
     1  package g_test
     3  import (
     4  	"math"
     5  	"math/big"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	""
     9  )
    11  func TestFloatBytes(t *testing.T) {
    12  	// Test case for positive float
    13  	f := g.Float(3.14)
    14  	expected := []byte{64, 9, 30, 184, 81, 235, 133, 31} // Bytes representation of 3.14 in big-endian
    15  	actual := f.Bytes()
    16  	if actual.Ne(expected) {
    17  		t.Errorf("Bytes representation of positive float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
    18  	}
    20  	// Test case for negative float
    21  	f = g.Float(-3.14)
    22  	expected = []byte{192, 9, 30, 184, 81, 235, 133, 31} // Bytes representation of -3.14 in big-endian
    23  	actual = f.Bytes()
    24  	if actual.Ne(expected) {
    25  		t.Errorf("Bytes representation of negative float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
    26  	}
    28  	// Test case for infinity
    29  	f = g.Float(math.Inf(1))
    30  	expected = []byte{127, 240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} // Bytes representation of positive infinity in big-endian
    31  	actual = f.Bytes()
    32  	if actual.Ne(expected) {
    33  		t.Errorf("Bytes representation of positive infinity incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
    34  	}
    36  	// Test case for negative infinity
    37  	f = g.Float(math.Inf(-1))
    38  	expected = []byte{255, 240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} // Bytes representation of negative infinity in big-endian
    39  	actual = f.Bytes()
    40  	if actual.Ne(expected) {
    41  		t.Errorf("Bytes representation of negative infinity incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
    42  	}
    43  }
    45  func TestFloatCompare(t *testing.T) {
    46  	testCases := []struct {
    47  		f1       g.Float
    48  		f2       g.Float
    49  		expected int
    50  	}{
    51  		{3.14, 6.28, -1},
    52  		{6.28, 3.14, 1},
    53  		{1.23, 1.23, 0},
    54  		{-2.5, 2.5, -1},
    55  	}
    57  	for _, tc := range testCases {
    58  		result := int(tc.f1.Cmp(tc.f2))
    59  		if result != tc.expected {
    60  			t.Errorf("Compare(%f, %f): expected %d, got %d", tc.f1, tc.f2, tc.expected, result)
    61  		}
    62  	}
    63  }
    65  func TestFloatEq(t *testing.T) {
    66  	testCases := []struct {
    67  		f1       g.Float
    68  		f2       g.Float
    69  		expected bool
    70  	}{
    71  		{3.14, 6.28, false},
    72  		{1.23, 1.23, true},
    73  		{0.0, 0.0, true},
    74  		{-2.5, 2.5, false},
    75  	}
    77  	for _, tc := range testCases {
    78  		result := tc.f1.Eq(tc.f2)
    79  		if result != tc.expected {
    80  			t.Errorf("Eq(%f, %f): expected %t, got %t", tc.f1, tc.f2, tc.expected, result)
    81  		}
    82  	}
    83  }
    85  func TestFloatNe(t *testing.T) {
    86  	testCases := []struct {
    87  		f1       g.Float
    88  		f2       g.Float
    89  		expected bool
    90  	}{
    91  		{3.14, 6.28, true},
    92  		{1.23, 1.23, false},
    93  		{0.0, 0.0, false},
    94  		{-2.5, 2.5, true},
    95  	}
    97  	for _, tc := range testCases {
    98  		result := tc.f1.Ne(tc.f2)
    99  		if result != tc.expected {
