
     1  // Durgaform Plugin RPC protocol version 6.0
     2  //
     3  // This file defines version 6.0 of the RPC protocol. To implement a plugin
     4  // against this protocol, copy this definition into your own codebase and
     5  // use protoc to generate stubs for your target language.
     6  //
     7  // This file will not be updated. Any minor versions of protocol 6 to follow
     8  // should copy this file and modify the copy while maintaing backwards
     9  // compatibility. Breaking changes, if any are required, will come
    10  // in a subsequent major version with its own separate proto definition.
    11  //
    12  // Note that only the proto files included in a release tag of Durgaform are
    13  // official protocol releases. Proto files taken from other commits may include
    14  // incomplete changes or features that did not make it into a final release.
    15  // In all reasonable cases, plugin developers should take the proto file from
    16  // the tag of the most recent release of Durgaform, and not from the main
    17  // branch or any other development branch.
    18  //
    19  syntax = "proto3";
    20  option go_package = "";
    22  package tfplugin6;
    24  // DynamicValue is an opaque encoding of durgaform data, with the field name
    25  // indicating the encoding scheme used.
    26  message DynamicValue {
    27      bytes msgpack = 1;
    28      bytes json = 2;
    29  }
    31  message Diagnostic {
    32      enum Severity {
    33          INVALID = 0;
    34          ERROR = 1;
    35          WARNING = 2;
    36      }
    37      Severity severity = 1;
    38      string summary = 2;
    39      string detail = 3;
    40      AttributePath attribute = 4;
    41  }
    43  message AttributePath {
    44      message Step {
    45          oneof selector {
    46              // Set "attribute_name" to represent looking up an attribute
    47              // in the current object value.
    48              string attribute_name = 1;
    49              // Set "element_key_*" to represent looking up an element in
    50              // an indexable collection type.
    51              string element_key_string = 2;
    52              int64 element_key_int = 3;
    53          }
    54      }
    55      repeated Step steps = 1;
    56  }
    58  message StopProvider {
    59      message Request {
    60      }
    61      message Response {
    62          string Error = 1;
    63      }
    64  }
    66  // RawState holds the stored state for a resource to be upgraded by the
    67  // provider. It can be in one of two formats, the current json encoded format
    68  // in bytes, or the legacy flatmap format as a map of strings.
    69  message RawState {
    70      bytes json = 1;
    71      map<string, string> flatmap = 2;
    72  }
    74  enum StringKind {
    75      PLAIN = 0;
    76      MARKDOWN = 1;
    77  }
    79  // Schema is the configuration schema for a Resource or Provider.
    80  message Schema {
    81      message Block {
    82          int64 version = 1;
    83          repeated Attribute attributes = 2;
    84          repeated NestedBlock block_types = 3;
    85          string description = 4;
    86          StringKind description_kind = 5;
    87          bool deprecated = 6;
    88      }
    90      message Attribute {
    91          string name = 1;
    92          bytes type = 2;
    93          Object nested_type = 10;
    94          string description = 3;
    95          bool required = 4;
    96          bool optional = 5;
    97          bool computed = 6;
    98          bool sensitive = 7;
    99          StringKind description_kind = 8;
   100          bool deprecated = 9;
   101      }
   103      message NestedBlock {
   104          enum NestingMode {
   105              INVALID = 0;
   106              SINGLE = 1;
   107              LIST = 2;
   108              SET = 3;
   109              MAP = 4;
   110              GROUP = 5;
   111          }
   113          string type_name = 1;
   114          Block block = 2;
   115          NestingMode nesting = 3;
   116          int64 min_items = 4;
   117          int64 max_items = 5;
   118      }
   120      message Object {
   121          enum NestingMode {
   122              INVALID = 0;
   123              SINGLE = 1;
   124              LIST = 2;
   125              SET = 3;
   126              MAP = 4;
   127          }
   129          repeated Attribute attributes = 1;
   130          NestingMode nesting = 3;
   131          int64 min_items = 4;
   132          int64 max_items = 5;
   133      }
   135      // The version of the schema.
   136      // Schemas are versioned, so that providers can upgrade a saved resource
   137      // state when the schema is changed. 
   138      int64 version = 1;
   140      // Block is the top level configuration block for this schema.
