
     1  // CCID descriptor support
     2  //
     3  //
     4  // Copyright (c) F-Secure Corporation
     5  //
     6  //
     7  // Use of this source code is governed by the license
     8  // that can be found in the LICENSE file.
    10  package usb
    12  import (
    13  	"bytes"
    14  	"encoding/binary"
    15  )
    17  // CCID descriptor constants
    18  const (
    19  	// p17, Table 5.1-1, CCID Rev1.1
    20  	CCID_INTERFACE         = 0x21
    22  )
    24  // CCIDDescriptor implements p17, Table 5.1-1, CCID Rev1.1
    25  type CCIDDescriptor struct {
    26  	Length                uint8
    27  	DescriptorType        uint8
    28  	CCID                  uint16
    29  	MaxSlotIndex          uint8
    30  	VoltageSupport        uint8
    31  	Protocols             uint32
    32  	DefaultClock          uint32
    33  	MaximumClock          uint32
    34  	NumClockSupported     uint8
    35  	DataRate              uint32
    36  	MaxDataRate           uint32
    37  	NumDataRatesSupported uint8
    38  	MaxIFSD               uint32
    39  	SynchProtocols        uint32
    40  	Mechanical            uint32
    41  	Features              uint32
    42  	MaxCCIDMessageLength  uint32
    43  	ClassGetResponse      uint8
    44  	ClassEnvelope         uint8
    45  	LcdLayout             uint16
    46  	PINSupport            uint8
    47  	MaxCCIDBusySlots      uint8
    48  }
    50  // SetDefaults initializes default values for the USB Smart Card Device Class
    51  // Descriptor.
    52  func (d *CCIDDescriptor) SetDefaults() {
    53  	d.Length = CCID_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH
    54  	d.DescriptorType = CCID_INTERFACE
    55  	d.CCID = 0x0110
    56  	// all voltages
    57  	d.VoltageSupport = 0x7
    58  	// T=1
    59  	d.Protocols = 0x2
    60  	d.DefaultClock = 0x4000
    61  	d.MaximumClock = 0x4000
    62  	d.DataRate = 0x4b000
    63  	d.MaxDataRate = 0x4b000
    64  	d.MaxIFSD = 0xfe
    65  	// Features:
    66  	//   Auto configuration based on ATR
    67  	//   Auto activation on insert
    68  	//   Auto voltage selection
    69  	//   Auto clock change
    70  	//   Auto baud rate change
    71  	//   Auto parameter negotiation made by CCID
    72  	//   Short and extended APDU level exchange
    73  	d.Features = 0x400fe
    74  	d.MaxCCIDMessageLength = DTD_PAGES * DTD_PAGE_SIZE
    75  	// echo
    76  	d.ClassGetResponse = 0xff
    77  	d.ClassEnvelope = 0xff
    78  	d.MaxCCIDBusySlots = 1
    79  }
    81  // Bytes converts the descriptor structure to byte array format.
    82  func (d *CCIDDescriptor) Bytes() []byte {
    83  	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    84  	binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, d)
    85  	return buf.Bytes()
    86  }