
     1  // Copyright 2020 The Swarm Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package api_test
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"context"
    10  	"crypto/ecdsa"
    11  	"crypto/rand"
    12  	"encoding/hex"
    13  	"encoding/json"
    14  	"errors"
    15  	"io"
    16  	"math/big"
    17  	"net"
    18  	"net/http"
    19  	"net/http/httptest"
    20  	"net/url"
    21  	"sync"
    22  	"testing"
    23  	"time"
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	mockac ""
    28  	accountingmock ""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	p2pmock ""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	mockbatchstore ""
    41  	mockpost ""
    42  	""
    43  	contractMock ""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	resolverMock ""
    48  	""
    49  	chequebookmock ""
    50  	""
    51  	erc20mock ""
    52  	swapmock ""
    53  	""
    54  	statestore ""
    55  	""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  	""
    59  	testingc ""
    60  	""
    61  	""
    62  	""
    63  	mock2 ""
    64  	mockstorer ""
    65  	""
    66  	""
    67  	topologymock ""
    68  	""
    69  	""
    70  	""
    71  	transactionmock ""
    72  	""
    73  	""
    74  	""
    75  )
    77  var (
    78  	batchInvalid = []byte{0}
    79  	batchOk      = make([]byte, 32)
    80  	batchOkStr   string
    81  	batchEmpty   = []byte{}
    82  )
    84  // nolint:gochecknoinits
    85  func init() {
    86  	_, _ = rand.Read(batchOk)
    88  	batchOkStr = hex.EncodeToString(batchOk)
    89  }
    91  type testServerOptions struct {
    92  	Storer             api.Storer
    93  	StateStorer        storage.StateStorer
    94  	Resolver           resolver.Interface
    95  	Pss                pss.Interface
    96  	WsPath             string
    97  	WsPingPeriod       time.Duration
    98  	Logger             log.Logger
    99  	PreventRedirect    bool
   100  	Feeds              feeds.Factory
   101  	CORSAllowedOrigins []string
   102  	PostageContract    postagecontract.Interface
   103  	StakingContract    staking.Contract
   104  	Post               postage.Service
   105  	AccessControl      accesscontrol.Controller
   106  	Steward            steward.Interface
   107  	WsHeaders          http.Header
   108  	DirectUpload       bool
   109  	Probe              *api.Probe
   111  	Overlay         swarm.Address
   112  	PublicKey       ecdsa.PublicKey
   113  	PSSPublicKey    ecdsa.PublicKey
   114  	EthereumAddress common.Address
   115  	BlockTime       time.Duration
   116  	P2P             *p2pmock.Service
   117  	Pingpong        pingpong.Interface
   118  	TopologyOpts    []topologymock.Option
   119  	AccountingOpts  []accountingmock.Option
   120  	ChequebookOpts  []chequebookmock.Option
   121  	SwapOpts        []swapmock.Option
   122  	TransactionOpts []transactionmock.Option
   124  	BatchStore postage.Storer
   125  	SyncStatus func() (bool, error)
   127  	BackendOpts         []backendmock.Option
   128  	Erc20Opts           []erc20mock.Option
   129  	BeeMode             api.BeeNodeMode
   130  	RedistributionAgent *storageincentives.Agent
   131  	NodeStatus          *status.Service
   132  	PinIntegrity        api.PinIntegrity
   133  	WhitelistedAddr     string
   134  }
   136  func newTestServer(t *testing.T, o testServerOptions) (*http.Client, *websocket.Conn, string, *chanStorer) {
   137  	t.Helper()
   138  	pk, _ := crypto.GenerateSecp256k1Key()
   139  	signer := crypto.NewDefaultSigner(pk)
   141  	if o.Logger == nil {
   142  		o.Logger = log.Noop
   143  	}
   144  	if o.Resolver == nil {
   145  		o.Resolver = resolverMock.NewResolver()
   146  	}
   147  	if o.WsPingPeriod == 0 {
   148  		o.WsPingPeriod = 60 * time.Second
   149  	}
   150  	if o.Post == nil {
   151  		o.Post = mockpost.New()
   152  	}
   153  	if o.AccessControl == nil {
   154  		o.AccessControl = mockac.New()
   155  	}
   156  	if o.BatchStore == nil {
   157  		o.BatchStore = mockbatchstore.New(mockbatchstore.WithAcceptAllExistsFunc()) // default is with accept-all Exists() func
   158  	}
   159  	if o.SyncStatus == nil {
   160  		o.SyncStatus = func() (bool, error) { return true, nil }
   161  	}
   163  	var chanStore *chanStorer
   165  	topologyDriver := topologymock.NewTopologyDriver(o.TopologyOpts...)
