
     1  .. only:: not (epub or latex or html)
     3      WARNING: You are looking at unreleased Cilium documentation.
     4      Please use the official rendered version released here:
     7  ***********
     8  Terminology
     9  ***********
    12  .. _label:
    13  .. _labels:
    15  Labels
    16  ======
    18  Labels are a generic, flexible and highly scalable way of addressing a large
    19  set of resources as they allow for arbitrary grouping and creation of sets.
    20  Whenever something needs to be described, addressed or selected, it is done
    21  based on labels:
    23  - `Endpoints` are assigned labels as derived from the container runtime,
    24    orchestration system, or other sources.
    25  - `Network policies` select pairs of `endpoints` which are allowed to
    26    communicate based on labels. The policies themselves are identified by labels
    27    as well.
    29  What is a Label?
    30  ----------------
    32  A label is a pair of strings consisting of a ``key`` and ``value``. A label can
    33  be formatted as a single string with the format ``key=value``. The key portion
    34  is mandatory and must be unique. This is typically achieved by using the
    35  reverse domain name notion, e.g. ``io.cilium.mykey=myvalue``. The value portion
    36  is optional and can be omitted, e.g. ``io.cilium.mykey``.
    38  Key names should typically consist of the character set ``[a-z0-9-.]``.
    40  When using labels to select resources, both the key and the value must match,
    41  e.g. when a policy should be applied to all endpoints with the label
    42  ```` then the label ```` will not match the
    43  selector.
    45  Label Source
    46  ------------
    48  A label can be derived from various sources. For example, an `endpoint`_ will
    49  derive the labels associated to the container by the local container runtime as
    50  well as the labels associated with the pod as provided by Kubernetes. As these
    51  two label namespaces are not aware of each other, this may result in
    52  conflicting label keys.
    54  To resolve this potential conflict, Cilium prefixes all label keys with
    55  ``source:`` to indicate the source of the label when importing labels, e.g.
    56  ``k8s:role=frontend``, ``container:user=joe``, ``k8s:role=backend``. This means
    57  that when you run a Docker container using ``docker run [...] -l foo=bar``, the
    58  label ``container:foo=bar`` will appear on the Cilium endpoint representing the
    59  container. Similarly, a Kubernetes pod started with the label ``foo: bar``
    60  will be represented with a Cilium endpoint associated with the label
    61  ``k8s:foo=bar``. A unique name is allocated for each potential source. The
    62  following label sources are currently supported:
    64  - ``container:`` for labels derived from the local container runtime
    65  - ``k8s:`` for labels derived from Kubernetes
    66  - ``mesos:`` for labels derived from Mesos
    67  - ``reserved:`` for special reserved labels, see :ref:`reserved_labels`.
    68  - ``unspec:`` for labels with unspecified source
    70  When using labels to identify other resources, the source can be included to
    71  limit matching of labels to a particular type. If no source is provided, the
    72  label source defaults to ``any:`` which will match all labels regardless of
    73  their source. If a source is provided, the source of the selecting and matching
    74  labels need to match.
    76  .. _endpoint:
    77  .. _endpoints:
    79  Endpoint
    80  =========
    82  Cilium makes application containers available on the network by assigning them
    83  IP addresses. Multiple application containers can share the same IP address; a
    84  typical example for this model is a Kubernetes `Pod`. All application containers
    85  which share a common address are grouped together in what Cilium refers to as
    86  an endpoint.
    88  Allocating individual IP addresses enables the use of the entire Layer 4 port
    89  range by each endpoint. This essentially allows multiple application containers
    90  running on the same cluster node to all bind to well known ports such as ``80``
    91  without causing any conflicts.
    93  The default behavior of Cilium is to assign both an IPv6 and IPv4 address to
    94  every endpoint. However, this behavior can be configured to only allocate an
    95  IPv6 address with the ``--enable-ipv4=false`` option. If both an IPv6 and IPv4
    96  address are assigned, either address can be used to reach the endpoint. The
    97  same behavior will apply with regard to policy rules, load-balancing, etc. See
    98  :ref:`address_management` for more details.
   100  Identification
   101  --------------
   103  For identification purposes, Cilium assigns an internal endpoint id to all
   104  endpoints on a cluster node. The endpoint id is unique within the context of
   105  an individual cluster node.
