
     1  package daemon
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io"
     6  	"io/ioutil"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"path"
     9  	"regexp"
    10  	"runtime"
    11  	"strings"
    12  	"sync"
    13  	"time"
    15  	""
    17  	log ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	_ ""
    24  	_ ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  )
    45  var (
    46  	DefaultDns                = []string{"", ""}
    47  	validContainerNameChars   = `[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]`
    48  	validContainerNamePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^/?` + validContainerNameChars + `+$`)
    49  )
    51  type contStore struct {
    52  	s map[string]*Container
    53  	sync.Mutex
    54  }
    56  func (c *contStore) Add(id string, cont *Container) {
    57  	c.Lock()
    58  	c.s[id] = cont
    59  	c.Unlock()
    60  }
    62  func (c *contStore) Get(id string) *Container {
    63  	c.Lock()
    64  	res := c.s[id]
    65  	c.Unlock()
    66  	return res
    67  }
    69  func (c *contStore) Delete(id string) {
    70  	c.Lock()
    71  	delete(c.s, id)
    72  	c.Unlock()
    73  }
    75  func (c *contStore) List() []*Container {
    76  	containers := new(History)
    77  	c.Lock()
    78  	for _, cont := range c.s {
    79  		containers.Add(cont)
    80  	}
    81  	c.Unlock()
    82  	containers.Sort()
    83  	return *containers
    84  }
    86  type Daemon struct {
    87  	ID             string
    88  	repository     string
    89  	sysInitPath    string
    90  	containers     *contStore
    91  	execCommands   *execStore
    92  	graph          *graph.Graph
    93  	repositories   *graph.TagStore
    94  	idIndex        *truncindex.TruncIndex
    95  	sysInfo        *sysinfo.SysInfo
    96  	volumes        *volumes.Repository
    97  	eng            *engine.Engine
    98  	config         *Config
    99  	containerGraph *graphdb.Database
   100  	driver         graphdriver.Driver
   101  	execDriver     execdriver.Driver
   102  	trustStore     *trust.TrustStore
   103  }
   105  // Install installs daemon capabilities to eng.
   106  func (daemon *Daemon) Install(eng *engine.Engine) error {
   107  	// FIXME: remove ImageDelete's dependency on Daemon, then move to graph/
   108  	for name, method := range map[string]engine.Handler{
   109  		"attach":            daemon.ContainerAttach,
   110  		"commit":            daemon.ContainerCommit,
   111  		"container_changes": daemon.ContainerChanges,
   112  		"container_copy":    daemon.ContainerCopy,
   113  		"container_inspect": daemon.ContainerInspect,
   114  		"containers":        daemon.Containers,
   115  		"create":            daemon.ContainerCreate,
   116  		"rm":                daemon.ContainerRm,
   117  		"export":            daemon.ContainerExport,
   118  		"info":              daemon.CmdInfo,
   119  		"kill":              daemon.ContainerKill,
   120  		"logs":              daemon.ContainerLogs,
   121  		"pause":             daemon.ContainerPause,
   122  		"resize":            daemon.ContainerResize,
   123  		"restart":           daemon.ContainerRestart,
   124  		"start":             daemon.ContainerStart,
   125  		"stop":              daemon.ContainerStop,
   126  		"top":               daemon.ContainerTop,
   127  		"unpause":           daemon.ContainerUnpause,
   128  		"wait":              daemon.ContainerWait,
   129  		"image_delete":      daemon.ImageDelete, // FIXME: see above
   130  		"execCreate":        daemon.ContainerExecCreate,
   131  		"execStart":         daemon.ContainerExecStart,
   132  		"execResize":        daemon.ContainerExecResize,
   133  		"execInspect":       daemon.ContainerExecInspect,
   134  	} {
   135  		if err := eng.Register(name, method); err != nil {
   136  			return err
   137  		}
   138  	}
   139  	if err := daemon.Repositories().Install(eng); err != nil {
   140  		return err
   141  	}
   142  	if err := daemon.trustStore.Install(eng); err != nil {
   143  		return err
   144  	}
   145  	// FIXME: this hack is necessary for legacy integration tests to access
   146  	// the daemon object.
   147  	eng.Hack_SetGlobalVar("httpapi.daemon", daemon)
   148  	return nil
   149  }
   151  // Get looks for a container by the specified ID or name, and returns it.
   152  // If the container is not found, or if an error occurs, nil is returned.
   153  func (daemon *Daemon) Get(name string) *Container {
   154  	id, err := daemon.idIndex.Get(name)
   155  	if err == nil {
   156  		return daemon.containers.Get(id)
   157  	}
   159  	if c, _ := daemon.GetByName(name); c != nil {
   160  		return c
   161  	}
   163  	if err == truncindex.ErrDuplicateID {
   164  		log.Errorf("Short ID %s is ambiguous: please retry with more characters or use the full ID.\n", name)
   165  	}
   166  	return nil
   167  }
   169  // Exists returns a true if a container of the specified ID or name exists,
   170  // false otherwise.
