
     1  # Wire Format for Durgaform Objects and Associated Values
     3  The provider wire protocol (as of major version 5) includes a protobuf message
     4  type `DynamicValue` which Durgaform uses to represent values from the Terraform
     5  Language type system, which result from evaluating the content of `resource`,
     6  `data`, and `provider` blocks, based on a schema defined by the corresponding
     7  provider.
     9  Because the structure of these values is determined at runtime, `DynamicValue`
    10  uses one of two possible dynamic serialization formats for the values
    11  themselves: MessagePack or JSON. Durgaform most commonly uses MessagePack,
    12  because it offers a compact binary representation of a value. However, a server
    13  implementation of the provider protocol should fall back to JSON if the
    14  MessagePack field is not populated, in order to support both formats.
    16  The remainder of this document describes how Durgaform translates from its own
    17  type system into the type system of the two supported serialization formats.
    18  A server implementation of the Durgaform provider protocol can use this
    19  information to decode `DynamicValue` values from incoming messages into
    20  whatever representation is convenient for the provider implementation.
    22  A server implementation must also be able to _produce_ `DynamicValue` messages
    23  as part of various response messages. When doing so, servers should always
    24  use MessagePack encoding, because Durgaform does not consistently support
    25  JSON responses across all request types and all Durgaform versions.
    27  Both the MessagePack and JSON serializations are driven by information the
    28  provider previously returned in a `Schema` message. Durgaform will encode each
    29  value depending on the type constraint given for it in the corresponding schema,
    30  using the closest possible MessagePack or JSON type to the Durgaform language
    31  type. Therefore a server implementation can decode a serialized value using a
    32  standard MessagePack or JSON library and assume it will conform to the
    33  serialization rules described below.
    35  ## MessagePack Serialization Rules
    37  The MessagePack types referenced in this section are those defined in
    38  [The MessagePack type system specification](
    40  Note that MessagePack defines several possible serialization formats for each
    41  type, and Durgaform may choose any of the formats of a specified type.
    42  The exact serialization chosen for a given value may vary between Durgaform
    43  versions, but the types given here are contractual.
    45  Conversely, server implementations that are _producing_ MessagePack-encoded
    46  values are free to use any of the valid serialization formats for a particular
    47  type. However, we recommend choosing the most compact format that can represent
    48  the value without a loss of range.
    50  ### `Schema.Block` Mapping Rules for MessagePack
    52  To represent the content of a block as MessagePack, Durgaform constructs a
    53  MessagePack map that contains one key-value pair per attribute and one
    54  key-value pair per distinct nested block described in the `Schema.Block` message.
    56  The key-value pairs representing attributes have values based on
    57  [the `Schema.Attribute` mapping rules](#Schema.Attribute-mapping-rules-for-messagepack).
    58  The key-value pairs representing nested block types have values based on
    59  [the `Schema.NestedBlock` mapping rules](#Schema.NestedBlock-mapping-rules-for-messagepack).
    61  ### `Schema.Attribute` Mapping Rules for MessagePack
    63  The MessagePack serialization of an attribute value depends on the value of the
    64  `type` field of the corresponding `Schema.Attribute` message. The `type` field is
    65  a compact JSON serialization of a
    66  [Durgaform type constraint](,
    67  which consists either of a single
    68  string value (for primitive types) or a two-element array giving a type kind
    69  and a type argument.
    71  The following table describes the type-specific mapping rules. Along with those
    72  type-specific rules there are two special rules that override the mappings
    73  in the table below, regardless of type:
    75  * A null value is represented as a MessagePack nil value.
    76  * An unknown value (that is, a placeholder for a value that will be decided
    77    only during the apply operation) is represented as a
    78    [MessagePack extension](
    79    value whose type identifier is zero and whose value is unspecified and
    80    meaningless.
