
     1  # Disclaimer
     3  This API is experimental and has no stability guarantees.
     5  # Example
     6  ```go
     7  package tracer_test
     9  import (
    10  	"context"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  func Example() {
    20  	// easy to use:
    21  	t := logger.Default()
    22  	someFunction(1, t)
    24  	// implementation agnostic:
    25  	t = zipkin.Default()
    26  	someFunction(2, t)
    28  	// one may still reuse all the features of the backend Tracer:
    29  	t.(*zipkin.TracerImpl).ZipkinTracer.SetNoop(true)
    31  	// use go-belt to manage the Tracer
    32  	obs := belt.New()
    33  	obs = tracer.BeltWithTracer(obs, t)
    34  	someBeltyFunction(3, obs)
    36  	// use context to manage the Tracer
    37  	ctx := context.Background()
    38  	ctx = tracer.CtxWithTracer(ctx, t)
    39  	someContextyFunction(ctx, 4)
    41  	// use a singletony Tracer:
    42  	tracer.Default = func() tracer.Tracer {
    43  		return t
    44  	}
    45  	yetOneMoreFunction(5)
    46  }
    48  func someFunction(arg int, t tracer.Tracer) {
    49  	// experience close to logrus/zap:
    50  	t = tracer.WithField(t, "arg", arg)
    51  	anotherFunction(t)
    52  }
    54  func anotherFunction(t tracer.Tracer) {
    55  	span := t.Start("hello", nil)
    56  	defer span.Finish()
    57  	// something long here..
    58  	oneMoreFunction(t, span)
    59  }
    61  func oneMoreFunction(t tracer.Tracer, parentSpan tracer.Span) {
    62  	span := t.Start("child", parentSpan)
    63  	defer span.Finish()
    64  	// something meaningful here..
    65  }
    67  func someBeltyFunction(arg int, obs *belt.Belt) {
    68  	obs = obs.WithField("arg", arg)
    69  	anotherBeltyFunction(obs)
    70  }
    72  func anotherBeltyFunction(obs *belt.Belt) {
    73  	span, obs := tracer.StartChildSpanFromBelt(obs, "hello")
    74  	defer span.Finish()
    75  	// something long here..
    76  	oneMoreBeltyFunction(obs)
    77  }
    79  func oneMoreBeltyFunction(obs *belt.Belt) {
    80  	span, obs := tracer.StartChildSpanFromBelt(obs, "child")
    81  	defer span.Finish()
    82  	// something meaningful here..
    83  	_ = obs
    84  }
    86  func someContextyFunction(ctx context.Context, arg int) {
    87  	ctx = beltctx.WithField(ctx, "arg", arg)
    88  	anotherContextyFunction(ctx)
    89  }
    91  func anotherContextyFunction(ctx context.Context) {
    92  	span, ctx := tracer.StartChildSpanFromCtx(ctx, "hello")
    93  	defer span.Finish()
    94  	// something long here..
    95  	oneMoreContextyFunction(ctx)
    96  }
    98  func oneMoreContextyFunction(ctx context.Context) {
    99  	span, ctx := tracer.StartChildSpanFromCtx(ctx, "child")
   100  	defer span.Finish()
   101  	// something meaningful here..
   102  	_ = ctx
   103  }
   105  func yetOneMoreFunction(arg int) {
   106  	t := tracer.Default()
   107  	t = tracer.WithField(t, "arg", arg)
   108  	span := t.Start("hello", nil)
   109  	defer span.Finish()
   110  }
   111  ```
   113  # Interface
   115  ```go
   116  type Tracer interface {
   117  	belt.Tool
   119  	// Start creates a new Span, given its name, parent and options.
   120  	Start(name string, parent Span, options ...SpanOption) Span
   122  	// StartWithBelt creates a new root Span, given Belt, name and options.
   123  	//
   124  	// The returned Belt is a derivative of the provided one, with the Span added.
   125  	StartWithBelt(belt *belt.Belt, name string, options ...SpanOption) (Span, *belt.Belt)
   127  	// StartChildWithBelt creates a new child Span, given Belt, name and options.
   128  	// The parent is extracted from the Belt. If one is not set in there then it is
   129  	// an equivalent of StartWithBelt (a nil parent is used).
   130  	//
   131  	// The returned Belt is a derivative of the provided one, with the Span added.
   132  	StartChildWithBelt(belt *belt.Belt, name string, options ...SpanOption) (Span, *belt.Belt)
   134  	// StartWithCtx creates a new root Span, given Context, name and options.
   135  	//
   136  	// The returned Context is a derivative of the provided one, with the Span added.
   137  	// Some implementations also injects a span structure with a specific key to the context.
   138  	StartWithCtx(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...SpanOption) (Span, context.Context)
   140  	// StartChildWithCtx creates a new child Span, given Context, name and options.
   141  	// The parent is extracted from the Belt from the Context.
   142  	// If one is not set in there then it is an equivalent of StartWithCtx (a nil parent is used).
   143  	//
   144  	// The returned Context is a derivative of the provided one, with the Span added.
   145  	// Some implementations also injects a span structure with a specific key to the context.
   146  	StartChildWithCtx(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...SpanOption) (Span, context.Context)
   148  	// WithPreHooks returns a Tracer which includes/appends pre-hooks from the arguments.
   149  	//
   150  	// PreHook is the same as "Hook", but executed on early stages of building a Span
   151  	// (before heavy computations).
   152  	//
   153  	// Special case: to reset hooks use `WithPreHooks()` (without any arguments).
   154  	WithPreHooks(...Hook) Tracer
   156  	// WithHooks returns a Tracer which includes/appends hooks from the arguments.
   157  	//
   158  	// See also description of "Hook".
   159  	//
   160  	// Special case: to reset hooks use `WithHooks()` (without any arguments).
   161  	WithHooks(...Hook) Tracer
   163  	// Flush forces to flush all buffers.
   164  	Flush()
   165  }
   166  ```