
     1  package api
     3  import (
     4  	shipapi ""
     5  	""
     6  )
     8  /* Device */
    10  // This interface defines the functions being common to local and remote devices
    11  // A device corresponds to a SPINE device, see SPINE Introduction Chapter 2.2
    12  type DeviceInterface interface {
    13  	// Get the device address
    14  	Address() *model.AddressDeviceType
    15  	// Get the device type
    16  	DeviceType() *model.DeviceTypeType
    17  	// Get the device feature set
    18  	FeatureSet() *model.NetworkManagementFeatureSetType
    19  	// Get the device destination data
    20  	DestinationData() model.NodeManagementDestinationDataType
    21  }
    23  // This interface defines all the required functions need to implement a local device
    24  type DeviceLocalInterface interface {
    25  	DeviceInterface
    26  	// Setup a new remote device with a given SKI and triggers SPINE requesting device details
    27  	SetupRemoteDevice(ski string, writeI shipapi.ShipConnectionDataWriterInterface) shipapi.ShipConnectionDataReaderInterface
    28  	// Add a DeviceRemoteInterface implementation (used in SetupRemoteDevice and in tests)
    29  	AddRemoteDeviceForSki(ski string, rDevice DeviceRemoteInterface)
    31  	// Request NodeManagementDetailedDiscovery Data from a remote device
    32  	RequestRemoteDetailedDiscoveryData(rDevice DeviceRemoteInterface) (*model.MsgCounterType, *model.ErrorType)
    34  	// Remove a remote device and its connection
    35  	RemoveRemoteDeviceConnection(ski string)
    36  	// Remove a remote device (used in RemoveRemoteDeviceConnection and in tests)
    37  	RemoveRemoteDevice(ski string)
    39  	// Get a list of connected remote devices DeviceRemoteInterface implementations
    40  	RemoteDevices() []DeviceRemoteInterface
    41  	// Get a connected remote device DeviceRemoteInterface implementation for a given device address
    42  	RemoteDeviceForAddress(address model.AddressDeviceType) DeviceRemoteInterface
    43  	// Get a connected remote device DeviceRemoteInterface implementation for a SKI
    44  	RemoteDeviceForSki(ski string) DeviceRemoteInterface
    46  	// Add a new entity to the device
    47  	// It should trigger a notification of all remote devices about this new entity
    48  	AddEntity(entity EntityLocalInterface)
    49  	// Remove a entity from the device
    50  	// It should trigger a notification of all remote devices about this removed entity
    51  	RemoveEntity(entity EntityLocalInterface)
    52  	// Get a list of all entities EntityLocalInterface implementations
    53  	Entities() []EntityLocalInterface
    54  	// Get an entity EntityLocalInterface implementation for a given entity address
    55  	Entity(id []model.AddressEntityType) EntityLocalInterface
    56  	// Get the first entity EntityLocalInterface implementation for a given entity type
    57  	EntityForType(entityType model.EntityTypeType) EntityLocalInterface
    59  	// Get a FeatureLocalInterface implementation for a given feature address
    60  	FeatureByAddress(address *model.FeatureAddressType) FeatureLocalInterface
    62  	// Clean all entity specific caches
    63  	CleanRemoteEntityCaches(remoteAddress *model.EntityAddressType)
    65  	// Process incoming SPINE datagram
    66  	ProcessCmd(datagram model.DatagramType, remoteDevice DeviceRemoteInterface) error
    68  	// Get the node management
    69  	NodeManagement() NodeManagementInterface
    71  	// Get the bindings manager
    72  	BindingManager() BindingManagerInterface
    74  	// Get the subscription manager
    75  	SubscriptionManager() SubscriptionManagerInterface
    76  	// Send a notify message to remote device subscribing to a specific feature
    77  	NotifySubscribers(featureAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType)
    79  	// Get the SPINE data structure for NodeManagementDetailDiscoveryData messages for this device
    80  	Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryDeviceInformationType
    81  }
    83  // This interface defines all the required functions need to implement a remote device
    84  type DeviceRemoteInterface interface {
    85  	DeviceInterface
    86  	// Get the SKI of a remote device
    87  	Ski() string
    89  	// Add a new entity EntityRemoteInterface implementation
    90  	AddEntity(entity EntityRemoteInterface)
    92  	// Remove an entity for a given address and return the entity that was removed
    93  	RemoveEntityByAddress(addr []model.AddressEntityType) EntityRemoteInterface
    95  	// Get an entity EntityRemoteInterface implementation for a given address
    96  	Entity(id []model.AddressEntityType) EntityRemoteInterface
    97  	// Get all entities EntityRemoteInterface implementations
    98  	Entities() []EntityRemoteInterface
   100  	// Get a feature FeatureRemoteInterface implementation for a given address
   101  	FeatureByAddress(address *model.FeatureAddressType) FeatureRemoteInterface
   102  	// Get a feature FeatureRemoteInterface implementation from a given entity EntityRemoteInterface implementation by the feature type and feature role
   103  	FeatureByEntityTypeAndRole(entity EntityRemoteInterface, featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureRemoteInterface
   105  	// Process incoming data payload
   106  	HandleSpineMesssage(message []byte) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
   108  	// Get the SenderInterface implementation
   109  	Sender() SenderInterface
   111  	// Get the devices usecase data
   112  	UseCases() []model.UseCaseInformationDataType
   114  	// Update the devices address, type and featureset based on NetworkManagementDeviceDescriptionData
   115  	UpdateDevice(description *model.NetworkManagementDeviceDescriptionDataType)
   117  	// Add entities and their features using provided NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
   118  	AddEntityAndFeatures(initialData bool, data *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryDataType) ([]EntityRemoteInterface, error)
   120  	// Helper method for checking incoming NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryEntityInformation data
   121  	CheckEntityInformation(initialData bool, entity model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryEntityInformationType) error
   122  }