
     1  package bn256
     3  import (
     4  	"crypto/subtle"
     5  	"math/big"
     6  )
     8  // twistPoint implements the elliptic curve y²=x³+5/ξ (y²=x³+5i) over GF(p²). Points are
     9  // kept in Jacobian form and t=z² when valid. The group G₂ is the set of
    10  // n-torsion points of this curve over GF(p²) (where n = Order)
    11  type twistPoint struct {
    12  	x, y, z, t gfP2
    13  }
    15  var twistB = &gfP2{
    16  	*newGFp(5),
    17  	*zero,
    18  }
    20  var threeTwistB = &gfP2{
    21  	*newGFp(3 * 5),
    22  	*zero,
    23  }
    25  // twistGen is the generator of group G₂.
    26  var twistGen = &twistPoint{
    27  	gfP2{
    28  		*fromBigInt(bigFromHex("85AEF3D078640C98597B6027B441A01FF1DD2C190F5E93C454806C11D8806141")),
    29  		*fromBigInt(bigFromHex("3722755292130B08D2AAB97FD34EC120EE265948D19C17ABF9B7213BAF82D65B")),
    30  	},
    31  	gfP2{
    32  		*fromBigInt(bigFromHex("17509B092E845C1266BA0D262CBEE6ED0736A96FA347C8BD856DC76B84EBEB96")),
    33  		*fromBigInt(bigFromHex("A7CF28D519BE3DA65F3170153D278FF247EFBA98A71A08116215BBA5C999A7C7")),
    34  	},
    35  	gfP2{*newGFp(0), *newGFp(1)},
    36  	gfP2{*newGFp(0), *newGFp(1)},
    37  }
    39  func (c *twistPoint) String() string {
    40  	c.MakeAffine()
    41  	x, y := gfP2Decode(&c.x), gfP2Decode(&c.y)
    42  	return "(" + x.String() + ", " + y.String() + ")"
    43  }
    45  func (c *twistPoint) Set(a *twistPoint) {
    46  	c.x.Set(&a.x)
    47  	c.y.Set(&a.y)
    48  	c.z.Set(&a.z)
    49  	c.t.Set(&a.t)
    50  }
    52  func NewTwistPoint() *twistPoint {
    53  	c := &twistPoint{}
    54  	c.SetInfinity()
    55  	return c
    56  }
    58  func NewTwistGenerator() *twistPoint {
    59  	c := &twistPoint{}
    60  	c.Set(twistGen)
    61  	return c
    62  }
    64  func (c *twistPoint) polynomial(x *gfP2) *gfP2 {
    65  	x3 := &gfP2{}
    66  	x3.Square(x).Mul(x3, x).Add(x3, twistB)
    67  	return x3
    68  }
    70  // IsOnCurve returns true iff c is on the curve.
    71  func (c *twistPoint) IsOnCurve() bool {
    72  	c.MakeAffine()
    73  	if c.IsInfinity() {
    74  		return true
    75  	}
    77  	y2 := &gfP2{}
    78  	y2.Square(&c.y)
    79  	x3 := c.polynomial(&c.x)
    81  	return y2.Equal(x3) == 1
    82  }
    84  func (c *twistPoint) SetInfinity() {
    85  	c.x.SetZero()
    86  	c.y.SetOne()
    87  	c.z.SetZero()
    88  	c.t.SetZero()
    89  }
    91  func (c *twistPoint) IsInfinity() bool {
    92  	return c.z.IsZero()
    93  }
    95  func (c *twistPoint) Add(p1, p2 *twistPoint) {
    96  	// Complete addition formula for a = 0 from "Complete addition formulas for
    97  	// prime order elliptic curves" (, §3.2.
    98  	// Algorithm 7: Complete, projective point addition for prime order j-invariant 0 short Weierstrass curves.
