
     1  // Copyright 2022 The Swarm Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package storage
     7  import (
     8  	"context"
     9  	"errors"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"io"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  var (
    20  	ErrOverwriteNewerChunk = errors.New("overwriting chunk with newer timestamp")
    21  )
    23  // Result represents the item returned by the read operation, which returns
    24  // the item as the result. Or Key and/or Size in case the whole Item is not
    25  // needed.
    26  type Result struct {
    27  	// ID is the Key.ID of the result Item.
    28  	ID string
    30  	// Size is the size of the result Item.
    31  	Size int
    33  	// Entry in the result Item.
    34  	Entry Item
    35  }
    37  // IterateFn iterates through the Items of the store in the Key.Namespace.
    38  // The function returns a boolean to indicate if the iteration should stop.
    39  type IterateFn func(Result) (bool, error)
    41  // Filter subtracts entries from the iteration. Filters would not construct the
    42  // Item from the serialized bytes. Instead, users can add logic to check the entries
    43  // directly in byte format or partially or fully unmarshal the data and check.
    44  type Filter func(string, []byte) bool
    46  // QueryItemProperty tells the Query which Item
    47  // property should be loaded from the store to the result.
    48  type QueryItemProperty int
    50  const (
    51  	// QueryItem indicates interest in the whole Item.
    52  	QueryItem QueryItemProperty = iota
    54  	// QueryItemID indicates interest in the Result.ID.
    55  	// No data will be unmarshalled.
    56  	QueryItemID
    58  	// QueryItemSize indicates interest in the Result.Size.
    59  	// No data will be unmarshalled.
    60  	QueryItemSize
    61  )
    63  // Order represents order of the iteration
    64  type Order int
    66  const (
    67  	// KeyAscendingOrder indicates a forward iteration based on ordering of keys.
    68  	KeyAscendingOrder Order = iota
    70  	// KeyDescendingOrder denotes the backward iteration based on ordering of keys.
    71  	KeyDescendingOrder
    72  )
    74  // ErrInvalidQuery indicates that the query is not a valid query.
    75  var (
    76  	ErrInvalidQuery    = errors.New("storage: invalid query")
    77  	ErrNotFound        = errors.New("storage: not found")
    78  	ErrReferenceLength = errors.New("storage: invalid reference length")
    79  	ErrInvalidChunk    = errors.New("storage: invalid chunk")
    80  )
    82  // Query denotes the iteration attributes.
    83  type Query struct {
    84  	// Factory is a constructor passed by client
    85  	// to construct new object for the result.
    86  	Factory func() Item
    88  	// Prefix indicates interest in an item
    89  	// that contains this prefix in its ID.
    90  	Prefix string
    92  	// PrefixAtStart indicates that the
    93  	// iteration should start at the prefix.
    94  	PrefixAtStart bool
    96  	// SkipFirst skips the first element in the iteration.
    97  	SkipFirst bool
    99  	// ItemProperty indicates a specific interest of an Item property.
   100  	ItemProperty QueryItemProperty
   102  	// Order denotes the order of iteration.
   103  	Order Order
   105  	// Filters represent further constraints on the iteration.
   106  	Filters []Filter
   107  }
   109  // Validate checks if the query is a valid query.
   110  func (q Query) Validate() error {
   111  	if q.ItemProperty == QueryItem && q.Factory == nil {
   112  		return fmt.Errorf("missing Factory: %w", ErrInvalidQuery)
   113  	}
   114  	return nil
   115  }
   117  // Key represents the item identifiers.
   118  type Key interface {
   119  	// ID is the unique identifier of Item.
   120  	ID() string
   122  	// Namespace is used to separate similar items.
   123  	// E.g.: can be seen as a table construct.
   124  	Namespace() string
   125  }
   127  // Marshaler is the interface implemented by types
   128  // that can marshal themselves into valid Item.
   129  type Marshaler interface {
   130  	Marshal() ([]byte, error)
   131  }
   133  // Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by types
   134  // that can unmarshal a JSON description of themselves.
   135  // The input can be assumed to be a valid encoding of
   136  // a Item value.
   137  type Unmarshaler interface {
   138  	Unmarshal([]byte) error
   139  }
   141  // Cloner makes a deep copy of the Item.
   142  type Cloner interface {
   143  	Clone() Item
   144  }
   146  // Item represents an item which can be used in the Store.
   147  type Item interface {
   148  	Key
   149  	Marshaler
   150  	Unmarshaler
   151  	Cloner
   152  	fmt.Stringer
   153  }
   155  // Store contains the methods required for the Data Abstraction Layer.
