
     1  package daemon
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"encoding/json"
     6  	"errors"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io"
     9  	"io/ioutil"
    10  	"os"
    11  	"path"
    12  	"path/filepath"
    13  	"strings"
    14  	"syscall"
    15  	"time"
    17  	""
    18  	""
    20  	log ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  )
    37  const DefaultPathEnv = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
    39  var (
    40  	ErrNotATTY               = errors.New("The PTY is not a file")
    41  	ErrNoTTY                 = errors.New("No PTY found")
    42  	ErrContainerStart        = errors.New("The container failed to start. Unknown error")
    43  	ErrContainerStartTimeout = errors.New("The container failed to start due to timed out.")
    44  )
    46  type StreamConfig struct {
    47  	stdout    *broadcastwriter.BroadcastWriter
    48  	stderr    *broadcastwriter.BroadcastWriter
    49  	stdin     io.ReadCloser
    50  	stdinPipe io.WriteCloser
    51  }
    53  type Container struct {
    54  	*State `json:"State"` // Needed for remote api version <= 1.11
    55  	root   string         // Path to the "home" of the container, including metadata.
    56  	basefs string         // Path to the graphdriver mountpoint
    58  	ID string
    60  	Created time.Time
    62  	Path string
    63  	Args []string
    65  	Config  *runconfig.Config
    66  	ImageID string `json:"Image"`
    68  	NetworkSettings *NetworkSettings
    70  	ResolvConfPath string
    71  	HostnamePath   string
    72  	HostsPath      string
    73  	Name           string
    74  	Driver         string
    75  	ExecDriver     string
    77  	command *execdriver.Command
    78  	StreamConfig
    80  	daemon                   *Daemon
    81  	MountLabel, ProcessLabel string
    82  	AppArmorProfile          string
    83  	RestartCount             int
    85  	// Maps container paths to volume paths.  The key in this is the path to which
    86  	// the volume is being mounted inside the container.  Value is the path of the
    87  	// volume on disk
    88  	Volumes map[string]string
    89  	// Store rw/ro in a separate structure to preserve reverse-compatibility on-disk.
    90  	// Easier than migrating older container configs :)
    91  	VolumesRW  map[string]bool
    92  	hostConfig *runconfig.HostConfig
    94  	activeLinks  map[string]*links.Link
    95  	monitor      *containerMonitor
    96  	execCommands *execStore
    97  }
    99  func (container *Container) FromDisk() error {
   100  	pth, err := container.jsonPath()
   101  	if err != nil {
   102  		return err
   103  	}
   105  	jsonSource, err := os.Open(pth)
   106  	if err != nil {
   107  		return err
   108  	}
   109  	defer jsonSource.Close()
   111  	dec := json.NewDecoder(jsonSource)
   113  	// Load container settings
   114  	// udp broke compat of docker.PortMapping, but it's not used when loading a container, we can skip it
   115  	if err := dec.Decode(container); err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "docker.PortMapping") {
   116  		return err
   117  	}
   119  	if err := label.ReserveLabel(container.ProcessLabel); err != nil {
   120  		return err
   121  	}
   122  	return container.readHostConfig()
   123  }
   125  func (container *Container) toDisk() error {
   126  	data, err := json.Marshal(container)
   127  	if err != nil {
   128  		return err
   129  	}
   131  	pth, err := container.jsonPath()
   132  	if err != nil {
   133  		return err
   134  	}
   136  	err = ioutil.WriteFile(pth, data, 0666)
   137  	if err != nil {
   138  		return err
   139  	}
   141  	return container.WriteHostConfig()
   142  }
   144  func (container *Container) ToDisk() error {
   145  	container.Lock()
   146  	err := container.toDisk()
   147  	container.Unlock()
   148  	return err
   149  }
   151  func (container *Container) readHostConfig() error {
   152  	container.hostConfig = &runconfig.HostConfig{}
   153  	// If the hostconfig file does not exist, do not read it.
   154  	// (We still have to initialize container.hostConfig,
   155  	// but that's OK, since we just did that above.)
