
     1  package kernelsupport
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"strings"
     6  )
     8  // APISupport is a flagset which describes which features related to the bpf syscall API are supported
     9  type APISupport uint64
    11  // TODO add comments
    12  const (
    13  	// KFeatAPIBasic includes: map create, map lookup, map update, map delete, map getnext
    14  	// prog load
    15  	KFeatAPIBasic APISupport = 1 << iota
    16  	KFeatAPIMapGetNextNull
    17  	KFeatAPIMapNumaCreate
    18  	KFeatAPIMapSyscallRW
    19  	KFeatAPIMapName
    20  	KFeatAPIMapLookupAndDelete
    21  	KFeatAPIMapZeroSeed
    22  	KFeatAPIMapLock
    23  	KFeatAPIMapBPFRW
    24  	KFeatAPIMapFreeze
    25  	KFeatAPIMapMMap
    26  	KFeatAPIMapBatchOps
    27  	// 4.4 OBJ_PIN and OBJ_GET
    28  	KFeatAPIObjPinGet
    29  	// 4.10 PROG_ATTACH and PROG_DETACH
    30  	KFeatAPIProgramAttachDetach
    31  	// 4.12
    32  	KFeatAPIProgramTestRun
    33  	// 4.13
    34  	KFeatAPIProgramGetNextID
    35  	// 4.13
    36  	KFeatAPIMapGetNextID
    37  	// 4.13
    38  	KFeatAPIProgramGetFDByID
    39  	// 4.13
    40  	KFeatAPIMapGetFDByID
    41  	// 4.13
    42  	KFeatAPIObjectGetInfoByFD
    43  	// 4.15
    44  	KFeatAPIProgramQuery
    45  	// 4.17
    46  	KFeatAPIRawTracepointOpen
    47  	// 4.18
    48  	KFeatAPIBTFLoad
    49  	// 4.18
    50  	KFeatAPIBTFGetFDByID
    51  	// 4.18
    52  	KFeatAPITaskFDQuery
    53  	// 5.4
    54  	KFeatAPIBTFGetNextID
    55  	// 5.7
    56  	KFeatAPILinkCreate
    57  	// 5.7
    58  	KFeatAPILinkUpdate
    59  	// 5.8
    60  	KFeatAPILinkGetFDByID
    61  	// 5.8
    62  	KFeatAPILinkGetNextID
    63  	// 5.8
    64  	KFeatAPIEnableStats
    65  	// 5.8
    66  	KFeatAPIIterCreate
    67  	// 5.9
    68  	KFeatAPILinkDetach
    69  	// 5.10
    70  	KFeatAPIProgBindMap
    72  	// An end marker for enumeration, not an actual feature flag
    73  	kFeatAPIMax //nolint:revive // leading k is used to stay consistent with exported vars
    74  )
    76  // Has returns true if 'as' has all the specified flags
    77  func (as APISupport) Has(flags APISupport) bool {
    78  	return as&flags == flags
    79  }
    81  var apiSupportToString = map[APISupport]string{
    82  	KFeatAPIBasic:               "Map create, map lookup, map update, map getnext, prog load",
    83  	KFeatAPIMapGetNextNull:      "Map get next null",
    84  	KFeatAPIMapNumaCreate:       "Map NUMA create",
    85  	KFeatAPIMapSyscallRW:        "Map syscall R/W",
    86  	KFeatAPIMapName:             "Map name",
    87  	KFeatAPIMapLookupAndDelete:  "Map lookup and delete",
    88  	KFeatAPIMapZeroSeed:         "Map zero seed",
    89  	KFeatAPIMapLock:             "Map lock",
    90  	KFeatAPIMapBPFRW:            "Map BPF R/W",
    91  	KFeatAPIMapFreeze:           "Map freeze",
    92  	KFeatAPIMapMMap:             "Map MMap",
    93  	KFeatAPIMapBatchOps:         "Map batch ops",
    94  	KFeatAPIObjPinGet:           "Object pin/get",
    95  	KFeatAPIProgramAttachDetach: "Program attach/detach",
    96  	KFeatAPIProgramTestRun:      "Program test run",
    97  	KFeatAPIProgramGetNextID:    "Program get next ID",
    98  	KFeatAPIMapGetNextID:        "Map get next ID",
    99  	KFeatAPIProgramGetFDByID:    "Program get FD by ID",
   100  	KFeatAPIMapGetFDByID:        "Map get FD by ID",
   101  	KFeatAPIObjectGetInfoByFD:   "Object get info by FD",
   102  	KFeatAPIProgramQuery:        "Program query",
   103  	KFeatAPIRawTracepointOpen:   "Raw tracepoint open",
   104  	KFeatAPIBTFLoad:             "BTF load",
   105  	KFeatAPIBTFGetFDByID:        "BTF get FD by ID",
   106  	KFeatAPITaskFDQuery:         "Task FD query",
   107  	KFeatAPIBTFGetNextID:        "BTF get next ID",
   108  	KFeatAPILinkCreate:          "Link create",
   109  	KFeatAPILinkUpdate:          "Link update",
   110  	KFeatAPILinkGetFDByID:       "Link get FD by ID",
   111  	KFeatAPILinkGetNextID:       "Link get next ID",
   112  	KFeatAPIEnableStats:         "Enable stats",
   113  	KFeatAPIIterCreate:          "Iterator create",
   114  	KFeatAPILinkDetach:          "Link detach",
   115  	KFeatAPIProgBindMap:         "Prog bind map",
   116  }
   118  func (as APISupport) String() string {
   119  	var apis []string
   120  	for i := APISupport(1); i < kFeatAPIMax; i = i << 1 {
   121  		// If this flag is set
   122  		if as&i > 0 {
   123  			apiStr := apiSupportToString[i]
   124  			if apiStr == "" {
   125  				apiStr = fmt.Sprintf("missing api str(%d)", i)
   126  			}
   127  			apis = append(apis, apiStr)
   128  		}
   129  	}
   131  	if len(apis) == 0 {
   132  		return "No support"
   133  	}
   135  	if len(apis) == 1 {
   136  		return apis[0]
   137  	}
   139  	return strings.Join(apis, ", ")
   140  }