
     1  // Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  package snapshot
    19  import (
    20  	"encoding/binary"
    21  	"fmt"
    22  	"math"
    23  	"math/rand"
    24  	"slices"
    25  	"sync"
    26  	"sync/atomic"
    27  	"time"
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	bloomfilter ""
    33  )
    35  var (
    36  	// aggregatorMemoryLimit is the maximum size of the bottom-most diff layer
    37  	// that aggregates the writes from above until it's flushed into the disk
    38  	// layer.
    39  	//
    40  	// Note, bumping this up might drastically increase the size of the bloom
    41  	// filters that's stored in every diff layer. Don't do that without fully
    42  	// understanding all the implications.
    43  	aggregatorMemoryLimit = uint64(4 * 1024 * 1024)
    45  	// aggregatorItemLimit is an approximate number of items that will end up
    46  	// in the aggregator layer before it's flushed out to disk. A plain account
    47  	// weighs around 14B (+hash), a storage slot 32B (+hash), a deleted slot
    48  	// 0B (+hash). Slots are mostly set/unset in lockstep, so that average at
    49  	// 16B (+hash). All in all, the average entry seems to be 15+32=47B. Use a
    50  	// smaller number to be on the safe side.
    51  	aggregatorItemLimit = aggregatorMemoryLimit / 42
    53  	// bloomTargetError is the target false positive rate when the aggregator
    54  	// layer is at its fullest. The actual value will probably move around up
    55  	// and down from this number, it's mostly a ballpark figure.
    56  	//
    57  	// Note, dropping this down might drastically increase the size of the bloom
    58  	// filters that's stored in every diff layer. Don't do that without fully
    59  	// understanding all the implications.
    60  	bloomTargetError = 0.02
    62  	// bloomSize is the ideal bloom filter size given the maximum number of items
    63  	// it's expected to hold and the target false positive error rate.
    64  	bloomSize = math.Ceil(float64(aggregatorItemLimit) * math.Log(bloomTargetError) / math.Log(1/math.Pow(2, math.Log(2))))
    66  	// bloomFuncs is the ideal number of bits a single entry should set in the
    67  	// bloom filter to keep its size to a minimum (given it's size and maximum
    68  	// entry count).
    69  	bloomFuncs = math.Round((bloomSize / float64(aggregatorItemLimit)) * math.Log(2))
    71  	// the bloom offsets are runtime constants which determines which part of the
    72  	// account/storage hash the hasher functions looks at, to determine the
    73  	// bloom key for an account/slot. This is randomized at init(), so that the
    74  	// global population of nodes do not all display the exact same behaviour with
    75  	// regards to bloom content
    76  	bloomDestructHasherOffset = 0
    77  	bloomAccountHasherOffset  = 0
    78  	bloomStorageHasherOffset  = 0
    79  )
    81  func init() {
    82  	// Init the bloom offsets in the range [0:24] (requires 8 bytes)
    83  	bloomDestructHasherOffset = rand.Intn(25)
    84  	bloomAccountHasherOffset = rand.Intn(25)
    85  	bloomStorageHasherOffset = rand.Intn(25)
    87  	// The destruct and account blooms must be different, as the storage slots
    88  	// will check for destruction too for every bloom miss. It should not collide
    89  	// with modified accounts.
    90  	for bloomAccountHasherOffset == bloomDestructHasherOffset {
    91  		bloomAccountHasherOffset = rand.Intn(25)
    92  	}
    93  }
    95  // diffLayer represents a collection of modifications made to a state snapshot
    96  // after running a block on top. It contains one sorted list for the account trie
    97  // and one-one list for each storage tries.
    98  //
    99  // The goal of a diff layer is to act as a journal, tracking recent modifications
   100  // made to the state, that have not yet graduated into a semi-immutable state.
