
     1  package term
     3  import (
     4  	"reflect"
     5  	"testing"
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  var bufferBuilderWritesTests = []struct {
    11  	bb    *BufferBuilder
    12  	text  string
    13  	style string
    14  	want  *Buffer
    15  }{
    16  	// Writing nothing.
    17  	{NewBufferBuilder(10), "", "", &Buffer{Width: 10, Lines: Lines{Line{}}}},
    18  	// Writing a single rune.
    19  	{NewBufferBuilder(10), "a", "1",
    20  		&Buffer{Width: 10, Lines: Lines{Line{Cell{"a", "1"}}}}},
    21  	// Writing control character.
    22  	{NewBufferBuilder(10), "\033", "",
    23  		&Buffer{Width: 10, Lines: Lines{Line{Cell{"^[", "7"}}}}},
    24  	// Writing styled control character.
    25  	{NewBufferBuilder(10), "a\033b", "1",
    26  		&Buffer{Width: 10, Lines: Lines{Line{
    27  			Cell{"a", "1"},
    28  			Cell{"^[", "1;7"},
    29  			Cell{"b", "1"}}}}},
    30  	// Writing text containing a newline.
    31  	{NewBufferBuilder(10), "a\nb", "1",
    32  		&Buffer{Width: 10, Lines: Lines{
    33  			Line{Cell{"a", "1"}}, Line{Cell{"b", "1"}}}}},
    34  	// Writing text containing a newline when there is indent.
    35  	{NewBufferBuilder(10).SetIndent(2), "a\nb", "1",
    36  		&Buffer{Width: 10, Lines: Lines{
    37  			Line{Cell{"a", "1"}},
    38  			Line{Cell{" ", ""}, Cell{" ", ""}, Cell{"b", "1"}},
    39  		}}},
    40  	// Writing long text that triggers wrapping.
    41  	{NewBufferBuilder(4), "aaaab", "1",
    42  		&Buffer{Width: 4, Lines: Lines{
    43  			Line{Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}},
    44  			Line{Cell{"b", "1"}}}}},
    45  	// Writing long text that triggers wrapping when there is indent.
    46  	{NewBufferBuilder(4).SetIndent(2), "aaaab", "1",
    47  		&Buffer{Width: 4, Lines: Lines{
    48  			Line{Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}},
    49  			Line{Cell{" ", ""}, Cell{" ", ""}, Cell{"b", "1"}}}}},
    50  	// Writing long text that triggers eager wrapping.
    51  	{NewBufferBuilder(4).SetIndent(2).SetEagerWrap(true), "aaaa", "1",
    52  		&Buffer{Width: 4, Lines: Lines{
    53  			Line{Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}, Cell{"a", "1"}},
    54  			Line{Cell{" ", ""}, Cell{" ", ""}}}}},
    55  }
    57  // TestBufferWrites tests BufferBuilder.Writes by calling Writes on a
    58  // BufferBuilder and see if the built Buffer matches what is expected.
    59  func TestBufferBuilderWrites(t *testing.T) {
    60  	for _, test := range bufferBuilderWritesTests {
    61  		bb :=
    62  		bb.WriteStringSGR(test.text,
    63  		buf := bb.Buffer()
    64  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(buf, test.want) {
    65  			t.Errorf("buf.writes(%q, %q) makes it %v, want %v",
    66  				test.text,, buf, test.want)
    67  		}
    68  	}
    69  }
    71  var styles = ui.RuneStylesheet{
    72  	'-': ui.Underlined,
    73  }
    75  var bufferBuilderTests = []struct {
    76  	name    string
    77  	builder *BufferBuilder
    78  	wantBuf *Buffer
    79  }{
    80  	{
    81  		"MarkLines",
    82  		NewBufferBuilder(10).MarkLines(
    83  			"foo ", styles,
    84  			"--  ", DotHere, "\n",
    85  			"",
    86  			"bar",
    87  		),
    88  		&Buffer{Width: 10, Dot: Pos{0, 4}, Lines: Lines{
    89  			Line{Cell{"f", "4"}, Cell{"o", "4"}, Cell{"o", ""}, Cell{" ", ""}},
    90  			Line{Cell{"b", ""}, Cell{"a", ""}, Cell{"r", ""}},
    91  		}},
    92  	},
    93  }
    95  func TestBufferBuilder(t *testing.T) {
    96  	for _, test := range bufferBuilderTests {
    97  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    98  			buf := test.builder.Buffer()
    99  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(buf, test.wantBuf) {
   100  				t.Errorf("Got buf %v, want %v", buf, test.wantBuf)
   101  			}
   102  		})
   103  	}
   104  }