
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package service
     9  import (
    10  	"sync"
    12  	gproto ""
    13  	tspb ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	gossipcommon ""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	gossipmetrics ""
    29  	gossipprivdata ""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	corecomm ""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  )
    42  // gossipSvc is the interface of the gossip component.
    43  type gossipSvc interface {
    44  	// SelfMembershipInfo returns the peer's membership information
    45  	SelfMembershipInfo() discovery.NetworkMember
    47  	// SelfChannelInfo returns the peer's latest StateInfo message of a given channel
    48  	SelfChannelInfo(common.ChannelID) *protoext.SignedGossipMessage
    50  	// Send sends a message to remote peers
    51  	Send(msg *gproto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer)
    53  	// SendByCriteria sends a given message to all peers that match the given SendCriteria
    54  	SendByCriteria(*protoext.SignedGossipMessage, gossip.SendCriteria) error
    56  	// GetPeers returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
    57  	Peers() []discovery.NetworkMember
    59  	// PeersOfChannel returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
    60  	// and also subscribed to the channel given
    61  	PeersOfChannel(common.ChannelID) []discovery.NetworkMember
    63  	// UpdateMetadata updates the self metadata of the discovery layer
    64  	// the peer publishes to other peers
    65  	UpdateMetadata(metadata []byte)
    67  	// UpdateLedgerHeight updates the ledger height the peer
    68  	// publishes to other peers in the channel
    69  	UpdateLedgerHeight(height uint64, channelID common.ChannelID)
    71  	// UpdateChaincodes updates the chaincodes the peer publishes
    72  	// to other peers in the channel
    73  	UpdateChaincodes(chaincode []*gproto.Chaincode, channelID common.ChannelID)
    75  	// Gossip sends a message to other peers to the network
    76  	Gossip(msg *gproto.GossipMessage)
    78  	// PeerFilter receives a SubChannelSelectionCriteria and returns a RoutingFilter that selects
    79  	// only peer identities that match the given criteria, and that they published their channel participation
    80  	PeerFilter(channel common.ChannelID, messagePredicate api.SubChannelSelectionCriteria) (filter.RoutingFilter, error)
    82  	// Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
    83  	// If passThrough is false, the messages are processed by the gossip layer beforehand.
    84  	// If passThrough is true, the gossip layer doesn't intervene and the messages
    85  	// can be used to send a reply back to the sender
    86  	Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *gproto.GossipMessage, <-chan protoext.ReceivedMessage)
    88  	// JoinChan makes the Gossip instance join a channel
    89  	JoinChan(joinMsg api.JoinChannelMessage, channelID common.ChannelID)
    91  	// LeaveChan makes the Gossip instance leave a channel.
    92  	// It still disseminates stateInfo message, but doesn't participate
    93  	// in block pulling anymore, and can't return anymore a list of peers
    94  	// in the channel.
    95  	LeaveChan(channelID common.ChannelID)
    97  	// SuspectPeers makes the gossip instance validate identities of suspected peers, and close
    98  	// any connections to peers with identities that are found invalid
    99  	SuspectPeers(s api.PeerSuspector)
   101  	// IdentityInfo returns information known peer identities
   102  	IdentityInfo() api.PeerIdentitySet
   104  	// IsInMyOrg checks whether a network member is in this peer's org
   105  	IsInMyOrg(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool
   107  	// Stop stops the gossip component
   108  	Stop()
   109  }
   111  // GossipServiceAdapter serves to provide basic functionality
   112  // required from gossip service by delivery service
   113  type GossipServiceAdapter interface {
   114  	// PeersOfChannel returns slice with members of specified channel
   115  	PeersOfChannel(gossipcommon.ChannelID) []discovery.NetworkMember
   117  	// AddPayload adds payload to the local state sync buffer
   118  	AddPayload(channelID string, payload *gproto.Payload) error
   120  	// Gossip the message across the peers