   101  type diffLayer struct {
   102  	origin *diskLayer // Base disk layer to directly use on bloom misses
   103  	parent snapshot   // Parent snapshot modified by this one, never nil
   104  	memory uint64     // Approximate guess as to how much memory we use
   106  	root  common.Hash // Root hash to which this snapshot diff belongs to
   107  	stale atomic.Bool // Signals that the layer became stale (state progressed)
   109  	// destructSet is a very special helper marker. If an account is marked as
   110  	// deleted, then it's recorded in this set. However it's allowed that an account
   111  	// is included here but still available in other sets(e.g. storageData). The
   112  	// reason is the diff layer includes all the changes in a *block*. It can
   113  	// happen that in the tx_1, account A is self-destructed while in the tx_2
   114  	// it's recreated. But we still need this marker to indicate the "old" A is
   115  	// deleted, all data in other set belongs to the "new" A.
   116  	destructSet map[common.Hash]struct{}               // Keyed markers for deleted (and potentially) recreated accounts
   117  	accountList []common.Hash                          // List of account for iteration. If it exists, it's sorted, otherwise it's nil
   118  	accountData map[common.Hash][]byte                 // Keyed accounts for direct retrieval (nil means deleted)
   119  	storageList map[common.Hash][]common.Hash          // List of storage slots for iterated retrievals, one per account. Any existing lists are sorted if non-nil
   120  	storageData map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte // Keyed storage slots for direct retrieval. one per account (nil means deleted)
   122  	diffed *bloomfilter.Filter // Bloom filter tracking all the diffed items up to the disk layer
   124  	lock sync.RWMutex
   125  }
   127  // destructBloomHash is used to convert a destruct event into a 64 bit mini hash.
   128  func destructBloomHash(h common.Hash) uint64 {
   129  	return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(h[bloomDestructHasherOffset : bloomDestructHasherOffset+8])
   130  }
   132  // accountBloomHash is used to convert an account hash into a 64 bit mini hash.
   133  func accountBloomHash(h common.Hash) uint64 {
   134  	return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(h[bloomAccountHasherOffset : bloomAccountHasherOffset+8])
   135  }
   137  // storageBloomHash is used to convert an account hash and a storage hash into a 64 bit mini hash.
   138  func storageBloomHash(h0, h1 common.Hash) uint64 {
   139  	return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(h0[bloomStorageHasherOffset:bloomStorageHasherOffset+8]) ^
   140  		binary.BigEndian.Uint64(h1[bloomStorageHasherOffset:bloomStorageHasherOffset+8])
   141  }
   143  // newDiffLayer creates a new diff on top of an existing snapshot, whether that's a low
   144  // level persistent database or a hierarchical diff already.
   145  func newDiffLayer(parent snapshot, root common.Hash, destructs map[common.Hash]struct{}, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) *diffLayer {
   146  	// Create the new layer with some pre-allocated data segments
   147  	dl := &diffLayer{
   148  		parent:      parent,
   149  		root:        root,
   150  		destructSet: destructs,
   151  		accountData: accounts,
   152  		storageData: storage,
   153  		storageList: make(map[common.Hash][]common.Hash),
   154  	}
   155  	switch parent := parent.(type) {
   156  	case *diskLayer:
   157  		dl.rebloom(parent)
   158  	case *diffLayer:
   159  		dl.rebloom(parent.origin)
   160  	default:
   161  		panic("unknown parent type")
   162  	}
   163  	// Sanity check that accounts or storage slots are never nil
   164  	for accountHash, blob := range accounts {
   165  		if blob == nil {
   166  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("account %#x nil", accountHash))
   167  		}
   168  		// Determine memory size and track the dirty writes
   169  		dl.memory += uint64(common.HashLength + len(blob))
   170  		snapshotDirtyAccountWriteMeter.Mark(int64(len(blob)))
   171  	}
   172  	for accountHash, slots := range storage {
   173  		if slots == nil {
   174  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage %#x nil", accountHash))
   175  		}
   176  		// Determine memory size and track the dirty writes
   177  		for _, data := range slots {
   178  			dl.memory += uint64(common.HashLength + len(data))
   179  			snapshotDirtyStorageWriteMeter.Mark(int64(len(data)))
   180  		}
   181  	}
   182  	dl.memory += uint64(len(destructs) * common.HashLength)
   183  	return dl
   184  }
   186  // rebloom discards the layer's current bloom and rebuilds it from scratch based
   187  // on the parent's and the local diffs.
