
     1  package driver
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	crand "crypto/rand"
     6  	"encoding/binary"
     7  	"errors"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"math/big"
    10  	"math/rand"
    11  	"testing"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  var mockResetErr = fmt.Errorf("mock reset err: %w", derive.ErrReset)
    31  type FakeEngineControl struct {
    32  	finalized eth.L2BlockRef
    33  	safe      eth.L2BlockRef
    34  	unsafe    eth.L2BlockRef
    36  	buildingOnto eth.L2BlockRef
    37  	buildingID   eth.PayloadID
    38  	buildingSafe bool
    40  	buildingAttrs *eth.PayloadAttributes
    41  	buildingStart time.Time
    43  	cfg *rollup.Config
    45  	timeNow func() time.Time
    47  	makePayload func(onto eth.L2BlockRef, attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes) *eth.ExecutionPayload
    49  	errTyp derive.BlockInsertionErrType
    50  	err    error
    52  	totalBuildingTime time.Duration
    53  	totalBuiltBlocks  int
    54  	totalTxs          int
    55  }
    57  func (m *FakeEngineControl) avgBuildingTime() time.Duration {
    58  	return m.totalBuildingTime / time.Duration(m.totalBuiltBlocks)
    59  }
    61  func (m *FakeEngineControl) avgTxsPerBlock() float64 {
    62  	return float64(m.totalTxs) / float64(m.totalBuiltBlocks)
    63  }
    65  func (m *FakeEngineControl) StartPayload(ctx context.Context, parent eth.L2BlockRef, attrs *derive.AttributesWithParent, updateSafe bool) (errType derive.BlockInsertionErrType, err error) {
    66  	if m.err != nil {
    67  		return m.errTyp, m.err
    68  	}
    69  	m.buildingID = eth.PayloadID{}
    70  	_, _ = crand.Read(m.buildingID[:])
    71  	m.buildingOnto = parent
    72  	m.buildingSafe = updateSafe
    73  	m.buildingAttrs = attrs.Attributes()
    74  	m.buildingStart = m.timeNow()
    75  	return derive.BlockInsertOK, nil
    76  }
    78  func (m *FakeEngineControl) ConfirmPayload(ctx context.Context, agossip async.AsyncGossiper, sequencerConductor conductor.SequencerConductor) (out *eth.ExecutionPayloadEnvelope, errTyp derive.BlockInsertionErrType, err error) {
    79  	if m.err != nil {
    80  		return nil, m.errTyp, m.err
    81  	}
    82  	buildTime := m.timeNow().Sub(m.buildingStart)
    83  	m.totalBuildingTime += buildTime
    84  	m.totalBuiltBlocks += 1
    85  	payload := m.makePayload(m.buildingOnto, m.buildingAttrs)
    86  	ref, err := derive.PayloadToBlockRef(m.cfg, payload)
    87  	if err != nil {
    88  		panic(err)
    89  	}
    90  	m.unsafe = ref
    91  	if m.buildingSafe {
    92 = ref
    93  	}
    95  	m.resetBuildingState()
    96  	m.totalTxs += len(payload.Transactions)
    97  	return &eth.ExecutionPayloadEnvelope{ExecutionPayload: payload}, derive.BlockInsertOK, nil
    98  }
   100  func (m *FakeEngineControl) CancelPayload(ctx context.Context, force bool) error {
   101  	if force {
   102  		m.resetBuildingState()
   103  	}
   104  	return m.err
   105  }
   107  func (m *FakeEngineControl) BuildingPayload() (onto eth.L2BlockRef, id eth.PayloadID, safe bool) {
   108  	return m.buildingOnto, m.buildingID, m.buildingSafe
   109  }
   111  func (m *FakeEngineControl) Finalized() eth.L2BlockRef {
   112  	return m.finalized
   113  }
   115  func (m *FakeEngineControl) UnsafeL2Head() eth.L2BlockRef {
   116  	return m.unsafe
   117  }
   119  func (m *FakeEngineControl) SafeL2Head() eth.L2BlockRef {
   120  	return
   121  }
   123  func (m *FakeEngineControl) resetBuildingState() {
   124  	m.buildingID = eth.PayloadID{}
   125  	m.buildingOnto = eth.L2BlockRef{}
   126  	m.buildingSafe = false
   127  	m.buildingAttrs = nil
   128  }
   130  var _ derive.EngineControl = (*FakeEngineControl)(nil)
   132  type testAttrBuilderFn func(ctx context.Context, l2Parent eth.L2BlockRef, epoch eth.BlockID) (attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes, err error)
   134  func (fn testAttrBuilderFn) PreparePayloadAttributes(ctx context.Context, l2Parent eth.L2BlockRef, epoch eth.BlockID) (attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes, err error) {
   135  	return fn(ctx, l2Parent, epoch)
   136  }
   138  var _ derive.AttributesBuilder = (testAttrBuilderFn)(nil)
   140  type testOriginSelectorFn func(ctx context.Context, l2Head eth.L2BlockRef) (eth.L1BlockRef, error)
   142  func (fn testOriginSelectorFn) FindL1Origin(ctx context.Context, l2Head eth.L2BlockRef) (eth.L1BlockRef, error) {
   143  	return fn(ctx, l2Head)
   144  }
   146  var _ L1OriginSelectorIface = (testOriginSelectorFn)(nil)
   148  // TestSequencerChaosMonkey runs the sequencer in a mocked adversarial environment with
   149  // repeated random errors in dependencies and poor clock timing.