   156  	pth, err := container.hostConfigPath()
   157  	if err != nil {
   158  		return err
   159  	}
   161  	_, err = os.Stat(pth)
   162  	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
   163  		return nil
   164  	}
   166  	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pth)
   167  	if err != nil {
   168  		return err
   169  	}
   170  	return json.Unmarshal(data, container.hostConfig)
   171  }
   173  func (container *Container) WriteHostConfig() error {
   174  	data, err := json.Marshal(container.hostConfig)
   175  	if err != nil {
   176  		return err
   177  	}
   179  	pth, err := container.hostConfigPath()
   180  	if err != nil {
   181  		return err
   182  	}
   184  	return ioutil.WriteFile(pth, data, 0666)
   185  }
   187  func (container *Container) LogEvent(action string) {
   188  	d := container.daemon
   189  	if err := d.eng.Job("log", action, container.ID, d.Repositories().ImageName(container.ImageID)).Run(); err != nil {
   190  		log.Errorf("Error logging event %s for %s: %s", action, container.ID, err)
   191  	}
   192  }
   194  func (container *Container) getResourcePath(path string) (string, error) {
   195  	cleanPath := filepath.Join("/", path)
   196  	return symlink.FollowSymlinkInScope(filepath.Join(container.basefs, cleanPath), container.basefs)
   197  }
   199  func (container *Container) getRootResourcePath(path string) (string, error) {
   200  	cleanPath := filepath.Join("/", path)
   201  	return symlink.FollowSymlinkInScope(filepath.Join(container.root, cleanPath), container.root)
   202  }
   204  func populateCommand(c *Container, env []string) error {
   205  	en := &execdriver.Network{
   206  		Mtu:       c.daemon.config.Mtu,
   207  		Interface: nil,
   208  	}
   210  	parts := strings.SplitN(string(c.hostConfig.NetworkMode), ":", 2)
   211  	switch parts[0] {
   212  	case "none":
   213  	case "host":
   214  		en.HostNetworking = true
   215  	case "bridge", "": // empty string to support existing containers
   216  		if !c.Config.NetworkDisabled {
   217  			network := c.NetworkSettings
   218  			en.Interface = &execdriver.NetworkInterface{
   219  				Gateway:     network.Gateway,
   220  				Bridge:      network.Bridge,
   221  				IPAddress:   network.IPAddress,
   222  				IPPrefixLen: network.IPPrefixLen,
   223  				MacAddress:  network.MacAddress,
   224  			}
   225  		}
   226  	case "container":
   227  		nc, err := c.getNetworkedContainer()
   228  		if err != nil {
   229  			return err
   230  		}
   231  		en.ContainerID = nc.ID
   232  	default:
   233  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid network mode: %s", c.hostConfig.NetworkMode)
   234  	}
   236  	ipc := &execdriver.Ipc{}
   238  	if c.hostConfig.IpcMode.IsContainer() {
   239  		ic, err := c.getIpcContainer()
   240  		if err != nil {
   241  			return err
   242  		}
   243  		ipc.ContainerID = ic.ID
   244  	} else {
   245  		ipc.HostIpc = c.hostConfig.IpcMode.IsHost()
   246  	}
   248  	// Build lists of devices allowed and created within the container.
   249  	userSpecifiedDevices := make([]*devices.Device, len(c.hostConfig.Devices))
   250  	for i, deviceMapping := range c.hostConfig.Devices {
   251  		device, err := devices.GetDevice(deviceMapping.PathOnHost, deviceMapping.CgroupPermissions)
   252  		if err != nil {
   253  			return fmt.Errorf("error gathering device information while adding custom device %q: %s", deviceMapping.PathOnHost, err)
   254  		}
   255  		device.Path = deviceMapping.PathInContainer
   256  		userSpecifiedDevices[i] = device
   257  	}
   258  	allowedDevices := append(devices.DefaultAllowedDevices, userSpecifiedDevices...)
   260  	autoCreatedDevices := append(devices.DefaultAutoCreatedDevices, userSpecifiedDevices...)
   262  	// TODO: this can be removed after lxc-conf is fully deprecated
   263  	lxcConfig, err := mergeLxcConfIntoOptions(c.hostConfig)
   264  	if err != nil {
   265  		return err
   266  	}
   268  	resources := &execdriver.Resources{
   269  		Memory:     c.Config.Memory,
   270  		MemorySwap: c.Config.MemorySwap,
   271  		CpuShares:  c.Config.CpuShares,
   272  		Cpuset:     c.Config.Cpuset,
   273  	}
   275  	processConfig := execdriver.ProcessConfig{
   276  		Privileged: c.hostConfig.Privileged,
   277  		Entrypoint: c.Path,
   278  		Arguments:  c.Args,
   279  		Tty:        c.Config.Tty,
   280  		User:       c.Config.User,
   281  	}
   283  	processConfig.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setsid: true}
   284  	processConfig.Env = env
   286  	c.command = &execdriver.Command{
   287  		ID:                 c.ID,
   288  		Rootfs:             c.RootfsPath(),
   289  		InitPath:           "/.dockerinit",
   290  		WorkingDir:         c.Config.WorkingDir,
   291  		Network:            en,
   292  		Ipc:                ipc,
   293  		Resources:          resources,
   294  		AllowedDevices:     allowedDevices,
   295  		AutoCreatedDevices: autoCreatedDevices,
   296  		CapAdd:             c.hostConfig.CapAdd,
   297  		CapDrop:            c.hostConfig.CapDrop,
   298  		ProcessConfig:      processConfig,
   299  		ProcessLabel:       c.GetProcessLabel(),
   300  		MountLabel:         c.GetMountLabel(),
   301  		LxcConfig:          lxcConfig,
   302  		AppArmorProfile:    c.AppArmorProfile,
   303  	}
   305  	return nil
   306  }
   308  func (container *Container) Start() (err error) {
   309  	container.Lock()
   310  	defer container.Unlock()
   312  	if container.Running {
   313  		return nil
   314  	}
   316  	// if we encounter and error during start we need to ensure that any other
   317  	// setup has been cleaned up properly
   318  	defer func() {
   319  		if err != nil {
   320  			container.setError(err)
   321  			// if no one else has set it, make sure we don't leave it at zero
   322  			if container.ExitCode == 0 {
   323  				container.ExitCode = 128
   324  			}
   325  			container.toDisk()
   326  			container.cleanup()
   327  		}
   328  	}()
   330  	if err := container.setupContainerDns(); err != nil {
   331  		return err
   332  	}
   333  	if err := container.Mount(); err != nil {
   334  		return err
   335  	}
   336  	if err := container.initializeNetworking(); err != nil {
   337  		return err
   338  	}
   339  	if err := container.updateParentsHosts(); err != nil {
   340  		return err
   341  	}
   342  	container.verifyDaemonSettings()
   343  	if err := container.prepareVolumes(); err != nil {
   344  		return err
   345  	}
   346  	linkedEnv, err := container.setupLinkedContainers()
   347  	if err != nil {
   348  		return err
   349  	}
   350  	if err := container.setupWorkingDirectory(); err != nil {
   351  		return err
   352  	}
   353  	env := container.createDaemonEnvironment(linkedEnv)
   354  	if err := populateCommand(container, env); err != nil {
   355  		return err
   356  	}
   357  	if err := container.setupMounts(); err != nil {
   358  		return err
   359  	}
   361  	return container.waitForStart()
   362  }
   364  func (container *Container) Run() error {
   365  	if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
   366  		return err
   367  	}
   368  	container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
   369  	return nil
   370  }
   372  func (container *Container) Output() (output []byte, err error) {
   373  	pipe := container.StdoutPipe()
   374  	defer pipe.Close()
   375  	if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
   376  		return nil, err
   377  	}
   378  	output, err = ioutil.ReadAll(pipe)
   379  	container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
   380  	return output, err
   381  }
   383  // StreamConfig.StdinPipe returns a WriteCloser which can be used to feed data
   384  // to the standard input of the container's active process.