   188  func (dl *diffLayer) rebloom(origin *diskLayer) {
   189  	dl.lock.Lock()
   190  	defer dl.lock.Unlock()
   192  	defer func(start time.Time) {
   193  		snapshotBloomIndexTimer.Update(time.Since(start))
   194  	}(time.Now())
   196  	// Inject the new origin that triggered the rebloom
   197  	dl.origin = origin
   199  	// Retrieve the parent bloom or create a fresh empty one
   200  	if parent, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer); ok {
   201  		parent.lock.RLock()
   202  		dl.diffed, _ = parent.diffed.Copy()
   203  		parent.lock.RUnlock()
   204  	} else {
   205  		dl.diffed, _ = bloomfilter.New(uint64(bloomSize), uint64(bloomFuncs))
   206  	}
   207  	// Iterate over all the accounts and storage slots and index them
   208  	for hash := range dl.destructSet {
   209  		dl.diffed.AddHash(destructBloomHash(hash))
   210  	}
   211  	for hash := range dl.accountData {
   212  		dl.diffed.AddHash(accountBloomHash(hash))
   213  	}
   214  	for accountHash, slots := range dl.storageData {
   215  		for storageHash := range slots {
   216  			dl.diffed.AddHash(storageBloomHash(accountHash, storageHash))
   217  		}
   218  	}
   219  	// Calculate the current false positive rate and update the error rate meter.
   220  	// This is a bit cheating because subsequent layers will overwrite it, but it
   221  	// should be fine, we're only interested in ballpark figures.
   222  	k := float64(dl.diffed.K())
   223  	n := float64(dl.diffed.N())
   224  	m := float64(dl.diffed.M())
   225  	snapshotBloomErrorGauge.Update(math.Pow(1.0-math.Exp((-k)*(n+0.5)/(m-1)), k))
   226  }
   228  // Root returns the root hash for which this snapshot was made.
   229  func (dl *diffLayer) Root() common.Hash {
   230  	return dl.root
   231  }
   233  // Parent returns the subsequent layer of a diff layer.
   234  func (dl *diffLayer) Parent() snapshot {
   235  	dl.lock.RLock()
   236  	defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
   238  	return dl.parent
   239  }
   241  // Stale return whether this layer has become stale (was flattened across) or if
   242  // it's still live.
   243  func (dl *diffLayer) Stale() bool {
   244  	return dl.stale.Load()
   245  }
   247  // Account directly retrieves the account associated with a particular hash in
   248  // the snapshot slim data format.
   249  func (dl *diffLayer) Account(hash common.Hash) (*types.SlimAccount, error) {
   250  	data, err := dl.AccountRLP(hash)
   251  	if err != nil {
   252  		return nil, err
   253  	}
   254  	if len(data) == 0 { // can be both nil and []byte{}
   255  		return nil, nil
   256  	}
   257  	account := new(types.SlimAccount)
   258  	if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, account); err != nil {
   259  		panic(err)
   260  	}
   261  	return account, nil
   262  }
   264  // AccountRLP directly retrieves the account RLP associated with a particular
   265  // hash in the snapshot slim data format.
   266  //
   267  // Note the returned account is not a copy, please don't modify it.
   268  func (dl *diffLayer) AccountRLP(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
   269  	// Check staleness before reaching further.
