
     1  package command
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"math"
     6  	"sort"
     7  	"strconv"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"time"
    11  	humanize ""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  type AllocStatusCommand struct {
    20  	Meta
    21  }
    23  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) Help() string {
    24  	helpText := `
    25  Usage: nomad alloc status [options] <allocation>
    27    Display information about existing allocations and its tasks. This command can
    28    be used to inspect the current status of an allocation, including its running
    29    status, metadata, and verbose failure messages reported by internal
    30    subsystems.
    32  General Options:
    34    ` + generalOptionsUsage() + `
    36  Alloc Status Options:
    38    -short
    39      Display short output. Shows only the most recent task event.
    41    -stats
    42      Display detailed resource usage statistics.
    44    -verbose
    45      Show full information.
    47    -json
    48      Output the allocation in its JSON format.
    50    -t
    51      Format and display allocation using a Go template.
    52  `
    54  	return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
    55  }
    57  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) Synopsis() string {
    58  	return "Display allocation status information and metadata"
    59  }
    61  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) AutocompleteFlags() complete.Flags {
    62  	return mergeAutocompleteFlags(c.Meta.AutocompleteFlags(FlagSetClient),
    63  		complete.Flags{
    64  			"-short":   complete.PredictNothing,
    65  			"-verbose": complete.PredictNothing,
    66  			"-json":    complete.PredictNothing,
    67  			"-t":       complete.PredictAnything,
    68  		})
    69  }
    71  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) AutocompleteArgs() complete.Predictor {
    72  	return complete.PredictFunc(func(a complete.Args) []string {
    73  		client, err := c.Meta.Client()
    74  		if err != nil {
    75  			return nil
    76  		}
    78  		resp, _, err := client.Search().PrefixSearch(a.Last, contexts.Allocs, nil)
    79  		if err != nil {
    80  			return []string{}
    81  		}
    82  		return resp.Matches[contexts.Allocs]
    83  	})
    84  }
    86  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) Name() string { return "alloc status" }
    88  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) Run(args []string) int {
    89  	var short, displayStats, verbose, json bool
    90  	var tmpl string
    92  	flags := c.Meta.FlagSet(c.Name(), FlagSetClient)
    93  	flags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Output(c.Help()) }
    94  	flags.BoolVar(&short, "short", false, "")
    95  	flags.BoolVar(&verbose, "verbose", false, "")
    96  	flags.BoolVar(&displayStats, "stats", false, "")
    97  	flags.BoolVar(&json, "json", false, "")
    98  	flags.StringVar(&tmpl, "t", "", "")
   100  	if err := flags.Parse(args); err != nil {
   101  		return 1
   102  	}
   104  	// Check that we got exactly one allocation ID
   105  	args = flags.Args()
   107  	// Get the HTTP client
   108  	client, err := c.Meta.Client()
   109  	if err != nil {
   110  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing client: %s", err))
   111  		return 1
   112  	}
   114  	// If args not specified but output format is specified, format and output the allocations data list
   115  	if len(args) == 0 && json || len(tmpl) > 0 {
   116  		allocs, _, err := client.Allocations().List(nil)
   117  		if err != nil {
   118  			c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error querying allocations: %v", err))
   119  			return 1
   120  		}
   122  		out, err := Format(json, tmpl, allocs)
   123  		if err != nil {
   124  			c.Ui.Error(err.Error())
   125  			return 1
   126  		}
   128  		c.Ui.Output(out)
   129  		return 0
   130  	}
   132  	if len(args) != 1 {
   133  		c.Ui.Error("This command takes one of the following argument conditions:")
   134  		c.Ui.Error(" * A single <allocation>")
   135  		c.Ui.Error(" * No arguments, with output format specified")
   136  		c.Ui.Error(commandErrorText(c))
   137  		return 1
   138  	}
   139  	allocID := args[0]
   141  	// Truncate the id unless full length is requested
   142  	length := shortId
   143  	if verbose {
   144  		length = fullId
   145  	}
   147  	// Query the allocation info
   148  	if len(allocID) == 1 {
   149  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Identifier must contain at least two characters."))
