
     1  package api
     3  import ""
     5  /* Entity */
     7  // This interface defines the functions being common to local and remote entites
     8  // An entity corresponds to a SPINE entity, see SPINE Introduction Chapter 2.2
     9  type EntityInterface interface {
    10  	// Get the entity address
    11  	Address() *model.EntityAddressType
    12  	// Get the entity type
    13  	EntityType() model.EntityTypeType
    14  	// Get the entity description
    15  	Description() *model.DescriptionType
    16  	// Set the entity description
    17  	SetDescription(d *model.DescriptionType)
    18  	// Get the next incremental feature id
    19  	NextFeatureId() uint
    20  }
    22  // This interface defines all the required functions need to implement a local entity
    23  type EntityLocalInterface interface {
    24  	EntityInterface
    25  	// Get the associated DeviceLocalInterface implementation
    26  	Device() DeviceLocalInterface
    28  	// Get the hearbeat manager for this entity
    29  	HeartbeatManager() HeartbeatManagerInterface
    31  	// Add a new feature with a given FeatureLocalInterface implementation
    32  	AddFeature(f FeatureLocalInterface)
    33  	// Get a FeatureLocalInterface implementation for a given feature type and role or create it if it does not exist yet and return it
    34  	GetOrAddFeature(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureLocalInterface
    35  	// Get a FeatureLocalInterface implementation for a given feature type and role
    36  	FeatureOfTypeAndRole(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureLocalInterface
    37  	// Get a FeatureLocalInterface implementation for a given feature address
    38  	FeatureOfAddress(addressFeature *model.AddressFeatureType) FeatureLocalInterface
    39  	// Get all FeatureLocalInterface implementations
    40  	Features() []FeatureLocalInterface
    42  	// Add a new usecase
    43  	AddUseCaseSupport(
    44  		actor model.UseCaseActorType,
    45  		useCaseName model.UseCaseNameType,
    46  		useCaseVersion model.SpecificationVersionType,
    47  		useCaseDocumemtSubRevision string,
    48  		useCaseAvailable bool,
    49  		scenarios []model.UseCaseScenarioSupportType,
    50  	)
    51  	// Check if a use case is already added
    52  	HasUseCaseSupport(
    53  		actor model.UseCaseActorType,
    54  		useCaseName model.UseCaseNameType) bool
    55  	// Remove support for a usecase
    56  	RemoveUseCaseSupport(
    57  		actor model.UseCaseActorType,
    58  		useCaseName model.UseCaseNameType,
    59  	)
    60  	// Set the availability of a usecase. This may only be used for usescases
    61  	// that act as a client within the usecase!
    62  	SetUseCaseAvailability(actor model.UseCaseActorType, useCaseName model.UseCaseNameType, available bool)
    63  	// Remove all usecases
    64  	RemoveAllUseCaseSupports()
    66  	// Remove all subscriptions
    67  	RemoveAllSubscriptions()
    69  	// Remove all bindings
    70  	RemoveAllBindings()
    72  	// Get the SPINE data structure for NodeManagementDetailDiscoveryData messages for this entity
    73  	Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryEntityInformationType
    74  }
    76  // This interface defines all the required functions need to implement a remote entity
    77  type EntityRemoteInterface interface {
    78  	EntityInterface
    80  	// Get the associated DeviceRemoteInterface implementation
    81  	Device() DeviceRemoteInterface
    83  	// Update the device address (only used for the DeviceInformation entity when receiving the DetailDiscovery reply)
    84  	UpdateDeviceAddress(address model.AddressDeviceType)
    86  	// Add a new feature with a given FeatureLocalInterface implementation
    87  	AddFeature(f FeatureRemoteInterface)
    89  	// Remove all features
    90  	RemoveAllFeatures()
    92  	// Get a FeatureRemoteInterface implementation for a given feature type and role
    93  	FeatureOfTypeAndRole(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureRemoteInterface
    94  	// Get a FeatureRemoteInterface implementation for a given feature address
    95  	FeatureOfAddress(addressFeature *model.AddressFeatureType) FeatureRemoteInterface
    96  	// Get all FeatureRemoteInterface implementations
    97  	Features() []FeatureRemoteInterface
    98  }