   270  	dl.lock.RLock()
   271  	if dl.Stale() {
   272  		dl.lock.RUnlock()
   273  		return nil, ErrSnapshotStale
   274  	}
   275  	// Check the bloom filter first whether there's even a point in reaching into
   276  	// all the maps in all the layers below
   277  	hit := dl.diffed.ContainsHash(accountBloomHash(hash))
   278  	if !hit {
   279  		hit = dl.diffed.ContainsHash(destructBloomHash(hash))
   280  	}
   281  	var origin *diskLayer
   282  	if !hit {
   283  		origin = dl.origin // extract origin while holding the lock
   284  	}
   285  	dl.lock.RUnlock()
   287  	// If the bloom filter misses, don't even bother with traversing the memory
   288  	// diff layers, reach straight into the bottom persistent disk layer
   289  	if origin != nil {
   290  		snapshotBloomAccountMissMeter.Mark(1)
   291  		return origin.AccountRLP(hash)
   292  	}
   293  	// The bloom filter hit, start poking in the internal maps
   294  	return dl.accountRLP(hash, 0)
   295  }
   297  // accountRLP is an internal version of AccountRLP that skips the bloom filter
   298  // checks and uses the internal maps to try and retrieve the data. It's meant
   299  // to be used if a higher layer's bloom filter hit already.
   300  func (dl *diffLayer) accountRLP(hash common.Hash, depth int) ([]byte, error) {
   301  	dl.lock.RLock()
   302  	defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
   304  	// If the layer was flattened into, consider it invalid (any live reference to
   305  	// the original should be marked as unusable).
   306  	if dl.Stale() {
   307  		return nil, ErrSnapshotStale
   308  	}
   309  	// If the account is known locally, return it
   310  	if data, ok := dl.accountData[hash]; ok {
   311  		snapshotDirtyAccountHitMeter.Mark(1)
   312  		snapshotDirtyAccountHitDepthHist.Update(int64(depth))
   313  		snapshotDirtyAccountReadMeter.Mark(int64(len(data)))
   314  		snapshotBloomAccountTrueHitMeter.Mark(1)
   315  		return data, nil
   316  	}
   317  	// If the account is known locally, but deleted, return it
   318  	if _, ok := dl.destructSet[hash]; ok {
   319  		snapshotDirtyAccountHitMeter.Mark(1)
   320  		snapshotDirtyAccountHitDepthHist.Update(int64(depth))
   321  		snapshotDirtyAccountInexMeter.Mark(1)
   322  		snapshotBloomAccountTrueHitMeter.Mark(1)
   323  		return nil, nil
   324  	}
   325  	// Account unknown to this diff, resolve from parent
   326  	if diff, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer); ok {
   327  		return diff.accountRLP(hash, depth+1)
   328  	}
   329  	// Failed to resolve through diff layers, mark a bloom error and use the disk
   330  	snapshotBloomAccountFalseHitMeter.Mark(1)
   331  	return dl.parent.AccountRLP(hash)
   332  }
   334  // Storage directly retrieves the storage data associated with a particular hash,
   335  // within a particular account. If the slot is unknown to this diff, it's parent
   336  // is consulted.
   337  //
   338  // Note the returned slot is not a copy, please don't modify it.
   339  func (dl *diffLayer) Storage(accountHash, storageHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
   340  	// Check the bloom filter first whether there's even a point in reaching into
   341  	// all the maps in all the layers below
   342  	dl.lock.RLock()
   343  	// Check staleness before reaching further.
   344  	if dl.Stale() {
   345  		dl.lock.RUnlock()
   346  		return nil, ErrSnapshotStale
   347  	}
   348  	hit := dl.diffed.ContainsHash(storageBloomHash(accountHash, storageHash))
   349  	if !hit {
   350  		hit = dl.diffed.ContainsHash(destructBloomHash(accountHash))
   351  	}
   352  	var origin *diskLayer
   353  	if !hit {
   354  		origin = dl.origin // extract origin while holding the lock
   355  	}
   356  	dl.lock.RUnlock()
   358  	// If the bloom filter misses, don't even bother with traversing the memory
   359  	// diff layers, reach straight into the bottom persistent disk layer
   360  	if origin != nil {
   361  		snapshotBloomStorageMissMeter.Mark(1)
   362  		return origin.Storage(accountHash, storageHash)
   363  	}
   364  	// The bloom filter hit, start poking in the internal maps
   365  	return, storageHash, 0)
   366  }
   368  // storage is an internal version of Storage that skips the bloom filter checks
   369  // and uses the internal maps to try and retrieve the data. It's meant  to be
   370  // used if a higher layer's bloom filter hit already.