   385  // Container.StdoutPipe and Container.StderrPipe each return a ReadCloser
   386  // which can be used to retrieve the standard output (and error) generated
   387  // by the container's active process. The output (and error) are actually
   388  // copied and delivered to all StdoutPipe and StderrPipe consumers, using
   389  // a kind of "broadcaster".
   391  func (streamConfig *StreamConfig) StdinPipe() io.WriteCloser {
   392  	return streamConfig.stdinPipe
   393  }
   395  func (streamConfig *StreamConfig) StdoutPipe() io.ReadCloser {
   396  	reader, writer := io.Pipe()
   397  	streamConfig.stdout.AddWriter(writer, "")
   398  	return ioutils.NewBufReader(reader)
   399  }
   401  func (streamConfig *StreamConfig) StderrPipe() io.ReadCloser {
   402  	reader, writer := io.Pipe()
   403  	streamConfig.stderr.AddWriter(writer, "")
   404  	return ioutils.NewBufReader(reader)
   405  }
   407  func (streamConfig *StreamConfig) StdoutLogPipe() io.ReadCloser {
   408  	reader, writer := io.Pipe()
   409  	streamConfig.stdout.AddWriter(writer, "stdout")
   410  	return ioutils.NewBufReader(reader)
   411  }
   413  func (streamConfig *StreamConfig) StderrLogPipe() io.ReadCloser {
   414  	reader, writer := io.Pipe()
   415  	streamConfig.stderr.AddWriter(writer, "stderr")
   416  	return ioutils.NewBufReader(reader)
   417  }
   419  func (container *Container) buildHostnameFile() error {
   420  	hostnamePath, err := container.getRootResourcePath("hostname")
   421  	if err != nil {
   422  		return err
   423  	}
   424  	container.HostnamePath = hostnamePath
   426  	if container.Config.Domainname != "" {
   427  		return ioutil.WriteFile(container.HostnamePath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s\n", container.Config.Hostname, container.Config.Domainname)), 0644)
   428  	}
   429  	return ioutil.WriteFile(container.HostnamePath, []byte(container.Config.Hostname+"\n"), 0644)
   430  }
   432  func (container *Container) buildHostsFiles(IP string) error {
   434  	hostsPath, err := container.getRootResourcePath("hosts")
   435  	if err != nil {
   436  		return err
   437  	}
   438  	container.HostsPath = hostsPath
   440  	var extraContent []etchosts.Record
   442  	children, err := container.daemon.Children(container.Name)
   443  	if err != nil {
   444  		return err
   445  	}
   447  	for linkAlias, child := range children {
   448  		_, alias := path.Split(linkAlias)
   449  		extraContent = append(extraContent, etchosts.Record{Hosts: alias, IP: child.NetworkSettings.IPAddress})
   450  	}
   452  	for _, extraHost := range container.hostConfig.ExtraHosts {
   453  		parts := strings.Split(extraHost, ":")
   454  		extraContent = append(extraContent, etchosts.Record{Hosts: parts[0], IP: parts[1]})
   455  	}
   457  	return etchosts.Build(container.HostsPath, IP, container.Config.Hostname, container.Config.Domainname, extraContent)
   458  }
   460  func (container *Container) buildHostnameAndHostsFiles(IP string) error {
   461  	if err := container.buildHostnameFile(); err != nil {
   462  		return err
   463  	}
   465  	return container.buildHostsFiles(IP)
   466  }
   468  func (container *Container) AllocateNetwork() error {
   469  	mode := container.hostConfig.NetworkMode
   470  	if container.Config.NetworkDisabled || !mode.IsPrivate() {
   471  		return nil
   472  	}
   474  	var (
   475  		env *engine.Env
   476  		err error
   477  		eng = container.daemon.eng
   478  	)
   480  	job := eng.Job("allocate_interface", container.ID)
   481  	job.Setenv("RequestedMac", container.Config.MacAddress)
   482  	if env, err = job.Stdout.AddEnv(); err != nil {
   483  		return err
   484  	}
   485  	if err = job.Run(); err != nil {
   486  		return err
   487  	}
   489  	// Error handling: At this point, the interface is allocated so we have to
   490  	// make sure that it is always released in case of error, otherwise we
   491  	// might leak resources.