   100  	t0, t1, t2, t3, t4 := new(gfP2), new(gfP2), new(gfP2), new(gfP2), new(gfP2)
   101  	x3, y3, z3 := new(gfP2), new(gfP2), new(gfP2)
   102  	t0.Mul(&p1.x, &p2.x)    // t0 := X1X2
   103  	t1.Mul(&p1.y, &p2.y)    // t1 := Y1Y2
   104  	t2.Mul(&p1.z, &p2.z)    // t2 := Z1Z2
   105  	t3.Add(&p1.x, &p1.y)    // t3 := X1 + Y1
   106  	t4.Add(&p2.x, &p2.y)    // t4 := X2 + Y2
   107  	t3.Mul(t3, t4)          // t3 := t3 * t4 = (X1 + Y1) * (X2 + Y2)
   108  	t4.Add(t0, t1)          // t4 := t0 + t1
   109  	t3.Sub(t3, t4)          // t3 := t3 - t4 = X1Y2 + X2Y1
   110  	t4.Add(&p1.y, &p1.z)    // t4 := Y1 + Z1
   111  	x3.Add(&p2.y, &p2.z)    // X3 := Y2 + Z2
   112  	t4.Mul(t4, x3)          // t4 := t4 * X3 = (Y1 + Z1)(Y2 + Z2)
   113  	x3.Add(t1, t2)          // X3 := t1 + t2
   114  	t4.Sub(t4, x3)          // t4 := t4 - X3 = Y1Z2 + Y2Z1
   115  	x3.Add(&p1.x, &p1.z)    // X3 := X1 + Z1
   116  	y3.Add(&p2.x, &p2.z)    // Y3 := X2 + Z2
   117  	x3.Mul(x3, y3)          // X3 := X3 * Y3
   118  	y3.Add(t0, t2)          // Y3 := t0 + t2
   119  	y3.Sub(x3, y3)          // Y3 := X3 - Y3 = X1Z2 + X2Z1
   120  	t0.Triple(t0)           // t0 := t0 + t0 + t0 = 3X1X2
   121  	t2.Mul(threeTwistB, t2) // t2 := 3b * t2 = 3bZ1Z2
   122  	z3.Add(t1, t2)          // Z3 := t1 + t2 = Y1Y2 + 3bZ1Z2
   123  	t1.Sub(t1, t2)          // t1 := t1 - t2 = Y1Y2 - 3bZ1Z2
   124  	y3.Mul(threeTwistB, y3) // Y3 = 3b * Y3 = 3b(X1Z2 + X2Z1)
   125  	x3.Mul(t4, y3)          // X3 := t4 * Y3 = 3b(X1Z2 + X2Z1)(Y1Z2 + Y2Z1)
   126  	t2.Mul(t3, t1)          // t2 := t3 * t1 = (X1Y2 + X2Y1)(Y1Y2 - 3bZ1Z2)
   127  	x3.Sub(t2, x3)          // X3 := t2 - X3 = (X1Y2 + X2Y1)(Y1Y2 - 3bZ1Z2) - 3b(Y1Z2 + Y2Z1)(X1Z2 + X2Z1)
   128  	y3.Mul(y3, t0)          // Y3 := Y3 * t0 = 9bX1X2(X1Z2 + X2Z1)
   129  	t1.Mul(t1, z3)          // t1 := t1 * Z3 = (Y1Y2 + 3bZ1Z2)(Y1Y2 - 3bZ1Z2)
   130  	y3.Add(t1, y3)          // Y3 := t1 + Y3 = (Y1Y2 + 3bZ1Z2)(Y1Y2 - 3bZ1Z2) + 9bX1X2(X1Z2 + X2Z1)
   131  	t0.Mul(t0, t3)          // t0 := t0 * t3 = 3X1X2(X1Y2 + X2Y1)
   132  	z3.Mul(z3, t4)          // Z3 := Z3 * t4 = (Y1Z2 + Y2Z1)(Y1Y2 + 3bZ1Z2)
   133  	z3.Add(z3, t0)          // Z3 := Z3 + t0 = (Y1Z2 + Y2Z1)(Y1Y2 + 3bZ1Z2) + 3X1X2(X1Y2 + X2Y1)
   135  	c.x.Set(x3)
   136  	c.y.Set(y3)
   137  	c.z.Set(z3)
   138  }
   140  func (c *twistPoint) Double(p *twistPoint) {
   141  	// Complete addition formula for a = 0 from "Complete addition formulas for
   142  	// prime order elliptic curves" (, §3.2.