   150  // At the end the health of the chain is checked to show that the sequencer kept the chain in shape.
   151  func TestSequencerChaosMonkey(t *testing.T) {
   152  	mockL1Hash := func(num uint64) (out common.Hash) {
   153  		out[31] = 1
   154  		binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(out[:], num)
   155  		return
   156  	}
   157  	mockL2Hash := func(num uint64) (out common.Hash) {
   158  		out[31] = 2
   159  		binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(out[:], num)
   160  		return
   161  	}
   162  	mockL1ID := func(num uint64) eth.BlockID {
   163  		return eth.BlockID{Hash: mockL1Hash(num), Number: num}
   164  	}
   165  	mockL2ID := func(num uint64) eth.BlockID {
   166  		return eth.BlockID{Hash: mockL2Hash(num), Number: num}
   167  	}
   169  	rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(12345))
   171  	l1Time := uint64(100000)
   173  	// mute errors. We expect a lot of the mocked errors to cause error-logs. We check chain health at the end of the test.
   174  	log := testlog.Logger(t, log.LevelCrit)
   176  	cfg := &rollup.Config{
   177  		Genesis: rollup.Genesis{
   178  			L1:           mockL1ID(100000),
   179  			L2:           mockL2ID(200000),
   180  			L2Time:       l1Time + 300, // L2 may start with a relative old L1 origin and will have to catch it up
   181  			SystemConfig: eth.SystemConfig{},
   182  		},
   183  		BlockTime:         2,
   184  		MaxSequencerDrift: 30,
   185  	}
   186  	// keep track of the L1 timestamps we mock because sometimes we only have the L1 hash/num handy
   187  	l1Times := map[eth.BlockID]uint64{cfg.Genesis.L1: l1Time}
   189  	genesisL2 := eth.L2BlockRef{
   190  		Hash:           cfg.Genesis.L2.Hash,
   191  		Number:         cfg.Genesis.L2.Number,
   192  		ParentHash:     mockL2Hash(cfg.Genesis.L2.Number - 1),
   193  		Time:           cfg.Genesis.L2Time,
   194  		L1Origin:       cfg.Genesis.L1,
   195  		SequenceNumber: 0,
   196  	}
   197  	// initialize our engine state
   198  	engControl := &FakeEngineControl{
   199  		finalized: genesisL2,
   200  		safe:      genesisL2,
   201  		unsafe:    genesisL2,
   202  		cfg:       cfg,
   203  	}
   205  	// start wallclock at 5 minutes after the current L2 head. The sequencer has some catching up to do!
   206  	clockTime := time.Unix(int64(engControl.unsafe.Time)+5*60, 0)
   207  	clockFn := func() time.Time {
   208  		return clockTime
   209  	}
   210  	engControl.timeNow = clockFn
   212  	// mock payload building, we don't need to process any real txs.
   213  	engControl.makePayload = func(onto eth.L2BlockRef, attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes) *eth.ExecutionPayload {
   214  		txs := make([]eth.Data, 0)
   215  		txs = append(txs, attrs.Transactions...) // include deposits
   216  		if !attrs.NoTxPool {                     // if we are allowed to sequence from tx pool, mock some txs
   217  			n := rng.Intn(20)
   218  			for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
   219  				txs = append(txs, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("mock sequenced tx %d", i)))
   220  			}
   221  		}
   222  		return &eth.ExecutionPayload{
   223  			ParentHash:   onto.Hash,
   224  			BlockNumber:  eth.Uint64Quantity(onto.Number) + 1,
   225  			Timestamp:    attrs.Timestamp,
   226  			BlockHash:    mockL2Hash(onto.Number),
   227  			Transactions: txs,
   228  		}
   229  	}
   231  	// We keep attribute building simple, we don't talk to a real execution engine in this test.