   371  func (dl *diffLayer) storage(accountHash, storageHash common.Hash, depth int) ([]byte, error) {
   372  	dl.lock.RLock()
   373  	defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
   375  	// If the layer was flattened into, consider it invalid (any live reference to
   376  	// the original should be marked as unusable).
   377  	if dl.Stale() {
   378  		return nil, ErrSnapshotStale
   379  	}
   380  	// If the account is known locally, try to resolve the slot locally
   381  	if storage, ok := dl.storageData[accountHash]; ok {
   382  		if data, ok := storage[storageHash]; ok {
   383  			snapshotDirtyStorageHitMeter.Mark(1)
   384  			snapshotDirtyStorageHitDepthHist.Update(int64(depth))
   385  			if n := len(data); n > 0 {
   386  				snapshotDirtyStorageReadMeter.Mark(int64(n))
   387  			} else {
   388  				snapshotDirtyStorageInexMeter.Mark(1)
   389  			}
   390  			snapshotBloomStorageTrueHitMeter.Mark(1)
   391  			return data, nil
   392  		}
   393  	}
   394  	// If the account is known locally, but deleted, return an empty slot
   395  	if _, ok := dl.destructSet[accountHash]; ok {
   396  		snapshotDirtyStorageHitMeter.Mark(1)
   397  		snapshotDirtyStorageHitDepthHist.Update(int64(depth))
   398  		snapshotDirtyStorageInexMeter.Mark(1)
   399  		snapshotBloomStorageTrueHitMeter.Mark(1)
   400  		return nil, nil
   401  	}
   402  	// Storage slot unknown to this diff, resolve from parent
   403  	if diff, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer); ok {
   404  		return, storageHash, depth+1)
   405  	}
   406  	// Failed to resolve through diff layers, mark a bloom error and use the disk
   407  	snapshotBloomStorageFalseHitMeter.Mark(1)
   408  	return dl.parent.Storage(accountHash, storageHash)
   409  }
   411  // Update creates a new layer on top of the existing snapshot diff tree with
   412  // the specified data items.
   413  func (dl *diffLayer) Update(blockRoot common.Hash, destructs map[common.Hash]struct{}, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) *diffLayer {
   414  	return newDiffLayer(dl, blockRoot, destructs, accounts, storage)
   415  }
   417  // flatten pushes all data from this point downwards, flattening everything into
   418  // a single diff at the bottom. Since usually the lowermost diff is the largest,
   419  // the flattening builds up from there in reverse.
   420  func (dl *diffLayer) flatten() snapshot {
   421  	// If the parent is not diff, we're the first in line, return unmodified
   422  	parent, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer)
   423  	if !ok {
   424  		return dl
   425  	}
   426  	// Parent is a diff, flatten it first (note, apart from weird corned cases,
   427  	// flatten will realistically only ever merge 1 layer, so there's no need to
   428  	// be smarter about grouping flattens together).
