
     1  {
     2    "language": "en-US",
     3    "messages": [
     4      {
     5        "id": "usage",
     6        "translation": "Usage:"
     7      },
     8      {
     9        "id": "example",
    10        "translation": "Example:"
    11      },
    12      {
    13        "id": "for_example",
    14        "translation": "e.g. %s"
    15      },
    16      {
    17        "id": "total",
    18        "translation": "Total"
    19      },
    21      {
    22        "id": "begin_config",
    23        "translation": "Begin to config, type 'exit' to quit."
    24      },
    25      {
    26        "id": "enter_language",
    27        "translation": "1) 请选择您要使用的语言,中文请输入数字1。\n2) Please select the language. Input 2 for English."
    28      },
    29      {
    30        "id": "add_to_path_tips_win",
    31        "translation": "You may execute '%s' to add zd.exe to $PATH environment variable."
    32      },
    33      {
    34        "id": "add_to_path_win",
    35        "translation": "Would you like to add zd.exe to $PATH environment variable? (y/n, default is Yes)"
    36      },
    37      {
    38        "id": "add_to_path_linux",
    39        "translation": "Would you like to add zd command to $PATH environment variable? (y/n, default is Yes)"
    40      },
    41      {
    42        "id": "add_to_path_success_win",
    43        "translation": "Success to add $PATH environment variable, please reopen the command window."
    44      },
    45      {
    46        "id": "add_to_path_success_linux",
    47        "translation": "Success to add $PATH environment variable, please execute 'source %s' to make it effective."
    48      },
    49      {
    50        "id": "current_config",
    51        "translation": "Current config:"
    52      },
    54      {
    55        "id": "success_to_read",
    56        "translation": "success to read file %s"
    57      },
    58      {
    59        "id": "fail_to_read_file",
    60        "translation": "Fail to read file %s."
    61      },
    62      {
    63        "id": "fail_to_write_file",
    64        "translation": "Fail to write file %s."
    65      },
    66      {
    67        "id": "fail_to_parse_file",
    68        "translation": "Fail to parse the content of file %s."
    69      },
    70      {
    71        "id": "fail_to_parse_ranges",
    72        "translation": "%s is not ResRanges format, try to parse as ResInsts."
    73      },
    74      {
    75        "id": "fail_to_find_res",
    76        "translation": "Fail to load resource from %s."
    77      },
    79      {
    80        "id": "generate_records",
    81        "translation": "Generate %d records to file %s, spend %d secs."
    82      },
    83      {
    84        "id": "fail_to_connect_sqlite",
    85        "translation": "fail to open SQLite %s, error: %s."
    86      },
    87      {
    88        "id": "fail_to_exec_query",
    89        "translation": "fail to exec query %s."
    90      },
    91      {
    92        "id": "pls_check_excel",
    93        "translation": "please check selected sheet and columns exist in excel file %s."
    94      },
    95      {
    96        "id": "fail_to_parse_row",
    97        "translation": "fail to parse sqlite3 row %s."
    98      },
    99      {
   100        "id": "fail_to_save_excel",
   101        "translation": "fail to save excel: "
   102      },
   103      {
   104        "id": "fail_to_drop_table",
   105        "translation": "fail to drop table %s, error: %s"
   106      },
   107      {
   108        "id": "fail_to_create_table",
   109        "translation": "fail to create table: "
   110      },
   111      {
   112        "id": "fail_to_insert_data",
   113        "translation": "fail to insert data: "
   114      },
   115      {
   116        "id": "file_change_time",
   117        "translation": "file change time is "
   118      },
   120      {
   121        "id": "generate_yaml",
   122        "translation": "Generate %d yaml files in %s, spend %d secs."
   123      },
   124      {
   125        "id": "generate_article_templ",
   126        "translation": "Generate article template in %s, spend %d secs."
   127      },
   128      {
   129        "id": "start_server",
   130        "translation": "Start ZenData HTTP service, press CTRL+C to exist.\nTo generate data you may call  http://%s:%s/data/generate, for example curl http://%s:%s/data/generate?config=demo/default.yaml&lines=3."