   121  	Gossip(msg *gproto.GossipMessage)
   122  }
   124  // DeliveryServiceFactory factory to create and initialize delivery service instance
   125  type DeliveryServiceFactory interface {
   126  	// Returns an instance of delivery client
   127  	Service(g GossipServiceAdapter, ordererSource *orderers.ConnectionSource, msc api.MessageCryptoService, isStaticLead bool) deliverservice.DeliverService
   128  }
   130  type deliveryFactoryImpl struct {
   131  	signer               identity.SignerSerializer
   132  	credentialSupport    *corecomm.CredentialSupport
   133  	deliverGRPCClient    *corecomm.GRPCClient
   134  	deliverServiceConfig *deliverservice.DeliverServiceConfig
   135  }
   137  // Returns an instance of delivery client
   138  func (df *deliveryFactoryImpl) Service(g GossipServiceAdapter, ordererSource *orderers.ConnectionSource, mcs api.MessageCryptoService, isStaticLeader bool) deliverservice.DeliverService {
   139  	return deliverservice.NewDeliverService(&deliverservice.Config{
   140  		IsStaticLeader:       isStaticLeader,
   141  		CryptoSvc:            mcs,
   142  		Gossip:               g,
   143  		Signer:               df.signer,
   144  		DeliverGRPCClient:    df.deliverGRPCClient,
   145  		DeliverServiceConfig: df.deliverServiceConfig,
   146  		OrdererSource:        ordererSource,
   147  	})
   148  }
   150  type privateHandler struct {
   151  	support     Support
   152  	coordinator gossipprivdata.Coordinator
   153  	distributor gossipprivdata.PvtDataDistributor
   154  	reconciler  gossipprivdata.PvtDataReconciler
   155  }
   157  func (p privateHandler) close() {
   158  	p.coordinator.Close()
   159  	p.reconciler.Stop()
   160  }
   162  type GossipService struct {
   163  	gossipSvc
   164  	privateHandlers map[string]privateHandler
   165  	chains          map[string]state.GossipStateProvider
   166  	leaderElection  map[string]election.LeaderElectionService
   167  	deliveryService map[string]deliverservice.DeliverService
   168  	deliveryFactory DeliveryServiceFactory
   169  	lock            sync.RWMutex
   170  	mcs             api.MessageCryptoService
   171  	peerIdentity    []byte
   172  	secAdv          api.SecurityAdvisor
   173  	metrics         *gossipmetrics.GossipMetrics
   174  	serviceConfig   *ServiceConfig
   175  	privdataConfig  *gossipprivdata.PrivdataConfig
   176  }
   178  // This is an implementation of api.JoinChannelMessage.
   179  type joinChannelMessage struct {
   180  	seqNum              uint64
   181  	members2AnchorPeers map[string][]api.AnchorPeer
   182  }
   184  func (jcm *joinChannelMessage) SequenceNumber() uint64 {
   185  	return jcm.seqNum
   186  }
   188  // Members returns the organizations of the channel
   189  func (jcm *joinChannelMessage) Members() []api.OrgIdentityType {
   190  	members := make([]api.OrgIdentityType, 0, len(jcm.members2AnchorPeers))
   191  	for org := range jcm.members2AnchorPeers {
   192  		members = append(members, api.OrgIdentityType(org))
   193  	}
   194  	return members
   195  }
   197  // AnchorPeersOf returns the anchor peers of the given organization
   198  func (jcm *joinChannelMessage) AnchorPeersOf(org api.OrgIdentityType) []api.AnchorPeer {
   199  	return jcm.members2AnchorPeers[string(org)]
   200  }
   202  var logger = util.GetLogger(util.ServiceLogger, "")
   204  // New creates the gossip service.
   205  func New(
   206  	peerIdentity identity.SignerSerializer,
   207  	gossipMetrics *gossipmetrics.GossipMetrics,
   208  	endpoint string,
   209  	s *grpc.Server,
   210  	mcs api.MessageCryptoService,
   211  	secAdv api.SecurityAdvisor,
   212  	secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts,
   213  	credSupport *corecomm.CredentialSupport,
   214  	deliverGRPCClient *corecomm.GRPCClient,
   215  	gossipConfig *gossip.Config,
   216  	serviceConfig *ServiceConfig,
   217  	privdataConfig *gossipprivdata.PrivdataConfig,
   218  	deliverServiceConfig *deliverservice.DeliverServiceConfig,
   219  ) (*GossipService, error) {
   220  	serializedIdentity, err := peerIdentity.Serialize()
   221  	if err != nil {
   222  		return nil, err
   223  	}
   225  	logger.Infof("Initialize gossip with endpoint %s", endpoint)
   227  	gossipComponent := gossip.New(
   228  		gossipConfig,
   229  		s,
   230  		secAdv,
   231  		mcs,
   232  		serializedIdentity,
   233  		secureDialOpts,
   234  		gossipMetrics,
   235  	)
   237  	return &GossipService{
   238  		gossipSvc:       gossipComponent,
   239  		mcs:             mcs,
   240  		privateHandlers: make(map[string]privateHandler),
   241  		chains:          make(map[string]state.GossipStateProvider),
   242  		leaderElection:  make(map[string]election.LeaderElectionService),
   243  		deliveryService: make(map[string]deliverservice.DeliverService),
   244  		deliveryFactory: &deliveryFactoryImpl{
   245  			signer:               peerIdentity,
   246  			credentialSupport:    credSupport,
   247  			deliverGRPCClient:    deliverGRPCClient,
   248  			deliverServiceConfig: deliverServiceConfig,
   249  		},
   250  		peerIdentity:   serializedIdentity,
   251  		secAdv:         secAdv,
   252  		metrics:        gossipMetrics,
   253  		serviceConfig:  serviceConfig,
   254  		privdataConfig: privdataConfig,
   255  	}, nil
   256  }
   258  // DistributePrivateData distribute private read write set inside the channel based on the collections policies
   259  func (g *GossipService) DistributePrivateData(channelID string, txID string, privData *tspb.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo, blkHt uint64) error {
   260  	g.lock.RLock()
   261  	handler, exists := g.privateHandlers[channelID]
   262  	g.lock.RUnlock()
   263  	if !exists {
   264  		return errors.Errorf("No private data handler for %s", channelID)
   265  	}
   267  	if err := handler.distributor.Distribute(txID, privData, blkHt); err != nil {
   268  		err := errors.WithMessagef(err, "failed to distribute private collection, txID %s, channel %s", txID, channelID)
   269  		logger.Error(err)
   270  		return err
   271  	}
   273  	if err := handler.coordinator.StorePvtData(txID, privData, blkHt); err != nil {
   274  		logger.Error("Failed to store private data into transient store, txID",
   275  			txID, "channel", channelID, "due to", err)
   276  		return err
   277  	}
   278  	return nil
   279  }
   281  // NewConfigEventer creates a ConfigProcessor which the channelconfig.BundleSource can ultimately route config updates to
   282  func (g *GossipService) NewConfigEventer() ConfigProcessor {
   283  	return newConfigEventer(g)
   284  }
   286  // Support aggregates functionality of several
   287  // interfaces required by gossip service
   288  type Support struct {
   289  	Validator            txvalidator.Validator
   290  	Committer            committer.Committer
   291  	CollectionStore      privdata.CollectionStore
   292  	IdDeserializeFactory gossipprivdata.IdentityDeserializerFactory
   293  	CapabilityProvider   gossipprivdata.CapabilityProvider
   294  }
   296  // InitializeChannel allocates the state provider and should be invoked once per channel per execution
   297  func (g *GossipService) InitializeChannel(channelID string, ordererSource *orderers.ConnectionSource, store *transientstore.Store, support Support) {
   298  	g.lock.Lock()
   299  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   300  	// Initialize new state provider for given committer
   301  	logger.Debug("Creating state provider for channelID", channelID)
   302  	servicesAdapter := &state.ServicesMediator{GossipAdapter: g, MCSAdapter: g.mcs}
   304  	// Initialize private data fetcher
   305  	dataRetriever := gossipprivdata.NewDataRetriever(store, support.Committer)
   306  	collectionAccessFactory := gossipprivdata.NewCollectionAccessFactory(support.IdDeserializeFactory)
   307  	fetcher := gossipprivdata.NewPuller(g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics, support.CollectionStore, g.gossipSvc, dataRetriever,
   308  		collectionAccessFactory, channelID, g.serviceConfig.BtlPullMargin)
   310  	coordinatorConfig := gossipprivdata.CoordinatorConfig{
   311  		TransientBlockRetention:        g.serviceConfig.TransientstoreMaxBlockRetention,
   312  		PullRetryThreshold:             g.serviceConfig.PvtDataPullRetryThreshold,
   313  		SkipPullingInvalidTransactions: g.serviceConfig.SkipPullingInvalidTransactionsDuringCommit,
   314  	}
   315  	selfSignedData := g.createSelfSignedData()
   316  	mspID := string(g.secAdv.OrgByPeerIdentity(selfSignedData.Identity))
   317  	coordinator := gossipprivdata.NewCoordinator(mspID, gossipprivdata.Support{