   493  	if container.Config.PortSpecs != nil {
   494  		if err = migratePortMappings(container.Config, container.hostConfig); err != nil {
   495  			eng.Job("release_interface", container.ID).Run()
   496  			return err
   497  		}
   498  		container.Config.PortSpecs = nil
   499  		if err = container.WriteHostConfig(); err != nil {
   500  			eng.Job("release_interface", container.ID).Run()
   501  			return err
   502  		}
   503  	}
   505  	var (
   506  		portSpecs = make(nat.PortSet)
   507  		bindings  = make(nat.PortMap)
   508  	)
   510  	if container.Config.ExposedPorts != nil {
   511  		portSpecs = container.Config.ExposedPorts
   512  	}
   514  	if container.hostConfig.PortBindings != nil {
   515  		for p, b := range container.hostConfig.PortBindings {
   516  			bindings[p] = []nat.PortBinding{}
   517  			for _, bb := range b {
   518  				bindings[p] = append(bindings[p], nat.PortBinding{
   519  					HostIp:   bb.HostIp,
   520  					HostPort: bb.HostPort,
   521  				})
   522  			}
   523  		}
   524  	}
   526  	container.NetworkSettings.PortMapping = nil
   528  	for port := range portSpecs {
   529  		if err = container.allocatePort(eng, port, bindings); err != nil {
   530  			eng.Job("release_interface", container.ID).Run()
   531  			return err
   532  		}
   533  	}
   534  	container.WriteHostConfig()
   536  	container.NetworkSettings.Ports = bindings
   537  	container.NetworkSettings.Bridge = env.Get("Bridge")
   538  	container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress = env.Get("IP")
   539  	container.NetworkSettings.IPPrefixLen = env.GetInt("IPPrefixLen")
   540  	container.NetworkSettings.MacAddress = env.Get("MacAddress")
   541  	container.NetworkSettings.Gateway = env.Get("Gateway")
   543  	return nil
   544  }
   546  func (container *Container) ReleaseNetwork() {
   547  	if container.Config.NetworkDisabled || !container.hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsPrivate() {
   548  		return
   549  	}
   550  	eng := container.daemon.eng
   552  	job := eng.Job("release_interface", container.ID)
   553  	job.SetenvBool("overrideShutdown", true)
   554  	job.Run()
   555  	container.NetworkSettings = &NetworkSettings{}
   556  }
   558  func (container *Container) isNetworkAllocated() bool {
   559  	return container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress != ""
   560  }
   562  func (container *Container) RestoreNetwork() error {
   563  	mode := container.hostConfig.NetworkMode
   564  	// Don't attempt a restore if we previously didn't allocate networking.
   565  	// This might be a legacy container with no network allocated, in which case the
   566  	// allocation will happen once and for all at start.
   567  	if !container.isNetworkAllocated() || container.Config.NetworkDisabled || !mode.IsPrivate() {
   568  		return nil
   569  	}
   571  	eng := container.daemon.eng
   573  	// Re-allocate the interface with the same IP and MAC address.
   574  	job := eng.Job("allocate_interface", container.ID)
   575  	job.Setenv("RequestedIP", container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress)
   576  	job.Setenv("RequestedMac", container.NetworkSettings.MacAddress)
   577  	if err := job.Run(); err != nil {
   578  		return err
   579  	}
   581  	// Re-allocate any previously allocated ports.
   582  	for port := range container.NetworkSettings.Ports {
   583  		if err := container.allocatePort(eng, port, container.NetworkSettings.Ports); err != nil {
   584  			return err
   585  		}
   586  	}
   587  	return nil
   588  }
   590  // cleanup releases any network resources allocated to the container along with any rules
   591  // around how containers are linked together.  It also unmounts the container's root filesystem.
   592  func (container *Container) cleanup() {
   593  	container.ReleaseNetwork()
   595  	// Disable all active links
   596  	if container.activeLinks != nil {
   597  		for _, link := range container.activeLinks {
   598  			link.Disable()
   599  		}
   600  	}
   602  	if err := container.Unmount(); err != nil {
   603  		log.Errorf("%v: Failed to umount filesystem: %v", container.ID, err)
   604  	}
   606  	for _, eConfig := range container.execCommands.s {
   607  		container.daemon.unregisterExecCommand(eConfig)
   608  	}
   609  }
   611  func (container *Container) KillSig(sig int) error {
   612  	log.Debugf("Sending %d to %s", sig, container.ID)
   613  	container.Lock()
   614  	defer container.Unlock()
   616  	// We could unpause the container for them rather than returning this error
   617  	if container.Paused {
   618  		return fmt.Errorf("Container %s is paused. Unpause the container before stopping", container.ID)
   619  	}
   621  	if !container.Running {
   622  		return nil
   623  	}
   625  	// signal to the monitor that it should not restart the container
   626  	// after we send the kill signal
   627  	container.monitor.ExitOnNext()
   629  	// if the container is currently restarting we do not need to send the signal
   630  	// to the process.  Telling the monitor that it should exit on it's next event
   631  	// loop is enough
   632  	if container.Restarting {
   633  		return nil
   634  	}
   636  	return container.daemon.Kill(container, sig)
   637  }
   639  func (container *Container) Pause() error {
   640  	if container.IsPaused() {
   641  		return fmt.Errorf("Container %s is already paused", container.ID)
   642  	}
   643  	if !container.IsRunning() {
   644  		return fmt.Errorf("Container %s is not running", container.ID)
   645  	}
   646  	return container.daemon.Pause(container)
   647  }
   649  func (container *Container) Unpause() error {
   650  	if !container.IsPaused() {
   651  		return fmt.Errorf("Container %s is not paused", container.ID)
   652  	}
   653  	if !container.IsRunning() {
   654  		return fmt.Errorf("Container %s is not running", container.ID)
   655  	}
   656  	return container.daemon.Unpause(container)
   657  }
   659  func (container *Container) Kill() error {
   660  	if !container.IsRunning() {
   661  		return nil
   662  	}
   664  	// 1. Send SIGKILL
   665  	if err := container.KillSig(9); err != nil {
   666  		return err
   667  	}
   669  	// 2. Wait for the process to die, in last resort, try to kill the process directly