   171  func (daemon *Daemon) Exists(id string) bool {
   172  	return daemon.Get(id) != nil
   173  }
   175  func (daemon *Daemon) containerRoot(id string) string {
   176  	return path.Join(daemon.repository, id)
   177  }
   179  // Load reads the contents of a container from disk
   180  // This is typically done at startup.
   181  func (daemon *Daemon) load(id string) (*Container, error) {
   182  	container := &Container{
   183  		root:         daemon.containerRoot(id),
   184  		State:        NewState(),
   185  		execCommands: newExecStore(),
   186  	}
   187  	if err := container.FromDisk(); err != nil {
   188  		return nil, err
   189  	}
   191  	if container.ID != id {
   192  		return container, fmt.Errorf("Container %s is stored at %s", container.ID, id)
   193  	}
   195  	container.readHostConfig()
   197  	return container, nil
   198  }
   200  // Register makes a container object usable by the daemon as <container.ID>
   201  // This is a wrapper for register
   202  func (daemon *Daemon) Register(container *Container) error {
   203  	return daemon.register(container, true)
   204  }
   206  // register makes a container object usable by the daemon as <container.ID>
   207  func (daemon *Daemon) register(container *Container, updateSuffixarray bool) error {
   208  	if container.daemon != nil || daemon.Exists(container.ID) {
   209  		return fmt.Errorf("Container is already loaded")
   210  	}
   211  	if err := validateID(container.ID); err != nil {
   212  		return err
   213  	}
   214  	if err := daemon.ensureName(container); err != nil {
   215  		return err
   216  	}
   218  	container.daemon = daemon
   220  	// Attach to stdout and stderr
   221  	container.stderr = broadcastwriter.New()
   222  	container.stdout = broadcastwriter.New()
   223  	// Attach to stdin
   224  	if container.Config.OpenStdin {
   225  		container.stdin, container.stdinPipe = io.Pipe()
   226  	} else {
   227  		container.stdinPipe = ioutils.NopWriteCloser(ioutil.Discard) // Silently drop stdin
   228  	}
   229  	// done
   230  	daemon.containers.Add(container.ID, container)
   232  	// don't update the Suffixarray if we're starting up
   233  	// we'll waste time if we update it for every container
   234  	daemon.idIndex.Add(container.ID)
   236  	// FIXME: if the container is supposed to be running but is not, auto restart it?
   237  	//        if so, then we need to restart monitor and init a new lock
   238  	// If the container is supposed to be running, make sure of it
   239  	if container.IsRunning() {
   240  		log.Debugf("killing old running container %s", container.ID)
   242  		existingPid := container.Pid
   243  		container.SetStopped(&execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: 0})
   245  		// We only have to handle this for lxc because the other drivers will ensure that
   246  		// no processes are left when docker dies
   247  		if container.ExecDriver == "" || strings.Contains(container.ExecDriver, "lxc") {
   248  			lxc.KillLxc(container.ID, 9)
   249  		} else {
   250  			// use the current driver and ensure that the container is dead x.x
   251  			cmd := &execdriver.Command{
   252  				ID: container.ID,
   253  			}
   254  			var err error
   255  			cmd.ProcessConfig.Process, err = os.FindProcess(existingPid)
   256  			if err != nil {
   257  				log.Debugf("cannot find existing process for %d", existingPid)
   258  			}
   259  			daemon.execDriver.Terminate(cmd)
   260  		}
   262  		if err := container.Unmount(); err != nil {
   263  			log.Debugf("unmount error %s", err)
   264  		}
   265  		if err := container.ToDisk(); err != nil {
   266  			log.Debugf("saving stopped state to disk %s", err)
   267  		}
   269  		info := daemon.execDriver.Info(container.ID)
   270  		if !info.IsRunning() {
   271  			log.Debugf("Container %s was supposed to be running but is not.", container.ID)
   273  			log.Debugf("Marking as stopped")
   275  			container.SetStopped(&execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: -127})
   276  			if err := container.ToDisk(); err != nil {
   277  				return err
   278  			}
   279  		}
   280  	}
   281  	return nil
   282  }
   284  func (daemon *Daemon) ensureName(container *Container) error {
   285  	if container.Name == "" {
   286  		name, err := daemon.generateNewName(container.ID)
   287  		if err != nil {
   288  			return err
   289  		}
   290  		container.Name = name
   292  		if err := container.ToDisk(); err != nil {
   293  			log.Debugf("Error saving container name %s", err)
   294  		}
   295  	}
   296  	return nil
   297  }
   299  func (daemon *Daemon) LogToDisk(src *broadcastwriter.BroadcastWriter, dst, stream string) error {
   300  	log, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
   301  	if err != nil {
   302  		return err
   303  	}
   304  	src.AddWriter(log, stream)
   305  	return nil
   306  }
   308  func (daemon *Daemon) restore() error {
   309  	var (
   310  		debug         = (os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" || os.Getenv("TEST") != "")
   311  		containers    = make(map[string]*Container)
   312  		currentDriver = daemon.driver.String()
   313  	)
   315  	if !debug {
   316  		log.Infof("Loading containers: start.")
