
     1  package logger
     3  // Most non-error log messages are given a message ID that can be used to set
     4  // the log level for that message. Errors do not get a message ID because you
     5  // cannot turn errors into non-errors (otherwise the build would incorrectly
     6  // succeed). Some internal log messages do not get a message ID because they
     7  // are part of verbose and/or internal debugging output. These messages use
     8  // "MsgID_None" instead.
     9  type MsgID = uint8
    11  const (
    12  	MsgID_None MsgID = iota
    14  	// JavaScript
    15  	MsgID_JS_AssertToWith
    16  	MsgID_JS_AssertTypeJSON
    17  	MsgID_JS_AssignToConstant
    18  	MsgID_JS_AssignToDefine
    19  	MsgID_JS_AssignToImport
    20  	MsgID_JS_CallImportNamespace
    21  	MsgID_JS_ClassNameWillThrow
    22  	MsgID_JS_CommonJSVariableInESM
    23  	MsgID_JS_DeleteSuperProperty
    24  	MsgID_JS_DirectEval
    25  	MsgID_JS_DuplicateCase
    26  	MsgID_JS_DuplicateClassMember
    27  	MsgID_JS_DuplicateObjectKey
    28  	MsgID_JS_EmptyImportMeta
    29  	MsgID_JS_EqualsNaN
    30  	MsgID_JS_EqualsNegativeZero
    31  	MsgID_JS_EqualsNewObject
    32  	MsgID_JS_HTMLCommentInJS
    33  	MsgID_JS_ImpossibleTypeof
    34  	MsgID_JS_IndirectRequire
    35  	MsgID_JS_PrivateNameWillThrow
    36  	MsgID_JS_SemicolonAfterReturn
    37  	MsgID_JS_SuspiciousBooleanNot
    38  	MsgID_JS_SuspiciousDefine
    39  	MsgID_JS_SuspiciousLogicalOperator
    40  	MsgID_JS_SuspiciousNullishCoalescing
    41  	MsgID_JS_ThisIsUndefinedInESM
    42  	MsgID_JS_UnsupportedDynamicImport
    43  	MsgID_JS_UnsupportedJSXComment
    44  	MsgID_JS_UnsupportedRegExp
    45  	MsgID_JS_UnsupportedRequireCall
    47  	// CSS
    48  	MsgID_CSS_CSSSyntaxError
    49  	MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtCharset
    50  	MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtImport
    51  	MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtLayer
    52  	MsgID_CSS_InvalidCalc
    53  	MsgID_CSS_JSCommentInCSS
    54  	MsgID_CSS_UndefinedComposesFrom
    55  	MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedAtCharset
    56  	MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedAtNamespace
    57  	MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedCSSProperty
    58  	MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedCSSNesting
    60  	// Bundler
    61  	MsgID_Bundler_AmbiguousReexport
    62  	MsgID_Bundler_DifferentPathCase
    63  	MsgID_Bundler_EmptyGlob
    64  	MsgID_Bundler_IgnoredBareImport
    65  	MsgID_Bundler_IgnoredDynamicImport
    66  	MsgID_Bundler_ImportIsUndefined
    67  	MsgID_Bundler_RequireResolveNotExternal
    69  	// Source maps
    70  	MsgID_SourceMap_InvalidSourceMappings
    71  	MsgID_SourceMap_SectionsInSourceMap
    72  	MsgID_SourceMap_MissingSourceMap
    73  	MsgID_SourceMap_UnsupportedSourceMapComment
    75  	// package.json
    76  	MsgID_PackageJSON_FIRST // Keep this first
    77  	MsgID_PackageJSON_InvalidBrowser
    78  	MsgID_PackageJSON_InvalidImportsOrExports
    79  	MsgID_PackageJSON_InvalidSideEffects
    80  	MsgID_PackageJSON_InvalidType
    81  	MsgID_PackageJSON_LAST // Keep this last
    83  	// tsconfig.json
    84  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_FIRST // Keep this first
    85  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_Cycle
    86  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_InvalidImportsNotUsedAsValues
    87  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_InvalidJSX
    88  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_InvalidPaths
    89  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_InvalidTarget
    90  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_InvalidTopLevelOption
    91  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_Missing
    92  	MsgID_TSConfigJSON_LAST // Keep this last
    94  	MsgID_END // Keep this at the end (used only for tests)