   670  	if _, err := container.WaitStop(10 * time.Second); err != nil {
   671  		// Ensure that we don't kill ourselves
   672  		if pid := container.GetPid(); pid != 0 {
   673  			log.Infof("Container %s failed to exit within 10 seconds of kill - trying direct SIGKILL", utils.TruncateID(container.ID))
   674  			if err := syscall.Kill(pid, 9); err != nil {
   675  				return err
   676  			}
   677  		}
   678  	}
   680  	container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
   681  	return nil
   682  }
   684  func (container *Container) Stop(seconds int) error {
   685  	if !container.IsRunning() {
   686  		return nil
   687  	}
   689  	// 1. Send a SIGTERM
   690  	if err := container.KillSig(15); err != nil {
   691  		log.Infof("Failed to send SIGTERM to the process, force killing")
   692  		if err := container.KillSig(9); err != nil {
   693  			return err
   694  		}
   695  	}
   697  	// 2. Wait for the process to exit on its own
   698  	if _, err := container.WaitStop(time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second); err != nil {
   699  		log.Infof("Container %v failed to exit within %d seconds of SIGTERM - using the force", container.ID, seconds)
   700  		// 3. If it doesn't, then send SIGKILL
   701  		if err := container.Kill(); err != nil {
   702  			container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
   703  			return err
   704  		}
   705  	}
   706  	return nil
   707  }
   709  func (container *Container) Restart(seconds int) error {
   710  	// Avoid unnecessarily unmounting and then directly mounting
   711  	// the container when the container stops and then starts
   712  	// again
   713  	if err := container.Mount(); err == nil {
   714  		defer container.Unmount()
   715  	}
   717  	if err := container.Stop(seconds); err != nil {
   718  		return err
   719  	}
   720  	return container.Start()
   721  }
   723  func (container *Container) Resize(h, w int) error {
   724  	if !container.IsRunning() {
   725  		return fmt.Errorf("Cannot resize container %s, container is not running", container.ID)
   726  	}
   727  	return container.command.ProcessConfig.Terminal.Resize(h, w)
   728  }
   730  func (container *Container) ExportRw() (archive.Archive, error) {
   731  	if err := container.Mount(); err != nil {
   732  		return nil, err
   733  	}
   734  	if container.daemon == nil {
   735  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't load storage driver for unregistered container %s", container.ID)
   736  	}
   737  	archive, err := container.daemon.Diff(container)
   738  	if err != nil {
   739  		container.Unmount()
   740  		return nil, err
   741  	}
   742  	return ioutils.NewReadCloserWrapper(archive, func() error {
   743  			err := archive.Close()
   744  			container.Unmount()
   745  			return err
   746  		}),
   747  		nil
   748  }
   750  func (container *Container) Export() (archive.Archive, error) {
   751  	if err := container.Mount(); err != nil {
   752  		return nil, err
   753  	}
   755  	archive, err := archive.Tar(container.basefs, archive.Uncompressed)
   756  	if err != nil {
   757  		container.Unmount()
   758  		return nil, err
   759  	}
   760  	return ioutils.NewReadCloserWrapper(archive, func() error {
   761  			err := archive.Close()
   762  			container.Unmount()
   763  			return err
   764  		}),
   765  		nil
   766  }
   768  func (container *Container) Mount() error {
   769  	return container.daemon.Mount(container)
   770  }
   772  func (container *Container) changes() ([]archive.Change, error) {
   773  	return container.daemon.Changes(container)
   774  }
   776  func (container *Container) Changes() ([]archive.Change, error) {
   777  	container.Lock()
   778  	defer container.Unlock()
   779  	return container.changes()
   780  }
   782  func (container *Container) GetImage() (*image.Image, error) {
   783  	if container.daemon == nil {
   784  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't get image of unregistered container")
   785  	}
   786  	return container.daemon.graph.Get(container.ImageID)
   787  }
   789  func (container *Container) Unmount() error {
   790  	return container.daemon.Unmount(container)
   791  }
   793  func (container *Container) logPath(name string) (string, error) {
   794  	return container.getRootResourcePath(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s.log", container.ID, name))
   795  }
   797  func (container *Container) ReadLog(name string) (io.Reader, error) {
   798  	pth, err := container.logPath(name)
   799  	if err != nil {
   800  		return nil, err
   801  	}
   802  	return os.Open(pth)
   803  }
   805  func (container *Container) hostConfigPath() (string, error) {
   806  	return container.getRootResourcePath("hostconfig.json")
   807  }
   809  func (container *Container) jsonPath() (string, error) {
   810  	return container.getRootResourcePath("config.json")
   811  }
   813  // This method must be exported to be used from the lxc template
   814  // This directory is only usable when the container is running
   815  func (container *Container) RootfsPath() string {
   816  	return container.basefs
   817  }
   819  func validateID(id string) error {
   820  	if id == "" {
   821  		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid empty id")
   822  	}
   823  	return nil
   824  }
   826  // GetSize, return real size, virtual size
   827  func (container *Container) GetSize() (int64, int64) {
   828  	var (
   829  		sizeRw, sizeRootfs int64
   830  		err                error
   831  		driver             = container.daemon.driver
   832  	)
   834  	if err := container.Mount(); err != nil {
   835  		log.Errorf("Warning: failed to compute size of container rootfs %s: %s", container.ID, err)
   836  		return sizeRw, sizeRootfs
   837  	}
   838  	defer container.Unmount()
   840  	initID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-init", container.ID)
   841  	sizeRw, err = driver.DiffSize(container.ID, initID)
   842  	if err != nil {
   843  		log.Errorf("Warning: driver %s couldn't return diff size of container %s: %s", driver, container.ID, err)
   844  		// FIXME: GetSize should return an error. Not changing it now in case
   845  		// there is a side-effect.
