2).Infof("Num Allocated Bytes at program end: %d", z.NumAllocBytes())
   104  	if z.NumAllocBytes() > 0 {
   105  		glog.Warningf("MEMORY LEAK detected of size: %s\n",
   106  			humanize.Bytes(uint64(z.NumAllocBytes())))
   107  		glog.Warningf("%s", z.Leaks())
   108  	}
   109  }