   317  	}
   318  	dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(daemon.repository)
   319  	if err != nil {
   320  		return err
   321  	}
   323  	for _, v := range dir {
   324  		id := v.Name()
   325  		container, err := daemon.load(id)
   326  		if !debug {
   327  			fmt.Print(".")
   328  		}
   329  		if err != nil {
   330  			log.Errorf("Failed to load container %v: %v", id, err)
   331  			continue
   332  		}
   334  		// Ignore the container if it does not support the current driver being used by the graph
   335  		if (container.Driver == "" && currentDriver == "aufs") || container.Driver == currentDriver {
   336  			log.Debugf("Loaded container %v", container.ID)
   338  			containers[container.ID] = container
   339  		} else {
   340  			log.Debugf("Cannot load container %s because it was created with another graph driver.", container.ID)
   341  		}
   342  	}
   344  	registeredContainers := []*Container{}
   346  	if entities := daemon.containerGraph.List("/", -1); entities != nil {
   347  		for _, p := range entities.Paths() {
   348  			if !debug {
   349  				fmt.Print(".")
   350  			}
   352  			e := entities[p]
   354  			if container, ok := containers[e.ID()]; ok {
   355  				if err := daemon.register(container, false); err != nil {
   356  					log.Debugf("Failed to register container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
   357  				}
   359  				registeredContainers = append(registeredContainers, container)
   361  				// delete from the map so that a new name is not automatically generated
   362  				delete(containers, e.ID())
   363  			}
   364  		}
   365  	}
   367  	// Any containers that are left over do not exist in the graph
   368  	for _, container := range containers {
   369  		// Try to set the default name for a container if it exists prior to links
   370  		container.Name, err = daemon.generateNewName(container.ID)
   371  		if err != nil {
   372  			log.Debugf("Setting default id - %s", err)
   373  		}
   375  		if err := daemon.register(container, false); err != nil {
   376  			log.Debugf("Failed to register container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
   377  		}
   379  		registeredContainers = append(registeredContainers, container)
   380  	}
   382  	// check the restart policy on the containers and restart any container with
   383  	// the restart policy of "always"
   384  	if daemon.config.AutoRestart {
   385  		log.Debugf("Restarting containers...")
   387  		for _, container := range registeredContainers {
   388  			if container.hostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name == "always" ||
   389  				(container.hostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name == "on-failure" && container.ExitCode != 0) {
   390  				log.Debugf("Starting container %s", container.ID)
   392  				if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
   393  					log.Debugf("Failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
   394  				}
   395  			}
   396  		}
   397  	}
   399  	for _, c := range registeredContainers {
   400  		c.registerVolumes()
   401  	}
   403  	if !debug {
   404  		fmt.Println()
   405  		log.Infof("Loading containers: done.")
   406  	}
   408  	return nil
   409  }
   411  func (daemon *Daemon) checkDeprecatedExpose(config *runconfig.Config) bool {
   412  	if config != nil {
   413  		if config.PortSpecs != nil {
   414  			for _, p := range config.PortSpecs {
   415  				if strings.Contains(p, ":") {
   416  					return true
   417  				}
   418  			}
   419  		}
   420  	}
   421  	return false
   422  }
   424  func (daemon *Daemon) mergeAndVerifyConfig(config *runconfig.Config, img *image.Image) ([]string, error) {
   425  	warnings := []string{}
   426  	if (img != nil && daemon.checkDeprecatedExpose(img.Config)) || daemon.checkDeprecatedExpose(config) {
   427  		warnings = append(warnings, "The mapping to public ports on your host via Dockerfile EXPOSE (host:port:port) has been deprecated. Use -p to publish the ports.")