   107  .. _endpoint id:
   109  Endpoint Metadata
   110  -----------------
   112  An endpoint automatically derives metadata from the application containers
   113  associated with the endpoint. The metadata can then be used to identify the
   114  endpoint for security/policy, load-balancing and routing purposes.
   116  The source of the metadata will depend on the orchestration system and
   117  container runtime in use. The following metadata retrieval mechanisms are
   118  currently supported:
   120  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   121  | System              | Description                                       |
   122  +=====================+===================================================+
   123  | Kubernetes          | Pod labels (via k8s API)                          |
   124  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   125  | Mesos               | Labels (via CNI)                                  |
   126  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   127  | containerd (Docker) | Container labels (via Docker API)                 |
   128  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   130  Metadata is attached to endpoints in the form of `labels`.
   132  The following example launches a container with the label ``app=benchmark``
   133  which is then associated with the endpoint. The label is prefixed with
   134  ``container:`` to indicate that the label was derived from the container
   135  runtime.
   137  ::
   139      $ docker run --net cilium -d -l app=benchmark tgraf/netperf
   140      aaff7190f47d071325e7af06577f672beff64ccc91d2b53c42262635c063cf1c
   141      $  cilium endpoint list
   142      ENDPOINT   POLICY        IDENTITY   LABELS (source:key[=value])   IPv6                   IPv4            STATUS
   143                 ENFORCEMENT
   144      62006      Disabled      257        container:app=benchmark       f00d::a00:20f:0:f236   ready
   147  An endpoint can have metadata associated from multiple sources. A typical
   148  example is a Kubernetes cluster which uses containerd as the container runtime.
   149  Endpoints will derive Kubernetes pod labels (prefixed with the ``k8s:`` source
   150  prefix) and containerd labels (prefixed with ``container:`` source prefix).
   152  .. _identity:
   154  Identity
   155  ========
   157  All `endpoints` are assigned an identity. The identity is what is used to enforce
   158  basic connectivity between endpoints. In traditional networking terminology,
   159  this would be equivalent to Layer 3 enforcement.
   161  An identity is identified by `labels` and is given a cluster wide unique
   162  identifier. The endpoint is assigned the identity which matches the endpoint's
   163  `security relevant labels`, i.e. all endpoints which share the same set of
   164  `security relevant labels` will share the same identity. This concept allows to
   165  scale policy enforcement to a massive number of endpoints as many individual
   166  endpoints will typically share the same set of security `labels` as applications
   167  are scaled.
   169  What is an Identity?
   170  --------------------
   172  The identity of an endpoint is derived based on the `labels` associated with
   173  the pod or container which are derived to the `endpoint`_. When a pod or
   174  container is started, Cilium will create an `endpoint`_ based on the event
   175  received by the container runtime to represent the pod or container on the
   176  network. As a next step, Cilium will resolve the identity of the `endpoint`_
   177  created. Whenever the `labels` of the pod or container change, the identity is
   178  reconfirmed and automatically modified as required.
   180  .. _security relevant labels:
   182  Security Relevant Labels
   183  ------------------------
   185  Not all `labels` associated with a container or pod are meaningful when
   186  deriving the `identity`. Labels may be used to store metadata such as the
   187  timestamp when a container was launched. Cilium requires to know which labels
   188  are meaningful and are subject to being considered when deriving the identity.
   189  For this purpose, the user is required to specify a list of string prefixes of
   190  meaningful labels. The standard behavior is to include all labels which start
   191  with the prefix ``id.``, e.g.  ``id.service1``, ``id.service2``,
   192  ``id.groupA.service44``. The list of meaningful label prefixes can be specified
   193  when starting the agent.
   195  .. _reserved_labels:
   197  Special Identities
   198  ------------------
   200  All endpoints which are managed by Cilium will be assigned an identity. In
   201  order to allow communication to network endpoints which are not managed by
   202  Cilium, special identities exist to represent those. Special reserved
   203  identities are prefixed with the string ``reserved:``.