   131      },
   132      {
   133        "id": "start_server_fail",
   134        "translation": "Fail to start ZenData HTTP service, please confirm port %s is available."
   135      },
   136      {
   137        "id": "server_request",
   138        "translation": "Got %s request %s. "
   139      },
   140      {
   141        "id": "server_response",
   142        "translation": "Create %d records in %d sec."
   143      },
   144      {
   145        "id": "excel_data",
   146        "translation": "Excel Sheet."
   147      },
   148      {
   149        "id": "excel_data_1",
   150        "translation": "Excel that contains below sheet."
   151      },
   152      {
   153        "id": "excel_data_1",
   154        "translation": "Excel that contains below data."
   155      },
   156      {
   157        "id": "text_data",
   158        "translation": "text data."
   159      },
   160      {
   161        "id": "analyse_success",
   162        "translation": "Success to decode data to %s."
   163      },
   164      {
   165        "id": "miss_table_name",
   166        "translation": "Parameter 'table' is needed to generate sql format output."
   167      },
   168      {
   169        "id": "fail_to_generate_field",
   170        "translation": "Fail to generate data for field '%s'."
   171      },
   172      {
   173        "id": "fail_to_exec_cmd",
   174        "translation": "Fail to exec command '%s', error is '%s'."
   175      },
   177      {
   178        "id": "check_update",
   179        "translation": "Check update"
   180      },
   181      {
   182        "id": "no_new_ver",
   183        "translation": "Current %s is already the newest version."
   184      },
   185      {
   186        "id": "find_new_ver",
   187        "translation": "Find new version %s"
   188      },
   189      {
   190        "id": "success_upgrade",
   191        "translation": "Successfully upgrade from version %.1f to %s."
   192      },
   193      {
   194        "id": "fail_upgrade",
   195        "translation": "Fail to upgrade from version %.1f to %s., err: %s."
   196      },
   198      {
   199        "id": "download_fail",
   200        "translation": "Download %s fail, error: %s."
   201      },
   202      {
   203        "id": "download_read_fail",
   204        "translation": "Read download file %s fail, error: %s."
   205      },
   206      {
   207        "id": "download_write_fail",
   208        "translation": "Write download file %s fail, error: %s."
   209      },
   210      {
   211        "id": "download_success",
   212        "translation": "Successfully download %s to %s."
   213      },
   214      {
   215        "id": "success_update_config",
   216        "translation": "Successfully update config file %s."
   217      },
   218      {
   219        "id": "perm_deny",
   220        "translation": "Permission denied to file %s, please change work dir."
   221      },
   222      {
   223        "id": "fail_unzip",
   224        "translation": "Fail to unzip file %s."
   225      },
   226      {
   227        "id": "fail_md5_check",
   228        "translation": "Check file %s MD5 failed."
   229      },
   230      {
   231        "id": "root_invalid",
   232        "translation": "%s is not a valid ZenData dir."
   233      },
   234      {
   235        "id": "print_common_yaml_file",
   236        "translation": "%s is a common yaml definition file, please exec data generation command to view."
   237      },
   238      {
   239        "id": "gen_article_must_has_out_param",
   240        "translation": "Generate article must use -o to provide output parameter。"
   241      },
   243      {
   244        "id": "protobuf_path",
   245        "translation": "ProtoBuf data write to file %s."
   246      },
   247      {
   248        "id": "dsn_param_parsing_error",
   249        "translation": "the -dsn parameter parsing error"
   250      },    {
   251        "id" : "success_to_clear_cache",
   252        "translation": "Success to clear cache '%s'."
   253      },
   254      {
   255        "id" : "success_to_clear_all_cache",
   256        "translation": "Success to clear all cache."
   257      },
   258      {
   259        "id" : "miss_cache_param",
   260        "translation": "Please provide -cache parameter if record number is larger than %d."
   261      }
   262    ]
   263  }