   428  	}
   429  	if img != nil && img.Config != nil {
   430  		if err := runconfig.Merge(config, img.Config); err != nil {
   431  			return nil, err
   432  		}
   433  	}
   434  	if len(config.Entrypoint) == 0 && len(config.Cmd) == 0 {
   435  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("No command specified")
   436  	}
   437  	return warnings, nil
   438  }
   440  func (daemon *Daemon) generateIdAndName(name string) (string, string, error) {
   441  	var (
   442  		err error
   443  		id  = utils.GenerateRandomID()
   444  	)
   446  	if name == "" {
   447  		if name, err = daemon.generateNewName(id); err != nil {
   448  			return "", "", err
   449  		}
   450  		return id, name, nil
   451  	}
   453  	if name, err = daemon.reserveName(id, name); err != nil {
   454  		return "", "", err
   455  	}
   457  	return id, name, nil
   458  }
   460  func (daemon *Daemon) reserveName(id, name string) (string, error) {
   461  	if !validContainerNamePattern.MatchString(name) {
   462  		return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid container name (%s), only %s are allowed", name, validContainerNameChars)
   463  	}
   465  	if name[0] != '/' {
   466  		name = "/" + name
   467  	}
   469  	if _, err := daemon.containerGraph.Set(name, id); err != nil {
   470  		if !graphdb.IsNonUniqueNameError(err) {
   471  			return "", err
   472  		}
   474  		conflictingContainer, err := daemon.GetByName(name)
   475  		if err != nil {
   476  			if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Could not find entity") {
   477  				return "", err
   478  			}
   480  			// Remove name and continue starting the container
   481  			if err := daemon.containerGraph.Delete(name); err != nil {
   482  				return "", err
   483  			}
   484  		} else {
   485  			nameAsKnownByUser := strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/")
   486  			return "", fmt.Errorf(
   487  				"Conflict. The name %q is already in use by container %s. You have to delete that container to be able to reuse that name.", nameAsKnownByUser,
   488  				utils.TruncateID(conflictingContainer.ID))
   489  		}
   490  	}
   491  	return name, nil
   492  }
   494  func (daemon *Daemon) generateNewName(id string) (string, error) {
   495  	var name string
   496  	for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
   497  		name = namesgenerator.GetRandomName(i)
   498  		if name[0] != '/' {
   499  			name = "/" + name
   500  		}
   502  		if _, err := daemon.containerGraph.Set(name, id); err != nil {
   503  			if !graphdb.IsNonUniqueNameError(err) {
   504  				return "", err
   505  			}
   506  			continue
   507  		}
   508  		return name, nil
   509  	}
   511  	name = "/" + utils.TruncateID(id)
   512  	if _, err := daemon.containerGraph.Set(name, id); err != nil {
   513  		return "", err
   514  	}
   515  	return name, nil
   516  }
   518  func (daemon *Daemon) generateHostname(id string, config *runconfig.Config) {
   519  	// Generate default hostname
   520  	// FIXME: the lxc template no longer needs to set a default hostname
   521  	if config.Hostname == "" {
   522  		config.Hostname = id[:12]
   523  	}
   524  }
   526  func (daemon *Daemon) getEntrypointAndArgs(configEntrypoint, configCmd []string) (string, []string) {
   527  	var (
   528  		entrypoint string
   529  		args       []string
   530  	)
   531  	if len(configEntrypoint) != 0 {
   532  		entrypoint = configEntrypoint[0]
   533  		args = append(configEntrypoint[1:], configCmd...)
   534  	} else {
   535  		entrypoint = configCmd[0]
   536  		args = configCmd[1:]
   537  	}
   538  	return entrypoint, args
   539  }
   541  func parseSecurityOpt(container *Container, config *runconfig.HostConfig) error {
   542  	var (
   543  		labelOpts []string
   544  		err       error
   545  	)
   547  	for _, opt := range config.SecurityOpt {
   548  		con := strings.SplitN(opt, ":", 2)
   549  		if len(con) == 1 {
   550  			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid --security-opt: %q", opt)
   551  		}
   552  		switch con[0] {
   553  		case "label":
   554  			labelOpts = append(labelOpts, con[1])
   555  		case "apparmor":
   556  			container.AppArmorProfile = con[1]
   557  		default:
   558  			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid --security-opt: %q", opt)
   559  		}
   560  	}
   562  	container.ProcessLabel, container.MountLabel, err = label.InitLabels(labelOpts)
   563  	return err
   564  }
   566  func (daemon *Daemon) newContainer(name string, config *runconfig.Config, imgID string) (*Container, error) {
   567  	var (
   568  		id  string
   569  		err error
   570  	)
   571  	id, name, err = daemon.generateIdAndName(name)
   572  	if err != nil {
   573  		return nil, err
   574  	}
   576  	daemon.generateHostname(id, config)
   577  	entrypoint, args := daemon.getEntrypointAndArgs(config.Entrypoint, config.Cmd)
   579  	container := &Container{
   580  		// FIXME: we should generate the ID here instead of receiving it as an argument
   581  		ID:              id,
   582  		Created:         time.Now().UTC(),
   583  		Path:            entrypoint,
   584  		Args:            args, //FIXME: de-duplicate from config
   585  		Config:          config,
   586  		hostConfig:      &runconfig.HostConfig{},
   587  		ImageID:         imgID,
   588  		NetworkSettings: &NetworkSettings{},
   589  		Name:            name,
   590  		Driver:          daemon.driver.String(),
   591  		ExecDriver:      daemon.execDriver.Name(),
   592  		State:           NewState(),
   593  		execCommands:    newExecStore(),
   594  	}
   595  	container.root = daemon.containerRoot(container.ID)
   596  	return container, err
   597  }
   599  func (daemon *Daemon) createRootfs(container *Container) error {
   600  	// Step 1: create the container directory.
   601  	// This doubles as a barrier to avoid race conditions.