   846  		sizeRw = -1
   847  	}
   849  	if _, err = os.Stat(container.basefs); err != nil {
   850  		if sizeRootfs, err = utils.TreeSize(container.basefs); err != nil {
   851  			sizeRootfs = -1
   852  		}
   853  	}
   854  	return sizeRw, sizeRootfs
   855  }
   857  func (container *Container) Copy(resource string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
   858  	if err := container.Mount(); err != nil {
   859  		return nil, err
   860  	}
   862  	basePath, err := container.getResourcePath(resource)
   863  	if err != nil {
   864  		container.Unmount()
   865  		return nil, err
   866  	}
   868  	// Check if this is actually in a volume
   869  	for _, mnt := range container.VolumeMounts() {
   870  		if len(mnt.MountToPath) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(resource, mnt.MountToPath[1:]) {
   871  			return mnt.Export(resource)
   872  		}
   873  	}
   875  	stat, err := os.Stat(basePath)
   876  	if err != nil {
   877  		container.Unmount()
   878  		return nil, err
   879  	}
   880  	var filter []string
   881  	if !stat.IsDir() {
   882  		d, f := path.Split(basePath)
   883  		basePath = d
   884  		filter = []string{f}
   885  	} else {
   886  		filter = []string{path.Base(basePath)}
   887  		basePath = path.Dir(basePath)
   888  	}
   890  	archive, err := archive.TarWithOptions(basePath, &archive.TarOptions{
   891  		Compression:  archive.Uncompressed,
   892  		IncludeFiles: filter,
   893  	})
   894  	if err != nil {
   895  		container.Unmount()
   896  		return nil, err
   897  	}
   898  	return ioutils.NewReadCloserWrapper(archive, func() error {
   899  			err := archive.Close()
   900  			container.Unmount()
   901  			return err
   902  		}),
   903  		nil
   904  }
   906  // Returns true if the container exposes a certain port
   907  func (container *Container) Exposes(p nat.Port) bool {
   908  	_, exists := container.Config.ExposedPorts[p]
   909  	return exists
   910  }
   912  func (container *Container) GetPtyMaster() (*os.File, error) {
   913  	ttyConsole, ok := container.command.ProcessConfig.Terminal.(execdriver.TtyTerminal)
   914  	if !ok {
   915  		return nil, ErrNoTTY
   916  	}
   917  	return ttyConsole.Master(), nil
   918  }
   920  func (container *Container) HostConfig() *runconfig.HostConfig {
   921  	container.Lock()
   922  	res := container.hostConfig
   923  	container.Unlock()
   924  	return res
   925  }
   927  func (container *Container) SetHostConfig(hostConfig *runconfig.HostConfig) {
   928  	container.Lock()
   929  	container.hostConfig = hostConfig
   930  	container.Unlock()
   931  }
   933  func (container *Container) DisableLink(name string) {
   934  	if container.activeLinks != nil {
   935  		if link, exists := container.activeLinks[name]; exists {
   936  			link.Disable()
   937  		} else {
   938  			log.Debugf("Could not find active link for %s", name)
   939  		}
   940  	}
   941  }
   943  func (container *Container) setupContainerDns() error {
   944  	if container.ResolvConfPath != "" {
   945  		return nil
   946  	}
   948  	var (
   949  		config = container.hostConfig
   950  		daemon = container.daemon
   951  	)
   953  	resolvConf, err := resolvconf.Get()
   954  	if err != nil {
   955  		return err
   956  	}
   957  	container.ResolvConfPath, err = container.getRootResourcePath("resolv.conf")
   958  	if err != nil {
   959  		return err
   960  	}
   962  	if config.NetworkMode != "host" {
   963  		// check configurations for any container/daemon dns settings
   964  		if len(config.Dns) > 0 || len(daemon.config.Dns) > 0 || len(config.DnsSearch) > 0 || len(daemon.config.DnsSearch) > 0 {
   965  			var (
   966  				dns       = resolvconf.GetNameservers(resolvConf)
   967  				dnsSearch = resolvconf.GetSearchDomains(resolvConf)
   968  			)
   969  			if len(config.Dns) > 0 {
   970  				dns = config.Dns
   971  			} else if len(daemon.config.Dns) > 0 {
   972  				dns = daemon.config.Dns
   973  			}
   974  			if len(config.DnsSearch) > 0 {
   975  				dnsSearch = config.DnsSearch
   976  			} else if len(daemon.config.DnsSearch) > 0 {
   977  				dnsSearch = daemon.config.DnsSearch
   978  			}
   979  			return resolvconf.Build(container.ResolvConfPath, dns, dnsSearch)
   980  		}
   982  		// replace any localhost/127.* nameservers
   983  		resolvConf = utils.RemoveLocalDns(resolvConf)
   984  		// if the resulting resolvConf is empty, use DefaultDns
   985  		if !bytes.Contains(resolvConf, []byte("nameserver")) {
   986  			log.Infof("No non localhost DNS resolver found in resolv.conf and containers can't use it. Using default external servers : %v", DefaultDns)
   987  			// prefix the default dns options with nameserver
   988  			resolvConf = append(resolvConf, []byte("\nnameserver "+strings.Join(DefaultDns, "\nnameserver "))...)