   205  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   206  | Identity            | Description                                       |
   207  +=====================+===================================================+
   208  | reserved:unknown    | The identity could not be derived.                |
   209  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   210  | reserved:host       | The collection of all cluster hosts. Any traffic  |
   211  |                     | that originates from or is designated to one of   |
   212  |                     | the IPs of any host in the cluster is assigned the|
   213  |                     | reserved:host identity.                           |
   214  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   215  | reserved:world      | Any network endpoint outside of the cluster       |
   216  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   217  | reserved:health     | This is health checking traffic generated by      |
   218  |                     | Cilium agents.                                    |
   219  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   220  | reserved:init       | An endpoint for which the identity has not yet    |
   221  |                     | been resolved is assigned the init identity.      |
   222  |                     | This represents the phase of an endpoint in which |
   223  |                     | some of the metadata required to derive the       |
   224  |                     | security identity is still missing. This is       |
   225  |                     | typically the case in the bootstrapping phase.    |
   226  |                     |                                                   |
   227  |                     | The init identity is only allocated if the labels |
   228  |                     | of the endpoint are not known at creation time.   |
   229  |                     | This can be the case for the Docker plugin.       |
   230  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   231  | reserved:unmanaged  | An endpoint that is not managed by Cilium, e.g.   |
   232  |                     | a Kubernetes pod that was launched before Cilium  |
   233  |                     | was installed.                                    |
   234  +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
   236  Well-known Identities
   237  ---------------------
   239  The following is a list of well-known identities which Cilium is aware of
   240  automatically and will hand out a security identity without requiring to
   241  contact any external dependencies such as the kvstore. The purpose of this is
   242  to allow bootstrapping Cilium and enable network connectivity with policy
   243  enforcement in the cluster for essential services without depending on any
   244  dependencies.
   246  ======================== =================== ==================== ================= =========== ============================================================================
   247  Deployment               Namespace           ServiceAccount       Cluster Name      Numeric ID  Labels
   248  ======================== =================== ==================== ================= =========== ============================================================================
   249  cilium-etcd-operator     <cilium-namespace>  cilium-etcd-operator <cilium-cluster>  107         ``name=cilium-etcd-operator``, ``io.cilium/app=etcd-operator``
   250  etcd-operator            <cilium-namespace>  cilium-etcd-sa       <cilium-cluster>  100         ``io.cilium/app=etcd-operator``
   251  cilium-etcd              <cilium-namespace>  default              <cilium-cluster>  101         ``app=etcd``, ``etcd_cluster=cilium-etcd``, ``io.cilium/app=etcd-operator``
   252  kube-dns                 kube-system         kube-dns             <cilium-cluster>  102         ``k8s-app=kube-dns``
   253  kube-dns (EKS)           kube-system         kube-dns             <cilium-cluster>  103         ``k8s-app=kube-dns``, ````
   254  core-dns                 kube-system         coredns              <cilium-cluster>  104         ``k8s-app=kube-dns``
   255  core-dns (EKS)           kube-system         coredns              <cilium-cluster>  106         ``k8s-app=kube-dns``, ````
   256  cilium-operator          <cilium-namespace>  cilium-operator      <cilium-cluster>  105         ``name=cilium-operator``, ``io.cilium/app=operator``
   257  ======================== =================== ==================== ================= =========== ============================================================================
   259  *Note*: if ``cilium-cluster`` is not defined with the ``cluster-name`` option,
   260  the default value will be set to "``default``".
   262  Identity Management in the Cluster
   263  ----------------------------------
   265  Identities are valid in the entire cluster which means that if several pods or
   266  containers are started on several cluster nodes, all of them will resolve and
   267  share a single identity if they share the identity relevant labels. This
   268  requires coordination between cluster nodes.
   270  .. image:: ../images/identity_store.png
   271      :align: center
   273  The operation to resolve an endpoint identity is performed with the help of the
   274  distributed key-value store which allows to perform atomic operations in the
   275  form *generate a new unique identifier if the following value has not been seen
   276  before*. This allows each cluster node to create the identity relevant subset
   277  of labels and then query the key-value store to derive the identity. Depending
   278  on whether the set of labels has been queried before, either a new identity
   279  will be created, or the identity of the initial query will be returned.
   281  Node
   282  ====
   284  Cilium refers to a node as an individual member of a cluster. Each node must be
   285  running the ``cilium-agent`` and will operate in a mostly autonomous manner.
   286  Synchronization of state between Cilium agent's running on different nodes is
   287  kept to a minimum for simplicity and scale. It occurs exclusively via the
   288  Key-Value store or with packet metadata.
   290  Node Address
   291  ------------
   293  Cilium will automatically detect the node's IPv4 and IPv6 address. The detected
   294  node address is printed out when the ``cilium-agent`` starts:
   296  ::
   298      Local node-name: worker0
   299      Node-IPv6: f00d::ac10:14:0:1
   300      External-Node IPv4:
   301      Internal-Node IPv4: