
     2  | Dependency Name | Copyright Information | Description |	Repo URL | License Type	| License URL |	Forked from |
     3  |-----------------|-----------------------|-------------|----------|--------------|-------------|-------------|
     4  |Goproperties|Copyright (c) 2012 The Goproperties Authors.|Simple library for reading .properties (java properties) files for Go	|	|BSD Styled||
     5  |Gauge Common|	Copyright 2015 ThoughtWorks, Inc|	||	GPLv3	|||
     6  |mflag	|Copyright (c) 2014 The Docker & Go Authors.	|mflag (aka multiple-flag) implements command-line flag parsing.It's a hacky fork of the official golang package(||BSD Styled	|	||
     7  |terminal|	Copyright (c) 2013 Meng Zhang	|Colorful terminal output for Golang|	|BSD Styled|||
     8  |gocheck| Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Gustavo Niemeyer <>	|Rich testing for the Go language	|	|Simplified BSD	|||
     9  |protobuf	|Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.	|Go support for Google's protocol buffers	|	|BSD Styled	||