   232  	// Sometimes we fake an error in the attributes preparation.
   233  	var attrsErr error
   234  	attrBuilder := testAttrBuilderFn(func(ctx context.Context, l2Parent eth.L2BlockRef, epoch eth.BlockID) (attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes, err error) {
   235  		if attrsErr != nil {
   236  			return nil, attrsErr
   237  		}
   238  		seqNr := l2Parent.SequenceNumber + 1
   239  		if epoch != l2Parent.L1Origin {
   240  			seqNr = 0
   241  		}
   242  		l1Info := &testutils.MockBlockInfo{
   243  			InfoHash:        epoch.Hash,
   244  			InfoParentHash:  mockL1Hash(epoch.Number - 1),
   245  			InfoCoinbase:    common.Address{},
   246  			InfoRoot:        common.Hash{},
   247  			InfoNum:         epoch.Number,
   248  			InfoTime:        l1Times[epoch],
   249  			InfoMixDigest:   [32]byte{},
   250  			InfoBaseFee:     big.NewInt(1234),
   251  			InfoReceiptRoot: common.Hash{},
   252  		}
   253  		infoDep, err := derive.L1InfoDepositBytes(cfg, cfg.Genesis.SystemConfig, seqNr, l1Info, 0)
   254  		require.NoError(t, err)
   256  		testGasLimit := eth.Uint64Quantity(10_000_000)
   257  		return &eth.PayloadAttributes{
   258  			Timestamp:             eth.Uint64Quantity(l2Parent.Time + cfg.BlockTime),
   259  			PrevRandao:            eth.Bytes32{},
   260  			SuggestedFeeRecipient: common.Address{},
   261  			Transactions:          []eth.Data{infoDep},
   262  			NoTxPool:              false,
   263  			GasLimit:              &testGasLimit,
   264  		}, nil
   265  	})
   267  	maxL1BlockTimeGap := uint64(100)
   268  	// The origin selector just generates random L1 blocks based on RNG
   269  	var originErr error
   270  	originSelector := testOriginSelectorFn(func(ctx context.Context, l2Head eth.L2BlockRef) (eth.L1BlockRef, error) {
   271  		if originErr != nil {
   272  			return eth.L1BlockRef{}, originErr
   273  		}
   274  		origin := eth.L1BlockRef{
   275  			Hash:       mockL1Hash(l2Head.L1Origin.Number),
   276  			Number:     l2Head.L1Origin.Number,
   277  			ParentHash: mockL1Hash(l2Head.L1Origin.Number),
   278  			Time:       l1Times[l2Head.L1Origin],
   279  		}
   280  		// randomly make a L1 origin appear, if we can even select it
   281  		nextL2Time := l2Head.Time + cfg.BlockTime
   282  		if nextL2Time <= origin.Time {
   283  			return origin, nil
   284  		}
   285  		maxTimeIncrement := nextL2Time - origin.Time
   286  		if maxTimeIncrement > maxL1BlockTimeGap {
   287  			maxTimeIncrement = maxL1BlockTimeGap
   288  		}
   289  		if rng.Intn(10) == 0 {
   290  			nextOrigin := eth.L1BlockRef{
   291  				Hash:       mockL1Hash(origin.Number + 1),
   292  				Number:     origin.Number + 1,
   293  				ParentHash: origin.Hash,
   294  				Time:       origin.Time + 1 + uint64(rng.Int63n(int64(maxTimeIncrement))),
   295  			}
   296  			l1Times[nextOrigin.ID()] = nextOrigin.Time
   297  			return nextOrigin, nil
   298  		} else {
   299  			return origin, nil
   300  		}
   301  	})
   303  	seq := NewSequencer(log, cfg, engControl, attrBuilder, originSelector, metrics.NoopMetrics)
   304  	seq.timeNow = clockFn
   306  	// try to build 1000 blocks, with 5x as many planning attempts, to handle errors and clock problems
   307  	desiredBlocks := 1000
   308  	for i := 0; i < 5*desiredBlocks && engControl.totalBuiltBlocks < desiredBlocks; i++ {
   309  		delta := seq.PlanNextSequencerAction()
   311  		x := rng.Float32()
   312  		if x < 0.01 { // 1%: mess a lot with the clock: simulate a hang of up to 30 seconds
   313  			if i < desiredBlocks/2 { // only in first 50% of blocks to let it heal, hangs take time
   314  				delta = time.Duration(rng.Float64() * float64(time.Second*30))
   315  			}
   316  		} else if x < 0.1 { // 9%: mess with the timing, -50% to 50% off
   317  			delta = time.Duration((0.5 + rng.Float64()) * float64(delta))
   318  		} else if x < 0.5 {
   319  			// 40%: mess slightly with the timing, -10% to 10% off
   320  			delta = time.Duration((0.9 + rng.Float64()*0.2) * float64(delta))
   321  		}
   322  		clockTime = clockTime.Add(delta)
   324  		// reset errors
   325  		originErr = nil
   326  		attrsErr = nil
   327  		if engControl.err != mockResetErr { // the mockResetErr requires the sequencer to Reset() to recover.