   602  	if err := os.Mkdir(container.root, 0700); err != nil {
   603  		return err
   604  	}
   605  	initID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-init", container.ID)
   606  	if err := daemon.driver.Create(initID, container.ImageID); err != nil {
   607  		return err
   608  	}
   609  	initPath, err := daemon.driver.Get(initID, "")
   610  	if err != nil {
   611  		return err
   612  	}
   613  	defer daemon.driver.Put(initID)
   615  	if err := graph.SetupInitLayer(initPath); err != nil {
   616  		return err
   617  	}
   619  	if err := daemon.driver.Create(container.ID, initID); err != nil {
   620  		return err
   621  	}
   622  	return nil
   623  }
   625  func GetFullContainerName(name string) (string, error) {
   626  	if name == "" {
   627  		return "", fmt.Errorf("Container name cannot be empty")
   628  	}
   629  	if name[0] != '/' {
   630  		name = "/" + name
   631  	}
   632  	return name, nil
   633  }
   635  func (daemon *Daemon) GetByName(name string) (*Container, error) {
   636  	fullName, err := GetFullContainerName(name)
   637  	if err != nil {
   638  		return nil, err
   639  	}
   640  	entity := daemon.containerGraph.Get(fullName)
   641  	if entity == nil {
   642  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find entity for %s", name)
   643  	}
   644  	e := daemon.containers.Get(entity.ID())
   645  	if e == nil {
   646  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find container for entity id %s", entity.ID())
   647  	}
   648  	return e, nil
   649  }
   651  func (daemon *Daemon) Children(name string) (map[string]*Container, error) {
   652  	name, err := GetFullContainerName(name)
   653  	if err != nil {
   654  		return nil, err
   655  	}
   656  	children := make(map[string]*Container)
   658  	err = daemon.containerGraph.Walk(name, func(p string, e *graphdb.Entity) error {
   659  		c := daemon.Get(e.ID())
   660  		if c == nil {
   661  			return fmt.Errorf("Could not get container for name %s and id %s", e.ID(), p)
   662  		}
   663  		children[p] = c
   664  		return nil
   665  	}, 0)
   667  	if err != nil {
   668  		return nil, err
   669  	}
   670  	return children, nil
   671  }
   673  func (daemon *Daemon) Parents(name string) ([]string, error) {
   674  	name, err := GetFullContainerName(name)
   675  	if err != nil {
   676  		return nil, err
   677  	}
   679  	return daemon.containerGraph.Parents(name)
   680  }
   682  func (daemon *Daemon) RegisterLink(parent, child *Container, alias string) error {
   683  	fullName := path.Join(parent.Name, alias)
   684  	if !daemon.containerGraph.Exists(fullName) {
   685  		_, err := daemon.containerGraph.Set(fullName, child.ID)
   686  		return err
   687  	}
   688  	return nil
   689  }
   691  func (daemon *Daemon) RegisterLinks(container *Container, hostConfig *runconfig.HostConfig) error {
   692  	if hostConfig != nil && hostConfig.Links != nil {
   693  		for _, l := range hostConfig.Links {
   694  			parts, err := parsers.PartParser("name:alias", l)
   695  			if err != nil {
   696  				return err
   697  			}
   698  			child, err := daemon.GetByName(parts["name"])
   699  			if err != nil {
   700  				return err
   701  			}
   702  			if child == nil {
   703  				return fmt.Errorf("Could not get container for %s", parts["name"])
   704  			}
   705  			if child.hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsHost() {
   706  				return runconfig.ErrConflictHostNetworkAndLinks
   707  			}
   708  			if err := daemon.RegisterLink(container, child, parts["alias"]); err != nil {
   709  				return err
   710  			}
   711  		}
   713  		// After we load all the links into the daemon
   714  		// set them to nil on the hostconfig
   715  		hostConfig.Links = nil
   716  		if err := container.WriteHostConfig(); err != nil {
   717  			return err
   718  		}
   719  	}
   720  	return nil
   721  }
   723  // FIXME: harmonize with NewGraph()
   724  func NewDaemon(config *Config, eng *engine.Engine) (*Daemon, error) {
   725  	daemon, err := NewDaemonFromDirectory(config, eng)
   726  	if err != nil {
   727  		return nil, err
   728  	}
   729  	return daemon, nil
   730  }
   732  func NewDaemonFromDirectory(config *Config, eng *engine.Engine) (*Daemon, error) {
   733  	if config.Mtu == 0 {
   734  		config.Mtu = getDefaultNetworkMtu()
   735  	}
   736  	// Check for mutually incompatible config options
   737  	if config.BridgeIface != "" && config.BridgeIP != "" {
   738  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("You specified -b & --bip, mutually exclusive options. Please specify only one.")
   739  	}
   740  	if !config.EnableIptables && !config.InterContainerCommunication {
   741  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("You specified --iptables=false with --icc=false. ICC uses iptables to function. Please set --icc or --iptables to true.")
   742  	}
   743  	if !config.EnableIptables && config.EnableIpMasq {
   744  		config.EnableIpMasq = false
   745  	}
   746  	config.DisableNetwork = config.BridgeIface == disableNetworkBridge
   748  	// Claim the pidfile first, to avoid any and all unexpected race conditions.
   749  	// Some of the init doesn't need a pidfile lock - but let's not try to be smart.