   989  		}
   990  	}
   991  	return ioutil.WriteFile(container.ResolvConfPath, resolvConf, 0644)
   992  }
   994  func (container *Container) updateParentsHosts() error {
   995  	parents, err := container.daemon.Parents(container.Name)
   996  	if err != nil {
   997  		return err
   998  	}
   999  	for _, cid := range parents {
  1000  		if cid == "0" {
  1001  			continue
  1002  		}
  1004  		c := container.daemon.Get(cid)
  1005  		if c != nil && !container.daemon.config.DisableNetwork && container.hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsPrivate() {
  1006  			if err := etchosts.Update(c.HostsPath, container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress, container.Name[1:]); err != nil {
  1007  				log.Errorf("Failed to update /etc/hosts in parent container: %v", err)
  1008  			}
  1009  		}
  1010  	}
  1011  	return nil
  1012  }
  1014  func (container *Container) initializeNetworking() error {
  1015  	var err error
  1016  	if container.hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsHost() {
  1017  		container.Config.Hostname, err = os.Hostname()
  1018  		if err != nil {
  1019  			return err
  1020  		}
  1022  		parts := strings.SplitN(container.Config.Hostname, ".", 2)
  1023  		if len(parts) > 1 {
  1024  			container.Config.Hostname = parts[0]
  1025  			container.Config.Domainname = parts[1]
  1026  		}
  1028  		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/hosts")
  1029  		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1030  			return container.buildHostnameAndHostsFiles("")
  1031  		} else if err != nil {
  1032  			return err
  1033  		}
  1035  		if err := container.buildHostnameFile(); err != nil {
  1036  			return err
  1037  		}
  1039  		hostsPath, err := container.getRootResourcePath("hosts")
  1040  		if err != nil {
  1041  			return err
  1042  		}
  1043  		container.HostsPath = hostsPath
  1045  		return ioutil.WriteFile(container.HostsPath, content, 0644)
  1046  	}
  1047  	if container.hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsContainer() {
  1048  		// we need to get the hosts files from the container to join
  1049  		nc, err := container.getNetworkedContainer()
  1050  		if err != nil {
  1051  			return err
  1052  		}
  1053  		container.HostsPath = nc.HostsPath
  1054  		container.ResolvConfPath = nc.ResolvConfPath
  1055  		container.Config.Hostname = nc.Config.Hostname
  1056  		container.Config.Domainname = nc.Config.Domainname
  1057  		return nil
  1058  	}
  1059  	if container.daemon.config.DisableNetwork {
  1060  		container.Config.NetworkDisabled = true
  1061  		return container.buildHostnameAndHostsFiles("")
  1062  	}
  1063  	if err := container.AllocateNetwork(); err != nil {
  1064  		return err
  1065  	}
  1066  	return container.buildHostnameAndHostsFiles(container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress)
  1067  }
  1069  // Make sure the config is compatible with the current kernel
  1070  func (container *Container) verifyDaemonSettings() {
  1071  	if container.Config.Memory > 0 && !container.daemon.sysInfo.MemoryLimit {
  1072  		log.Infof("WARNING: Your kernel does not support memory limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
  1073  		container.Config.Memory = 0
  1074  	}
  1075  	if container.Config.Memory > 0 && !container.daemon.sysInfo.SwapLimit {
  1076  		log.Infof("WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
  1077  		container.Config.MemorySwap = -1
  1078  	}
  1079  	if container.daemon.sysInfo.IPv4ForwardingDisabled {
  1080  		log.Infof("WARNING: IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work")
  1081  	}
  1082  }
  1084  func (container *Container) setupLinkedContainers() ([]string, error) {
  1085  	var (
  1086  		env    []string
  1087  		daemon = container.daemon
  1088  	)
  1089  	children, err := daemon.Children(container.Name)
  1090  	if err != nil {
  1091  		return nil, err
  1092  	}
  1094  	if len(children) > 0 {
  1095  		container.activeLinks = make(map[string]*links.Link, len(children))
  1097  		// If we encounter an error make sure that we rollback any network
  1098  		// config and ip table changes
  1099  		rollback := func() {
  1100  			for _, link := range container.activeLinks {
  1101  				link.Disable()
  1102  			}
  1103  			container.activeLinks = nil
  1104  		}
  1106  		for linkAlias, child := range children {
  1107  			if !child.IsRunning() {
  1108  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot link to a non running container: %s AS %s", child.Name, linkAlias)
  1109  			}
  1111  			link, err := links.NewLink(
  1112  				container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress,
  1113  				child.NetworkSettings.IPAddress,
  1114  				linkAlias,
  1115  				child.Config.Env,
  1116  				child.Config.ExposedPorts,
  1117  				daemon.eng)
  1119  			if err != nil {
  1120  				rollback()
  1121  				return nil, err
  1122  			}
  1124  			container.activeLinks[link.Alias()] = link
  1125  			if err := link.Enable(); err != nil {
  1126  				rollback()
  1127  				return nil, err
  1128  			}
  1130  			for _, envVar := range link.ToEnv() {
  1131  				env = append(env, envVar)
  1132  			}
  1133  		}
  1134  	}
  1135  	return env, nil
  1136  }
  1138  func (container *Container) createDaemonEnvironment(linkedEnv []string) []string {
  1139  	// if a domain name was specified, append it to the hostname (see #7851)
  1140  	fullHostname := container.Config.Hostname
  1141  	if container.Config.Domainname != "" {
  1142  		fullHostname = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fullHostname, container.Config.Domainname)
  1143  	}
  1144  	// Setup environment
  1145  	env := []string{
  1146  		"PATH=" + DefaultPathEnv,
  1147  		"HOSTNAME=" + fullHostname,
  1148  		// Note: we don't set HOME here because it'll get autoset intelligently
  1149  		// based on the value of USER inside dockerinit, but only if it isn't
  1150  		// set already (ie, that can be overridden by setting HOME via -e or ENV
  1151  		// in a Dockerfile).