   143  	// Algorithm 9: Exception-free point doubling for prime order j-invariant 0 short Weierstrass curves.
   144  	t0, t1, t2 := new(gfP2), new(gfP2), new(gfP2)
   145  	x3, y3, z3 := new(gfP2), new(gfP2), new(gfP2)
   147  	t0.Square(&p.y)         // t0 := Y^2
   148  	z3.Double(t0)           // Z3 := t0 + t0
   149  	z3.Double(z3)           // Z3 := Z3 + Z3
   150  	z3.Double(z3)           // Z3 := Z3 + Z3
   151  	t1.Mul(&p.y, &p.z)      // t1 := YZ
   152  	t2.Square(&p.z)         // t2 := Z^2
   153  	t2.Mul(threeTwistB, t2) // t2 := 3b * t2 = 3bZ^2
   154  	x3.Mul(t2, z3)          // X3 := t2 * Z3
   155  	y3.Add(t0, t2)          // Y3 := t0 + t2
   156  	z3.Mul(t1, z3)          // Z3 := t1 * Z3
   157  	t2.Triple(t2)           // t2 := t2 + t2 + t2
   158  	t0.Sub(t0, t2)          // t0 := t0 - t2
   159  	y3.Mul(t0, y3)          // Y3 := t0 * Y3
   160  	y3.Add(x3, y3)          // Y3 := X3 + Y3
   161  	t1.Mul(&p.x, &p.y)      // t1 := XY
   162  	x3.Mul(t0, t1)          // X3 := t0 * t1
   163  	x3.Double(x3)           // X3 := X3 + X3
   165  	c.x.Set(x3)
   166  	c.y.Set(y3)
   167  	c.z.Set(z3)
   168  }
   170  func (c *twistPoint) Mul(a *twistPoint, scalar *big.Int) {
   171  	sum, t := &twistPoint{}, &twistPoint{}
   173  	for i := scalar.BitLen(); i >= 0; i-- {
   174  		t.Double(sum)
   175  		if scalar.Bit(i) != 0 {
   176  			sum.Add(t, a)
   177  		} else {
   178  			sum.Set(t)
   179  		}
   180  	}
   182  	c.Set(sum)
   183  }
   185  // MakeAffine reverses the Projective transform.
   186  // A = 1/Z1
   187  // X3 = A*X1
   188  // Y3 = A*Y1
   189  // Z3 = 1
   190  func (c *twistPoint) MakeAffine() {
   191  	// TODO: do we need to change it to constant-time implementation?
   192  	if c.z.IsOne() {
   193  		return
   194  	} else if c.z.IsZero() {
   195  		c.x.SetZero()
   196  		c.y.SetOne()
   197  		c.t.SetZero()
   198  		return
   199  	}
   201  	zInv := &gfP2{}
   202  	zInv.Invert(&c.z)
   204  	c.x.Mul(&c.x, zInv)
   205  	c.y.Mul(&c.y, zInv)
   207  	c.z.SetOne()
   208  	c.t.SetOne()
   209  }
   211  // MakeAffine reverses the Jacobian transform.
   212  // the Jacobian coordinates are (x1, y1, z1)
   213  // where x = x1/z1² and y = y1/z1³.