   750  	if config.Pidfile != "" {
   751  		if err := utils.CreatePidFile(config.Pidfile); err != nil {
   752  			return nil, err
   753  		}
   754  		eng.OnShutdown(func() {
   755  			// Always release the pidfile last, just in case
   756  			utils.RemovePidFile(config.Pidfile)
   757  		})
   758  	}
   760  	// Check that the system is supported and we have sufficient privileges
   761  	if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
   762  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The Docker daemon is only supported on linux")
   763  	}
   764  	if os.Geteuid() != 0 {
   765  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The Docker daemon needs to be run as root")
   766  	}
   767  	if err := checkKernelAndArch(); err != nil {
   768  		return nil, err
   769  	}
   771  	// set up the TempDir to use a canonical path
   772  	tmp, err := utils.TempDir(config.Root)
   773  	if err != nil {
   774  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the TempDir under %s: %s", config.Root, err)
   775  	}
   776  	realTmp, err := utils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(tmp)
   777  	if err != nil {
   778  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the full path to the TempDir (%s): %s", tmp, err)
   779  	}
   780  	os.Setenv("TMPDIR", realTmp)
   781  	if !config.EnableSelinuxSupport {
   782  		selinuxSetDisabled()
   783  	}
   785  	// get the canonical path to the Docker root directory
   786  	var realRoot string
   787  	if _, err := os.Stat(config.Root); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
   788  		realRoot = config.Root
   789  	} else {
   790  		realRoot, err = utils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(config.Root)
   791  		if err != nil {
   792  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the full path to root (%s): %s", config.Root, err)
   793  		}
   794  	}
   795  	config.Root = realRoot
   796  	// Create the root directory if it doesn't exists
   797  	if err := os.MkdirAll(config.Root, 0700); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
   798  		return nil, err
   799  	}
   801  	// Set the default driver
   802  	graphdriver.DefaultDriver = config.GraphDriver
   804  	// Load storage driver
   805  	driver, err := graphdriver.New(config.Root, config.GraphOptions)
   806  	if err != nil {
   807  		return nil, err
   808  	}
   809  	log.Debugf("Using graph driver %s", driver)
   811  	// As Docker on btrfs and SELinux are incompatible at present, error on both being enabled
   812  	if selinuxEnabled() && config.EnableSelinuxSupport && driver.String() == "btrfs" {
   813  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("SELinux is not supported with the BTRFS graph driver!")
   814  	}
   816  	daemonRepo := path.Join(config.Root, "containers")
   818  	if err := os.MkdirAll(daemonRepo, 0700); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
   819  		return nil, err
   820  	}
   822  	// Migrate the container if it is aufs and aufs is enabled
   823  	if err = migrateIfAufs(driver, config.Root); err != nil {
   824  		return nil, err
   825  	}
   827  	log.Debugf("Creating images graph")
   828  	g, err := graph.NewGraph(path.Join(config.Root, "graph"), driver)
   829  	if err != nil {
   830  		return nil, err
   831  	}
   833  	volumesDriver, err := graphdriver.GetDriver("vfs", config.Root, config.GraphOptions)
   834  	if err != nil {
   835  		return nil, err
   836  	}
   838  	volumes, err := volumes.NewRepository(path.Join(config.Root, "volumes"), volumesDriver)
   839  	if err != nil {
   840  		return nil, err
   841  	}
   843  	log.Debugf("Creating repository list")
   844  	repositories, err := graph.NewTagStore(path.Join(config.Root, "repositories-"+driver.String()), g, config.Mirrors, config.InsecureRegistries)
   845  	if err != nil {
   846  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create Tag store: %s", err)
   847  	}
   849  	trustDir := path.Join(config.Root, "trust")
   850  	if err := os.MkdirAll(trustDir, 0700); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
   851  		return nil, err
   852  	}
   853  	t, err := trust.NewTrustStore(trustDir)
   854  	if err != nil {
   855  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create trust store: %s", err)
   856  	}
   858  	if !config.DisableNetwork {
   859  		job := eng.Job("init_networkdriver")
   861  		job.SetenvBool("EnableIptables", config.EnableIptables)
   862  		job.SetenvBool("InterContainerCommunication", config.InterContainerCommunication)
   863  		job.SetenvBool("EnableIpForward", config.EnableIpForward)
   864  		job.SetenvBool("EnableIpMasq", config.EnableIpMasq)
   865  		job.Setenv("BridgeIface", config.BridgeIface)
   866  		job.Setenv("BridgeIP", config.BridgeIP)
   867  		job.Setenv("FixedCIDR", config.FixedCIDR)
   868  		job.Setenv("DefaultBindingIP", config.DefaultIp.String())
   870  		if err := job.Run(); err != nil {
   871  			return nil, err
   872  		}
   873  	}
   875  	graphdbPath := path.Join(config.Root, "linkgraph.db")
   876  	graph, err := graphdb.NewSqliteConn(graphdbPath)
   877  	if err != nil {
   878  		return nil, err
   879  	}
   881  	localCopy := path.Join(config.Root, "init", fmt.Sprintf("dockerinit-%s", dockerversion.VERSION))
   882  	sysInitPath := utils.DockerInitPath(localCopy)
   883  	if sysInitPath == "" {
   884  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not locate dockerinit: This usually means docker was built incorrectly. See for official build instructions.")
