
     1  package kernelsupport
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"strings"
     6  )
     8  // MapSupport is a flagset that describes which map types are supported
     9  type MapSupport uint64
    11  // TODO add comments
    12  const (
    13  	// KFeatMapHash means the kernel supports Hash maps
    14  	KFeatMapHash MapSupport = 1 << iota
    15  	KFeatMapArray
    16  	KFeatMapTailCall
    17  	KFeatMapPerfEvent
    18  	KFeatMapPerCPUHash
    19  	KFeatMapPerCPUArray
    20  	KFeatMapStackTrace
    21  	KFeatMapCGroupArray
    22  	KFeatMapLRUHash
    23  	KFeatMapLRUPerCPUHash
    24  	KFeatMapLPMTrie
    25  	// KFeatMapLPMTrieNextKey indicates that the MapGetNextKey command is for the LPM trie map type is implemented
    26  	// by the kernel.
    27  	KFeatMapLPMTrieNextKey
    28  	KFeatMapArrayOfMaps
    29  	KFeatMapHashOfMaps
    30  	KFeatMapNetdevArray
    31  	KFeatMapSocketArray
    32  	KFeatMapCPU
    33  	KFeatMapAFXDP
    34  	KFeatMapSocketHash
    35  	KFeatMapCGroupStorage
    36  	KFeatMapReuseportSocketArray
    37  	KFeatMapPerCPUCGroupStorage
    38  	KFeatMapQueue
    39  	KFeatMapStack
    40  	KFeatMapSocketLocalStorage
    41  	KFeatMapNetdevHash
    42  	KFeatMapStructOps
    43  	KFeatMapRingBuffer
    44  	KFeatMapINodeStorage
    45  	KFeatMapTaskStorage
    46  	// KFeatMapPerCPUArrayBatchOps means batch operations are supported on Per CPU array maps
    47  	KFeatMapPerCPUArrayBatchOps
    48  	// KFeatMapLPMTrieBatchOps means batch operations are supported on LPM trie's
    49  	KFeatMapLPMTrieBatchOps
    50  	// KFeatMapDynamicInnerMap means that inner-maps of map-in-map types can have dynamic size
    51  	KFeatMapDynamicInnerMap
    52  	// An end marker for enumeration, not an actual feature flag
    53  	kFeatMapMax //nolint:revive // leading k is used to stay consistent with exported vars
    54  )
    56  // Has returns true if 'ms' has all the specified flags
    57  func (ms MapSupport) Has(flags MapSupport) bool {
    58  	return ms&flags == flags
    59  }
    61  var mapSupportToString = map[MapSupport]string{
    62  	KFeatMapHash:                 "Hash",
    63  	KFeatMapArray:                "Array",
    64  	KFeatMapTailCall:             "Tail call",
    65  	KFeatMapPerfEvent:            "Perf event",
    66  	KFeatMapPerCPUHash:           "Per CPU hash",
    67  	KFeatMapPerCPUArray:          "Per CPU array",
    68  	KFeatMapStackTrace:           "Stack trace",
    69  	KFeatMapCGroupArray:          "CGroup array",
    70  	KFeatMapLRUHash:              "LRU hash",
    71  	KFeatMapLRUPerCPUHash:        "LRU per CPU hash",
    72  	KFeatMapLPMTrie:              "LPM trie",
    73  	KFeatMapLPMTrieNextKey:       "LPM trie next key",
    74  	KFeatMapArrayOfMaps:          "Array of maps",
    75  	KFeatMapHashOfMaps:           "Hash of maps",
    76  	KFeatMapNetdevArray:          "Netdev array",
    77  	KFeatMapSocketArray:          "Socket array",
    78  	KFeatMapCPU:                  "CPU",
    79  	KFeatMapAFXDP:                "AF_XDP",
    80  	KFeatMapSocketHash:           "Socket hash",
    81  	KFeatMapCGroupStorage:        "CGroup storage",
    82  	KFeatMapReuseportSocketArray: "Reuseport socket array",
    83  	KFeatMapPerCPUCGroupStorage:  "Per CPU cgroup storage",
    84  	KFeatMapQueue:                "Queue",
    85  	KFeatMapStack:                "Stack",
    86  	KFeatMapSocketLocalStorage:   "Socket local storage",
    87  	KFeatMapNetdevHash:           "Netdev hash",
    88  	KFeatMapStructOps:            "Struct ops",
    89  	KFeatMapRingBuffer:           "Ring buffer",
    90  	KFeatMapINodeStorage:         "INode storage",
    91  	KFeatMapTaskStorage:          "Task storage",
    92  	KFeatMapPerCPUArrayBatchOps:  "Per CPU array batch operations",
    93  	KFeatMapLPMTrieBatchOps:      "LPM Trie batch operations",
    94  }
    96  func (ms MapSupport) String() string {
    97  	var maps []string
    98  	for i := MapSupport(1); i < kFeatMapMax; i = i << 1 {
    99  		// If this flag is set
   100  		if ms&i > 0 {
   101  			mapStr := mapSupportToString[i]
   102  			if mapStr == "" {
   103  				mapStr = fmt.Sprintf("missing map str(%d)", i)
   104  			}
   105  			maps = append(maps, mapStr)
   106  		}
   107  	}
   109  	if len(maps) == 0 {
   110  		return "No support"
   111  	}
   113  	if len(maps) == 1 {
   114  		return maps[0]
   115  	}
   117  	return strings.Join(maps, ", ")
   118  }