
     1  Aprilsh: remote shell support intermittent or mobile network. inspired by [mosh]( and [zutty]( aprilsh is a remote shell based on UDP, authenticate user via openssh.
     3  ## Installation
     5  ### Reqirement
     6  - [open-ssh]( is a must reqirement, openssh is needed to perform user authentication.
     7  - [locale support]( is a must reqirement.
     8  - [ncurses and terminfo]( is a must requirement.
     9  - [systmd]( reuired for redhat linux family (fedora, centos, redhat).
    10  - [utmps]( reuired only for alpine
    11  - [openrc]( required only for alpine.
    12  - [logrotate]( reuired only for alpine.
    14  if you perfer to build aprilsh manually, please refer to [this document](doc/
    16  ### Alpine linux
    17  Before start apshd, you need to make sure you can ssh login to the target server, please refer to [this doc](doc/ to setup a ssh enabled docker container.
    19  Note: aprilsh is still waiting for aports approval. For now please use the following private repository. The private repository only provide `x86_64` packages. Refer to [build doc](doc/ to know how to build apk packages and private repositories.
    20  ```sh
    21  wget -P /etc/apk/keys/    # add public key
    22  echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories       # add private repository
    23  apk update                                                                          # update repositories metadata
    24  apk add aprilsh                                                                     # install client and server
    25  ```
    26  Now you can ssh login to the server and the aprilsh is installed, it's time to start apshd server and login with apsh.
    27  ```sh
    28  rc-service apshd start          # start apshd server
    29  apsh -m 100 eric@localhost:8022 # apsh login to server
    30  ```
    31  Note: when aports finally approve aprilsh, the above private repository will be replaced by official testing repositories. The testing repositories will provide all architecture packages.
    32  ```sh
    33  echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories  # add testing repositories
    34  ```
    36  ### Fedora, CentOS, Redhat linux
    37  Note: This is a private yum/dnf repositories, it only provides `x86_64` packages. Refer to [rpms doc]( to understand how to build rpm packags and dnf repositories.
    38  ```sh
    39  rpm --import            # import public key to rpm DB
    40  dnf config-manager --add-repo # add new repo to dnf repository
    41  dnf install aprilsh                                                     # install client and server
    42  ```
    43  Before start apshd, you need to make sure you can ssh login to the target server, please refer to [this doc](doc/ to setup a ssh enabled docker container.
    45  Now you can ssh login to the server, it's time to start apshd service and login with apsh.
    46  ```sh
    47  sudo systemctl start apshd.service      #start apshd service
    48  sudo journalctl -f -u apshd.service     #keep reading the latest apshd.service log
    49  apsh user@host                          # start apsh client on different host
    50  ```
    51  ### MacOS
    52  ```sh
    53  brew tap ericwq/utils       # add tap to homebrew
    54  brew install aprilsh        # only install aprilsh client
    55  ```
    56  Refer to [homebrew doc]( to know how to create homebrew package and tap.
    57  ### Validate installation
    58  by default apshd listen on udp localhost:8100.
    59  ```txt
    60  openrc-nvide:~# netstat -lup
    61  Active Internet connections (only servers)
    62  Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    63  udp        0      0 localhost:8100*                           45561/apshd
    64  openrc-nvide:~#
    65  ```
    66  now login to the system with apsh (aprilsh client), note the `motd`(welcome message) depends on you alpine system config.
    67  ```txt
    68  qiwang@Qi15Pro client % apsh ide@localhost
    69  openrc-nvide:0.10.2
    71  Lua, C/C++ and Golang Integrated Development Environment.
    72  Powered by neovim, luals, gopls and clangd.
    73  ide@openrc-nvide:~ $
    74  ```
    75  if you login on two terminals, on the server, there will be two server processes serve the clients. the following shows `apshd` serve two clients. one is`:8101`, the other is ':8102'
    76  ```sh
    77  openrc:~# netstat -lp
    78  Active Internet connections (only servers)
    79  Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    80  tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      225/sshd [listener]
    81  tcp        0      0 :::ssh                  :::*                    LISTEN      225/sshd [listener]
    82  udp        0      0 localhost:8100*                           45561/apshd
    83  udp        0      0 :::8101                 :::*                                45647/apshd
    84  udp        0      0 :::8102                 :::*                                45612/apshd
    85  Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
    86  Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node PID/Program name    Path
    87  unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     872486 159/s6-ipcserverd   /run/utmps/.btmpd-socket
    88  unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     869747 253/s6-ipcserverd   /run/utmps/.utmpd-socket
    89  unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     866239 281/s6-ipcserverd   /run/utmps/.wtmpd-socket
    90  openrc-nvide:~#
    91  ```
    92  ## Motivation
    94  [openSSH]( is excellent. While `mosh` provides better keystroke prediction/latency and is capable of handle WiFi/cellular mobile network roaming. But `mosh` project is not active anymore and no release [sine 2017]( Such a good project like `mosh` should keeps developing.
    96  After read through `mosh` source code, I decide to rewrite it with golang. Go is my first choice because the C++ syntax is too complex. Go also has excellent support for UTF-8 and multithreaded programming. The last reason: go compiler is faster than c++ compiler.
    98  There are several rules for this project:
   100  - Keep the base design of `mosh`: `SSP`, UDP, keystroke prediction.
   101  - Use 3rd party library as less as possible to keep it clean.
   103  There are also some goals for this project:
   105  - Full UTF-8 support, including [emoji and flag]( support.
   106  - Support the terminal 24bit color.
   107  - Upgrade to [proto3](
   108  - Use terminfo database for better compatibility.
   109  - Prove golang is a good choice for terminal developing.
   111  The project name `Aprilsh` is derived from `April+sh`. This project started in shanghai April 2022, and it's a remote shell. Use the above command to add musl locales support and utmps support for alpine. Note alpine only support UTF-8 charmap.
   113  ## Architecture
   115  ![aprilsh.svg](img/aprilsh.svg)
   117  - The green part is provided by the system/terminal emulator. Such as [alacritty]( or [kitty](
   118  - The cyan part is provided by `Aprilsh`.
   119  - The yellow part is our target terminal application. In the above diagram it's `neovim`.
   120  - Actually the yellow part can be any terminal based application: [emcas](, [neovim](, [htop](, etc.
   121  - The rest part is provided by the system.
   123  ## Changelog
   125  Ready for early acess. The missing part is prediction engine tuning. Check [here](doc/ for history deatil.
   127  ## License
   129  [MIT](LICENSE)