   214  func (c *twistPoint) AffineFromJacobian() {
   215  	if c.z.IsOne() {
   216  		return
   217  	} else if c.z.IsZero() {
   218  		c.x.SetZero()
   219  		c.y.SetOne()
   220  		c.t.SetZero()
   221  		return
   222  	}
   224  	zInv := (&gfP2{}).Invert(&c.z)
   225  	t := (&gfP2{}).Mul(&c.y, zInv)
   226  	zInv2 := (&gfP2{}).Square(zInv)
   227  	c.y.Mul(t, zInv2)
   228  	t.Mul(&c.x, zInv2)
   229  	c.x.Set(t)
   230  	c.z.SetOne()
   231  	c.t.SetOne()
   232  }
   234  func (c *twistPoint) Neg(a *twistPoint) {
   235  	c.x.Set(&a.x)
   236  	c.y.Neg(&a.y)
   237  	c.z.Set(&a.z)
   238  	c.t.SetZero()
   239  }
   241  // code logic is form
   242  // the value is not same as [p]a
   243  func (c *twistPoint) Frobenius(a *twistPoint) {
   244  	c.x.Conjugate(&a.x)
   245  	c.y.Conjugate(&a.y)
   246  	c.z.Conjugate(&a.z)
   247  	c.z.MulScalar(&a.z, frobConstant)
   248  	c.t.Square(&a.z)
   249  }
   251  func (c *twistPoint) FrobeniusP2(a *twistPoint) {
   252  	c.x.Set(&a.x)
   253  	c.y.Set(&a.y)
   254  	c.z.MulScalar(&a.z, wToP2Minus1)
   255  	c.t.Square(&a.z)
   256  }
   258  func (c *twistPoint) NegFrobeniusP2(a *twistPoint) {
   259  	c.x.Set(&a.x)
   260  	c.y.Neg(&a.y)
   261  	c.z.MulScalar(&a.z, wToP2Minus1)
   262  	c.t.Square(&a.z)
   263  }
   265  // A twistPointTable holds the first 15 multiples of a point at offset -1, so [1]P
   266  // is at table[0], [15]P is at table[14], and [0]P is implicitly the identity
   267  // point.
   268  type twistPointTable [15]*twistPoint
   270  // Select selects the n-th multiple of the table base point into p. It works in
   271  // constant time by iterating over every entry of the table. n must be in [0, 15].
   272  func (table *twistPointTable) Select(p *twistPoint, n uint8) {
   273  	if n >= 16 {
   274  		panic("sm9: internal error: twistPointTable called with out-of-bounds value")
   275  	}
   276  	p.SetInfinity()
   277  	for i, f := range table {
   278  		cond := subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq(uint8(i+1), n)
   279  		twistPointMovCond(p, f, p, cond)
   280  	}
   281  }
   283  /*
   284  //code logic is from
   285  func (c *twistPoint) Frobenius(a *twistPoint) {
   286  	w, r, frob := &gfP2{}, &gfP2{}, &gfP2{}
   287  	frob.SetFrobConstant()
   288  	w.Square(frob)
   290  	r.Conjugate(&twistGen.x)
   291  	r.Mul(r, w)
   292  	c.x.Set(r)
   294  	r.Conjugate(&twistGen.y)
   295  	r.Mul(r, frob)
   296  	r.Mul(r, w)
   297  	c.y.Set(r)
   299  	r.Conjugate(&twistGen.z)
   300  	c.z.Set(r)
   302  	r.Square(&c.z)
   303  	c.t.Set(r)
   304  }
   306  func (c *twistPoint) FrobeniusP2(a *twistPoint) {
   307  	ret := &twistPoint{}
   308  	ret.Frobenius(a)
   309  	c.Frobenius(ret)
   310  }
   312  */
   313  /*
   314  // code logic from
   315  func (c *twistPoint) Frobenius(a *twistPoint) {
   316  	r := &gfP2{}
   317  	r.Conjugate(&a.x)
   318  	r.MulScalar(r, xiToPMinus1Over3)
   319  	c.x.Set(r)
   320  	r.Conjugate(&a.y)
   321  	r.MulScalar(r, xiToPMinus1Over2)
   322  	c.y.Set(r)
   323  	c.z.SetOne()
   324  	c.t.SetOne()
   325  }
   327  func (c *twistPoint) FrobeniusP2(a *twistPoint) {
   328  	c.x.MulScalar(&a.x, xiToPSquaredMinus1Over3)
   329  	c.y.Neg(&a.y)
   330  	c.z.SetOne()
   331  	c.t.SetOne()
   332  }
   334  func (c *twistPoint) NegFrobeniusP2(a *twistPoint) {
   335  	c.x.MulScalar(&a.x, xiToPSquaredMinus1Over3)
   336  	c.y.Set(&a.y)
   337  	c.z.SetOne()
   338  	c.t.SetOne()
   339  }
   340  */