   150  		return 1
   151  	}
   153  	allocID = sanitizeUUIDPrefix(allocID)
   154  	allocs, _, err := client.Allocations().PrefixList(allocID)
   155  	if err != nil {
   156  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error querying allocation: %v", err))
   157  		return 1
   158  	}
   159  	if len(allocs) == 0 {
   160  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("No allocation(s) with prefix or id %q found", allocID))
   161  		return 1
   162  	}
   163  	if len(allocs) > 1 {
   164  		out := formatAllocListStubs(allocs, verbose, length)
   165  		c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("Prefix matched multiple allocations\n\n%s", out))
   166  		return 0
   167  	}
   168  	// Prefix lookup matched a single allocation
   169  	alloc, _, err := client.Allocations().Info(allocs[0].ID, nil)
   170  	if err != nil {
   171  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error querying allocation: %s", err))
   172  		return 1
   173  	}
   175  	// If output format is specified, format and output the data
   176  	if json || len(tmpl) > 0 {
   177  		out, err := Format(json, tmpl, alloc)
   178  		if err != nil {
   179  			c.Ui.Error(err.Error())
   180  			return 1
   181  		}
   183  		c.Ui.Output(out)
   184  		return 0
   185  	}
   187  	// Format the allocation data
   188  	output, err := formatAllocBasicInfo(alloc, client, length, verbose)
   189  	if err != nil {
   190  		c.Ui.Error(err.Error())
   191  		return 1
   192  	}
   193  	c.Ui.Output(output)
   195  	if short {
   196  		c.shortTaskStatus(alloc)
   197  	} else {
   198  		var statsErr error
   199  		var stats *api.AllocResourceUsage
   200  		stats, statsErr = client.Allocations().Stats(alloc, nil)
   201  		if statsErr != nil {
   202  			c.Ui.Output("")
   203  			if statsErr != api.NodeDownErr {
   204  				c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't retrieve stats: %v", statsErr))
   205  			} else {
   206  				c.Ui.Output("Omitting resource statistics since the node is down.")
   207  			}
   208  		}
   209  		c.outputTaskDetails(alloc, stats, displayStats)
   210  	}
   212  	// Format the detailed status
   213  	if verbose {
   214  		c.Ui.Output(c.Colorize().Color("\n[bold]Placement Metrics[reset]"))
   215  		c.Ui.Output(formatAllocMetrics(alloc.Metrics, true, "  "))
   216  	}
   218  	return 0
   219  }
   221  func formatAllocBasicInfo(alloc *api.Allocation, client *api.Client, uuidLength int, verbose bool) (string, error) {
   222  	var formattedCreateTime, formattedModifyTime string
   224  	if verbose {
   225  		formattedCreateTime = formatUnixNanoTime(alloc.CreateTime)
   226  		formattedModifyTime = formatUnixNanoTime(alloc.ModifyTime)
   227  	} else {
   228  		formattedCreateTime = prettyTimeDiff(time.Unix(0, alloc.CreateTime), time.Now())
   229  		formattedModifyTime = prettyTimeDiff(time.Unix(0, alloc.ModifyTime), time.Now())
   230  	}
   232  	basic := []string{
   233  		fmt.Sprintf("ID|%s", limit(alloc.ID, uuidLength)),
   234  		fmt.Sprintf("Eval ID|%s", limit(alloc.EvalID, uuidLength)),
   235  		fmt.Sprintf("Name|%s", alloc.Name),
   236  		fmt.Sprintf("Node ID|%s", limit(alloc.NodeID, uuidLength)),
   237  		fmt.Sprintf("Job ID|%s", alloc.JobID),
   238  		fmt.Sprintf("Job Version|%d", getVersion(alloc.Job)),
   239  		fmt.Sprintf("Client Status|%s", alloc.ClientStatus),
   240  		fmt.Sprintf("Client Description|%s", alloc.ClientDescription),
   241  		fmt.Sprintf("Desired Status|%s", alloc.DesiredStatus),
   242  		fmt.Sprintf("Desired Description|%s", alloc.DesiredDescription),
   243  		fmt.Sprintf("Created|%s", formattedCreateTime),
   244  		fmt.Sprintf("Modified|%s", formattedModifyTime),
   245  	}
   247  	if alloc.DeploymentID != "" {
   248  		health := "unset"
   249  		if alloc.DeploymentStatus != nil && alloc.DeploymentStatus.Healthy != nil {