  1152  	}
  1153  	if container.Config.Tty {
  1154  		env = append(env, "TERM=xterm")
  1155  	}
  1156  	env = append(env, linkedEnv...)
  1157  	// because the env on the container can override certain default values
  1158  	// we need to replace the 'env' keys where they match and append anything
  1159  	// else.
  1160  	env = utils.ReplaceOrAppendEnvValues(env, container.Config.Env)
  1162  	return env
  1163  }
  1165  func (container *Container) setupWorkingDirectory() error {
  1166  	if container.Config.WorkingDir != "" {
  1167  		container.Config.WorkingDir = path.Clean(container.Config.WorkingDir)
  1169  		pth, err := container.getResourcePath(container.Config.WorkingDir)
  1170  		if err != nil {
  1171  			return err
  1172  		}
  1174  		pthInfo, err := os.Stat(pth)
  1175  		if err != nil {
  1176  			if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1177  				return err
  1178  			}
  1180  			if err := os.MkdirAll(pth, 0755); err != nil {
  1181  				return err
  1182  			}
  1183  		}
  1184  		if pthInfo != nil && !pthInfo.IsDir() {
  1185  			return fmt.Errorf("Cannot mkdir: %s is not a directory", container.Config.WorkingDir)
  1186  		}
  1187  	}
  1188  	return nil
  1189  }
  1191  func (container *Container) startLoggingToDisk() error {
  1192  	// Setup logging of stdout and stderr to disk
  1193  	pth, err := container.logPath("json")
  1194  	if err != nil {
  1195  		return err
  1196  	}
  1198  	if err := container.daemon.LogToDisk(container.stdout, pth, "stdout"); err != nil {
  1199  		return err
  1200  	}
  1202  	if err := container.daemon.LogToDisk(container.stderr, pth, "stderr"); err != nil {
  1203  		return err
  1204  	}
  1206  	return nil
  1207  }
  1209  func (container *Container) waitForStart() error {
  1210  	container.monitor = newContainerMonitor(container, container.hostConfig.RestartPolicy)
  1212  	// block until we either receive an error from the initial start of the container's
  1213  	// process or until the process is running in the container
  1214  	select {
  1215  	case <-container.monitor.startSignal:
  1216  	case err := <-promise.Go(container.monitor.Start):
  1217  		return err
  1218  	}
  1220  	return nil
  1221  }
  1223  func (container *Container) allocatePort(eng *engine.Engine, port nat.Port, bindings nat.PortMap) error {
  1224  	binding := bindings[port]
  1225  	if container.hostConfig.PublishAllPorts && len(binding) == 0 {
  1226  		binding = append(binding, nat.PortBinding{})
  1227  	}
  1229  	for i := 0; i < len(binding); i++ {
  1230  		b := binding[i]
  1232  		job := eng.Job("allocate_port", container.ID)
  1233  		job.Setenv("HostIP", b.HostIp)
  1234  		job.Setenv("HostPort", b.HostPort)
  1235  		job.Setenv("Proto", port.Proto())
  1236  		job.Setenv("ContainerPort", port.Port())
  1238  		portEnv, err := job.Stdout.AddEnv()
  1239  		if err != nil {
  1240  			return err
  1241  		}
  1242  		if err := job.Run(); err != nil {
  1243  			return err
  1244  		}
  1245  		b.HostIp = portEnv.Get("HostIP")
  1246  		b.HostPort = portEnv.Get("HostPort")
  1248  		binding[i] = b
  1249  	}
  1250  	bindings[port] = binding
  1251  	return nil
  1252  }
  1254  func (container *Container) GetProcessLabel() string {
  1255  	// even if we have a process label return "" if we are running
  1256  	// in privileged mode
  1257  	if container.hostConfig.Privileged {
  1258  		return ""
  1259  	}
  1260  	return container.ProcessLabel
  1261  }
  1263  func (container *Container) GetMountLabel() string {
  1264  	if container.hostConfig.Privileged {
  1265  		return ""
  1266  	}
  1267  	return container.MountLabel
  1268  }
  1270  func (container *Container) getIpcContainer() (*Container, error) {
  1271  	containerID := container.hostConfig.IpcMode.Container()
  1272  	c := container.daemon.Get(containerID)
  1273  	if c == nil {
  1274  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such container to join IPC: %s", containerID)
  1275  	}
  1276  	if !c.IsRunning() {
  1277  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot join IPC of a non running container: %s", containerID)
  1278  	}
  1279  	return c, nil
  1280  }
  1282  func (container *Container) getNetworkedContainer() (*Container, error) {
  1283  	parts := strings.SplitN(string(container.hostConfig.NetworkMode), ":", 2)
  1284  	switch parts[0] {
  1285  	case "container":
  1286  		if len(parts) != 2 {
  1287  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("no container specified to join network")
  1288  		}
  1289  		nc := container.daemon.Get(parts[1])
  1290  		if nc == nil {
  1291  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such container to join network: %s", parts[1])
  1292  		}
  1293  		if !nc.IsRunning() {
  1294  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot join network of a non running container: %s", parts[1])
  1295  		}
  1296  		return nc, nil
  1297  	default:
  1298  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("network mode not set to container")
  1299  	}
  1300  }