    95  )
    97  func StringToMsgIDs(str string, logLevel LogLevel, overrides map[MsgID]LogLevel) {
    98  	switch str {
    99  	// JS
   100  	case "assert-to-with":
   101  		overrides[MsgID_JS_AssertToWith] = logLevel
   102  	case "assert-type-json":
   103  		overrides[MsgID_JS_AssertTypeJSON] = logLevel
   104  	case "assign-to-constant":
   105  		overrides[MsgID_JS_AssignToConstant] = logLevel
   106  	case "assign-to-define":
   107  		overrides[MsgID_JS_AssignToDefine] = logLevel
   108  	case "assign-to-import":
   109  		overrides[MsgID_JS_AssignToImport] = logLevel
   110  	case "call-import-namespace":
   111  		overrides[MsgID_JS_CallImportNamespace] = logLevel
   112  	case "class-name-will-throw":
   113  		overrides[MsgID_JS_ClassNameWillThrow] = logLevel
   114  	case "commonjs-variable-in-esm":
   115  		overrides[MsgID_JS_CommonJSVariableInESM] = logLevel
   116  	case "delete-super-property":
   117  		overrides[MsgID_JS_DeleteSuperProperty] = logLevel
   118  	case "direct-eval":
   119  		overrides[MsgID_JS_DirectEval] = logLevel
   120  	case "duplicate-case":
   121  		overrides[MsgID_JS_DuplicateCase] = logLevel
   122  	case "duplicate-class-member":
   123  		overrides[MsgID_JS_DuplicateClassMember] = logLevel
   124  	case "duplicate-object-key":
   125  		overrides[MsgID_JS_DuplicateObjectKey] = logLevel
   126  	case "empty-import-meta":
   127  		overrides[MsgID_JS_EmptyImportMeta] = logLevel
   128  	case "equals-nan":
   129  		overrides[MsgID_JS_EqualsNaN] = logLevel
   130  	case "equals-negative-zero":
   131  		overrides[MsgID_JS_EqualsNegativeZero] = logLevel
   132  	case "equals-new-object":
   133  		overrides[MsgID_JS_EqualsNewObject] = logLevel
   134  	case "html-comment-in-js":
   135  		overrides[MsgID_JS_HTMLCommentInJS] = logLevel
   136  	case "impossible-typeof":
   137  		overrides[MsgID_JS_ImpossibleTypeof] = logLevel
   138  	case "indirect-require":
   139  		overrides[MsgID_JS_IndirectRequire] = logLevel
   140  	case "private-name-will-throw":
   141  		overrides[MsgID_JS_PrivateNameWillThrow] = logLevel
   142  	case "semicolon-after-return":
   143  		overrides[MsgID_JS_SemicolonAfterReturn] = logLevel
   144  	case "suspicious-boolean-not":
   145  		overrides[MsgID_JS_SuspiciousBooleanNot] = logLevel
   146  	case "suspicious-define":
   147  		overrides[MsgID_JS_SuspiciousDefine] = logLevel
   148  	case "suspicious-logical-operator":
   149  		overrides[MsgID_JS_SuspiciousLogicalOperator] = logLevel
   150  	case "suspicious-nullish-coalescing":
   151  		overrides[MsgID_JS_SuspiciousNullishCoalescing] = logLevel
   152  	case "this-is-undefined-in-esm":
   153  		overrides[MsgID_JS_ThisIsUndefinedInESM] = logLevel
   154  	case "unsupported-dynamic-import":
   155  		overrides[MsgID_JS_UnsupportedDynamicImport] = logLevel
   156  	case "unsupported-jsx-comment":
   157  		overrides[MsgID_JS_UnsupportedJSXComment] = logLevel
   158  	case "unsupported-regexp":
   159  		overrides[MsgID_JS_UnsupportedRegExp] = logLevel
   160  	case "unsupported-require-call":
   161  		overrides[MsgID_JS_UnsupportedRequireCall] = logLevel
   163  	// CSS
   164  	case "css-syntax-error":
   165  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_CSSSyntaxError] = logLevel
   166  	case "invalid-@charset":
   167  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtCharset] = logLevel
   168  	case "invalid-@import":
   169  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtImport] = logLevel
   170  	case "invalid-@layer":
   171  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtLayer] = logLevel
   172  	case "invalid-calc":
   173  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_InvalidCalc] = logLevel
   174  	case "js-comment-in-css":
   175  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_JSCommentInCSS] = logLevel
   176  	case "undefined-composes-from":