   166  	acc := accountingmock.NewAccounting(o.AccountingOpts...)
   167  	settlement := swapmock.New(o.SwapOpts...)
   168  	chequebook := chequebookmock.NewChequebook(o.ChequebookOpts...)
   169  	ln := lightnode.NewContainer(o.Overlay)
   171  	transaction := transactionmock.New(o.TransactionOpts...)
   173  	storeRecipient := statestore.NewStateStore()
   174  	recipient := pseudosettle.New(nil, o.Logger, storeRecipient, nil, big.NewInt(10000), big.NewInt(10000), o.P2P)
   176  	if o.StateStorer == nil {
   177  		o.StateStorer = storeRecipient
   178  	}
   179  	erc20 := erc20mock.New(o.Erc20Opts...)
   180  	backend := backendmock.New(o.BackendOpts...)
   182  	var extraOpts = api.ExtraOptions{
   183  		TopologyDriver:  topologyDriver,
   184  		Accounting:      acc,
   185  		Pseudosettle:    recipient,
   186  		LightNodes:      ln,
   187  		Swap:            settlement,
   188  		Chequebook:      chequebook,
   189  		Pingpong:        o.Pingpong,
   190  		BlockTime:       o.BlockTime,
   191  		Storer:          o.Storer,
   192  		Resolver:        o.Resolver,
   193  		Pss:             o.Pss,
   194  		FeedFactory:     o.Feeds,
   195  		Post:            o.Post,
   196  		AccessControl:   o.AccessControl,
   197  		PostageContract: o.PostageContract,
   198  		Steward:         o.Steward,
   199  		SyncStatus:      o.SyncStatus,
   200  		Staking:         o.StakingContract,
   201  		NodeStatus:      o.NodeStatus,
   202  		PinIntegrity:    o.PinIntegrity,
   203  	}
   205  	// By default bee mode is set to full mode.
   206  	if o.BeeMode == api.UnknownMode {
   207  		o.BeeMode = api.FullMode
   208  	}
   210  	s := api.New(o.PublicKey, o.PSSPublicKey, o.EthereumAddress, []string{o.WhitelistedAddr}, o.Logger, transaction, o.BatchStore, o.BeeMode, true, true, backend, o.CORSAllowedOrigins, inmemstore.New())
   211  	testutil.CleanupCloser(t, s)
   213  	s.SetP2P(o.P2P)
   215  	if o.RedistributionAgent == nil {
   216  		o.RedistributionAgent, _ = createRedistributionAgentService(t, o.Overlay, o.StateStorer, erc20, transaction, backend, o.BatchStore)
   217  		s.SetRedistributionAgent(o.RedistributionAgent)
   218  	}
   219  	testutil.CleanupCloser(t, o.RedistributionAgent)
   221  	s.SetSwarmAddress(&o.Overlay)
   222  	s.SetProbe(o.Probe)
   224  	noOpTracer, tracerCloser, _ := tracing.NewTracer(&tracing.Options{
   225  		Enabled: false,
   226  	})
   227  	testutil.CleanupCloser(t, tracerCloser)
   229  	s.Configure(signer, noOpTracer, api.Options{
   230  		CORSAllowedOrigins: o.CORSAllowedOrigins,
   231  		WsPingPeriod:       o.WsPingPeriod,
   232  	}, extraOpts, 1, erc20)
   234  	s.MountTechnicalDebug()
   235  	s.MountDebug()
   236  	s.MountAPI()
   238  	if o.DirectUpload {
   239  		chanStore = newChanStore(o.Storer.PusherFeed())
   240  		t.Cleanup(chanStore.stop)
   241  	}
   243  	ts := httptest.NewServer(s)
   244  	t.Cleanup(ts.Close)
   246  	var (
   247  		httpClient = &http.Client{
   248  			Transport: web.RoundTripperFunc(func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
   249  				requestURL := r.URL.String()
   250  				if r.URL.Scheme != "http" {
   251  					requestURL = ts.URL + r.URL.String()
   252  				}
   253  				u, err := url.Parse(requestURL)
   254  				if err != nil {
