
     1  dot - simple dotfiles tracking
     2  ------------------------------
     4  `dot` provides a cli application which will streamline the process of adding
     5  and removing files to and from your archive. Using `dot` in combination with
     6  an hosted repository you'll be able to backup, restore and sync your dotfiles
     7  for several machines. Why would you want your dotfiles hosted in a
     8  repository? For the answer and much more click
     9  [here]( 
    11  `dot` works by placing a selected dotfile into the archive and symlinking it
    12  to its original location. The archive serves as a repository and can be
    13  persisted using a hosted git repository.
    15  # Installation
    16  For this version make sure you have [Go]( installed. And run the
    17  following commands:
    19  ```bash
    20  $ go get -u
    21  $ dot --help
    22  ```
    24  Or copy one of the binaries present in the `bin/` folder.
    26  # Setting up
    27  To begin using `dot` we need to create a folder in your home folder where we
    28  will track the dotfiles. And initializing a git repository.
    30  ```bash
    31  $ mkdir ~/dotfiles/
    32  $ git init
    33  ```
    35  # Usage
    36  To start using `dot`, go to the newly created directory and issue the
    37  following command:
    39  ```bash
    40  $ dot sync
    41  ```
    43  This will initialize the necessary folder and create a `.dotconfig`
    44  configuration file which will automatically be tracked in the archive.
    46  ## Tracking files or folders
    47  You can use the following command to start tracking files or folders:
    49  ```bash
    50  # dot add [name] [path/to/file]
    51  $ dot add nvimrc /home/erroneousboat/.nvimrc
    52  ```
    54  To remove a file or folder for tracking, use the following command:
    55  ```bash
    56  # dot rm [name]
    57  $ dot rm nvimrc
    58  ```
    60  In order to automatically create a git commit message and push to the
    61  repository, pass in the `-p` or `--push` flag. You can use this for both the
    62  `add` and `remove` command.
    64  ```bash
    65  $ dot add -p nvimrc /home/erroneousboat/.nvimrc
    66  ```
    68  ## Additional machines
    69  So you've started tracking your files on one machine but now you want to use
    70  your archive on another machine. Clone your repository on the additional
    71  machine and use the `dot sync` command to start synchronizing your files on the
    72  new machine.