
     1  language: go
     2  go_import_path:
     3  sudo: required
     5  cache:
     6    directories:
     7      - $HOME/.cache/go-build
     9  go:
    10  - 1.10.3
    12  # The `x_base_steps` top-level key is unknown to travis,
    13  # so we can use it to create a bunch of common build step
    14  # YAML anchors which we use in our build jobs.
    15  x_base_steps:
    16    # before_install for jobs that require dep
    17    - &dep_before_install
    18      before_install:
    19        - curl -Lo dep && chmod +x dep && sudo mv dep /usr/local/bin/
    20        - travis_retry dep ensure -v
    21    # before_install for jobs that require go builds and do not run for doc-only changes
    22    - &go_before_install
    23      before_install:
    24        # hack/ci/ needs to be sourced so
    25        # that it can properly exit the test early with success
    26        - source hack/ci/
    27        - curl -Lo dep && chmod +x dep && sudo mv dep /usr/local/bin/
    28        - travis_retry dep ensure -v
    30    # Base go, ansbile, and helm job
    31    - &test
    32      stage: test
    33      env: CLUSTER=openshift
    34      <<: *go_before_install
    35      install:
    36        - make install
    37        - hack/ci/
    38      after_success:
    39        - echo "Build succeeded, operator was generated, memcached operator is running on $CLUSTER, and unit/integration tests pass"
    40      after_failure:
    41        - echo "Build failed, operator failed to generate, memcached operator is not running on $CLUSTER, or unit/integration tests failed"
    42        - kubectl get all --all-namespaces
    43        - kubectl get events --all-namespaces --field-selector=type=Warning
    44      services:
    45        - docker
    47    # Base deploy job
    48    - &deploy
    49      stage: deploy
    50      if: type != pull_request AND ( tag IS present OR branch = master OR commit_message =~ /\[travis deploy\]/ )
    51      <<: *go_before_install
    52      install: make install
    53      before_script:
    54        - git config remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    55        - git fetch --unshallow --tags
    56      after_success:
    57        - echo "Image build succeeded, and docker image tagged and pushed to repository"
    58      after_failure:
    59        - echo "Image build, docker image tagging, or docker image pushing to repository failed"
    60      services:
    61        - docker
    63  jobs:
    64    include:
    65      # Build and test go
    66      - <<: *test
    67        name: Go on OpenShift
    68        script: make test/ci-go ARGS="-v"
    70      # Build and test ansible
    71      - <<: *test
    72        name: Ansible on OpenShift
    73        before_script: sudo pip install ansible
    74        script: make test/ci-ansible
    76      # Build and test helm
    77      - <<: *test
    78        name: Helm on OpenShift
    79        script: make test/ci-helm
    81      # Run the unit, sanity, and markdown tests
    82      - stage: test
    83        name: Unit, Sanity, and Markdown Tests
    84        # Currently, prow/api-ci tests all PRs that target master; use travis for post merge testing and non-master PRs
    85        if: type != pull_request OR branch != master
    86        <<: *dep_before_install
    87        script: make test/sanity test/unit test/markdown
    88        after_success: echo 'Tests Passed'
    89        after_failure: echo 'Failure in unit, sanity, or markdown test'
    91      # Build and deploy ansible-operator docker image
    92      - <<: *deploy
    93        name: Docker image for ansible-operator
    94        script:
    95          - make image/build/ansible
    96          - make image/push/ansible
    98      # Build and deploy helm-operator docker image
    99      - <<: *deploy
   100        name: Docker image for helm-operator
   101        script:
   102          - make image/build/helm
   103          - make image/push/helm
   105      # Build and deploy scorecard-proxy docker image
   106      - <<: *deploy
   107        name: Docker image for scorecard-proxy
   108        script:
   109          - make image/build/scorecard-proxy
   110          - make image/push/scorecard-proxy