
     1  package errors
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io"
     6  	"strings"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  )
    12  // RemediationError wraps a normal error with a suggested remediation.
    13  type RemediationError struct {
    14  	// Prefix is a custom message displayed without modification.
    15  	Prefix string
    16  	// Inner is the root error.
    17  	Inner error
    18  	// Remediation provides more context and helpful references.
    19  	Remediation string
    20  }
    22  // Unwrap returns the inner error.
    23  func (re RemediationError) Unwrap() error {
    24  	return re.Inner
    25  }
    27  // Error prints the inner error string without any remediation suggestion.
    28  func (re RemediationError) Error() string {
    29  	if re.Inner == nil {
    30  		return ""
    31  	}
    32  	return re.Inner.Error()
    33  }
    35  // Print the error to the io.Writer for human consumption. If a prefix is
    36  // provided, it will be written without modification. The inner error is always
    37  // printed via text.Output with an "Error: " prefix and a "." suffix. If a
    38  // remediation is provided, it's printed via text.Output.
    39  func (re RemediationError) Print(w io.Writer) {
    40  	if re.Prefix != "" {
    41  		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n\n", strings.TrimRight(re.Prefix, "\r\n"))
    42  	}
    43  	if re.Inner != nil {
    44  		text.Error(w, "%s.\n\n", re.Inner.Error()) // single "\n" ensured by text.Error
    45  	}
    46  	if re.Remediation != "" {
    47  		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", strings.TrimRight(re.Remediation, "\r\n"))
    48  	}
    49  }
    51  // FormatTemplate represents a generic error message prefix.
    52  var FormatTemplate = "To fix this error, run the following command:\n\n\t$ %s"
    54  // AuthRemediation suggests checking the provided --token.
    55  var AuthRemediation = fmt.Sprintf(strings.Join([]string{
    56  	"This error may be caused by a missing, incorrect, or expired Fastly API token.",
    57  	"Check that you're supplying a valid token, either via --token,",
    58  	"through the environment variable %s, or through the config file via `fastly profile`.",
    59  	"Verify that the token is still valid via `fastly whoami`.",
    60  }, " "), env.APIToken)
    62  // NetworkRemediation suggests, somewhat unhelpfully, to try again later.
    63  var NetworkRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
    64  	"This error may be caused by transient network issues.",
    65  	"Please verify your network connection and DNS configuration, and try again.",
    66  }, " ")
    68  // HostRemediation suggests there might be an issue with the local host.
    69  var HostRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
    70  	"This error may be caused by a problem with your host environment, for example",
    71  	"too-restrictive file permissions, files that already exist, or a full disk.",
    72  }, " ")
    74  // BugRemediation suggests filing a bug on the GitHub repo. It's good to include
    75  // as the final suggested remediation in many errors.
    76  var BugRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
    77  	"If you believe this error is the result of a bug, please file an issue:",
    78  	"",
    79  }, " ")
    81  // ConfigRemediation informs the user that an error with loading the config
    82  // isn't a breaking error and the CLI can still be used.
    83  var ConfigRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
    84  	"There is a fallback version of the configuration provided with the CLI install",
    85  	"(run `fastly config` to view the config) which enables the CLI to continue to be usable even though the config couldn't be updated.",
    86  }, " ")
    88  // ServiceIDRemediation suggests provide a service ID via --service-id flag or
    89  // fastly.toml.
    90  var ServiceIDRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
    91  	"Please provide one via the --service-id or --service-name flag, or by setting the FASTLY_SERVICE_ID environment variable, or within your fastly.toml",
    92  }, " ")
    94  // CustomerIDRemediation suggests provide a customer ID via --customer-id flag
    95  // or via environment variable.
    96  var CustomerIDRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
    97  	"Please provide one via the --customer-id flag, or by setting the FASTLY_CUSTOMER_ID environment variable",
    98  }, " ")
   100  // ExistingDirRemediation suggests moving to another directory and retrying.
   101  var ExistingDirRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   102  	"Please create a new directory and initialize a new project using:",
   103  	"`fastly compute init`.",
   104  }, " ")
   106  // AutoCloneRemediation suggests provide an --autoclone flag.
   107  var AutoCloneRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   108  	"Repeat the command with the --autoclone flag to allow the version to be cloned",
   109  }, " ")
   111  // IDRemediation suggests an ID via --id flag should be provided.
   112  var IDRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   113  	"Please provide one via the --id flag",
   114  }, " ")
   116  // PackageSizeRemediation suggests checking the resources documentation for the
   117  // current package size limit.
   118  var PackageSizeRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   119  	"Please check our Compute resource limits:",
   120  	"",
   121  }, " ")
   123  // UnrecognisedManifestVersionRemediation suggests steps to resolve an issue
   124  // where the project contains a manifest_version that is larger than what the
   125  // current CLI version supports.
   126  var UnrecognisedManifestVersionRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   127  	"Please try updating the installed CLI version using: `fastly update`.",
   128  	"See also to check your fastly.toml manifest is up-to-date with the latest data model.",
   129  	BugRemediation,
   130  }, " ")
   132  // ComputeInitRemediation suggests re-running `compute init` to resolve
   133  // manifest issue.
   134  var ComputeInitRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   135  	"Run `fastly compute init` to ensure a correctly configured manifest.",
   136  	"See more at",
   137  }, " ")
   139  // ComputeServeRemediation suggests re-running `compute serve` with one of the
   140  // incompatible flags removed.
   141  var ComputeServeRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   142  	"The --watch flag enables hot reloading of your project to support a faster feedback loop during local development, and subsequently conflicts with the --skip-build flag which avoids rebuilding your project altogether.",
   143  	"Remove one of the flags based on the outcome you require.",
   144  }, " ")
   146  // ComputeBuildRemediation suggests configuring a `[]` setting in
   147  // the fastly.toml manifest.
   148  var ComputeBuildRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   149  	"Add a [scripts] section with `build = \"%s\"`.",
   150  	"See more at",
   151  }, " ")
   153  // ComputeTrialRemediation suggests contacting customer manager to enable the
   154  // free trial feature flag.
   155  var ComputeTrialRemediation = "For more help with this error see"
   157  // ProfileRemediation suggests no profiles exist.
   158  var ProfileRemediation = "Run `fastly profile create <NAME>` to create a profile, or `fastly profile list` to view available profiles (at least one profile should be set as 'default')."
   160  // InvalidStaticConfigRemediation indicates an unexpected error occurred when
   161  // deserialising the CLI's internal configuration.
   162  var InvalidStaticConfigRemediation = strings.Join([]string{
   163  	"The Fastly CLI attempted to parse an internal configuration file but failed.",
   164  	"Run `fastly update` to upgrade your current CLI version.",
   165  	"If this does not resolve the issue, then please file an issue:",
   166  	"",
   167  }, " ")