
     1  # Getting Started
     3  In this tutorial we'll be:
     4    1. [installing UniK](
     5    2. [writing a simple HTTP Daemon in C++](
     6    3. [compiling to a unikernel and launching an instance on Virtualbox](
     8  ### Installing UniK
     9  #### Prerequisites
    10  Ensure that each of the following are installed
    11  - [Docker]( installed and running with at least 6GB available space for building images
    12  - [`jq`](
    13  - [`make`](
    14  - [Virtualbox](
    16  #### Install, configure, and launch UniK
    17  1. Install UniK
    18    ```
    19    $ git clone
    20    $ cd unik
    21    $ make
    22    ```
    23    note: `make` will take quite a few minutes the first time it runs. the UniK `Makefile` is pulling all of the Docker images that bundle UniK's dependencies.
    25    Then, place the `unik` executable in your `$PATH` to make running UniK commands easier:
    26    ```
    27    $ mv _build/unik /usr/local/bin/
    28    ```
    30  2. Configure a Host-Only Network on Virtualbox
    31    * Open Virtualbox
    32    * Open **Preferences** > **Network** > **Host-only Networks**
    33    * Click the green add button on the right side of the UI
    34    * Record the name of the new Host-Only adapter. You will need this in your UniK configuration
    35    * Ensure that the Virtualbox DHCP Server is Enabled for this Host-Only Network:
    36      * With the Host-Only Network selected, Click the edit button (screwdriver image)
    37      * In the **Adapter** tab, note the IPv4 address and netmask of the adapter.
    38      * In the **DHCP Server** tab, check the **Enable Server** box
    39      * Set **Server Address** an IP on the same subnet as the Adapter IP. For example, if the adapter IP is ``, make set the DHCP server IP as `192.168.100.X`, where X is a number between 2-254.
    40      * Set **Server Mask** to the netmask you just noted
    41      * Set **Upper / Lower Address Bound** to a range of IPs on the same subnet. We recommend using the range `X-254` where X is one higher than the IP you used for the DHCP server itself. E.g., if your DHCP server is ``, you can set the lower and upper bounds to `` and ``, respectively.
    44  3. Configure UniK daemon
    45    * Using a text editor, create and save the following to `$HOME/.unik/daemon-config.yaml`:
    46    ```yaml
    47    providers:
    48      virtualbox:
    49        - name: my-vbox
    50          adapter_type: host_only
    51          adapter_name: NEW_HOST_ONLY_ADAPTER
    52    ```
    53    replacing `NEW_HOST_ONLY_ADAPTER` with the name of the network adapter you created.
    56  4. Launch UniK and automatically deploy the *Virtualbox Instance Listener*
    57    * Open a new terminal window/tab. This terminal will be where we leave the UniK daemon running.
    58    * `cd` to the `_build` directory created by `make`
    59    * run `unik daemon --debug` (the `--debug` flag is optional, if you want to see more verbose output)
    60    * UniK will compile and deploy its own 30 MB unikernel. This unikernel is the [Unik Instance Listener](./ The instance listener uses udp broadcast to detect instance ips and bootstrap instances running on Virtualbox.
    61    * After this is finished, UniK is running and ready to accept commands.
    62    * Open a new terminal window and type `unik target --host localhost` to set the CLI target to the your local machine.
    64  ---
    66  #### Write a C++ HTTP server
    68  0. Open a new terminal window, but leave the window with the daemon running. This window will be used for running UniK CLI commands.
    70  1. Create a file `service.cpp` using a text editor. Copy and paste the following code in that file:
    72    ```cpp
    73    #include <os>
    74    #include <net/inet4>
    76    constexpr int port {8080};
    78    void Service::start(const std::string&) {
    79      using namespace std::string_literals;
    81      auto& server = net::Inet4::stack().tcp().bind(port);
    82      server.on_connect([] (auto conn) {
    83        conn->on_read(1024, [conn] (auto buf, size_t n) {
    84          auto response {"My first unikernel!\n"s};
    85          conn->write(response);
    86          conn->close();
    87        });
    88      });
    89    }
    90    ```
    92  2. We need to create a Makefile. This is necessary to tell the C++ compiler how to build and link our project.
    94    ```make
    95    # The name of your service
    96    SERVICE = IncludeOS_service
    97    SERVICE_NAME = My IncludeOS Service
    99    # Your service parts
   100    FILES = service.cpp
   102    # Your disk image
   103    DISK=
   105    # Add networking driver
   106    DRIVERS=virtionet
   108    # Your own include-path
   111    PLATFORM=unik
   113    # IncludeOS location
   114    ifndef INCLUDEOS_INSTALL
   115    INCLUDEOS_INSTALL=$(HOME)/IncludeOS_install
   116    endif
   118    # Include the installed seed makefile
   119    include $(INCLUDEOS_INSTALL)/Makeseed
   120    ```
   122  3. Great! Now we're ready to compile this code to a unikernel.
   124  ---
   126  #### Compile an image and run on Virtualbox
   128  1. Run the following command from the directory where your `service.cpp` is located to instruct UniK to compile the sources found in the working directory (`./`) using the `includeos-cpp-virtualbox` compiler :
   129  ```
   130  unik build --name myImage --path ./ --base includeos --language cpp --provider virtualbox
   131  ```
   132  2. You can watch the output of the `build` command in the terminal window running the daemon.
   133  3. When `build` finishes, the resulting disk image will reside at `$HOME/.unik/virtualbox/images/myImage/boot.vmdk`
   134  4. Run an instance of this image with
   135  ```
   136  unik run --instanceName myInstance --imageName myImage
   137  ```
   138  5. When the instance finishes launching, let's check its IP and see that it is running our application.
   139  6. Run `unik instances`. The instance IP Address should be listed.
   140  7. Direct your browser to `http://instance-ip:8080` and see that your instance is running!
   141  8. To clean up your image and the instance you created
   142  ```
   143  unik rmi --force --image myImage
   144  ```