   250  			if *alloc.DeploymentStatus.Healthy {
   251  				health = "healthy"
   252  			} else {
   253  				health = "unhealthy"
   254  			}
   255  		}
   257  		basic = append(basic,
   258  			fmt.Sprintf("Deployment ID|%s", limit(alloc.DeploymentID, uuidLength)),
   259  			fmt.Sprintf("Deployment Health|%s", health))
   261  		// Check if this allocation is a canary
   262  		deployment, _, err := client.Deployments().Info(alloc.DeploymentID, nil)
   263  		if err != nil {
   264  			return "", fmt.Errorf("Error querying deployment %q: %s", alloc.DeploymentID, err)
   265  		}
   267  		canary := false
   268  		if state, ok := deployment.TaskGroups[alloc.TaskGroup]; ok {
   269  			for _, id := range state.PlacedCanaries {
   270  				if id == alloc.ID {
   271  					canary = true
   272  					break
   273  				}
   274  			}
   275  		}
   277  		if canary {
   278  			basic = append(basic, fmt.Sprintf("Canary|%v", true))
   279  		}
   280  	}
   282  	if alloc.RescheduleTracker != nil && len(alloc.RescheduleTracker.Events) > 0 {
   283  		attempts, total := alloc.RescheduleInfo(time.Unix(0, alloc.ModifyTime))
   284  		// Show this section only if the reschedule policy limits the number of attempts
   285  		if total > 0 {
   286  			reschedInfo := fmt.Sprintf("Reschedule Attempts|%d/%d", attempts, total)
   287  			basic = append(basic, reschedInfo)
   288  		}
   289  	}
   290  	if alloc.NextAllocation != "" {
   291  		basic = append(basic,
   292  			fmt.Sprintf("Replacement Alloc ID|%s", limit(alloc.NextAllocation, uuidLength)))
   293  	}
   294  	if alloc.FollowupEvalID != "" {
   295  		nextEvalTime := futureEvalTimePretty(alloc.FollowupEvalID, client)
   296  		if nextEvalTime != "" {
   297  			basic = append(basic,
   298  				fmt.Sprintf("Reschedule Eligibility|%s", nextEvalTime))
   299  		}
   300  	}
   302  	if verbose {
   303  		basic = append(basic,
   304  			fmt.Sprintf("Evaluated Nodes|%d", alloc.Metrics.NodesEvaluated),
   305  			fmt.Sprintf("Filtered Nodes|%d", alloc.Metrics.NodesFiltered),
   306  			fmt.Sprintf("Exhausted Nodes|%d", alloc.Metrics.NodesExhausted),
   307  			fmt.Sprintf("Allocation Time|%s", alloc.Metrics.AllocationTime),
   308  			fmt.Sprintf("Failures|%d", alloc.Metrics.CoalescedFailures))
   309  	}
   311  	return formatKV(basic), nil
   312  }
   314  // futureEvalTimePretty returns when the eval is eligible to reschedule
   315  // relative to current time, based on the WaitUntil field
   316  func futureEvalTimePretty(evalID string, client *api.Client) string {
   317  	evaluation, _, err := client.Evaluations().Info(evalID, nil)
   318  	// Eval time is not a critical output,
   319  	// don't return it on errors, if its not set or already in the past
   320  	if err != nil || evaluation.WaitUntil.IsZero() || time.Now().After(evaluation.WaitUntil) {
   321  		return ""
   322  	}
   323  	return prettyTimeDiff(evaluation.WaitUntil, time.Now())
   324  }
   326  // outputTaskDetails prints task details for each task in the allocation,
   327  // optionally printing verbose statistics if displayStats is set
   328  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) outputTaskDetails(alloc *api.Allocation, stats *api.AllocResourceUsage, displayStats bool) {
   329  	for task := range c.sortedTaskStateIterator(alloc.TaskStates) {
   330  		state := alloc.TaskStates[task]
   331  		c.Ui.Output(c.Colorize().Color(fmt.Sprintf("\n[bold]Task %q is %q[reset]", task, state.State)))
   332  		c.outputTaskResources(alloc, task, stats, displayStats)
   333  		c.Ui.Output("")
   334  		c.outputTaskStatus(state)
   335  	}
   336  }
   338  func formatTaskTimes(t time.Time) string {
   339  	if t.IsZero() {
   340  		return "N/A"
   341  	}
   343  	return formatTime(t)
   344  }
   346  // outputTaskStatus prints out a list of the most recent events for the given
   347  // task state.