   100  			t.Errorf("Ne(%f, %f): expected %t, got %t", tc.f1, tc.f2, tc.expected, result)
   101  		}
   102  	}
   103  }
   105  func TestFloatGt(t *testing.T) {
   106  	testCases := []struct {
   107  		f1       g.Float
   108  		f2       g.Float
   109  		expected bool
   110  	}{
   111  		{3.14, 6.28, false},
   112  		{6.28, 3.14, true},
   113  		{1.23, 1.23, false},
   114  		{-2.5, 2.5, false},
   115  	}
   117  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   118  		result := tc.f1.Gt(tc.f2)
   119  		if result != tc.expected {
   120  			t.Errorf("Gt(%f, %f): expected %t, got %t", tc.f1, tc.f2, tc.expected, result)
   121  		}
   122  	}
   123  }
   125  func TestFloatLt(t *testing.T) {
   126  	testCases := []struct {
   127  		f1       g.Float
   128  		f2       g.Float
   129  		expected bool
   130  	}{
   131  		{3.14, 6.28, true},
   132  		{6.28, 3.14, false},
   133  		{1.23, 1.23, false},
   134  		{-2.5, 2.5, true},
   135  	}
   136  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   137  		result := tc.f1.Lt(tc.f2)
   138  		if result != tc.expected {
   139  			t.Errorf("Lt(%f, %f): expected %t, got %t", tc.f1, tc.f2, tc.expected, result)
   140  		}
   141  	}
   142  }
   144  func TestFloatRound(t *testing.T) {
   145  	// Test cases for positive numbers
   146  	positiveTests := []struct {
   147  		input    g.Float
   148  		expected g.Int
   149  	}{
   150  		{1.1, 1},
   151  		{1.5, 2},
   152  		{1.9, 2},
   153  	}
   155  	for _, tc := range positiveTests {
   156  		result := tc.input.Round()
   157  		if result != tc.expected {
   158  			t.Errorf("Round(%f) = %d; expected %d", tc.input, result, tc.expected)
   159  		}
   160  	}
   162  	// Test cases for negative numbers
   163  	negativeTests := []struct {
   164  		input    g.Float
   165  		expected g.Int
   166  	}{
   167  		{-1.1, -1},
   168  		{-1.5, -2},
   169  		{-1.9, -2},
   170  	}
   172  	for _, tc := range negativeTests {
   173  		result := tc.input.Round()
   174  		if result != tc.expected {
   175  			t.Errorf("Round(%f) = %d; expected %d", tc.input, result, tc.expected)
   176  		}
   177  	}
   178  }
   180  func TestFloatRoundDecimal(t *testing.T) {
   181  	testCases := []struct {
   182  		value    g.Float
   183  		decimals g.Int
   184  		expected g.Float
   185  	}{
   186  		{3.1415926535, 2, 3.14},
   187  		{3.1415926535, 3, 3.142},
   188  		{100.123456789, 4, 100.1235},
   189  		{-5.6789, 1, -5.7},
   190  		{12345.6789, 0, 12346},
   191  		{12345.6789, -1, 12345.6789},
   192  	}
   194  	for _, testCase := range testCases {
   195  		result := testCase.value.RoundDecimal(testCase.decimals)
   196  		if result != testCase.expected {
   197  			t.Errorf(
   198  				"Failed: value=%.10f decimals=%d, expected=%.10f, got=%.10f\n",
   199  				testCase.value,
   200  				testCase.decimals,
   201  				testCase.expected,
   202  				result,
   203  			)
   204  		}
   205  	}
   206  }
   208  func TestFloatMax(t *testing.T) {
   209  	if max := g.NewFloat(2.2).Max(2.8, 2.1, 2.7); max != 2.8 {
   210  		t.Errorf("Max() = %f, want: %f.", max, 2.8)
   211  	}
   212  }
   214  func TestFloatMin(t *testing.T) {
   215  	if min := g.NewFloat(2.2).Min(2.8, 2.1, 2.7); min != 2.1 {
   216  		t.Errorf("Min() = %f; want: %f", min, 2.1)