   255  					return nil, err
   256  				}
   257  				r.URL = u
   259  				transport := ts.Client().Transport.(*http.Transport)
   260  				transport = transport.Clone()
   261  				// always dial to the server address, regardless of the url host and port
   262  				transport.DialContext = func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
   263  					return net.Dial(network, ts.Listener.Addr().String())
   264  				}
   265  				return transport.RoundTrip(r)
   266  			}),
   267  		}
   268  		conn *websocket.Conn
   269  		err  error
   270  	)
   272  	if o.WsPath != "" {
   273  		u := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: ts.Listener.Addr().String(), Path: o.WsPath}
   274  		conn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), o.WsHeaders)
   275  		if err != nil {
   276  			t.Fatalf("dial: %v. url %v", err, u.String())
   277  		}
   278  		testutil.CleanupCloser(t, conn)
   279  	}
   281  	if o.PreventRedirect {
   282  		httpClient.CheckRedirect = func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
   283  			return http.ErrUseLastResponse
   284  		}
   285  	}
   287  	return httpClient, conn, ts.Listener.Addr().String(), chanStore
   288  }
   290  func request(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, method, resource string, body io.Reader, responseCode int) *http.Response {
   291  	t.Helper()
   293  	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.TODO(), method, resource, body)
   294  	if err != nil {
   295  		t.Fatal(err)
   296  	}
   297  	resp, err := client.Do(req)
   298  	if err != nil {
   299  		t.Fatal(err)
   300  	}
   301  	if resp.StatusCode != responseCode {
   302  		t.Fatalf("got response status %s, want %v %s", resp.Status, responseCode, http.StatusText(responseCode))
   303  	}
   304  	return resp
   305  }
   307  func pipelineFactory(s storage.Putter, encrypt bool, rLevel redundancy.Level) func() pipeline.Interface {
   308  	return func() pipeline.Interface {
   309  		return builder.NewPipelineBuilder(context.Background(), s, encrypt, rLevel)
   310  	}
   311  }
   313  func TestParseName(t *testing.T) {
   314  	t.Parallel()
   316  	const bzzHash = "89c17d0d8018a19057314aa035e61c9d23c47581a61dd3a79a7839692c617e4d"
   317  	log := log.Noop
   319  	var errInvalidNameOrAddress = errors.New("invalid name or bzz address")
   321  	testCases := []struct {
   322  		desc       string
   323  		name       string
   324  		res        resolver.Interface
   325  		noResolver bool
   326  		wantAdr    swarm.Address
   327  		wantErr    error
   328  	}{
   329  		{
   330  			desc:    "empty name",
   331  			name:    "",
   332  			wantAdr: swarm.ZeroAddress,
   333  		},
   334  		{
   335  			desc:    "bzz hash",
   336  			name:    bzzHash,
   337  			wantAdr: swarm.MustParseHexAddress(bzzHash),
   338  		},
   339  		{
   340  			desc:       "no resolver connected with bzz hash",
   341  			name:       bzzHash,
   342  			noResolver: true,
   343  			wantAdr:    swarm.MustParseHexAddress(bzzHash),
   344  		},
   345  		{
   346  			desc:       "no resolver connected with name",
   347  			name:       "itdoesntmatter.eth",
   348  			noResolver: true,
   349  			wantErr:    api.ErrNoResolver,
   350  		},
   351  		{
   352  			desc: "name not resolved",