   318  		ChainID:            channelID,
   319  		CollectionStore:    support.CollectionStore,
   320  		Validator:          support.Validator,
   321  		Committer:          support.Committer,
   322  		Fetcher:            fetcher,
   323  		CapabilityProvider: support.CapabilityProvider,
   324  	}, store, selfSignedData, g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics, coordinatorConfig,
   325  		support.IdDeserializeFactory)
   327  	var reconciler gossipprivdata.PvtDataReconciler
   329  	if g.privdataConfig.ReconciliationEnabled {
   330  		reconciler = gossipprivdata.NewReconciler(channelID, g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics,
   331  			support.Committer, fetcher, g.privdataConfig)
   332  	} else {
   333  		reconciler = &gossipprivdata.NoOpReconciler{}
   334  	}
   336  	pushAckTimeout := g.serviceConfig.PvtDataPushAckTimeout
   337  	g.privateHandlers[channelID] = privateHandler{
   338  		support:     support,
   339  		coordinator: coordinator,
   340  		distributor: gossipprivdata.NewDistributor(channelID, g, collectionAccessFactory, g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics, pushAckTimeout),
   341  		reconciler:  reconciler,
   342  	}
   343  	g.privateHandlers[channelID].reconciler.Start()
   345  	blockingMode := !g.serviceConfig.NonBlockingCommitMode
   346  	stateConfig := state.GlobalConfig()
   347  	g.chains[channelID] = state.NewGossipStateProvider(
   348  		flogging.MustGetLogger(util.StateLogger),
   349  		channelID,
   350  		servicesAdapter,
   351  		coordinator,
   352  		g.metrics.StateMetrics,
   353  		blockingMode,
   354  		stateConfig)
   355  	if g.deliveryService[channelID] == nil {
   356  		g.deliveryService[channelID] = g.deliveryFactory.Service(g, ordererSource, g.mcs, g.serviceConfig.OrgLeader)
   357  	}
   359  	// Delivery service might be nil only if it was not able to get connected
   360  	// to the ordering service
   361  	if g.deliveryService[channelID] != nil {
   362  		// Parameters:
   363  		//              - peer.gossip.useLeaderElection
   364  		//              - peer.gossip.orgLeader
   365  		//
   366  		// are mutual exclusive, setting both to true is not defined, hence
   367  		// peer will panic and terminate
   368  		leaderElection := g.serviceConfig.UseLeaderElection
   369  		isStaticOrgLeader := g.serviceConfig.OrgLeader
   371  		if leaderElection && isStaticOrgLeader {
   372  			logger.Panic("Setting both orgLeader and useLeaderElection to true isn't supported, aborting execution")
   373  		}
   375  		if leaderElection {
   376  			logger.Debug("Delivery uses dynamic leader election mechanism, channel", channelID)
   377  			g.leaderElection[channelID] = g.newLeaderElectionComponent(channelID, g.onStatusChangeFactory(channelID,
   378  				support.Committer), g.metrics.ElectionMetrics)
   379  		} else if isStaticOrgLeader {
   380  			logger.Debug("This peer is configured to connect to ordering service for blocks delivery, channel", channelID)
   381  			g.deliveryService[channelID].StartDeliverForChannel(channelID, support.Committer, func() {})
   382  		} else {
   383  			logger.Debug("This peer is not configured to connect to ordering service for blocks delivery, channel", channelID)
   384  		}
   385  	} else {
   386  		logger.Warning("Delivery client is down won't be able to pull blocks for chain", channelID)
   387  	}
   389  }
   391  func (g *GossipService) createSelfSignedData() protoutil.SignedData {
   392  	msg := make([]byte, 32)
   393  	sig, err := g.mcs.Sign(msg)
   394  	if err != nil {
   395  		logger.Panicf("Failed creating self signed data because message signing failed: %v", err)
   396  	}
   397  	return protoutil.SignedData{
   398  		Data:      msg,
   399  		Signature: sig,
   400  		Identity:  g.peerIdentity,
   401  	}
   402  }
   404  // updateAnchors constructs a joinChannelMessage and sends it to the gossipSvc
   405  func (g *GossipService) updateAnchors(config Config) {
   406  	myOrg := string(g.secAdv.OrgByPeerIdentity(api.PeerIdentityType(g.peerIdentity)))
   407  	if !g.amIinChannel(myOrg, config) {
   408  		logger.Error("Tried joining channel", config.ChannelID(), "but our org(", myOrg, "), isn't "+
   409  			"among the orgs of the channel:", orgListFromConfig(config), ", aborting.")