   177  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_UndefinedComposesFrom] = logLevel
   178  	case "unsupported-@charset":
   179  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedAtCharset] = logLevel
   180  	case "unsupported-@namespace":
   181  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedAtNamespace] = logLevel
   182  	case "unsupported-css-property":
   183  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedCSSProperty] = logLevel
   184  	case "unsupported-css-nesting":
   185  		overrides[MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedCSSNesting] = logLevel
   187  	// Bundler
   188  	case "ambiguous-reexport":
   189  		overrides[MsgID_Bundler_AmbiguousReexport] = logLevel
   190  	case "different-path-case":
   191  		overrides[MsgID_Bundler_DifferentPathCase] = logLevel
   192  	case "empty-glob":
   193  		overrides[MsgID_Bundler_EmptyGlob] = logLevel
   194  	case "ignored-bare-import":
   195  		overrides[MsgID_Bundler_IgnoredBareImport] = logLevel
   196  	case "ignored-dynamic-import":
   197  		overrides[MsgID_Bundler_IgnoredDynamicImport] = logLevel
   198  	case "import-is-undefined":
   199  		overrides[MsgID_Bundler_ImportIsUndefined] = logLevel
   200  	case "require-resolve-not-external":
   201  		overrides[MsgID_Bundler_RequireResolveNotExternal] = logLevel
   203  	// Source maps
   204  	case "invalid-source-mappings":
   205  		overrides[MsgID_SourceMap_InvalidSourceMappings] = logLevel
   206  	case "sections-in-source-map":
   207  		overrides[MsgID_SourceMap_SectionsInSourceMap] = logLevel
   208  	case "missing-source-map":
   209  		overrides[MsgID_SourceMap_MissingSourceMap] = logLevel
   210  	case "unsupported-source-map-comment":
   211  		overrides[MsgID_SourceMap_UnsupportedSourceMapComment] = logLevel
   213  	case "package.json":
   214  		for i := MsgID_PackageJSON_FIRST; i <= MsgID_PackageJSON_LAST; i++ {
   215  			overrides[i] = logLevel
   216  		}
   218  	case "tsconfig.json":
   219  		for i := MsgID_TSConfigJSON_FIRST; i <= MsgID_TSConfigJSON_LAST; i++ {
   220  			overrides[i] = logLevel
   221  		}
   223  	default:
   224  		// Ignore invalid entries since this message id may have
   225  		// been renamed/removed since when this code was written
   226  	}
   227  }
   229  func MsgIDToString(id MsgID) string {
   230  	switch id {
   231  	// JS
   232  	case MsgID_JS_AssertToWith:
   233  		return "assert-to-with"
   234  	case MsgID_JS_AssertTypeJSON:
   235  		return "assert-type-json"
   236  	case MsgID_JS_AssignToConstant:
   237  		return "assign-to-constant"
   238  	case MsgID_JS_AssignToDefine:
   239  		return "assign-to-define"
   240  	case MsgID_JS_AssignToImport:
   241  		return "assign-to-import"
   242  	case MsgID_JS_CallImportNamespace:
   243  		return "call-import-namespace"
   244  	case MsgID_JS_ClassNameWillThrow:
   245  		return "class-name-will-throw"
   246  	case MsgID_JS_CommonJSVariableInESM:
   247  		return "commonjs-variable-in-esm"
   248  	case MsgID_JS_DeleteSuperProperty:
   249  		return "delete-super-property"
   250  	case MsgID_JS_DirectEval:
   251  		return "direct-eval"
   252  	case MsgID_JS_DuplicateCase:
   253  		return "duplicate-case"
   254  	case MsgID_JS_DuplicateClassMember:
   255  		return "duplicate-class-member"
   256  	case MsgID_JS_DuplicateObjectKey:
   257  		return "duplicate-object-key"
   258  	case MsgID_JS_EmptyImportMeta:
   259  		return "empty-import-meta"
   260  	case MsgID_JS_EqualsNaN:
   261  		return "equals-nan"
   262  	case MsgID_JS_EqualsNegativeZero:
   263  		return "equals-negative-zero"
   264  	case MsgID_JS_EqualsNewObject:
   265  		return "equals-new-object"
   266  	case MsgID_JS_HTMLCommentInJS:
   267  		return "html-comment-in-js"
   268  	case MsgID_JS_ImpossibleTypeof:
   269  		return "impossible-typeof"
   270  	case MsgID_JS_IndirectRequire:
   271  		return "indirect-require"
   272  	case MsgID_JS_PrivateNameWillThrow:
   273  		return "private-name-will-throw"
   274  	case MsgID_JS_SemicolonAfterReturn:
   275  		return "semicolon-after-return"
   276  	case MsgID_JS_SuspiciousBooleanNot:
   277  		return "suspicious-boolean-not"
   278  	case MsgID_JS_SuspiciousDefine:
   279  		return "suspicious-define"
   280  	case MsgID_JS_SuspiciousLogicalOperator:
   281  		return "suspicious-logical-operator"
   282  	case MsgID_JS_SuspiciousNullishCoalescing:
   283  		return "suspicious-nullish-coalescing"
   284  	case MsgID_JS_ThisIsUndefinedInESM:
   285  		return "this-is-undefined-in-esm"
   286  	case MsgID_JS_UnsupportedDynamicImport:
   287  		return "unsupported-dynamic-import"
   288  	case MsgID_JS_UnsupportedJSXComment:
   289  		return "unsupported-jsx-comment"
   290  	case MsgID_JS_UnsupportedRegExp:
   291  		return "unsupported-regexp"
   292  	case MsgID_JS_UnsupportedRequireCall:
   293  		return "unsupported-require-call"
   295  	// CSS
   296  	case MsgID_CSS_CSSSyntaxError:
   297  		return "css-syntax-error"
   298  	case MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtCharset:
   299  		return "invalid-@charset"
   300  	case MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtImport:
   301  		return "invalid-@import"
   302  	case MsgID_CSS_InvalidAtLayer:
   303  		return "invalid-@layer"
   304  	case MsgID_CSS_InvalidCalc:
   305  		return "invalid-calc"
   306  	case MsgID_CSS_JSCommentInCSS:
   307  		return "js-comment-in-css"
   308  	case MsgID_CSS_UndefinedComposesFrom:
   309  		return "undefined-composes-from"
   310  	case MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedAtCharset:
   311  		return "unsupported-@charset"
   312  	case MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedAtNamespace:
   313  		return "unsupported-@namespace"
   314  	case MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedCSSProperty:
   315  		return "unsupported-css-property"
   316  	case MsgID_CSS_UnsupportedCSSNesting:
   317  		return "unsupported-css-nesting"
   319  	// Bundler
   320  	case MsgID_Bundler_AmbiguousReexport:
   321  		return "ambiguous-reexport"
   322  	case MsgID_Bundler_DifferentPathCase:
   323  		return "different-path-case"
   324  	case MsgID_Bundler_EmptyGlob:
   325  		return "empty-glob"
   326  	case MsgID_Bundler_IgnoredBareImport:
   327  		return "ignored-bare-import"
   328  	case MsgID_Bundler_IgnoredDynamicImport:
   329  		return "ignored-dynamic-import"
   330  	case MsgID_Bundler_ImportIsUndefined:
   331  		return "import-is-undefined"
   332  	case MsgID_Bundler_RequireResolveNotExternal:
   333  		return "require-resolve-not-external"
   335  	// Source maps
   336  	case MsgID_SourceMap_InvalidSourceMappings:
   337  		return "invalid-source-mappings"
   338  	case MsgID_SourceMap_SectionsInSourceMap:
   339  		return "sections-in-source-map"
   340  	case MsgID_SourceMap_MissingSourceMap:
   341  		return "missing-source-map"
   342  	case MsgID_SourceMap_UnsupportedSourceMapComment:
   343  		return "unsupported-source-map-comment"
   345  	default:
   346  		if id >= MsgID_PackageJSON_FIRST && id <= MsgID_PackageJSON_LAST {
   347  			return "package.json"
   348  		}
   349  		if id >= MsgID_TSConfigJSON_FIRST && id <= MsgID_TSConfigJSON_LAST {
   350  			return "tsconfig.json"
   351  		}
   352  	}
   354  	return ""
   355  }
   357  // Some message IDs are more diverse internally than externally (in case we
   358  // want to expand the set of them later on). So just map these to the largest
   359  // one arbitrarily since you can't tell the difference externally anyway.
   360  func StringToMaximumMsgID(id string) MsgID {
   361  	overrides := make(map[MsgID]LogLevel)
   362  	maxID := MsgID_None
   363  	StringToMsgIDs(id, LevelInfo, overrides)
   364  	for id := range overrides {
   365  		if id > maxID {
   366  			maxID = id
   367  		}
   368  	}
   369  	return maxID
   370  }