   348  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) outputTaskStatus(state *api.TaskState) {
   349  	basic := []string{
   350  		fmt.Sprintf("Started At|%s", formatTaskTimes(state.StartedAt)),
   351  		fmt.Sprintf("Finished At|%s", formatTaskTimes(state.FinishedAt)),
   352  		fmt.Sprintf("Total Restarts|%d", state.Restarts),
   353  		fmt.Sprintf("Last Restart|%s", formatTaskTimes(state.LastRestart))}
   355  	c.Ui.Output("Task Events:")
   356  	c.Ui.Output(formatKV(basic))
   357  	c.Ui.Output("")
   359  	c.Ui.Output("Recent Events:")
   360  	events := make([]string, len(state.Events)+1)
   361  	events[0] = "Time|Type|Description"
   363  	size := len(state.Events)
   364  	for i, event := range state.Events {
   365  		msg := event.DisplayMessage
   366  		if msg == "" {
   367  			msg = buildDisplayMessage(event)
   368  		}
   369  		formattedTime := formatUnixNanoTime(event.Time)
   370  		events[size-i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%s", formattedTime, event.Type, msg)
   371  		// Reverse order so we are sorted by time
   372  	}
   373  	c.Ui.Output(formatList(events))
   374  }
   376  func buildDisplayMessage(event *api.TaskEvent) string {
   377  	// Build up the description based on the event type.
   378  	var desc string
   379  	switch event.Type {
   380  	case api.TaskSetup:
   381  		desc = event.Message
   382  	case api.TaskStarted:
   383  		desc = "Task started by client"
   384  	case api.TaskReceived:
   385  		desc = "Task received by client"
   386  	case api.TaskFailedValidation:
   387  		if event.ValidationError != "" {
   388  			desc = event.ValidationError
   389  		} else {
   390  			desc = "Validation of task failed"
   391  		}
   392  	case api.TaskSetupFailure:
   393  		if event.SetupError != "" {
   394  			desc = event.SetupError
   395  		} else {
   396  			desc = "Task setup failed"
   397  		}
   398  	case api.TaskDriverFailure:
   399  		if event.DriverError != "" {
   400  			desc = event.DriverError
   401  		} else {
   402  			desc = "Failed to start task"
   403  		}
   404  	case api.TaskDownloadingArtifacts:
   405  		desc = "Client is downloading artifacts"
   406  	case api.TaskArtifactDownloadFailed:
   407  		if event.DownloadError != "" {
   408  			desc = event.DownloadError
   409  		} else {
   410  			desc = "Failed to download artifacts"
   411  		}
   412  	case api.TaskKilling:
   413  		if event.KillReason != "" {
   414  			desc = fmt.Sprintf("Killing task: %v", event.KillReason)
   415  		} else if event.KillTimeout != 0 {
   416  			desc = fmt.Sprintf("Sent interrupt. Waiting %v before force killing", event.KillTimeout)
   417  		} else {
   418  			desc = "Sent interrupt"
   419  		}
   420  	case api.TaskKilled:
   421  		if event.KillError != "" {
   422  			desc = event.KillError
   423  		} else {
   424  			desc = "Task successfully killed"
   425  		}
   426  	case api.TaskTerminated:
   427  		var parts []string
   428  		parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("Exit Code: %d", event.ExitCode))
   430  		if event.Signal != 0 {
   431  			parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("Signal: %d", event.Signal))
   432  		}
   434  		if event.Message != "" {
   435  			parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("Exit Message: %q", event.Message))
   436  		}
   437  		desc = strings.Join(parts, ", ")
   438  	case api.TaskRestarting:
   439  		in := fmt.Sprintf("Task restarting in %v", time.Duration(event.StartDelay))
   440  		if event.RestartReason != "" && event.RestartReason != client.ReasonWithinPolicy {
   441  			desc = fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", event.RestartReason, in)
   442  		} else {
   443  			desc = in
   444  		}
   445  	case api.TaskNotRestarting:
   446  		if event.RestartReason != "" {
   447  			desc = event.RestartReason
   448  		} else {
   449  			desc = "Task exceeded restart policy"
   450  		}
   451  	case api.TaskSiblingFailed:
   452  		if event.FailedSibling != "" {