   353  			name: "not.good",
   354  			res: resolverMock.NewResolver(
   355  				resolverMock.WithResolveFunc(func(string) (swarm.Address, error) {
   356  					return swarm.ZeroAddress, errInvalidNameOrAddress
   357  				}),
   358  			),
   359  			wantErr: errInvalidNameOrAddress,
   360  		},
   361  		{
   362  			desc:    "name resolved",
   363  			name:    "everything.okay",
   364  			wantAdr: swarm.MustParseHexAddress("89c17d0d8018a19057314aa035e61c9d23c47581a61dd3a79a7839692c617e4d"),
   365  		},
   366  	}
   367  	for _, tC := range testCases {
   368  		if tC.res == nil && !tC.noResolver {
   369  			tC.res = resolverMock.NewResolver(
   370  				resolverMock.WithResolveFunc(func(string) (swarm.Address, error) {
   371  					return tC.wantAdr, nil
   372  				}))
   373  		}
   375  		pk, _ := crypto.GenerateSecp256k1Key()
   376  		signer := crypto.NewDefaultSigner(pk)
   378  		s := api.New(pk.PublicKey, pk.PublicKey, common.Address{}, nil, log, nil, nil, 1, false, false, nil, []string{"*"}, inmemstore.New())
   379  		s.Configure(signer, nil, api.Options{}, api.ExtraOptions{Resolver: tC.res}, 1, nil)
   380  		s.MountAPI()
   382  		tC := tC
   383  		t.Run(tC.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
   384  			t.Parallel()
   386  			got, err := s.ResolveNameOrAddress(
   387  			if tC.wantErr != nil && !errors.Is(err, tC.wantErr) {
   388  				t.Fatalf("bad error: %v", err)
   389  			}
   390  			if !got.Equal(tC.wantAdr) {
   391  				t.Errorf("got %s, want %s", got, tC.wantAdr)
   392  			}
   393  		})
   394  	}
   395  }
   397  // TestCalculateNumberOfChunks is a unit test for
   398  // the chunk-number-according-to-content-length calculation.
   399  func TestCalculateNumberOfChunks(t *testing.T) {
   400  	t.Parallel()
   402  	for _, tc := range []struct{ len, chunks int64 }{
   403  		{len: 1000, chunks: 1},
   404  		{len: 5000, chunks: 3},
   405  		{len: 10000, chunks: 4},
   406  		{len: 100000, chunks: 26},
   407  		{len: 1000000, chunks: 248},
   408  		{len: 325839339210, chunks: 79550620 + 621490 + 4856 + 38 + 1},
   409  	} {
   410  		res := api.CalculateNumberOfChunks(tc.len, false)
   411  		if res != tc.chunks {
   412  			t.Fatalf("expected result for %d bytes to be %d got %d", tc.len, tc.chunks, res)
   413  		}
   414  	}
   415  }
   417  // TestCalculateNumberOfChunksEncrypted is a unit test for
   418  // the chunk-number-according-to-content-length calculation with encryption
   419  // (branching factor=64)
   420  func TestCalculateNumberOfChunksEncrypted(t *testing.T) {
   421  	t.Parallel()
   423  	for _, tc := range []struct{ len, chunks int64 }{
   424  		{len: 1000, chunks: 1},
   425  		{len: 5000, chunks: 3},
   426  		{len: 10000, chunks: 4},
   427  		{len: 100000, chunks: 26},
   428  		{len: 1000000, chunks: 245 + 4 + 1},
   429  		{len: 325839339210, chunks: 79550620 + 1242979 + 19422 + 304 + 5 + 1},
   430  	} {
   431  		res := api.CalculateNumberOfChunks(tc.len, true)
   432  		if res != tc.chunks {
   433  			t.Fatalf("expected result for %d bytes to be %d got %d", tc.len, tc.chunks, res)
   434  		}
   435  	}
   436  }
   438  // TestPostageHeaderError tests that incorrect postage batch ids
   439  // provided to the api correct the appropriate error code.
