(about) 1 # run script 2 3 4 # Binaries for programs and plugins 5 *.exe 6 *.exe~ 7 *.dll 8 *.so 9 *.dylib 10 11 # Test binary, build with `go test -c` 12 *.test 13 14 # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE 15 *.out 16 17 18 .DS_Store 19 *.[56789ao] 20 *.a[56789o] 21 *.so 22 *.pyc 23 ._* 24 .nfs.* 25 [56789a].out 26 *~ 27 *.orig 28 *.rej 29 *.exe 30 .*.swp 31 core 32 *.cgo*.go 33 *.cgo*.c 34 _cgo_* 35 _obj 36 _test 37 _testmain.go 38 39 /VERSION.cache 40 /bin/ 41 /build.out 42 /doc/articles/wiki/*.bin 43 /goinstall.log 44 /last-change 45 /misc/cgo/life/run.out 46 /misc/cgo/stdio/run.out 47 /misc/cgo/testso/main 48 /pkg/ 49 /src/*.*/ 50 /src/cmd/cgo/zdefaultcc.go 51 /src/cmd/dist/dist 52 /src/cmd/go/internal/cfg/zdefaultcc.go 53 /src/cmd/go/internal/cfg/zosarch.go 54 /src/cmd/internal/objabi/zbootstrap.go 55 /src/go/build/zcgo.go 56 /src/go/doc/headscan 57 /src/runtime/internal/sys/zversion.go 58 /src/unicode/maketables 59 /test.out 60 /test/garbage/*.out 61 /test/pass.out 62 /test/run.out 63 /test/times.out 64 65 # This file includes artifacts of Go build that should not be checked in. 66 # For files created by specific development environment (e.g. editor), 67 # use alternative ways to exclude files from git. 68 # For example, set up .git/info/exclude or use a global .gitignore. 69 70 #Git ignore for the latex paper 71 ## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files: 72 *.aux 73 *.lof 74 *.log 75 *.lot 76 *.fls 77 *.out 78 *.toc 79 *.fmt 80 *.fot 81 *.cb 82 *.cb2 83 .*.lb 84 85 ## Intermediate documents: 86 *.dvi 87 *.xdv 88 *-converted-to.* 89 # these rules might exclude image files for figures etc. 90 # *.ps 91 # *.eps 92 # *.pdf 93 94 ## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:" 95 .pdf 96 97 ## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber): 98 *.bbl 99 *.bcf 100 *.blg 101 *-blx.aux 102 *-blx.bib 103 *.run.xml 104 105 ## Build tool auxiliary files: 106 *.fdb_latexmk 107 *.synctex 108 *.synctex(busy) 109 *.synctex.gz 110 *.synctex.gz(busy) 111 *.pdfsync 112 113 ## Build tool directories for auxiliary files 114 # latexrun 115 latex.out/ 116 117 ## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages: 118 # algorithms 119 *.alg 120 *.loa 121 122 # achemso 123 acs-*.bib 124 125 # amsthm 126 *.thm 127 128 # beamer 129 *.nav 130 *.pre 131 *.snm 132 *.vrb 133 134 # changes 135 *.soc 136 137 # cprotect 138 *.cpt 139 140 # elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals) 141 *.spl 142 143 # endnotes 144 *.ent 145 146 # fixme 147 *.lox 148 149 # feynmf/feynmp 150 *.mf 151 *.mp 152 *.t[1-9] 153 *.t[1-9][0-9] 154 *.tfm 155 156 #(r)(e)ledmac/(r)(e)ledpar 157 *.end 158 *.?end 159 *.[1-9] 160 *.[1-9][0-9] 161 *.[1-9][0-9][0-9] 162 *.[1-9]R 163 *.[1-9][0-9]R 164 *.[1-9][0-9][0-9]R 165 *.eledsec[1-9] 166 *.eledsec[1-9]R 167 *.eledsec[1-9][0-9] 168 *.eledsec[1-9][0-9]R 169 *.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9] 170 *.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9]R 171 172 # glossaries 173 *.acn 174 *.acr 175 *.glg 176 *.glo 177 *.gls 178 *.glsdefs 179 180 # gnuplottex 181 *-gnuplottex-* 182 183 # gregoriotex 184 *.gaux 185 *.gtex 186 187 # htlatex 188 *.4ct 189 *.4tc 190 *.idv 191 *.lg 192 *.trc 193 *.xref 194 195 # hyperref 196 *.brf 197 198 # knitr 199 *-concordance.tex 200 # TODO Comment the next line if you want to keep your tikz graphics files 201 *.tikz 202 *-tikzDictionary 203 204 # listings 205 *.lol 206 207 # makeidx 208 *.idx 209 *.ilg 210 *.ind 211 *.ist 212 213 # minitoc 214 *.maf 215 *.mlf 216 *.mlt 217 *.mtc[0-9]* 218 *.slf[0-9]* 219 *.slt[0-9]* 220 *.stc[0-9]* 221 222 # minted 223 _minted* 224 *.pyg 225 226 # morewrites 227 *.mw 228 229 # nomencl 230 *.nlg 231 *.nlo 232 *.nls 233 234 # pax 235 *.pax 236 237 # pdfpcnotes 238 *.pdfpc 239 240 # sagetex 241 *.sagetex.sage 242 * 243 *.sagetex.scmd 244 245 # scrwfile 246 *.wrt 247 248 # sympy 249 *.sout 250 *.sympy 251 sympy-plots-for-*.tex/ 252 253 # pdfcomment 254 *.upa 255 *.upb 256 257 # pythontex 258 *.pytxcode 259 pythontex-files-*/ 260 261 # thmtools 262 *.loe 263 264 # TikZ & PGF 265 *.dpth 266 *.md5 267 *.auxlock 268 269 # todonotes 270 *.tdo 271 272 # easy-todo 273 *.lod 274 275 # xmpincl 276 *.xmpi 277 278 # xindy 279 *.xdy 280 281 # xypic precompiled matrices 282 *.xyc 283 284 # endfloat 285 *.ttt 286 *.fff 287 288 # Latexian 289 TSWLatexianTemp* 290 291 ## Editors: 292 # WinEdt 293 *.bak 294 *.sav 295 296 # Texpad 297 .texpadtmp 298 299 # Kile 300 *.backup 301 302 # KBibTeX 303 *~[0-9]* 304 305 # auto folder when using emacs and auctex 306 ./auto/* 307 *.el 308 309 # expex forward references with \gathertags 310 *-tags.tex 311 312 # standalone packages 313 *.sta 314 315 # generated if using elsarticle.cls 316 *.spl