   453  			desc = fmt.Sprintf("Task's sibling %q failed", event.FailedSibling)
   454  		} else {
   455  			desc = "Task's sibling failed"
   456  		}
   457  	case api.TaskSignaling:
   458  		sig := event.TaskSignal
   459  		reason := event.TaskSignalReason
   461  		if sig == "" && reason == "" {
   462  			desc = "Task being sent a signal"
   463  		} else if sig == "" {
   464  			desc = reason
   465  		} else if reason == "" {
   466  			desc = fmt.Sprintf("Task being sent signal %v", sig)
   467  		} else {
   468  			desc = fmt.Sprintf("Task being sent signal %v: %v", sig, reason)
   469  		}
   470  	case api.TaskRestartSignal:
   471  		if event.RestartReason != "" {
   472  			desc = event.RestartReason
   473  		} else {
   474  			desc = "Task signaled to restart"
   475  		}
   476  	case api.TaskDriverMessage:
   477  		desc = event.DriverMessage
   478  	case api.TaskLeaderDead:
   479  		desc = "Leader Task in Group dead"
   480  	default:
   481  		desc = event.Message
   482  	}
   484  	return desc
   485  }
   487  // outputTaskResources prints the task resources for the passed task and if
   488  // displayStats is set, verbose resource usage statistics
   489  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) outputTaskResources(alloc *api.Allocation, task string, stats *api.AllocResourceUsage, displayStats bool) {
   490  	resource, ok := alloc.TaskResources[task]
   491  	if !ok {
   492  		return
   493  	}
   495  	c.Ui.Output("Task Resources")
   496  	var addr []string
   497  	for _, nw := range resource.Networks {
   498  		ports := append(nw.DynamicPorts, nw.ReservedPorts...)
   499  		for _, port := range ports {
   500  			addr = append(addr, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v:%v\n", port.Label, nw.IP, port.Value))
   501  		}
   502  	}
   503  	var resourcesOutput []string
   504  	resourcesOutput = append(resourcesOutput, "CPU|Memory|Disk|IOPS|Addresses")
   505  	firstAddr := ""
   506  	if len(addr) > 0 {
   507  		firstAddr = addr[0]
   508  	}
   510  	// Display the rolled up stats. If possible prefer the live statistics
   511  	cpuUsage := strconv.Itoa(*resource.CPU)
   512  	memUsage := humanize.IBytes(uint64(*resource.MemoryMB * bytesPerMegabyte))
   513  	if stats != nil {
   514  		if ru, ok := stats.Tasks[task]; ok && ru != nil && ru.ResourceUsage != nil {
   515  			if cs := ru.ResourceUsage.CpuStats; cs != nil {
   516  				cpuUsage = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", math.Floor(cs.TotalTicks), cpuUsage)
   517  			}
   518  			if ms := ru.ResourceUsage.MemoryStats; ms != nil {
   519  				memUsage = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", humanize.IBytes(ms.RSS), memUsage)
   520  			}
   521  		}
   522  	}
   523  	resourcesOutput = append(resourcesOutput, fmt.Sprintf("%v MHz|%v|%v|%v|%v",
   524  		cpuUsage,
   525  		memUsage,
   526  		humanize.IBytes(uint64(*alloc.Resources.DiskMB*bytesPerMegabyte)),
   527  		*resource.IOPS,
   528  		firstAddr))
   529  	for i := 1; i < len(addr); i++ {
   530  		resourcesOutput = append(resourcesOutput, fmt.Sprintf("||||%v", addr[i]))
   531  	}
   532  	c.Ui.Output(formatListWithSpaces(resourcesOutput))
   534  	if stats != nil {
   535  		if ru, ok := stats.Tasks[task]; ok && ru != nil && displayStats && ru.ResourceUsage != nil {
   536  			c.Ui.Output("")
   537  			c.outputVerboseResourceUsage(task, ru.ResourceUsage)
   538  		}
   539  	}
   540  }
   542  // outputVerboseResourceUsage outputs the verbose resource usage for the passed
   543  // task
   544  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) outputVerboseResourceUsage(task string, resourceUsage *api.ResourceUsage) {
   545  	memoryStats := resourceUsage.MemoryStats
   546  	cpuStats := resourceUsage.CpuStats
   547  	if memoryStats != nil && len(memoryStats.Measured) > 0 {
   548  		c.Ui.Output("Memory Stats")
   550  		// Sort the measured stats
   551  		sort.Strings(memoryStats.Measured)
   553  		var measuredStats []string