   440  func TestPostageHeaderError(t *testing.T) {
   441  	t.Parallel()
   443  	var (
   444  		mockStorer = mockstorer.New()
   445  		endpoints  = []string{
   446  			"bytes", "bzz", "chunks",
   447  		}
   448  	)
   449  	content := []byte{7: 0} // 8 zeros
   450  	for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
   451  		endpoint := endpoint
   452  		t.Run(endpoint+": empty batch", func(t *testing.T) {
   453  			t.Parallel()
   455  			client, _, _, _ := newTestServer(t, testServerOptions{
   456  				Storer:       mockStorer,
   457  				Post:         newTestPostService(),
   458  				DirectUpload: true,
   459  			})
   460  			hexbatch := hex.EncodeToString(batchEmpty)
   461  			expCode := http.StatusBadRequest
   462  			jsonhttptest.Request(t, client, http.MethodPost, "/"+endpoint, expCode,
   463  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmPostageBatchIdHeader, hexbatch),
   464  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.ContentTypeHeader, "application/octet-stream"),
   465  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestBody(bytes.NewReader(content)),
   466  			)
   467  		})
   468  		t.Run(endpoint+": ok batch", func(t *testing.T) {
   469  			t.Parallel()
   470  			client, _, _, _ := newTestServer(t, testServerOptions{
   471  				Storer:       mockStorer,
   472  				Post:         newTestPostService(),
   473  				DirectUpload: true,
   474  			})
   475  			hexbatch := hex.EncodeToString(batchOk)
   476  			expCode := http.StatusCreated
   477  			jsonhttptest.Request(t, client, http.MethodPost, "/"+endpoint, expCode,
   478  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmPostageBatchIdHeader, hexbatch),
   479  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.ContentTypeHeader, "application/octet-stream"),
   480  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmDeferredUploadHeader, "true"),
   481  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestBody(bytes.NewReader(content)),
   482  			)
   483  		})
   484  		t.Run(endpoint+": bad batch", func(t *testing.T) {
   485  			t.Parallel()
   486  			client, _, _, _ := newTestServer(t, testServerOptions{
   487  				Storer:       mockStorer,
   488  				Post:         newTestPostService(),
   489  				DirectUpload: true,
   490  			})
   491  			hexbatch := hex.EncodeToString(batchInvalid)
   492  			expCode := http.StatusNotFound
   493  			jsonhttptest.Request(t, client, http.MethodPost, "/"+endpoint, expCode,
   494  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmPostageBatchIdHeader, hexbatch),
   495  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.ContentTypeHeader, "application/octet-stream"),
   496  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestBody(bytes.NewReader(content)),
   497  			)
   498  		})
   499  	}
   500  }
   502  // TestOptions check whether endpoint compatible with option method
   503  func TestOptions(t *testing.T) {
   504  	t.Parallel()
   506  	var (
   507  		client, _, _, _ = newTestServer(t, testServerOptions{})
   508  	)
   509  	for _, tc := range []struct {
   510  		endpoint        string
   511  		expectedMethods string // expectedMethods contains HTTP methods like GET, POST, HEAD, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS. These are in alphabetical sorted order
   512  	}{
   513  		{
   514  			endpoint:        "tags",
   515  			expectedMethods: "GET, POST",
   516  		},
   517  		{
   518  			endpoint:        "bzz",
   519  			expectedMethods: "POST",
   520  		},
   521  		{
   522  			endpoint:        "chunks",
   523  			expectedMethods: "POST",
   524  		},
   525  		{
   526  			endpoint:        "chunks/123213",
   527  			expectedMethods: "GET, HEAD",
   528  		},
   529  		{
   530  			endpoint:        "bytes",
   531  			expectedMethods: "POST",
   532  		},
   533  		{
   534  			endpoint:        "bytes/0121012",
   535  			expectedMethods: "GET, HEAD",
   536  		},
   537  	} {
   538  		tc := tc
   539  		t.Run(tc.endpoint+" options test", func(t *testing.T) {
   540  			t.Parallel()
   542  			jsonhttptest.Request(t, client, http.MethodOptions, "/"+tc.endpoint, http.StatusNoContent,
   543  				jsonhttptest.WithExpectedResponseHeader("Allow", tc.expectedMethods),
   544  			)
   545  		})
   546  	}
   547  }
   549  // TestPostageDirectAndDeferred tests that incorrect postage batch ids
   550  // provided to the api correct the appropriate error code.
