
     1  .\" Generated with help2man.
     2  .TH EDITORCONFIG-CHECKER "1" "User Commands"
     3  .SH NAME
     4  editorconfig-checker \- tool to verify that your files are in harmony with your .editorconfig
     6  .SS "USAGE:"
     7  .HP
     8  \fB\-config\fR string
     9  .IP
    10  config
    11  .HP
    12  \fB\-debug\fR, \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-verbose\fR
    13  .IP
    14  print debugging information
    15  .HP
    16  \fB\-disable\-end\-of\-line\fR
    17  .IP
    18  disables the trailing whitespace check
    19  .HP
    20  \fB\-disable\-indent\-size\fR
    21  .IP
    22  disables only the indent\-size check
    23  .HP
    24  \fB\-disable\-indentation\fR
    25  .IP
    26  disables the indentation check
    27  .HP
    28  \fB\-disable\-insert\-final\-newline\fR
    29  .IP
    30  disables the final newline check
    31  .HP
    32  \fB\-disable\-trim\-trailing\-whitespace\fR
    33  .IP
    34  disables the trailing whitespace check
    35  .HP
    36  \fB\-dry\-run\fR
    37  .IP
    38  show which files would be checked
    39  .HP
    40  \fB\-exclude\fR string
    41  .IP
    42  a regex which files should be excluded from checking \- needs to be a valid regular expression
    43  .HP
    44  \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
    45  .IP
    46  print the help
    47  .HP
    48  \fB\-ignore\-defaults\fR
    49  .IP
    50  ignore default excludes
    51  .HP
    52  \fB\-init\fR
    53  .IP
    54  creates an initial configuration
    55  .HP
    56  \fB\-no\-color\fR
    57  .IP
    58  dont print colors
    59  .HP
    60  \fB\-version\fR
    61  .IP
    62  print the version number