   554  		for _, measured := range memoryStats.Measured {
   555  			switch measured {
   556  			case "RSS":
   557  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, humanize.IBytes(memoryStats.RSS))
   558  			case "Cache":
   559  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, humanize.IBytes(memoryStats.Cache))
   560  			case "Swap":
   561  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, humanize.IBytes(memoryStats.Swap))
   562  			case "Max Usage":
   563  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, humanize.IBytes(memoryStats.MaxUsage))
   564  			case "Kernel Usage":
   565  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, humanize.IBytes(memoryStats.KernelUsage))
   566  			case "Kernel Max Usage":
   567  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, humanize.IBytes(memoryStats.KernelMaxUsage))
   568  			}
   569  		}
   571  		out := make([]string, 2)
   572  		out[0] = strings.Join(memoryStats.Measured, "|")
   573  		out[1] = strings.Join(measuredStats, "|")
   574  		c.Ui.Output(formatList(out))
   575  		c.Ui.Output("")
   576  	}
   578  	if cpuStats != nil && len(cpuStats.Measured) > 0 {
   579  		c.Ui.Output("CPU Stats")
   581  		// Sort the measured stats
   582  		sort.Strings(cpuStats.Measured)
   584  		var measuredStats []string
   585  		for _, measured := range cpuStats.Measured {
   586  			switch measured {
   587  			case "Percent":
   588  				percent := strconv.FormatFloat(cpuStats.Percent, 'f', 2, 64)
   589  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", percent))
   590  			case "Throttled Periods":
   591  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, fmt.Sprintf("%v", cpuStats.ThrottledPeriods))
   592  			case "Throttled Time":
   593  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, fmt.Sprintf("%v", cpuStats.ThrottledTime))
   594  			case "User Mode":
   595  				percent := strconv.FormatFloat(cpuStats.UserMode, 'f', 2, 64)
   596  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", percent))
   597  			case "System Mode":
   598  				percent := strconv.FormatFloat(cpuStats.SystemMode, 'f', 2, 64)
   599  				measuredStats = append(measuredStats, fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", percent))
   600  			}
   601  		}
   603  		out := make([]string, 2)
   604  		out[0] = strings.Join(cpuStats.Measured, "|")
   605  		out[1] = strings.Join(measuredStats, "|")
   606  		c.Ui.Output(formatList(out))
   607  	}
   608  }
   610  // shortTaskStatus prints out the current state of each task.
   611  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) shortTaskStatus(alloc *api.Allocation) {
   612  	tasks := make([]string, 0, len(alloc.TaskStates)+1)
   613  	tasks = append(tasks, "Name|State|Last Event|Time")
   614  	for task := range c.sortedTaskStateIterator(alloc.TaskStates) {
   615  		state := alloc.TaskStates[task]
   616  		lastState := state.State
   617  		var lastEvent, lastTime string
   619  		l := len(state.Events)
   620  		if l != 0 {
   621  			last := state.Events[l-1]
   622  			lastEvent = last.Type
   623  			lastTime = formatUnixNanoTime(last.Time)
   624  		}
   626  		tasks = append(tasks, fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s",
   627  			task, lastState, lastEvent, lastTime))
   628  	}
   630  	c.Ui.Output(c.Colorize().Color("\n[bold]Tasks[reset]"))
   631  	c.Ui.Output(formatList(tasks))
   632  }
   634  // sortedTaskStateIterator is a helper that takes the task state map and returns a
   635  // channel that returns the keys in a sorted order.
   636  func (c *AllocStatusCommand) sortedTaskStateIterator(m map[string]*api.TaskState) <-chan string {
   637  	output := make(chan string, len(m))
   638  	keys := make([]string, len(m))
   639  	i := 0
   640  	for k := range m {
   641  		keys[i] = k
   642  		i++
   643  	}
   644  	sort.Strings(keys)
   646  	for _, key := range keys {
   647  		output <- key
   648  	}
   650  	close(output)
   651  	return output
   652  }