   429  	parent = parent.flatten().(*diffLayer)
   431  	parent.lock.Lock()
   432  	defer parent.lock.Unlock()
   434  	// Before actually writing all our data to the parent, first ensure that the
   435  	// parent hasn't been 'corrupted' by someone else already flattening into it
   436  	if parent.stale.Swap(true) {
   437  		panic("parent diff layer is stale") // we've flattened into the same parent from two children, boo
   438  	}
   439  	// Overwrite all the updated accounts blindly, merge the sorted list
   440  	for hash := range dl.destructSet {
   441  		parent.destructSet[hash] = struct{}{}
   442  		delete(parent.accountData, hash)
   443  		delete(parent.storageData, hash)
   444  	}
   445  	for hash, data := range dl.accountData {
   446  		parent.accountData[hash] = data
   447  	}
   448  	// Overwrite all the updated storage slots (individually)
   449  	for accountHash, storage := range dl.storageData {
   450  		// If storage didn't exist (or was deleted) in the parent, overwrite blindly
   451  		if _, ok := parent.storageData[accountHash]; !ok {
   452  			parent.storageData[accountHash] = storage
   453  			continue
   454  		}
   455  		// Storage exists in both parent and child, merge the slots
   456  		comboData := parent.storageData[accountHash]
   457  		for storageHash, data := range storage {
   458  			comboData[storageHash] = data
   459  		}
   460  	}
   461  	// Return the combo parent
   462  	return &diffLayer{
   463  		parent:      parent.parent,
   464  		origin:      parent.origin,
   465  		root:        dl.root,
   466  		destructSet: parent.destructSet,
   467  		accountData: parent.accountData,
   468  		storageData: parent.storageData,
   469  		storageList: make(map[common.Hash][]common.Hash),
   470  		diffed:      dl.diffed,
   471  		memory:      parent.memory + dl.memory,
   472  	}
   473  }
   475  // AccountList returns a sorted list of all accounts in this diffLayer, including
   476  // the deleted ones.
   477  //
   478  // Note, the returned slice is not a copy, so do not modify it.
   479  func (dl *diffLayer) AccountList() []common.Hash {
   480  	// If an old list already exists, return it
   481  	dl.lock.RLock()
   482  	list := dl.accountList
   483  	dl.lock.RUnlock()
   485  	if list != nil {
   486  		return list
   487  	}
   488  	// No old sorted account list exists, generate a new one
   489  	dl.lock.Lock()
   490  	defer dl.lock.Unlock()
   492  	dl.accountList = make([]common.Hash, 0, len(dl.destructSet)+len(dl.accountData))
   493  	for hash := range dl.accountData {
   494  		dl.accountList = append(dl.accountList, hash)
   495  	}
   496  	for hash := range dl.destructSet {
   497  		if _, ok := dl.accountData[hash]; !ok {
   498  			dl.accountList = append(dl.accountList, hash)
   499  		}
   500  	}
   501  	slices.SortFunc(dl.accountList, common.Hash.Cmp)
   502  	dl.memory += uint64(len(dl.accountList) * common.HashLength)
   503  	return dl.accountList
   504  }
   506  // StorageList returns a sorted list of all storage slot hashes in this diffLayer
   507  // for the given account. If the whole storage is destructed in this layer, then
   508  // an additional flag *destructed = true* will be returned, otherwise the flag is
   509  // false. Besides, the returned list will include the hash of deleted storage slot.
   510  // Note a special case is an account is deleted in a prior tx but is recreated in
   511  // the following tx with some storage slots set. In this case the returned list is
   512  // not empty but the flag is true.
   513  //
   514  // Note, the returned slice is not a copy, so do not modify it.
   515  func (dl *diffLayer) StorageList(accountHash common.Hash) ([]common.Hash, bool) {
   516  	dl.lock.RLock()
   517  	_, destructed := dl.destructSet[accountHash]
   518  	if _, ok := dl.storageData[accountHash]; !ok {
   519  		// Account not tracked by this layer
   520  		dl.lock.RUnlock()
   521  		return nil, destructed
   522  	}
   523  	// If an old list already exists, return it
   524  	if list, exist := dl.storageList[accountHash]; exist {
   525  		dl.lock.RUnlock()
   526  		return list, destructed // the cached list can't be nil
   527  	}
   528  	dl.lock.RUnlock()
   530  	// No old sorted account list exists, generate a new one
   531  	dl.lock.Lock()
   532  	defer dl.lock.Unlock()
   534  	storageMap := dl.storageData[accountHash]
   535  	storageList := make([]common.Hash, 0, len(storageMap))
   536  	for k := range storageMap {
   537  		storageList = append(storageList, k)
   538  	}
   539  	slices.SortFunc(storageList, common.Hash.Cmp)
   540  	dl.storageList[accountHash] = storageList
   541  	dl.memory += uint64(len(dl.storageList)*common.HashLength + common.HashLength)
   542  	return storageList, destructed
   543  }