   885  	}
   887  	if sysInitPath != localCopy {
   888  		// When we find a suitable dockerinit binary (even if it's our local binary), we copy it into config.Root at localCopy for future use (so that the original can go away without that being a problem, for example during a package upgrade).
   889  		if err := os.Mkdir(path.Dir(localCopy), 0700); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
   890  			return nil, err
   891  		}
   892  		if _, err := utils.CopyFile(sysInitPath, localCopy); err != nil {
   893  			return nil, err
   894  		}
   895  		if err := os.Chmod(localCopy, 0700); err != nil {
   896  			return nil, err
   897  		}
   898  		sysInitPath = localCopy
   899  	}
   901  	sysInfo := sysinfo.New(false)
   902  	ed, err := execdrivers.NewDriver(config.ExecDriver, config.Root, sysInitPath, sysInfo)
   903  	if err != nil {
   904  		return nil, err
   905  	}
   907  	trustKey, err := api.LoadOrCreateTrustKey(config.TrustKeyPath)
   908  	if err != nil {
   909  		return nil, err
   910  	}
   912  	daemon := &Daemon{
   913  		ID:             trustKey.PublicKey().KeyID(),
   914  		repository:     daemonRepo,
   915  		containers:     &contStore{s: make(map[string]*Container)},
   916  		execCommands:   newExecStore(),
   917  		graph:          g,
   918  		repositories:   repositories,
   919  		idIndex:        truncindex.NewTruncIndex([]string{}),
   920  		sysInfo:        sysInfo,
   921  		volumes:        volumes,
   922  		config:         config,
   923  		containerGraph: graph,
   924  		driver:         driver,
   925  		sysInitPath:    sysInitPath,
   926  		execDriver:     ed,
   927  		eng:            eng,
   928  		trustStore:     t,
   929  	}
   930  	if err := daemon.restore(); err != nil {
   931  		return nil, err
   932  	}
   933  	// Setup shutdown handlers
   934  	// FIXME: can these shutdown handlers be registered closer to their source?
   935  	eng.OnShutdown(func() {
   936  		// FIXME: if these cleanup steps can be called concurrently, register
   937  		// them as separate handlers to speed up total shutdown time
   938  		if err := daemon.shutdown(); err != nil {
   939  			log.Errorf("daemon.shutdown(): %s", err)
   940  		}
   941  		if err := portallocator.ReleaseAll(); err != nil {
   942  			log.Errorf("portallocator.ReleaseAll(): %s", err)
   943  		}
   944  		if err := daemon.driver.Cleanup(); err != nil {
   945  			log.Errorf("daemon.driver.Cleanup(): %s", err.Error())
   946  		}
   947  		if err := daemon.containerGraph.Close(); err != nil {
   948  			log.Errorf("daemon.containerGraph.Close(): %s", err.Error())
   949  		}
   950  	})
   952  	return daemon, nil
   953  }
   955  func (daemon *Daemon) shutdown() error {
   956  	group := sync.WaitGroup{}
   957  	log.Debugf("starting clean shutdown of all containers...")
   958  	for _, container := range daemon.List() {
   959  		c := container
   960  		if c.IsRunning() {
   961  			log.Debugf("stopping %s", c.ID)
   962  			group.Add(1)
   964  			go func() {
   965  				defer group.Done()
   966  				if err := c.KillSig(15); err != nil {
   967  					log.Debugf("kill 15 error for %s - %s", c.ID, err)
   968  				}
   969  				c.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
   970  				log.Debugf("container stopped %s", c.ID)
   971  			}()
   972  		}
   973  	}
   974  	group.Wait()
   976  	return nil
   977  }
   979  func (daemon *Daemon) Mount(container *Container) error {
   980  	dir, err := daemon.driver.Get(container.ID, container.GetMountLabel())
   981  	if err != nil {
   982  		return fmt.Errorf("Error getting container %s from driver %s: %s", container.ID, daemon.driver, err)
   983  	}
   984  	if container.basefs == "" {
   985  		container.basefs = dir
   986  	} else if container.basefs != dir {
   987  		daemon.driver.Put(container.ID)
   988  		return fmt.Errorf("Error: driver %s is returning inconsistent paths for container %s ('%s' then '%s')",
   989  			daemon.driver, container.ID, container.basefs, dir)
   990  	}
   991  	return nil
   992  }
   994  func (daemon *Daemon) Unmount(container *Container) error {
   995  	daemon.driver.Put(container.ID)
   996  	return nil
   997  }
   999  func (daemon *Daemon) Changes(container *Container) ([]archive.Change, error) {
  1000  	initID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-init", container.ID)
  1001  	return daemon.driver.Changes(container.ID, initID)
  1002  }
  1004  func (daemon *Daemon) Diff(container *Container) (archive.Archive, error) {
  1005  	initID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-init", container.ID)
  1006  	return daemon.driver.Diff(container.ID, initID)
  1007  }
  1009  func (daemon *Daemon) Run(c *Container, pipes *execdriver.Pipes, startCallback execdriver.StartCallback) (execdriver.ExitStatus, error) {
  1010  	return daemon.execDriver.Run(c.command, pipes, startCallback)
  1011  }
  1013  func (daemon *Daemon) Pause(c *Container) error {
  1014  	if err := daemon.execDriver.Pause(c.command); err != nil {
  1015  		return err
  1016  	}
  1017  	c.SetPaused()
  1018  	return nil
  1019  }
  1021  func (daemon *Daemon) Unpause(c *Container) error {
  1022  	if err := daemon.execDriver.Unpause(c.command); err != nil {
  1023  		return err
  1024  	}
  1025  	c.SetUnpaused()
  1026  	return nil
  1027  }
  1029  func (daemon *Daemon) Kill(c *Container, sig int) error {
  1030  	return daemon.execDriver.Kill(c.command, sig)
  1031  }
  1033  // Nuke kills all containers then removes all content
  1034  // from the content root, including images, volumes and
  1035  // container filesystems.