   141      Block block = 2;
   142  }
   144  service Provider {
   145      //////// Information about what a provider supports/expects
   146      rpc GetProviderSchema(GetProviderSchema.Request) returns (GetProviderSchema.Response);
   147      rpc ValidateProviderConfig(ValidateProviderConfig.Request) returns (ValidateProviderConfig.Response);
   148      rpc ValidateResourceConfig(ValidateResourceConfig.Request) returns (ValidateResourceConfig.Response);
   149      rpc ValidateDataResourceConfig(ValidateDataResourceConfig.Request) returns (ValidateDataResourceConfig.Response);
   150      rpc UpgradeResourceState(UpgradeResourceState.Request) returns (UpgradeResourceState.Response);
   152      //////// One-time initialization, called before other functions below
   153      rpc ConfigureProvider(ConfigureProvider.Request) returns (ConfigureProvider.Response);
   155      //////// Managed Resource Lifecycle
   156      rpc ReadResource(ReadResource.Request) returns (ReadResource.Response);
   157      rpc PlanResourceChange(PlanResourceChange.Request) returns (PlanResourceChange.Response);
   158      rpc ApplyResourceChange(ApplyResourceChange.Request) returns (ApplyResourceChange.Response);
   159      rpc ImportResourceState(ImportResourceState.Request) returns (ImportResourceState.Response);
   161      rpc ReadDataSource(ReadDataSource.Request) returns (ReadDataSource.Response);
   163      //////// Graceful Shutdown
   164      rpc StopProvider(StopProvider.Request) returns (StopProvider.Response);
   165  }
   167  message GetProviderSchema {
   168      message Request {
   169      }
   170      message Response {
   171          Schema provider = 1;
   172          map<string, Schema> resource_schemas = 2;
   173          map<string, Schema> data_source_schemas = 3;
   174          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 4;
   175          Schema provider_meta = 5;
   176      }
   177  }
   179  message ValidateProviderConfig {
   180      message Request {
   181          DynamicValue config = 1;
   182      }
   183      message Response {
   184          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 2;
   185      }
   186  }
   188  message UpgradeResourceState {
   189      message Request {
   190          string type_name = 1;
   192          // version is the schema_version number recorded in the state file
   193          int64 version = 2;
   195          // raw_state is the raw states as stored for the resource.  Core does
   196          // not have access to the schema of prior_version, so it's the
   197          // provider's responsibility to interpret this value using the
   198          // appropriate older schema. The raw_state will be the json encoded
   199          // state, or a legacy flat-mapped format.
   200          RawState raw_state = 3;
   201      }
   202      message Response {
   203          // new_state is a msgpack-encoded data structure that, when interpreted with
   204          // the _current_ schema for this resource type, is functionally equivalent to
   205          // that which was given in prior_state_raw.
   206          DynamicValue upgraded_state = 1;
   208          // diagnostics describes any errors encountered during migration that could not
   209          // be safely resolved, and warnings about any possibly-risky assumptions made
   210          // in the upgrade process.
   211          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 2;
   212      }
   213  }
   215  message ValidateResourceConfig {
   216      message Request {
   217          string type_name = 1;
   218          DynamicValue config = 2;
   219      }
   220      message Response {
   221          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 1;
   222      }
   223  }
   225  message ValidateDataResourceConfig {
   226      message Request {
   227          string type_name = 1;
   228          DynamicValue config = 2;
   229      }
   230      message Response {
   231          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 1;
   232      }
   233  }
   235  message ConfigureProvider {
   236      message Request {
   237          string durgaform_version = 1;
   238          DynamicValue config = 2;
   239      }
   240      message Response {
   241          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 1;
   242      }
   243  }
   245  message ReadResource {
   246      message Request {
   247          string type_name = 1;
   248          DynamicValue current_state = 2;
   249          bytes private = 3;
   250          DynamicValue provider_meta = 4;
   251      }
   252      message Response {
   253          DynamicValue new_state = 1;
   254          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 2;
   255          bytes private = 3;
   256      }
   257  }
   259  message PlanResourceChange {
   260      message Request {
   261          string type_name = 1;
   262          DynamicValue prior_state = 2;
   263          DynamicValue proposed_new_state = 3;
   264          DynamicValue config = 4;
   265          bytes prior_private = 5; 
   266          DynamicValue provider_meta = 6;
   267      }
   269      message Response {
   270          DynamicValue planned_state = 1;
   271          repeated AttributePath requires_replace = 2;
   272          bytes planned_private = 3; 
   273          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 4;
   274      }
   275  }
   277  message ApplyResourceChange {
   278      message Request {
   279          string type_name = 1;
   280          DynamicValue prior_state = 2;
   281          DynamicValue planned_state = 3;
   282          DynamicValue config = 4;
   283          bytes planned_private = 5; 
   284          DynamicValue provider_meta = 6;
   285      }
   286      message Response {
   287          DynamicValue new_state = 1;
   288          bytes private = 2; 
   289          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 3;
   290      }
   291  }
   293  message ImportResourceState {
   294      message Request {
   295          string type_name = 1;
   296          string id = 2;
   297      }
   299      message ImportedResource {
   300          string type_name = 1;
   301          DynamicValue state = 2;
   302          bytes private = 3;
   303      }
   305      message Response {
   306          repeated ImportedResource imported_resources = 1;
   307          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 2;
   308      }
   309  }
   311  message ReadDataSource {
   312      message Request {
   313          string type_name = 1;
   314          DynamicValue config = 2;
   315          DynamicValue provider_meta = 3;
   316      }
   317      message Response {
   318          DynamicValue state = 1;
   319          repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 2;
   320      }
   321  }