   217  	}
   218  }
   220  func TestFloatAbs(t *testing.T) {
   221  	// Test case for positive float
   222  	f := g.Float(3.14)
   223  	expected := g.Float(3.14)
   224  	actual := f.Abs()
   225  	if actual != expected {
   226  		t.Errorf("Absolute value of positive float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   227  	}
   229  	// Test case for negative float
   230  	f = g.Float(-3.14)
   231  	expected = g.Float(3.14)
   232  	actual = f.Abs()
   233  	if actual != expected {
   234  		t.Errorf("Absolute value of negative float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   235  	}
   237  	// Test case for zero float
   238  	f = g.Float(0)
   239  	expected = g.Float(0)
   240  	actual = f.Abs()
   241  	if actual != expected {
   242  		t.Errorf("Absolute value of zero float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   243  	}
   244  }
   246  func TestFloatAdd(t *testing.T) {
   247  	// Test case for addition of positive floats
   248  	f1 := g.Float(3.14)
   249  	f2 := g.Float(1.23)
   250  	expected := g.Float(4.37)
   251  	actual := f1.Add(f2)
   252  	if actual != expected {
   253  		t.Errorf("Addition of positive floats incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   254  	}
   256  	// Test case for addition of negative floats
   257  	f1 = g.Float(-3.14)
   258  	f2 = g.Float(-1.23)
   259  	expected = g.Float(-4.37)
   260  	actual = f1.Add(f2)
   261  	if actual != expected {
   262  		t.Errorf("Addition of negative floats incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   263  	}
   264  }
   266  func TestFloatToBigFloat(t *testing.T) {
   267  	// Test case for converting positive float to *big.Float
   268  	f := g.Float(3.14)
   269  	expected := big.NewFloat(3.14)
   270  	actual := f.ToBigFloat()
   271  	if actual.Cmp(expected) != 0 {
   272  		t.Errorf("Conversion of positive float to *big.Float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   273  	}
   275  	// Test case for converting negative float to *big.Float
   276  	f = g.Float(-3.14)
   277  	expected = big.NewFloat(-3.14)
   278  	actual = f.ToBigFloat()
   279  	if actual.Cmp(expected) != 0 {
   280  		t.Errorf("Conversion of negative float to *big.Float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   281  	}
   283  	// Test case for converting zero float to *big.Float
   284  	f = g.Float(0)
   285  	expected = big.NewFloat(0)
   286  	actual = f.ToBigFloat()
   287  	if actual.Cmp(expected) != 0 {
   288  		t.Errorf("Conversion of zero float to *big.Float incorrect. Expected: %v, Got: %v", expected, actual)
   289  	}
   290  }
   292  func TestFloatIsZero(t *testing.T) {
   293  	// Test case for zero float
   294  	f := g.Float(0)
   295  	if !f.IsZero() {
   296  		t.Errorf("IsZero method failed to identify zero float.")
   297  	}
   299  	// Test case for positive non-zero float
   300  	f = g.Float(3.14)
   301  	if f.IsZero() {
   302  		t.Errorf("IsZero method incorrectly identified positive non-zero float as zero.")
   303  	}
   305  	// Test case for negative non-zero float
   306  	f = g.Float(-3.14)
   307  	if f.IsZero() {
   308  		t.Errorf("IsZero method incorrectly identified negative non-zero float as zero.")