  1036  // Again: this will remove your entire docker daemon!
  1037  // FIXME: this is deprecated, and only used in legacy
  1038  // tests. Please remove.
  1039  func (daemon *Daemon) Nuke() error {
  1040  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  1041  	for _, container := range daemon.List() {
  1042  		wg.Add(1)
  1043  		go func(c *Container) {
  1044  			c.Kill()
  1045  			wg.Done()
  1046  		}(container)
  1047  	}
  1048  	wg.Wait()
  1050  	return os.RemoveAll(daemon.config.Root)
  1051  }
  1053  // FIXME: this is a convenience function for integration tests
  1054  // which need direct access to daemon.graph.
  1055  // Once the tests switch to using engine and jobs, this method
  1056  // can go away.
  1057  func (daemon *Daemon) Graph() *graph.Graph {
  1058  	return daemon.graph
  1059  }
  1061  func (daemon *Daemon) Repositories() *graph.TagStore {
  1062  	return daemon.repositories
  1063  }
  1065  func (daemon *Daemon) Config() *Config {
  1066  	return daemon.config
  1067  }
  1069  func (daemon *Daemon) SystemConfig() *sysinfo.SysInfo {
  1070  	return daemon.sysInfo
  1071  }
  1073  func (daemon *Daemon) SystemInitPath() string {
  1074  	return daemon.sysInitPath
  1075  }
  1077  func (daemon *Daemon) GraphDriver() graphdriver.Driver {
  1078  	return daemon.driver
  1079  }
  1081  func (daemon *Daemon) ExecutionDriver() execdriver.Driver {
  1082  	return daemon.execDriver
  1083  }
  1085  func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerGraph() *graphdb.Database {
  1086  	return daemon.containerGraph
  1087  }
  1089  func (daemon *Daemon) ImageGetCached(imgID string, config *runconfig.Config) (*image.Image, error) {
  1090  	// Retrieve all images
  1091  	images, err := daemon.Graph().Map()
  1092  	if err != nil {
  1093  		return nil, err
  1094  	}
  1096  	// Store the tree in a map of map (map[parentId][childId])
  1097  	imageMap := make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
  1098  	for _, img := range images {
  1099  		if _, exists := imageMap[img.Parent]; !exists {
  1100  			imageMap[img.Parent] = make(map[string]struct{})
  1101  		}
  1102  		imageMap[img.Parent][img.ID] = struct{}{}
  1103  	}
  1105  	// Loop on the children of the given image and check the config
  1106  	var match *image.Image
  1107  	for elem := range imageMap[imgID] {
  1108  		img, ok := images[elem]
  1109  		if !ok {
  1110  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find image %q", elem)
  1111  		}
  1112  		if runconfig.Compare(&img.ContainerConfig, config) {
  1113  			if match == nil || match.Created.Before(img.Created) {
  1114  				match = img
  1115  			}
  1116  		}
  1117  	}
  1118  	return match, nil
  1119  }
  1121  func checkKernelAndArch() error {
  1122  	// Check for unsupported architectures
  1123  	if runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" {
  1124  		return fmt.Errorf("The Docker runtime currently only supports amd64 (not %s). This will change in the future. Aborting.", runtime.GOARCH)
  1125  	}
  1126  	// Check for unsupported kernel versions
  1127  	// FIXME: it would be cleaner to not test for specific versions, but rather
  1128  	// test for specific functionalities.
  1129  	// Unfortunately we can't test for the feature "does not cause a kernel panic"
  1130  	// without actually causing a kernel panic, so we need this workaround until
  1131  	// the circumstances of pre-3.8 crashes are clearer.
  1132  	// For details see
  1133  	if k, err := kernel.GetKernelVersion(); err != nil {
  1134  		log.Infof("WARNING: %s", err)
  1135  	} else {
  1136  		if kernel.CompareKernelVersion(k, &kernel.KernelVersionInfo{Kernel: 3, Major: 8, Minor: 0}) < 0 {
  1137  			if os.Getenv("DOCKER_NOWARN_KERNEL_VERSION") == "" {
  1138  				log.Infof("WARNING: You are running linux kernel version %s, which might be unstable running docker. Please upgrade your kernel to 3.8.0.", k.String())
  1139  			}
  1140  		}
  1141  	}
  1142  	return nil
  1143  }