   328  			engControl.err = nil
   329  		}
   330  		engControl.errTyp = derive.BlockInsertOK
   332  		// maybe make something maybe fail, or try a new L1 origin
   333  		switch rng.Intn(20) { // 9/20 = 45% chance to fail sequencer action (!!!)
   334  		case 0, 1:
   335  			originErr = errors.New("mock origin error")
   336  		case 2, 3:
   337  			attrsErr = errors.New("mock attributes error")
   338  		case 4, 5:
   339  			engControl.err = errors.New("mock temporary engine error")
   340  			engControl.errTyp = derive.BlockInsertTemporaryErr
   341  		case 6, 7:
   342  			engControl.err = errors.New("mock prestate engine error")
   343  			engControl.errTyp = derive.BlockInsertPrestateErr
   344  		case 8:
   345  			engControl.err = mockResetErr
   346  		default:
   347  			// no error
   348  		}
   349  		payload, err := seq.RunNextSequencerAction(context.Background(), async.NoOpGossiper{}, &conductor.NoOpConductor{})
   350  		// RunNextSequencerAction passes ErrReset & ErrCritical through.
   351  		// Only suppress ErrReset, not ErrCritical
   352  		if !errors.Is(err, derive.ErrReset) {
   353  			require.NoError(t, err)
   354  		}
   355  		if payload != nil {
   356  			require.Equal(t, engControl.UnsafeL2Head().ID(), payload.ExecutionPayload.ID(), "head must stay in sync with emitted payloads")
   357  			var tx types.Transaction
   358  			require.NoError(t, tx.UnmarshalBinary(payload.ExecutionPayload.Transactions[0]))
   359  			info, err := derive.L1BlockInfoFromBytes(cfg, uint64(payload.ExecutionPayload.Timestamp), tx.Data())
   360  			require.NoError(t, err)
   361  			require.GreaterOrEqual(t, uint64(payload.ExecutionPayload.Timestamp), info.Time, "ensure L2 time >= L1 time")
   362  		}
   363  	}
   365  	// Now, even though:
   366  	// - the start state was behind the wallclock
   367  	// - the L1 origin was far behind the L2
   368  	// - we made all components fail at random
   369  	// - messed with the clock
   370  	// the L2 chain was still built and stats are healthy on average!
   371  	l2Head := engControl.UnsafeL2Head()
   372  	t.Logf("avg build time: %s, clock timestamp: %d, L2 head time: %d, L1 origin time: %d, avg txs per block: %f", engControl.avgBuildingTime(), clockFn().Unix(), l2Head.Time, l1Times[l2Head.L1Origin], engControl.avgTxsPerBlock())
   373  	require.Equal(t, engControl.totalBuiltBlocks, desiredBlocks, "persist through random errors and build the desired blocks")
   374  	require.Equal(t, l2Head.Time, cfg.Genesis.L2Time+uint64(desiredBlocks)*cfg.BlockTime, "reached desired L2 block timestamp")
   375  	require.GreaterOrEqual(t, l2Head.Time, l1Times[l2Head.L1Origin], "the L2 time >= the L1 time")
   376  	require.Less(t, l2Head.Time-l1Times[l2Head.L1Origin], uint64(100), "The L1 origin time is close to the L2 time")
   377  	require.Less(t, clockTime.Sub(time.Unix(int64(l2Head.Time), 0)).Abs(), 2*time.Second, "L2 time is accurate, within 2 seconds of wallclock")
   378  	require.Greater(t, engControl.avgBuildingTime(), time.Second, "With 2 second block time and 1 second error backoff and healthy-on-average errors, building time should at least be a second")
   379  	require.Greater(t, engControl.avgTxsPerBlock(), 3.0, "We expect at least 1 system tx per block, but with a mocked 0-10 txs we expect an higher avg")
   380  }