
     1  language: go
     2  go_import_path:
     3  sudo: false
     4  matrix:
     5    include:
     6      - os: linux
     7        dist: trusty
     8        sudo: required
     9        go: 1.7.x
    10        script:
    11          - sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install fuse
    12          - sudo modprobe fuse
    13          - sudo chmod 666 /dev/fuse
    14          - sudo chown root:$USER /etc/fuse.conf
    15          - go run build/ci.go install
    16          - go run build/ci.go test -coverage
    18      - os: linux
    19        dist: trusty
    20        sudo: required
    21        go: 1.8.x
    22        script:
    23          - sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install fuse
    24          - sudo modprobe fuse
    25          - sudo chmod 666 /dev/fuse
    26          - sudo chown root:$USER /etc/fuse.conf
    27          - go run build/ci.go install
    28          - go run build/ci.go test -coverage
    30      # These are the latest Go versions.
    31      - os: linux
    32        dist: trusty
    33        sudo: required
    34        go: 1.9.x
    35        script:
    36          - sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install fuse
    37          - sudo modprobe fuse
    38          - sudo chmod 666 /dev/fuse
    39          - sudo chown root:$USER /etc/fuse.conf
    40          - go run build/ci.go install
    41          - go run build/ci.go test -coverage -misspell
    43      - os: osx
    44        go: 1.9.x
    45        sudo: required
    46        script:
    47          - brew update
    48          - brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
    49          - brew cask install osxfuse
    50          - go run build/ci.go install
    51          - go run build/ci.go test -coverage -misspell
    53      # This builder does the Ubuntu PPA and Linux Azure uploads
    54      - os: linux
    55        dist: trusty
    56        sudo: required
    57        go: 1.9.x
    58        env:
    59          - ubuntu-ppa
    60          - azure-linux
    61        addons:
    62          apt:
    63            packages:
    64              - devscripts
    65              - debhelper
    66              - dput
    67              - gcc-multilib
    68              - fakeroot
    69        script:
    70          # Build for the primary platforms that Trusty can manage
    71          - go run build/ci.go debsrc -signer "Go Ethereum Linux Builder <>" -upload ppa:ethereum/ethereum
    72          - go run build/ci.go install
    73          - go run build/ci.go archive -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
    74          - go run build/ci.go install -arch 386
    75          - go run build/ci.go archive -arch 386 -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
    77          # Switch over GCC to cross compilation (breaks 386, hence why do it here only)
    78          - sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi libc6-dev-armel-cross gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf libc6-dev-armhf-cross gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu libc6-dev-arm64-cross
    79          - sudo ln -s /usr/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm
    81          - GOARM=5 CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm
    82          - GOARM=5 go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
    83          - GOARM=6 CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm
    84          - GOARM=6 go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
    85          - GOARM=7 CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm
    86          - GOARM=7 go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
    87          - CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm64
    88          - go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm64 -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
    90      # This builder does the Linux Azure MIPS xgo uploads
    91      - os: linux
    92        dist: trusty
    93        sudo: required
    94        services:
    95          - docker
    96        go: 1.9.x
    97        env:
    98          - azure-linux-mips
    99        script:
   100          - go run build/ci.go xgo --alltools -- --targets=linux/mips --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v
   101          - for bin in build/bin/*-linux-mips; do mv -f "${bin}" "${bin/-linux-mips/}"; done
   102          - go run build/ci.go archive -arch mips -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
   104          - go run build/ci.go xgo --alltools -- --targets=linux/mipsle --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v
   105          - for bin in build/bin/*-linux-mipsle; do mv -f "${bin}" "${bin/-linux-mipsle/}"; done
   106          - go run build/ci.go archive -arch mipsle -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
   108          - go run build/ci.go xgo --alltools -- --targets=linux/mips64 --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v
   109          - for bin in build/bin/*-linux-mips64; do mv -f "${bin}" "${bin/-linux-mips64/}"; done
   110          - go run build/ci.go archive -arch mips64 -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
   112          - go run build/ci.go xgo --alltools -- --targets=linux/mips64le --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v
   113          - for bin in build/bin/*-linux-mips64le; do mv -f "${bin}" "${bin/-linux-mips64le/}"; done
   114          - go run build/ci.go archive -arch mips64le -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
   116      # This builder does the Android Maven and Azure uploads
   117      - os: linux
   118        dist: precise # Needed for the android tools
   119        addons:
   120          apt:
   121            packages:
   122              - oracle-java8-installer
   123              - oracle-java8-set-default
   124        language: android
   125        android:
   126          components:
   127            - platform-tools
   128            - tools
   129            - android-15
   130            - android-19
   131            - android-24
   132        env:
   133          - azure-android
   134          - maven-android
   135        before_install:
   136          - curl | tar -xz
   137          - export PATH=`pwd`/go/bin:$PATH
   138          - export GOROOT=`pwd`/go
   139          - export GOPATH=$HOME/go
   140        script:
   141          # Build the Android archive and upload it to Maven Central and Azure
   142          - curl -o
   143          - unzip -q && rm
   144          - mv android-ndk-r14b $HOME
   145          - export ANDROID_NDK=$HOME/android-ndk-r14b
   147          - mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
   148          - ln -s `pwd` $GOPATH/src/
   149          - go run build/ci.go aar -signer ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY -deploy -upload gethstore/builds
   151      # This builder does the OSX Azure, iOS CocoaPods and iOS Azure uploads
   152      - os: osx
   153        go: 1.9.x
   154        env:
   155          - azure-osx
   156          - azure-ios
   157          - cocoapods-ios
   158        script:
   159          - go run build/ci.go install
   160          - go run build/ci.go archive -type tar -signer OSX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds
   162          # Build the iOS framework and upload it to CocoaPods and Azure
   163          - gem uninstall cocoapods -a -x
   164          - gem install cocoapods
   166          - mv ~/.cocoapods/repos/master ~/.cocoapods/repos/master.bak
   167          - sed -i '.bak' 's/repo.join/!repo.join/g' $(dirname `gem which cocoapods`)/cocoapods/sources_manager.rb
   168          - if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then git clone --depth=1 ~/.cocoapods/repos/master && pod setup --verbose; fi
   170          - xctool -version
   171          - xcrun simctl list
   173          - go run build/ci.go xcode -signer IOS_SIGNING_KEY -deploy trunk -upload gethstore/builds
   175      # This builder does the Azure archive purges to avoid accumulating junk
   176      - os: linux
   177        dist: trusty
   178        sudo: required
   179        go: 1.9.x
   180        env:
   181          - azure-purge
   182        script:
   183          - go run build/ci.go purge -store gethstore/builds -days 14
   185  install:
   186    - go get
   187  script:
   188    - go run build/ci.go install
   189    - go run build/ci.go test -coverage
   191  notifications:
   192    webhooks:
   193      urls:
   194        -
   195      on_success: change
   196      on_failure: always