   309  	}
   310  }
   312  func TestFloatToInt(t *testing.T) {
   313  	// Test case for positive float
   314  	f := g.Float(3.14)
   315  	expected := g.Int(3)
   316  	actual := f.ToInt()
   317  	if actual != expected {
   318  		t.Errorf("ToInt method failed to convert positive float. Expected: %d, Got: %d", expected, actual)
   319  	}
   321  	// Test case for negative float
   322  	f = g.Float(-3.14)
   323  	expected = g.Int(-3)
   324  	actual = f.ToInt()
   325  	if actual != expected {
   326  		t.Errorf("ToInt method failed to convert negative float. Expected: %d, Got: %d", expected, actual)
   327  	}
   329  	// Test case for zero float
   330  	f = g.Float(0)
   331  	expected = g.Int(0)
   332  	actual = f.ToInt()
   333  	if actual != expected {
   334  		t.Errorf("ToInt method failed to convert zero float. Expected: %d, Got: %d", expected, actual)
   335  	}
   336  }
   338  func TestFloatToString(t *testing.T) {
   339  	// Test case for positive float
   340  	f := g.Float(3.14)
   341  	expected := g.String("3.14")
   342  	actual := f.ToString()
   343  	if actual != expected {
   344  		t.Errorf("ToString method failed to convert positive float. Expected: %s, Got: %s", expected, actual)
   345  	}
   347  	// Test case for negative float
   348  	f = g.Float(-3.14)
   349  	expected = g.String("-3.14")
   350  	actual = f.ToString()
   351  	if actual != expected {
   352  		t.Errorf("ToString method failed to convert negative float. Expected: %s, Got: %s", expected, actual)
   353  	}
   355  	// Test case for zero float
   356  	f = g.Float(0)
   357  	expected = g.String("0")
   358  	actual = f.ToString()
   359  	if actual != expected {
   360  		t.Errorf("ToString method failed to convert zero float. Expected: %s, Got: %s", expected, actual)
   361  	}
   362  }
   364  func TestFloatAsFloat32(t *testing.T) {
   365  	// Test case for positive float
   366  	f := g.Float(3.14)
   367  	expected := float32(3.14)
   368  	actual := f.AsFloat32()
   369  	if actual != expected {
   370  		t.Errorf("AsFloat32 method failed to convert positive float. Expected: %f, Got: %f", expected, actual)
   371  	}
   373  	// Test case for negative float
   374  	f = g.Float(-3.14)
   375  	expected = float32(-3.14)
   376  	actual = f.AsFloat32()
   377  	if actual != expected {
   378  		t.Errorf("AsFloat32 method failed to convert negative float. Expected: %f, Got: %f", expected, actual)
   379  	}
   381  	// Test case for zero float
   382  	f = g.Float(0)
   383  	expected = float32(0)
   384  	actual = f.AsFloat32()
   385  	if actual != expected {
   386  		t.Errorf("AsFloat32 method failed to convert zero float. Expected: %f, Got: %f", expected, actual)
   387  	}
   388  }
   390  func TestFloatHashing(t *testing.T) {
   391  	// Test case for a positive float
   392  	f := g.Float(3.14)
   393  	fh := f.Hash()
   395  	// Test MD5
   396  	expectedMD5 := g.String("32200b8781d6e8f31543da4cf19ff307")
   397  	actualMD5 := fh.MD5()
   398  	if actualMD5 != expectedMD5 {
   399  		t.Errorf("MD5 hash mismatch for positive float. Expected: %s, Got: %s", expectedMD5, actualMD5)
   400  	}
   402  	// Test SHA1
   403  	expectedSHA1 := g.String("8d3ad0b5fdf81c2de3656ebe8d8b0f14e1431438")
   404  	actualSHA1 := fh.SHA1()
   405  	if actualSHA1 != expectedSHA1 {
   406  		t.Errorf("SHA1 hash mismatch for positive float. Expected: %s, Got: %s", expectedSHA1, actualSHA1)
   407  	}
   409  	// Test SHA256
   410  	expectedSHA256 := g.String("a7c511f4744a60f88b6a88fbbb1ed7c79820e028f841c50843963bbb1dcdd9f6")
   411  	actualSHA256 := fh.SHA256()
   412  	if actualSHA256 != expectedSHA256 {
   413  		t.Errorf("SHA256 hash mismatch for positive float. Expected: %s, Got: %s", expectedSHA256, actualSHA256)
   414  	}
   416  	// Test SHA512
   417  	expectedSHA512 := g.String(
   418  		"a86ec42eec985ea198240622e13ddfdbd25bee28007d4ee7b17058292dc46ef51e5b107ab44d70ae14300d88bf71a4cda93851ab920f5eeef8bc1531cd451063",
   419  	)
   420  	actualSHA512 := fh.SHA512()
   421  	if actualSHA512 != expectedSHA512 {
   422  		t.Errorf("SHA512 hash mismatch for positive float. Expected: %s, Got: %s", expectedSHA512, actualSHA512)
   423  	}
   424  }