   156  type Store interface {
   157  	io.Closer
   159  	Reader
   160  	Writer
   161  }
   163  // Reader groups methods that read from the store.
   164  type Reader interface {
   165  	// Get unmarshalls object with the given Item.Key.ID into the given Item.
   166  	Get(Item) error
   168  	// Has reports whether the Item with the given Key.ID exists in the store.
   169  	Has(Key) (bool, error)
   171  	// GetSize returns the size of Item with the given Key.ID.
   172  	GetSize(Key) (int, error)
   174  	// Iterate executes the given IterateFn on this store.
   175  	// The Result of the iteration will be affected by the given Query.
   176  	Iterate(Query, IterateFn) error
   178  	// Count returns the count of items in the
   179  	// store that are in the same Key.Namespace.
   180  	Count(Key) (int, error)
   181  }
   183  // Writer groups methods that change the state of the store.
   184  type Writer interface {
   185  	// Put inserts or updates the given Item identified by its Key.ID.
   186  	Put(Item) error
   188  	// Delete removes the given Item form the store.
   189  	// It will not return error if the key doesn't exist.
   190  	Delete(Item) error
   191  }
   193  // BatchStore is a store that supports batching of Writer method calls.
   194  type BatchStore interface {
   195  	Store
   196  	Batcher
   197  }
   199  // Recoverer allows store to recover from a failure when
   200  // the transaction was not committed or rolled back.
   201  type Recoverer interface {
   202  	Recover() error
   203  }
   205  type IndexStore interface {
   206  	Reader
   207  	Writer
   208  }
   210  type Sharky interface {
   211  	Read(context.Context, sharky.Location, []byte) error
   212  	Write(context.Context, []byte) (sharky.Location, error)
   213  	Release(context.Context, sharky.Location) error
   214  }
   216  type SizeReporter interface {
   217  	Size() (uint64, error)
   218  	Capacity() uint64
   219  }
   221  // Descriptor holds information required for Pull syncing. This struct
   222  // is provided by subscribing to pull index.
   223  type Descriptor struct {
   224  	Address swarm.Address
   225  	BinID   uint64
   226  }
   228  func (d *Descriptor) String() string {
   229  	if d == nil {
   230  		return ""
   231  	}
   232  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s bin id %v", d.Address, d.BinID)
   233  }
   235  type PullSubscriber interface {
   236  	SubscribePull(ctx context.Context, bin uint8, since, until uint64) (c <-chan Descriptor, closed <-chan struct{}, stop func())
   237  }
   239  type PushSubscriber interface {
   240  	SubscribePush(ctx context.Context) (c <-chan swarm.Chunk, stop func())
   241  }
   243  type ChunkState = int
   245  const (
   246  	// ChunkSent is used by the pusher component to notify about successful push of chunk from
   247  	// the node. A chunk could be retried on failure so, this sent count is maintained to
   248  	// understand how many attempts were made by the node while pushing. The attempts are
   249  	// registered only when an actual request was sent from this node.
   250  	ChunkSent ChunkState = iota
   251  	// ChunkStored is used by the pusher component to notify that the uploader node is
   252  	// the closest node and has stored the chunk.
   253  	ChunkStored
   254  	// ChunkSynced is used by the pusher component to notify that the chunk is synced to the
   255  	// network. This is reported when a valid receipt was received after the chunk was
   256  	// pushed.
   257  	ChunkSynced
   258  	ChunkCouldNotSync
   259  )
   261  // PushReporter is used to report chunk state.
   262  type PushReporter interface {
   263  	Report(context.Context, swarm.Chunk, ChunkState) error
   264  }
   266  // ErrBatchCommitted is returned by Batch.Commit
   267  // call when a batch has already been committed.
   268  var ErrBatchCommitted = errors.New("storage: batch has already been committed")
   270  // Batch provides set of operations that are batched.
   271  type Batch interface {
   272  	// Put adds a new item to the batch.
   273  	Put(Item) error
   275  	// Delete adds a new delete operation to the batch.
   276  	Delete(Item) error
   278  	// Commit commits the batch.
   279  	Commit() error
   280  }
   282  // Batcher specifies a constructor for creating new batches.
   283  type Batcher interface {
   284  	// Batch returns a new Batch.
   285  	Batch(context.Context) Batch
   286  }
   288  func ChunkType(ch swarm.Chunk) swarm.ChunkType {
   289  	if cac.Valid(ch) {
   290  		return swarm.ChunkTypeContentAddressed
   291  	} else if soc.Valid(ch) {
   292  		return swarm.ChunkTypeSingleOwner
   293  	}
   294  	return swarm.ChunkTypeUnspecified
   295  }