   551  func TestPostageDirectAndDeferred(t *testing.T) {
   552  	t.Parallel()
   554  	for _, endpoint := range []string{"bytes", "bzz", "chunks"} {
   555  		endpoint := endpoint
   557  		if endpoint != "chunks" {
   558  			t.Run(endpoint+" deferred", func(t *testing.T) {
   559  				t.Parallel()
   561  				mockStorer := mockstorer.New()
   562  				client, _, _, chanStorer := newTestServer(t, testServerOptions{
   563  					Storer:       mockStorer,
   564  					Post:         newTestPostService(),
   565  					DirectUpload: true,
   566  				})
   567  				hexbatch := hex.EncodeToString(batchOk)
   568  				chunk := testingc.GenerateTestRandomChunk()
   569  				var responseBytes []byte
   570  				jsonhttptest.Request(t, client, http.MethodPost, "/"+endpoint, http.StatusCreated,
   571  					jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmPostageBatchIdHeader, hexbatch),
   572  					jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.ContentTypeHeader, "application/octet-stream"),
   573  					jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmDeferredUploadHeader, "true"),
   574  					jsonhttptest.WithRequestBody(bytes.NewReader(chunk.Data())),
   575  					jsonhttptest.WithPutResponseBody(&responseBytes),
   576  				)
   577  				var body struct {
   578  					Reference swarm.Address `json:"reference"`
   579  				}
   580  				if err := json.Unmarshal(responseBytes, &body); err != nil {
   581  					t.Fatal("unmarshal response body:", err)
   582  				}
   583  				if found, _ := mockStorer.ChunkStore().Has(context.Background(), body.Reference); !found {
   584  					t.Fatal("chunk not found in the store")
   585  				}
   586  				// sleep to allow chanStorer to drain if any to ensure we haven't seen the chunk
   587  				time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   588  				if chanStorer.Has(body.Reference) {
   589  					t.Fatal("chunk was not expected to be present in direct channel")
   590  				}
   591  			})
   592  		}
   594  		t.Run(endpoint+" direct upload", func(t *testing.T) {
   595  			t.Parallel()
   597  			mockStorer := mockstorer.New()
   598  			client, _, _, chanStorer := newTestServer(t, testServerOptions{
   599  				Storer:       mockStorer,
   600  				Post:         newTestPostService(),
   601  				DirectUpload: true,
   602  			})
   603  			hexbatch := hex.EncodeToString(batchOk)
   604  			chunk := testingc.GenerateTestRandomChunk()
   605  			var responseBytes []byte
   606  			jsonhttptest.Request(t, client, http.MethodPost, "/"+endpoint, http.StatusCreated,
   607  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmPostageBatchIdHeader, hexbatch),
   608  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.ContentTypeHeader, "application/octet-stream"),
   609  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestHeader(api.SwarmDeferredUploadHeader, "false"),
   610  				jsonhttptest.WithRequestBody(bytes.NewReader(chunk.Data())),
   611  				jsonhttptest.WithPutResponseBody(&responseBytes),
   612  			)
   614  			var body struct {
   615  				Reference swarm.Address `json:"reference"`
   616  			}
   617  			if err := json.Unmarshal(responseBytes, &body); err != nil {
   618  				t.Fatal("unmarshal response body:", err)
   619  			}
   620  			err := spinlock.Wait(time.Second, func() bool { return chanStorer.Has(body.Reference) })
   621  			if err != nil {
   622  				t.Fatal("chunk not found in direct channel")
   623  			}
   624  			if found, _ := mockStorer.ChunkStore().Has(context.Background(), body.Reference); found {
   625  				t.Fatal("chunk was not expected to be present in store")
   626  			}
   627  		})
   628  	}
   629  }
   631  type chanStorer struct {
   632  	lock   sync.Mutex
   633  	chunks map[string]struct{}
   634  	quit   chan struct{}
   635  }
   637  func newChanStore(cc <-chan *pusher.Op) *chanStorer {
   638  	c := &chanStorer{
   639  		chunks: make(map[string]struct{}),
   640  		quit:   make(chan struct{}),
   641  	}
   642  	go c.drain(cc)
   643  	return c
   644  }
   646  func (c *chanStorer) drain(cc <-chan *pusher.Op) {
   647  	for {
   648  		select {
   649  		case op := <-cc:
