
     1  /**
     2   * xk6-dotenv loads env vars from a .env file.
     3   *
     4   * This extension follow the [convention]( for managing multiple environments (i.e. development, test, production). The actual environment name came from an env variable named `K6_ENV`. Setting this to `false` value disable the convention mentoined above and no dotenv file will be loaded automatically.
     5   *
     6   * | Hierarchy Priority | Filename                 | K6_ENV                 | Should I `.gitignore`it? | Notes                                                        |
     7   * | ------------------ | ------------------------ | ---------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
     8   * | 1st (highest)      | `.env.development.local` | development            | Yes!                     | Local overrides of environment-specific settings.            |
     9   * | 1st                | `.env.test.local`        | test                   | Yes!                     | Local overrides of environment-specific settings.            |
    10   * | 1st                | `.env.production.local`  | production             | Yes!                     | Local overrides of environment-specific settings.            |
    11   * | 2nd                | `.env.local`             | (any _expect_ `false`) | Definitely.              | Local overrides. This file is loaded for all environments _except_ `test`. |
    12   * | 3rd                | `.env.development`       | development            | No.                      | Shared environment-specific settings                         |
    13   * | 3rd                | `.env.test`              | test                   | No.                      | Shared environment-specific settings                         |
    14   * | 3rd                | `.env.production`        | production             | No.                      | Shared environment-specific settings                         |
    15   * | Last               | `.env`                   | (any _expect_ `false`) | Depends                  | The Original                                                 |
    16   *
    17   * ## Usage
    18   *
    19   * Import an entire module's contents:
    20   * ```JavaScript
    21   * import * as dotenv from "k6/x/dotenv";
    22   * ```
    23   *
    24   * Import a single export from a module:
    25   * ```JavaScript
    26   * import { parse } from "k6/x/dotenv";
    27   * ```
    28   */
    30  /**
    31   * The parse() method parses a .env format string, constructing the JavaScript object described by the string.
    32   *
    33   * @param text The string to parse as .env
    34   * @returns The Object corresponding to the given .env variables.
    35   */
    36  export declare function parse(text: string): Record<string, string>;
    38  /**
    39   * The stringify() method converts a JavaScript object to a .env format string.
    40   *
    41   * @param value The value to convert to a .env string
    42   * @returns A .env format string representing the given object
    43   */
    44  export declare function stringify(value: Record<string, string>): string;