   410  		return
   411  	}
   412  	jcm := &joinChannelMessage{seqNum: config.Sequence(), members2AnchorPeers: map[string][]api.AnchorPeer{}}
   413  	for _, appOrg := range config.Organizations() {
   414  		logger.Debug(appOrg.MSPID(), "anchor peers:", appOrg.AnchorPeers())
   415  		jcm.members2AnchorPeers[appOrg.MSPID()] = []api.AnchorPeer{}
   416  		for _, ap := range appOrg.AnchorPeers() {
   417  			anchorPeer := api.AnchorPeer{
   418  				Host: ap.Host,
   419  				Port: int(ap.Port),
   420  			}
   421  			jcm.members2AnchorPeers[appOrg.MSPID()] = append(jcm.members2AnchorPeers[appOrg.MSPID()], anchorPeer)
   422  		}
   423  	}
   425  	// Initialize new state provider for given committer
   426  	logger.Debug("Creating state provider for channelID", config.ChannelID())
   427  	g.JoinChan(jcm, gossipcommon.ChannelID(config.ChannelID()))
   428  }
   430  // AddPayload appends message payload to for given chain
   431  func (g *GossipService) AddPayload(channelID string, payload *gproto.Payload) error {
   432  	g.lock.RLock()
   433  	defer g.lock.RUnlock()
   434  	return g.chains[channelID].AddPayload(payload)
   435  }
   437  // Stop stops the gossip component
   438  func (g *GossipService) Stop() {
   439  	g.lock.Lock()
   440  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   442  	for chainID := range g.chains {
   443  		logger.Info("Stopping chain", chainID)
   444  		if le, exists := g.leaderElection[chainID]; exists {
   445  			logger.Infof("Stopping leader election for %s", chainID)
   446  			le.Stop()
   447  		}
   448  		g.chains[chainID].Stop()
   449  		g.privateHandlers[chainID].close()
   451  		if g.deliveryService[chainID] != nil {
   452  			g.deliveryService[chainID].Stop()
   453  		}
   454  	}
   455  	g.gossipSvc.Stop()
   456  }
   458  func (g *GossipService) newLeaderElectionComponent(channelID string, callback func(bool),
   459  	electionMetrics *gossipmetrics.ElectionMetrics) election.LeaderElectionService {
   460  	PKIid := g.mcs.GetPKIidOfCert(g.peerIdentity)
   461  	adapter := election.NewAdapter(g, PKIid, gossipcommon.ChannelID(channelID), electionMetrics)
   462  	config := election.ElectionConfig{
   463  		StartupGracePeriod:       g.serviceConfig.ElectionStartupGracePeriod,
   464  		MembershipSampleInterval: g.serviceConfig.ElectionMembershipSampleInterval,
   465  		LeaderAliveThreshold:     g.serviceConfig.ElectionLeaderAliveThreshold,
   466  		LeaderElectionDuration:   g.serviceConfig.ElectionLeaderElectionDuration,
   467  	}
   468  	return election.NewLeaderElectionService(adapter, string(PKIid), callback, config)
   469  }
   471  func (g *GossipService) amIinChannel(myOrg string, config Config) bool {
   472  	for _, orgName := range orgListFromConfig(config) {
   473  		if orgName == myOrg {
   474  			return true
   475  		}
   476  	}
   477  	return false
   478  }
   480  func (g *GossipService) onStatusChangeFactory(channelID string, committer blocksprovider.LedgerInfo) func(bool) {
   481  	return func(isLeader bool) {
   482  		if isLeader {
   483  			yield := func() {
   484  				g.lock.RLock()
   485  				le := g.leaderElection[channelID]
   486  				g.lock.RUnlock()
   487  				le.Yield()
   488  			}
   489  			logger.Info("Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel", channelID)
   490  			if err := g.deliveryService[channelID].StartDeliverForChannel(channelID, committer, yield); err != nil {
   491  				logger.Errorf("Delivery service is not able to start blocks delivery for chain, due to %+v", err)
   492  			}
   493  		} else {
   494  			logger.Info("Renounced leadership, stopping delivery service for channel", channelID)
   495  			if err := g.deliveryService[channelID].StopDeliverForChannel(channelID); err != nil {
   496  				logger.Errorf("Delivery service is not able to stop blocks delivery for chain, due to %+v", err)
   497  			}
   498  		}
   499  	}
   500  }
   502  func orgListFromConfig(config Config) []string {
   503  	var orgList []string
   504  	for _, appOrg := range config.Organizations() {
   505  		orgList = append(orgList, appOrg.MSPID())
   506  	}
   507  	return orgList
   508  }