    82  | `type` Pattern | MessagePack Representation |
    83  |---|---|
    84  | `"string"` | A MessagePack string containing the Unicode characters from the string value serialized as normalized UTF-8. |
    85  | `"number"` | Either MessagePack integer, MessagePack float, or MessagePack string representing the number. If a number is represented as a string then the string contains a decimal representation of the number which may have a larger mantissa than can be represented by a 64-bit float. |
    86  | `"bool"` | A MessagePack boolean value corresponding to the value. |
    87  | `["list",T]` | A MessagePack array with the same number of elements as the list value, each of which is represented by the result of applying these same mapping rules to the nested type `T`. |
    88  | `["set",T]` | Identical in representation to `["list",T]`, but the order of elements is undefined because Durgaform sets are unordered. |
    89  | `["map",T]` | A MessagePack map with one key-value pair per element of the map value, where the element key is serialized as the map key (always a MessagePack string) and the element value is represented by a value constructed by applying these same mapping rules to the nested type `T`. |
    90  | `["object",ATTRS]` | A MessagePack map with one key-value pair per attribute defined in the `ATTRS` object. The attribute name is serialized as the map key (always a MessagePack string) and the attribute value is represented by a value constructed by applying these same mapping rules to each attribute's own type. |
    91  | `["tuple",TYPES]` | A MessagePack array with one element per element described by the `TYPES` array. The element values are constructed by applying these same mapping rules to the corresponding element of `TYPES`. |
    92  | `"dynamic"` | A MessagePack array with exactly two elements. The first element is a MessagePack binary value containing a JSON-serialized type constraint in the same format described in this table. The second element is the result of applying these same mapping rules to the value with the type given in the first element. This special type constraint represents values whose types will be decided only at runtime. |
    94  ### `Schema.NestedBlock` Mapping Rules for MessagePack
    96  The MessagePack serialization of a collection of blocks of a particular type
    97  depends on the `nesting` field of the corresponding `Schema.NestedBlock` message.
    98  The `nesting` field is a value from the `Schema.NestingBlock.NestingMode`
    99  enumeration.
   101  All `nesting` values cause the individual blocks of a type to be represented
   102  by applying
   103  [the `Schema.Block` mapping rules](#Schema.Block-mapping-rules-for-messagepack)
   104  to the block's contents based on the `block` field, producing what we'll call
   105  a _block value_ in the table below.
   107  The `nesting` value then in turn defines how Durgaform will collect all of the
   108  individual block values together to produce a single property value representing
   109  the nested block type. For all `nesting` values other than `MAP`, blocks may
   110  not have any labels. For the `nesting` value `MAP`, blocks must have exactly
   111  one label, which is a string we'll call a _block label_ in the table below.
   113  | `nesting` Value | MessagePack Representation |
   114  |---|---|
   115  | `SINGLE` | The block value of the single block of this type, or nil if there is no block of that type. |
   116  | `LIST` | A MessagePack array of all of the block values, preserving the order of definition of the blocks in the configuration. |
   117  | `SET` | A MessagePack array of all of the block values in no particular order. |
   118  | `MAP` | A MessagePack map with one key-value pair per block value, where the key is the block label and the value is the block value. |
   119  | `GROUP` | The same as with `SINGLE`, except that if there is no block of that type Durgaform will synthesize a block value by pretending that all of the declared attributes are null and that there are zero blocks of each declared block type. |
   121  For the `LIST` and `SET` nesting modes, Durgaform guarantees that the
   122  MessagePack array will have a number of elements between the `min_items` and
   123  `max_items` values given in the schema, _unless_ any of the block values contain
   124  nested unknown values. When unknown values are present, Durgaform considers
   125  the value to be potentially incomplete and so Durgaform defers validation of
   126  the number of blocks. For example, if the configuration includes a `dynamic`
   127  block whose `for_each` argument is unknown then the final number of blocks is
   128  not predictable until the apply phase.
   130  ## JSON Serialization Rules
   132  The JSON serialization is a secondary representation for `DynamicValue`, with
   133  MessagePack preferred due to its ability to represent unknown values via an
   134  extension.
   136  The JSON encoding described in this section is also used for the `json` field
   137  of the `RawValue` message that forms part of an `UpgradeResourceState` request.
   138  However, in that case the data is serialized per the schema of the provider
   139  version that created it, which won't necessarily match the schema of the
   140  _current_ version of that provider.
   142  ### `Schema.Block` Mapping Rules for JSON
   144  To represent the content of a block as JSON, Durgaform constructs a
   145  JSON object that contains one property per attribute and one property per
   146  distinct nested block described in the `Schema.Block` message.