   650  			c.lock.Lock()
   651  			c.chunks[op.Chunk.Address().ByteString()] = struct{}{}
   652  			c.lock.Unlock()
   653  			op.Err <- nil
   654  		case <-c.quit:
   655  			return
   656  		}
   657  	}
   658  }
   660  func (c *chanStorer) stop() {
   661  	close(c.quit)
   662  }
   664  func (c *chanStorer) Has(addr swarm.Address) bool {
   665  	c.lock.Lock()
   666  	_, ok := c.chunks[addr.ByteString()]
   667  	c.lock.Unlock()
   669  	return ok
   670  }
   672  func createRedistributionAgentService(
   673  	t *testing.T,
   674  	addr swarm.Address,
   675  	storer storage.StateStorer,
   676  	erc20Service erc20.Service,
   677  	tranService transaction.Service,
   678  	backend storageincentives.ChainBackend,
   679  	chainStateGetter postage.ChainStateGetter,
   680  ) (*storageincentives.Agent, error) {
   681  	t.Helper()
   683  	const blocksPerRound uint64 = 12
   684  	const blocksPerPhase uint64 = 4
   685  	postageContract := contractMock.New(contractMock.WithExpiresBatchesFunc(func(context.Context) error {
   686  		return nil
   687  	}),
   688  	)
   689  	stakingContract := mock2.New(mock2.WithIsFrozen(func(context.Context, uint64) (bool, error) {
   690  		return true, nil
   691  	}))
   692  	contract := &mockContract{}
   694  	return storageincentives.New(
   695  		addr,
   696  		common.Address{},
   697  		backend,
   698  		contract,
   699  		postageContract,
   700  		stakingContract,
   701  		mockstorer.NewReserve(),
   702  		func() bool { return true },
   703  		time.Millisecond*10,
   704  		blocksPerRound,
   705  		blocksPerPhase,
   706  		storer,
   707  		chainStateGetter,
   708  		erc20Service,
   709  		tranService,
   710  		&mockHealth{},
   711  		log.Noop,
   712  	)
   713  }
   715  type contractCall int
   717  func (c contractCall) String() string {
   718  	switch c {
   719  	case isWinnerCall:
   720  		return "isWinnerCall"
   721  	case revealCall:
   722  		return "revealCall"
   723  	case commitCall:
   724  		return "commitCall"
   725  	case claimCall:
   726  		return "claimCall"
   727  	}
   728  	return "unknown"
   729  }
   731  const (
   732  	isWinnerCall contractCall = iota
   733  	revealCall
   734  	commitCall
   735  	claimCall
   736  )
   738  type mockContract struct {
   739  	callsList []contractCall
   740  	mtx       sync.Mutex
   741  }
   743  func (m *mockContract) Fee(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) *big.Int {
   744  	return big.NewInt(1000)
   745  }
   747  func (m *mockContract) ReserveSalt(context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
   748  	return nil, nil
   749  }
   751  func (m *mockContract) IsPlaying(context.Context, uint8) (bool, error) {
   752  	return true, nil
   753  }
   755  func (m *mockContract) IsWinner(context.Context) (bool, error) {
   756  	m.mtx.Lock()
   757  	defer m.mtx.Unlock()
   758  	m.callsList = append(m.callsList, isWinnerCall)
   759  	return false, nil
   760  }
   762  func (m *mockContract) Claim(context.Context, redistribution.ChunkInclusionProofs) (common.Hash, error) {
   763  	m.mtx.Lock()
   764  	defer m.mtx.Unlock()
   765  	m.callsList = append(m.callsList, claimCall)
   766  	return common.Hash{}, nil
   767  }
   769  func (m *mockContract) Commit(context.Context, []byte, uint64) (common.Hash, error) {
   770  	m.mtx.Lock()
   771  	defer m.mtx.Unlock()
   772  	m.callsList = append(m.callsList, commitCall)
   773  	return common.Hash{}, nil
   774  }
   776  func (m *mockContract) Reveal(context.Context, uint8, []byte, []byte) (common.Hash, error) {
   777  	m.mtx.Lock()
   778  	defer m.mtx.Unlock()
   779  	m.callsList = append(m.callsList, revealCall)
   780  	return common.Hash{}, nil
   781  }
   783  type mockHealth struct{}
   785  func (m *mockHealth) IsHealthy() bool { return true }
   787  func newTestPostService() postage.Service {
   788  	return mockpost.New(
   789  		mockpost.WithIssuer(postage.NewStampIssuer(
   790  			"",
   791  			"",
   792  			batchOk,
   793  			big.NewInt(3),
   794  			11,
   795  			10,
   796  			1000,
   797  			true,
   798  		)),
   799  	)
   800  }