   148  The properties representing attributes have property values based on
   149  [the `Schema.Attribute` mapping rules](#Schema.Attribute-mapping-rules-for-json).
   150  The properties representing nested block types have property values based on
   151  [the `Schema.NestedBlock` mapping rules](#Schema.NestedBlock-mapping-rules-for-json).
   153  ### `Schema.Attribute` Mapping Rules for JSON
   155  The JSON serialization of an attribute value depends on the value of the `type`
   156  field of the corresponding `Schema.Attribute` message. The `type` field is
   157  a compact JSON serialization of a
   158  [Durgaform type constraint](,
   159  which consists either of a single
   160  string value (for primitive types) or a two-element array giving a type kind
   161  and a type argument.
   163  The following table describes the type-specific mapping rules. Along with those
   164  type-specific rules there is one special rule that overrides the rules in the
   165  table regardless of type:
   167  * A null value is always represented as JSON `null`.
   169  | `type` Pattern | JSON Representation |
   170  |---|---|
   171  | `"string"` | A JSON string containing the Unicode characters from the string value. |
   172  | `"number"` | A JSON number representing the number value. Durgaform numbers are arbitrary-precision floating point, so the value may have a larger mantissa than can be represented by a 64-bit float. |
   173  | `"bool"` | Either JSON `true` or JSON `false`, depending on the boolean value. |
   174  | `["list",T]` | A JSON array with the same number of elements as the list value, each of which is represented by the result of applying these same mapping rules to the nested type `T`. |
   175  | `["set",T]` | Identical in representation to `["list",T]`, but the order of elements is undefined because Durgaform sets are unordered. |
   176  | `["map",T]` | A JSON object with one property per element of the map value, where the element key is serialized as the property name string and the element value is represented by a property value constructed by applying these same mapping rules to the nested type `T`. |
   177  | `["object",ATTRS]` | A JSON object with one property per attribute defined in the `ATTRS` object. The attribute name is serialized as the property name string and the attribute value is represented by a property value constructed by applying these same mapping rules to each attribute's own type. |
   178  | `["tuple",TYPES]` | A JSON array with one element per element described by the `TYPES` array. The element values are constructed by applying these same mapping rules to the corresponding element of `TYPES`. |
   179  | `"dynamic"` | A JSON object with two properties: `"type"` specifying one of the `type` patterns described in this table in-band, giving the exact runtime type of the value, and `"value"` specifying the result of applying these same mapping rules to the table for the specified runtime type. This special type constraint represents values whose types will be decided only at runtime. |
   181  ### `Schema.NestedBlock` Mapping Rules for JSON
   183  The JSON serialization of a collection of blocks of a particular type depends
   184  on the `nesting` field of the corresponding `Schema.NestedBlock` message.
   185  The `nesting` field is a value from the `Schema.NestingBlock.NestingMode`
   186  enumeration.
   188  All `nesting` values cause the individual blocks of a type to be represented
   189  by applying
   190  [the `Schema.Block` mapping rules](#Schema.Block-mapping-rules-for-json)
   191  to the block's contents based on the `block` field, producing what we'll call
   192  a _block value_ in the table below.
   194  The `nesting` value then in turn defines how Durgaform will collect all of the
   195  individual block values together to produce a single property value representing
   196  the nested block type. For all `nesting` values other than `MAP`, blocks may
   197  not have any labels. For the `nesting` value `MAP`, blocks must have exactly
   198  one label, which is a string we'll call a _block label_ in the table below.
   200  | `nesting` Value | JSON Representation |
   201  |---|---|
   202  | `SINGLE` | The block value of the single block of this type, or `null` if there is no block of that type. |
   203  | `LIST` | A JSON array of all of the block values, preserving the order of definition of the blocks in the configuration. |
   204  | `SET` | A JSON array of all of the block values in no particular order. |
   205  | `MAP` | A JSON object with one property per block value, where the property name is the block label and the value is the block value. |
   206  | `GROUP` | The same as with `SINGLE`, except that if there is no block of that type Durgaform will synthesize a block value by pretending that all of the declared attributes are null and that there are zero blocks of each declared block type. |
   208  For the `LIST` and `SET` nesting modes, Durgaform guarantees that the JSON
   209  array will have a number of elements between the `min_items` and `max_items`
   210  values given in the schema.